Sienna Plantation MUD #2 Votes To Financially Support Another Pool for SP Aquatics-
Just a quick update for those of you following the SPMUD#2 recent board vote (click the title link above for more). Mr. Frazier, President of SP Aquatics, convinced the SPMUD2 board to pick up some of the costs of building another pool in the community (see vote contained in the minutes). This seemed to raise some questions among SPMUD2 residents about the use of MUD money to pay for recreational amenities that may be located outside their district. As some of you may know this was made legal a few years ago, but has been a controversial issue in this community with pressure being placed on the MUD boards to kick-in on recreational amenities that would be used to attract more sales to the Sienna community, rather than continue to commit those funds to pay down voter/taxpayer debt. Has the developer, SPRAI kicked in or has the cost been shifted to the homeowners again through the MUDs?
We will update this piece as warranted. Download the entire SPMUD2 (the only fully resident controlled MUD in Sienna) minutes by clicking the title link above or visiting
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