Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pinnock Announces for Place 7 FBISD School Board

Noel Pinnock, a long-time Missouri City resident, has filed as a candidate for position 7 on the Fort Bend ISD school board race this spring. He has provided the following position statement (May 12th):

"My platform for running in this year's election is to provide a beacon of hope to the citizens in Fort Bend county. It is my belief that every student, every parent, every citizen, and our business community at-large should be integral in the overall proficiency, efficiency, growth, and survival of our communities schools. Schools represent the nesting grounds for the cultivation of non-bias ideas, social matriculation, academic acceleration, and a spring of life's most impressionable and memorable experiences, which define the very fabric and essence of our existence.

It is my belief that every child is capable of success, no exceptions. In adopting this "no exception" belief...I will work diligently and intelligently to move OUR school district in an upward direction with a focus on increased: student achievement, safety, equity of resource allocations, and public confidence.

This will require uncompromisable dedication, motivation, commitment, cooperativeness, creativity and competence. I will dedicate my efforts with my family's supprt with due diligence and involve my fellow citizens throughout the process...membership is NOT exclusive but INCLUSIVE...when FB citizens vote Noel Pinnock...they vote for democracy, equity, efficiency, but most of who will bridge gaps and promote proactive and comprehensive change for the betterment of all, no exceptions!"


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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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