FB Sun: Hunter, Tunstall & Griffin Speak Out On Blue Ridge Landfill Decision--

More than 1,000 signatures on a petition from residents opposing expansion of the Blue Ridge Landfill in Missouri City failed to derail the Texas Commission on Environmen-tal Quality's consideration of a permit application submitted by Allied Waste Services.
In a letter dated March 16, the commission deemed the waste company's application as having "met the requirements of applicable law."
A letter, sent to residents who commented at a recent public hearing, read, "The executive director has made a decision that the above-referenced permit application meets the requirements of applicable law.
"This decision does not authorize construction or operation of any proposed facilities.
"Unless a timely request for a contested case hearing or reconsideration is received, the TCEQ executive director will act on the application and issue the permit."
Allied, owner of the landfill, is proposing to expand the site to accommodate solid waste disposal for the next 40 years.
Proposed plans would enlarge the facility by a little more than 1,300 acres and increase the landfill's height from 58 to 170 feet.
The Coalition Against Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion, a group formed to protest the expansion, hired Richard Morrison, a local environmental lawyer, to represent residents' interests during the application and public hearing process. The group also spearheaded a campaign to garner signatures of residents opposed to the expansion.
Morrison said he plans to file a contested case hearing on behalf of CABRLE in the 30-day period following the commission's decision. A contested hearing may be requested by "affected persons" and must include a description of how and why the proposed facility creates an adverse effect on the health and safety of the individual or negatively impacts property, according to the letter. . .
. . .Several candidates in the upcoming Missouri City council race voiced their concerns.
Rodney Griffin, a candidate for the District A seat, called the TCEQ's decision a "travesty."
"What was the Missouri City City Council thinking when they took the tipping fee from Allied Waste? Certainly not the citizens. We will be victorious in another forum, but sadly not now," Griffin said.
District C candidate Kevin Tunstall, a resident of Sienna Plantation, echoed Griffin's concerns.
"I am puzzled why anyone would want a landfill next to our community and remain in opposition of having such a facility in such close proximity to not only our city, but that of our neighbors in Arcola and Fresno," Tunstall said.
Lou Hunter, candidate for Missouri City's District B seat, agreed with his fellow candidates.
"It defies all basic human consciousness and common sense to entertain the idea to expand a landfill leaking of barium less than a mile from 80 drinking water wells. It makes you wonder if there's an evil, comic-book-scripted, villainous midget behind the scenes trying to take over the world," Hunter said. "It's ridiculously inhuman. Some things just aren't worth the gamble."
An official release issued Dec. 19, 2006 reflected the city's stance on the landfill issue.
"Missouri City is not in opposition of the landfill expansion since it entered into an agreement along with Fort Bend County indicating that it would not oppose the project. We followed the county's lead in the negotiations," city manager Frank Simpson was quoted as saying in the release.
The only Missouri City councilmember to sign the petition opposing the landfill's expansion was District D Councilman Brett Kolaja, according to Sienna Plantation resident and CABRLE member Chris Calvin. Kolaja is the only Missouri City incumbent that did not draw a challenger in his bid for re-election.
Comment--Although Sienna & Sienna area residents can't vote in the city races of Arcola or Mo-City it is important to remember we have an interest in those races (the airport expansion/road diversion issues in Arcola and development issues with MC). Please support Mr. Hilton & Ms. Rojas along with Jim DeVoge as independent candidates in those races (not EDC backed). You can volunteer to block-walk make phone calls etc. for these candidates or the Mo-City challengers Rodney Griffin, Lou Hunter & Kevin Tunstall. E-mail us at responsible_dvlpmnt@yahoo.com to find out how to volunteer and help these candidates who have sworn off the special interest funding (they need your help to take back local control). We can vote in the school board races and have endorsed Noel Pinnock, a Missouri City educator with long-term experience in the schools at all levels (he also has kids in the system). Please look into these races and decide for yourself.
Labels: Blue Ridge Landfill, Honest, Local Control, Shadow Creek Ranch, Sienna Plantation
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