Is Your HOA Attorney On This List? Contact Your Legislature Today And Vote NO On TUPCA! -- Click the title link for the list --
Many of the largest master-planned communites in Fort Bend County are affiliates of the CAI (and their developer affiliated lobby group ULI and the special interest attorneys found in the linked lists above). They wrote the TUPCA bill that further removes homeowners rights and protections to their property. They are working avidly to see this bill through this legislative session (it passed committee in the spring). Call your TX representative today and tell them to vote NO on TUPCA! This clique is a powerful, well funded, politically connected group.
See these sites for more:
Stay informed and keep in touch! Contact us at to get more involved than just a phone call...
...Mr. Markel -- Do not bother contacting us as we know you are on the all time lawyer foreclosure list linked through the title above and have many master-planned communities in this area on your client list (including Sienna Plantation). BTW, did you or your practice write that restrictive dissemination of information covenant in Sienna, during the petition drive last year to stop the developers up to 2700 apts?
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