Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sienna Plantation Master MUD 1 Issues Drinking Water Warning!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It only took them a couple of weeks to get this health info out to us. Maybe if they had a website like SPMUD2 does?

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

July 5, 2006

Homeowners in Sienna Plantation:

As the principal landowner and developer in the community, Sienna/Johnson received the attached correspondence directly from Sienna Plantation Municipal Utility District (MUD) No. 1. Residents in the community should receive the same information from your respective internal MUD District (MUD’s 2,3,10 and 12) with your next utility bill or via some other District correspondence. Since each
MUD District must meet individually and determine how to communicate this information to their users, some residents may not receive a notice until late July or early August of 2006. Therefore, Sienna/Johnson is sending you an advance copy of the MUD 1 letter. Sienna/Johnson does not have the authority to speak or act on behalf of any of the MUD Boards; we are simply passing along information from the district as a steward of the community. Please note that while Sienna/Johnson does not own and operate the District water production facilities, we are working closely with Sienna MUD No.1 to support their efforts in achieving a timely resolution to this issue.

As of the date of this letter, MUD 1 had commissioned a pilot study to analyze the most
effective engineering solution for reducing the naturally occurring fluoride that
was detected in the latest well sample. The results of the study are expected to
be completed in late July or early August of 2006. In the interim, Sienna/Johnson
has invited representatives from MUD 1 to attend the July 25th Development
Update meeting at 7pm at Sienna Crossing Elementary. They will be available to
personally answer any questions that you may have on this issue. MUD 1 has
also provided a phone contact in their notice for users who wish to speak with a
MUD representative prior to the Development Update meeting.

Michael J. Smith
General Manager
Sienna/Johnson Development, L.P.

Comment: I think Mr. Smith leaves out the information that Sienna/Johnson Dev. appointed the SPMaster MUD 1 board. SPMUD2 is the only resident elected board currently in Sienna and they are running a website that keeps their citizens posted on issues like this. Why doesn't SPMaster MUD1?

7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an update on FBN.com on the comments from the 2nd Wal-Mart being located on one of the Mo-City mayor's top developer givers land off hwy 6:

This will be Wal-Mart’s second super center in Missouri City – the first is at 5501 State Highway 6, near Riverstone Blvd. In Fort Bend County, Wal-Mart also has stores in Sugar Land, Richmond and Stafford.

1 FBC Resident - Jun 30, 09:11 pm
Wow, just what we needed – more shopping. I’ve been wondering where I was going to go to do all of my shopping, since there doesn’t seem to be very many retailers along Highway 6 through Sugar Land and Missouri City. Isn’t there a Walgreen’s at this same location that’s been ready for nearly a year but can’t open until there’s a traffic light installed at the entrance to Lake Shore Harbor? I just wonder how much retail busness our economy can support…

2 fourthwheel - Jul 4, 09:57 am
Another one? How unfortunate.

3 Sienna Resident - Jul 5, 10:16 am
Want to stop Wal-mart from their obnoxious expansion? Shop at Target!!!!!!!

4 fourthwheel - Jul 5, 10:12 pm
Good point, Sienna Resident. I agree completely. Some will undoubtedly say that WM is cheaper, but there’s better service elsewhere for only slightly more money.

5 Vicksburg Residence - Jul 8, 11:48 am
Why would Wal Mart build another store when they already have a store 3 miles north on Highway 6. The traffic will be horrible and it will increase crime in the area!

6 redneckgirl - Jul 8, 01:55 pm
I agree with all of you. Even though we do have to travel a bit to and from stores, I do not feel that we need another Walmart in that location. 288 and Hwy 6 maybe.

7 anothersmith - Jul 11, 01:31 pm
Does that mean the other Wal-mart will be closing or can one be changed to a Sam’s club…please?

3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comments coming in from the AHRC website on the article linked below this one:

7. Lies and misquotes by CAI staff demeaning homeowner activists
To: Comment # - Name Withheld

What evidence do you have for the claim that you make that this CAI cartoon "depicts CAI staff members reacting to criticism of CAI's holy grail that HOA members have no rights" ...

Do you have an explaination for the lies, and misquotes in this CAI staff article that demeans homeowner activists?

Posted Jul 11 2006 9:19PM EDT

Username withheld
, California

6. CAI cartoon depicts CAI staff members reacting to criticism of CAI's holy grail
You all have made an incorrect interpretation of the cover. It depicts CAI staff members reacting to criticism of CAI's holy grail that HOA members have no rights.

Paradigm Shift
Posted Jul 11 2006 8:19PM EDT

Username withheld
, Michigan

5. Tongue Twister
"BEWARE! - The "COMMON GROUND" grinds HOA commoners fighting common ground grinds across the country!"

P.Flamingo '06

Posted Jul 11 2006 10:49AM EDT

Username withheld
, ot

4. Homeowners/consumers, through articles like this, are waking up to the tyranny of this group
The level of consumer contempt displayed in this release of the CAI is nothing short of the mid-20th century propaganda released from eastern block countries to paint a rosey picture and to marginalize, isolate and alienate those seeking freedom in the west. Such rhetoric is only demeaning to those propagating it.

The American consumer is far too sophisticated to buy-in to this low a level of marketing by a special interest antagonist!

Homeowners/consumers, through articles like this, are waking up to the tyranny of this group and the lobby they support (the lawyers feeding off this system for self benefit). This is almost comic. No quality awards should ever be considered for this group and the not so hidden agenda they spew!
Posted Jul 11 2006 8:23AM EDT

Username withheld
, Texas

3. Yup - this is the perfect caricature of a once normal and happy human being turned monster HOA homeowner advocate
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Let's have some fun with this picture. Yeah - it really does speak to how CAI HOA vendors really feels about homeowners and that's not much.

Therefore - prospective homebuyers BEWARE!! The HOA industry group of vendors from the Community Ass. Institute really don't like you much...they want to chastise the homeowner advocates who are fighting to protect your home and property value! And they don't even live in our homes so what could possibly be their interest in it???? MONEY! Either that or they are just unbelievably nosey and bored with too much time on their hands. Why someone gets a rise out of controlling how others should live in their homes is beyond me. Rather sick character eh?

The CAI vendors make a living off of HOA's. So, who YOU gonna believe?????

What is this really a picture of?


1. This is how an HOA homeowner looks after finding out they JUST bought a house with an HOA.

2. This is how an HOA homeowner looks puking up the Community Ass. Institute garbage they've been overfed by HOA industry lawyers, property managers and boards.

3. This is how an HOA homeowner looks after the HOA vendor lawyers and judges get done slicing and dicing them on the cold slab of "justice" - Geez, all the homeowner wanted to do was see the books and records. Guess that's too much to ask for especially since it's OUR MONEY!!

4. This is how an HOA homeowner looks who has lived too long fighting viciously to protect their rights, privacy and homes from the grubworms who live beneath the surface of the common grounds.

5. This is how an HOA homeowner looks to those political "prostitutes" have been bought by the HOA industry slobbyists.

6. This is how an HOA homeowner looks to an HOA vendor judge who during litigation is falling asleep at the helm, legs propped up on his desk, taking his smoke break every 45 minutes, and just milkin' his retirement check - besides - he doesn't live in an HOA!

7. This is how an HOA homeowner looks after hearing about the garbage law that just got passed stripping HOA homeowners of even MORE rights that turn them into prisoners of their own homes.

8. This is how an HOA homeowner looks after a short time of being incarcerated in an HOA regimes.

9. This is how deathly sick an HOA homeowner can become trying to get approval to paint their home.....see those paint chips the homeowner is puking?

10. Yup - this is the perfect caricature of a once normal and happy human being turned monster HOA homeowner advocate fighting to protect their home sweet home from the grubworms lurking beneath the surface of the common grounds!

.........and damn proud to be one!

Posted Jul 10 2006 6:44PM EDT

Username withheld
, ot

2. Come on Chris Durso..surely you can find a more rewarding and respectable job to do with your pen!
Looks as if homeowner victims, their families and friends are shining their lights on the CAI equity thieves in HOA board rooms, communities, courts, media and legislative halls.

No wonder the ole CAI propagandist guys and gals are desperately "spewing forth junk and garbage". Isn't that what skunks do when cornered?

Come on Chris Durso..surely you can find a more rewarding and respectable job to do with your pen!

Posted Jul 10 2006 5:12PM EDT

Username withheld
, California

1. CAI Dirt!
It is quite amazing that CAI would caricature homeowners on the front cover of its national trade magazine! This shows what CAI really thinks of homeowners.

CAI members are the ones who fleece people of their homes and life savings, rig elections, make board members into cowering idiots, foment disputes in homeowner associations - and yet they want to present themselves as calm, rational people, and homeowners as raving lunatics.

It reminds one of how the Nazis calmly and rationally planned the destruction of the Jewish people. I wonder what picture of the Jews who protested, would the Nazis have put on the cover of their magazine!

The meaning of the name of CAI's magazine, Common Ground, has now taken on a new meaning. Common ground is dirt. And that is what their magazine has now openly become.
Posted Jul 10 2006 3:32PM EDT


AHRC Article (see comments above):

Beware the Aggravating Advocates!

CAI's propagandist portrays homeowner advocates as ugly monsters spewing forth junk and garbage

July 10, 2006

By George K. Staropoli (View author info)

Scottsdale, Arizona -
And how does the foreclosure lawyers trade group CAI portray these homeowners who are exercising their right to free speech?

As with the best of political statements following the politics of personal destruction, CAI, that claims to be a "friend of the legislature" with its vigorous national lobbying effort, resorts to demonizing these decent people fighting for their rights as shown in its May-June issue.

They think the community association model is inherently flawed. They think CAI is the industry and the industry is corrupt. They call themselves homeowner advocates, and they're coming soon to a state legislature, website, or listserve near you. If they're not already there

It's 2 p.m. the Saturday before Valentine's Day, and Shu Bartholomew is on the air. The topic is homeowner associations. On Bartholomew's weekly radio show, On the Commons , the topic is always homeowner associations, and if you're curious about what the host herself thinks of them, look no further than the little cartoon sign on her website: "You are now leaving the American Zone.".
The negative imagry is quite apparent. A scary monster raises its horrible, ugly head above the community, bringing fear to the good and loyal followers of the authoritarian Homeowner Association government. This loathing creature is spewing forth harmful garbage and junk, poisoning the minds of HOA residents.

A truly first class job in propaganda by CAI's propaganist Chris Durso. We should all make badges of this cover and wear it to the legislative sessions to reflect our monstrous personalities, and maybe we can scare the hell out of the legislators.

3:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ck this one out jk:

Can I take his place?

An attorney telephoned the governor just after midnight, insisting that he talk to him regarding a matter of utmost urgency.

An aide eventually agreed to wake up the governor.
"So, what is it?" grumbled the governor.
"Judge Garber has just died" said the attorney, "and I want to take his place."

The governor replied: "Well, it's OK with me if it's OK with the undertaker."

5:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More from FBN.com comments on the second Wal-Mart in Mo-City:

Missouri City Gets Its Second Wal-Mart Super Center
by FortBendNow Staff, Jun 30, 2006, 11 09 am

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. has purchased 33.5 acres in Missouri City for a new super center.

The giant retailer plans to open the store at State Highway 6 and Lake Shore Boulevard in the third quarter of 2007, said Bob Graf, economic development coordinator for Missouri City.

“They came and talked with us about six to eight months ago,” Graf said. “It takes them a long time to build one of their stores.”

Wal-Mart purchased the land from developer Clinton Wong.

This will be Wal-Mart’s second super center in Missouri City – the first is at 5501 State Highway 6, near Riverstone Blvd. In Fort Bend County, Wal-Mart also has stores in Sugar Land, Richmond and Stafford.

1 FBC Resident - Jun 30, 09:11 pm
Wow, just what we needed – more shopping. I’ve been wondering where I was going to go to do all of my shopping, since there doesn’t seem to be very many retailers along Highway 6 through Sugar Land and Missouri City. Isn’t there a Walgreen’s at this same location that’s been ready for nearly a year but can’t open until there’s a traffic light installed at the entrance to Lake Shore Harbor? I just wonder how much retail busness our economy can support…

2 fourthwheel - Jul 4, 09:57 am
Another one? How unfortunate.

3 Sienna Resident - Jul 5, 10:16 am
Want to stop Wal-mart from their obnoxious expansion? Shop at Target!!!!!!!

4 fourthwheel - Jul 5, 10:12 pm
Good point, Sienna Resident. I agree completely. Some will undoubtedly say that WM is cheaper, but there’s better service elsewhere for only slightly more money.

5 Vicksburg Residence - Jul 8, 11:48 am
Why would Wal Mart build another store when they already have a store 3 miles north on Highway 6. The traffic will be horrible and it will increase crime in the area!

6 redneckgirl - Jul 8, 01:55 pm
I agree with all of you. Even though we do have to travel a bit to and from stores, I do not feel that we need another Walmart in that location. 288 and Hwy 6 maybe.

7 anothersmith - Jul 11, 01:31 pm
Does that mean the other Wal-mart will be closing or can one be changed to a Sam’s club…please?

8 Fred - Jul 13, 09:46 pm
If I lived near that intersection, I would be pissed. Besides the fact that they abuse their employees, the last thing this area needs is another W-Mart. Yikes!

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi JK:

"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.'' WC

5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who really runs this state. See top contributors from Clean Up TX Politics (website):

Are YOU in the Owner's Box?
In Texas' 2002 state elections, 114 individuals gave campaign contributions to candidates and PACs totaling $100,000 or greater. This is almost three times the median annual per capita income in the state of Texas. This begs the questions: Who has a say in Texas state politics? Whose voice is being heard?

Are you concerned that your representative or candidate might be taking large contributions from these big-money players? Find out by downloading our "See for Yourself" research guide. Once you've followed the money on the Texas Ethics Commission's campaign contribution search engine, you can email the entire legislature to let them know you're tired of the status quo.

If you use Internet Explorer and web-enabled Office products, click here to view a searchable, sortable version of this table.

Name 2002 Total Employer
Bob J Perry Houston $3,838,500 Perry Homes

James Leininger San Antonio $1,346,849 Kinetic Concepts, Inc.

Albert D. Huddleston Dallas $1,119,408 Hyperion Resources, Inc.

Lonnie Pilgrim Pittsburg $840,709 Pilgrim's Pride

Robert C McNair Houston $656,150 Cogen Technologies Energy Group, McNair Group

John M O'Quinn Houston $652,000 John M. O'Quinn & Associates LLP

Harlan R Crow Dallas $590,750 Trammell Crow, Crow Holdings

William McMinn Houston $558,500 Sterling Group LP

Louis A Beecherl Dallas $511,635 Beecherl Investments

Kenny Troutt Dallas $475,000 Excel Communications

Gordon Cain Houston $393,000 Sterling Group, Sterling Chemicals

Boone Pickens Dallas $385,503 BP Capital, Inc.

David Dewhurst Houston $356,078 Falcon Seaboard Resources

Harold Simmons Dallas $352,650 Contran Corp.

Ray L Hunt Dallas $346,500 Hunt Consolidated, Inc., Hunt Petroleum

BJ McCombs San Antonio $325,750 McCombs Enterprises

Sam Wyly Dallas $317,500 Wyly Brothers

Truman Arnold Texarkana $314,000 Truman Arnold Companies

Charles C Butt San Antonio $313,683 HEB Grocery

JA Elkins Houston $292,250 First City Bancorp (retired)

John L Nau Houston $283,426 Silver Eagle Distributors, Inc.

Russell Kelley Austin $275,026 Rusty Kelley & Associates

Dan L Duncan Houston $269,680 Enterprise Products Co.

Peter O'Donnell Dallas $269,000 First National Bank (Dallas)

Charles J Wyly Dallas $267,100 Ranger Capital

Geoffrey Raynor Fort Worth $256,069 Q Funding, LP

Richard W Weekley Houston $251,347 Weekley Properties

John P McGovern Houston $250,750 McGovern Allergy Clinic

John V Lattimore McKinney $243,000 Lattimore Properties, Inc.

Doylene Perry Houston $240,000 Perry Homes

Michael Stevens Houston $239,399 Michael Stevens Interests, Inc.

Robert B Rowling Irving $238,500 TRT HOLDINGS, INC.

Ned S. Holmes Houston $236,537 Parkway Investments, Texas, Inc.

Robert Johnson Austin $233,700 Johnson & Johnson, Inc.

Joseph D Jamail Houston $228,000 Jamail & Kolius

W L Hunt El Paso $226,288 Hunt Building Corp.

James & Shirley Dannenbaum Houston $225,650 Dannenbaum Engineering

Lucien Flournoy Alice $218,000 Flournoy Drilling Co.

David Alameel Dallas $211,200 Jefferson Dental Clinics

J Ralph Ellis Irving $206,500 Belmont Oil and Gas Corp.

Michael B Boylan Houston $202,110 Houston Property Management

J Virgil Waggoner Houston $199,000 Sterling Group

Kenneth Banks Schulenburg $197,754 International Muffler Co.

Randall Goss Dallas $196,000 U.S. Risk Insurance Group, Inc.

J Weldon Granger Houston $195,500 Jones & Granger

Charles & Beth Miller Houston $192,300 Meridian Advisors, Ltd.

Dian Graves Stai Abilene $183,950 Owen Healthcare

Nate Crain Dallas $182,368 Shop Online

Peter M Holt Blanco $179,600 Holt Companies

George C Hixon San Antonio $179,000 Hixon Properties, Inc.

Benjamin Streusand The Woodlands $176,931 Home Loan Corporation

David & Claudette Hartman Austin $173,570

Perry Bass Fort Worth $169,425 Bass Family

James D Pitcock Sugar Land $168,250 Williams Brothers Construction

Robert M Smith Dallas $162,729 Accident and Injury Pain Centers

Sid Bass Fort Worth $159,925 Bass Family

Nick Kralj Austin $159,417 Texas Trial Lawyers Association

Mikal Watts Corpus Christi $158,001 Watts & Heard L.L.P.

Edward Bass Fort Worth $157,925 Bass Family

Jack & Lynn Knox Dallas $156,300

Charles Lawrence Houston $155,500 Kirby Corp.

Vance Miller Dallas $152,721

William Clements Dallas $148,350 Southeastern Drilling Company (SEDCO, Inc.)

George B Ryan Dallas $147,212 Ryan & Company

James C Flores Houston $147,000 Ocean Energy

Hushang Ansary Houston $145,000 I R I International Corp.

Stevan Hammond Dallas $145,000 Marketing Investors Corp.

T Boone Pickens Dallas $140,000 BP Capital, Inc.

Thomas Hicks Dallas $139,953 Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst, LLP

Morton L Topfer Austin $137,500 Dell Computer

H Heavin Gatesville $135,500 Curves for Women

Felix Chen Dallas $134,000 Prime Art Jewelry, Inc.

Charles Joekel Houston $132,400 Pacesetters Personnel Service

Bobby Cox Fort Worth $132,220 Bobby Cox Companies, Inc.

Pat Maloney San Antonio $131,952 Law Offices of Pat Maloney

Walter Negley Houston $131,669

Kent Hance Austin $130,098

Forrest E. Hoglund Dallas $128,500 Alaska Resources Company, Ltd.

Alice Walton Mineral Wells $127,000 Wal-Mart

Donald Carter Addison $125,750 Home Interiors & Gifts

Sarah C Morian Houston $125,500 D X Service Co, Inc.

Frank L Branson Dallas $125,120 Branson Law Offices

Thomas Dan Friedkin Houston $125,000 Gulf States Toyota Inc.

Kent C Sullivan Houston $124,510 McFall, Sherwood & Breitbeil

Chaz Glace Round Rock $120,500 Chasco Investments

Barry Andrews Dallas $120,108 Miller of Dallas, Inc.

Tom Meredith Austin $118,543 DELL COMPUTERS

Richard Salwen Austin $118,425 Dell Computer

James Pitcock Houston $117,250 Williams Brothers Construction

Kenneth Lay Houston $115,000 Enron Corp.

Neal T Jones Austin $114,886 Self Employed

H Zachry San Antonio $113,086 H.B. Zachry Company

Ben Barnes Austin $113,008 ENTRECORP

Douglas & Julie Ann Hartman Austin $111,500

Joseph Phillips Mission $111,250 Phillips Properties

Bo & Patty Pilgrim Pittsburg $111,000 Pilgrim's Pride

Richard Warren Mithoff Houston $108,610 Mithoff & Jacks, LLP

Dee Kelly Jr Fort Worth $108,102 Kelly, Hart & Hallman, PC

Larry Anders Dallas $108,000 SUMMITT ALLIANCE, CO.

William Albert Boothe Dallas $107,725 Self Employed, Boothe Eyecare

Erle A Nye Dallas $107,700 Texas Utilities (TXU)

Michael Timothy Gallagher Houston $105,360 Gallagher Lewis Downey & Kim

Anne Marion Fort Worth $104,800 McVeigh and Co.

L Lowry Mays San Antonio $104,150 Clear Channel Communications

H R Perot Dallas $104,000 Hillwood Development Corp.

Charles Tate Houston $104,000 Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst, LLP

David M Underwood Houston $101,700

Frank McGuyer Houston $101,000 MHI

Michael Vollman Austin $101,000 Vignette Corp.

Joseph Collmer Dallas $100,500

Mary Silverthorne Dallas $100,250 PILLOWTEX CORPORATION

Stanley K Harper Mansfield $100,225 Lenders & Members Service Group

Meredith J Long Houston $100,000 Quintanta Petroleum

Scott K Ginsburg Dallas $100,000 DG Systems Inc.

Comment--These are apparently the heavy hitters in TX. I thought corporate contributions were illegal here??? . . . ya right!

5:50 PM  
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