Sunday, February 24, 2008

FBN Reports: Democrats Out Polling Republicans 2-1 In County And Other Races During Early Voting!

click the title link for more...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recent area blog comments on this:

« StanPrince wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 05:30 PM »
“My oops to your “goofballs” …pardon my freudian friendship”


General Anthony C McAliffe’s (101 Airborne) reply to General Heinrich Freiherr von Luttwitz when requested to submit to unconditional surrender; Bastogne, the Ardennes (Dec,’44-Jan,’45).
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 05:12 PM »
Stan @ Attn

My oops to your “goofballs” ...pardon my freudian friendship

« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 04:47 PM »
Thx! It’s simple advise really…sometimes it just helps to talk it out.
« Muckraker wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 04:36 PM »
Excellent advice TR. I had someone e-mail me from our contact list recently asking who to vote for and steered them to other sources (TEC, media, etc..). I think after the research is done you have to “follow your heart” on it. I told them they will have to decide for themselves. Thx!
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 04:28 PM »
Muck mentioned keeping your word, a few posts back. I feel the same way, but if you are speaking of a Congressional candidate alot that word may just go back to “charisma” that we keep talking about. My advise, (that I usually find works for me) is to stake out the realities to all of the claims that preferred candidate has alligned him/herself__do the research—do alot of it, and sometimes you have your answer but sometimes you just have to go with your instincts.

I also remember a very long time ago, before I had children you just do not spend much time thinking or doing the research about the community’s political moods or elections. At least back then, my priorities were so so very different in that way. I relied on others to do “my political homework” because I was too busy. Plus, I trusted what everyone else said, and just did not give it much thought. Hmm, I dunno I believe we must vote with our own heart.

Thanks for listening to my soapbox moment,now back to Greatwood. Maybe the data is on the elections website?

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


« Muckraker wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 03:49 PM »
Thanks for your reply Marsha. As you already know I support two of the democrats you don’t and don’t support several that you do. I have horror stories of the candidates you are pulling for and have shared some of them (I’m sure both sides could swap them). I can only re-emphasize how many hours of work I have witnessed two of them put into a major issue that impacts most of east FBC pretty dramatically while one opponent falsely claims it as his issue (with several others). Of course we haven’t even mentioned on of the democrats currently serving on the comm. court that has gone along with much of the good ole boy plans too (and is a developer). For a moment I thought you were talking about him. No need to rehash unless someone wants to open it back up and put names to all this. I do think the democrats need a soul searching too, just as the repubs have gone through (who knows if it did any good with the money boys still making the decisions). The money shouldn’t be what this is all about, but often appears to be when you get to close to it.

Too bad we can’t mind-read during election cycles (now wouldn’t that be something). . .
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 03:33 PM »
Transparency ~

Our voices to freely exchange__that’s the idea I believe. It’s time for a change, no matter which way your tee goes…..just swing that vote to rock!
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 03:21 PM »


You’re golfballs need cleaning. I do believe in “charisma” it drives me wild!

By the way, where does Greatwood stand?
« transparencyingovt wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 03:20 PM »
StanPrince and TexasRose,

Good observations on the term used. I hope it was for humors sake, it would fit. Kinda like the old Dixiecrats. I also agree with Stan and the others on the format. Much more open and conducive to a free exchange of ideas, perhaps that is what the critic didn’t like? “Site-envy” is a very good one!

It’s good to see another opinion from the right too, rcocheu. Naturally the answer to your comment is that the taxpayers will pick up the tab on everything as usual and it doesn’t matter what political affiliation or t-shirt one is wearing.
« marsharovai wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 03:19 PM »

Nick meet with me and listened to my criticism of his voting record. He explained why he voted the way he did and I told him that still didn’t make it right. At the end of our meeting we more or less agreed to disagree. Nick has his faults but as near as I can figure his is not dishonest.

That is more than I can say about one of the commissioners running as a Democrat. He is supporting Dora who is voting her religion and not the wishes of her constituents. He also said that he would take money from corporations. Sounds like the dishonest commissioners we now have. CROOKS!

Dora also told a friend that she would help her with a problem if she would work in her campaign. That is not my idea of how an elective official should behave. Sounds like corruption.

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

« rcocheu wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 03:11 PM »
I early voted at Hightower yesterday. Very interesting to note that my wife and I were the only two people that voted Republican. Everyone else there was voting democrat.

One thing and one thing only is driving this turnout. The “charisma” of Obama. While I disagree with him on several issues (just about all to be truthful) he is young energetic and charismatic. Unfortunately none of that qualifies him to be the president. Anyone can promise all of the things he is promising. When the time comes we will see who must pay the piper at the end.
« StanPrince wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 03:06 PM »
TR – “You gotta admit, Bob does humor? “Democraticat” ???”

Good eyes, TR…. was that a Freudian Slip Mr. Dunn? Afraid your GOP fan base would be upset? No, I doubt it. You’re neutral in your reporting. You cover all news and political happenings equally.

But, I’ll be on the lookout for your next GOP item, seeing if you might call them Repub-a-dub-bub – 3 men in a tub…?”

OK, OK, its silly, I know. But, it’s Sunday, there’s no football, baseball’s still a month away, I should be doing some paper work, wish I was playing golf, need to be doing some exercise, think I’ll order a PPV movie…. “Michael Clayton” is available. Also “The Kingdom”.

TR – site-envy?

Dem’s – why didn’t a Democrat candidate run for sheriff? Surely there are some Democrats in the Sheriff’s Office…..
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 02:48 PM »
You gotta admit, Bob does humor? “Democraticat” ???

It’s always the fine pawprint that gets ya.
« Muckraker wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 02:43 PM »
I would tend to agree with your synopsis on third parties within the current 2 party elite corporately dominated system SP. In economic theory they often suggest 5 or more competing interests to stop price fixing and reduce monopolies, which our government (both parties) have tended to ignore over the last few decades. When was the last big anti-trust case you heard about and look at how the media, dominated by super-corporations, can freeze out coverage of minor candidates who may have an attractive message. I think with more competing parties, not dominated by the super-two, following the concepts above it would be possible, theoretically, to break out of the current paradigm, but it would also take a much more in touch electorate to the elite strings dominating our current power structure.

Of course we have grown so comfortable that perhaps political freedom just isn’t important to us anymore (yes the cynic again). Hopefully this is not the case. Still it is possible on a local level to impact these elite strings and seek independent minded candidates since many of these elections haven’t been pushed out of financial reach quite yet by the pol. Industry (which, IMO, includes the media needing the ad boosts election cycles create).

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 02:42 PM »
“Susan has site-envy.”

Ha, ha, ha….we do have that on paperwrite? Ahh sweet, Uno has a goldheart too. Bob rocks our vote!
« StanPrince wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 02:10 PM »
Muck – “I hope someone is running outside this bunch that will refuse the GOLD.”

I watched Tim Russert this morning; he interviewed Ralph Nader who announced his candidacy for Pres again this year. Tim brought up the fact that if his Florida voters (98K of ‘em), who by exit polls would have voted 2-1 for Gore, had not supported him (Nader), Gore would have won FL, therefore the presidency.

Nader of course deflected this presumption.

But I believe with a race between Obama v McCain, any votes Nader siphons off would be at least 2-1 for Obama.

Let’s just hope Obama is able to achieve the landslide that many predict and that Nader’ite’s won’t allow it to swing to McCain, who will continue the GOP’s elitist ways (tax breaks for the super-rich, trickle-down, etc.).

Why am I bring this up, Muck? Because an independent or 3rd party here in FBC will only sabatoge or siphon-away votes that would go to Dem candidates. The Religious Right of FBC will unequivocally support GOP candidates in mass.

Unocentavo – I like the layout of this new site too. Susan has site-envy….
« UNOcentavos wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 01:49 PM »
Susan over at the beauty shop sent us over to say what a lousy format the new site is (, but I don’t agree and think it looks great and seems to work well. I wish I could do this favor for her, but I just can’t. It looks pretty good and more news is better, as well as more sources!
« Muckraker wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 01:10 PM »
You’re right Stan the professional politicians from both major parties get very jealous of who garners the special interest dollars. In this county it is all about development a growth and the warfare/game between blue and red in the small cliques that run both parties is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. So we can look forward, no matter who wins, to more of the same public deception games, because it is all about the dollar county. I hope someone is running outside this bunch that will refuse the GOLD.

“NL has no opponent but is reported to have a high-six-figure war chest of campaign funding. Once the smoke clears as to whom his GOP opponent will be, watch out. He’ll be the guy to beat and the GOP candidate w/be the underdog.

That has got be be curling TD’s toes these days…”

Let’s face it the issues are used to get in. I do however, believe Morrison, Carreon and 1-2 others (of course Nick let us down and I voted for him last time too). I bet those swift boat boys get a great kick out of shifting the money around to whomever is in power at the moment, while us suckers try to keep our eye on the pea in the proverbial shell game…
« StanPrince wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 12:52 PM »
The times they are a changin’!

It would be interesting to see if there is a poll out for CD22 Repub’s, and then to plot the top 2 or 3 in a race against NL.

NL has no opponent but is reported to have a high-six-figure war chest of campaign funding. Once the smoke clears as to whom his GOP opponent will be, watch out. He’ll be the guy to beat and the GOP candidate w/be the underdog.

That has got be be curling TD’s toes these days…

Darn! I see no Democrat candidate running for sheriff…

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

« PatTyler wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 12:31 PM »
Obama is the force driving the turnout for Democrats.

There is a reason Obama is winning this Primary. He is winning in states. He is winning in popular vote, from liberals to independents to even some Republicans. He is winning on delegates, even taking into account those “Super” establishment delegates. The reason is simple. He is the better candidate who can bring us all together to work towards real and lasting change.

Obama is the most electable Democratic candidate by far. He is the way we take back the White House. The proof is in the polls. He averages 4 points better against McCain than Hillary does. Obama beats McCain in polls. Hillary only ties.

One of McCain’s own top strategists even said he would resign if Obama is the Democratic nominee because he doesn’t want to attack Obama.

And, contrary to popular belief, Obama is tougher than Clinton. Of the two candidates, only he had the guts to oppose the Iraq war from the start. Hillary Clinton still hasn’t come to terms with the most important vote of her relatively short-lived political career as an elected official. She still won’t admit she made a mistake on Iraq. She said Bush duped her.

Just last Fall Clinton voted for Bush’s bill to declare Iran’s military to be “terrorists.” This was the equivalent of an unnecessary declaration of war. At the same time Bush was waiving around the image of World War III with Iran in support of his bill, Bush knew about a secret National Intelligence Estimate prepared by the CIA which found that Iran had stopped its nuclear weapons development program in 2003 and probably hadn’t restarted it. Hillary Clinton was duped again. And again she wouldn’t admit she made a mistake. Instead she sent a letter to the White House “clarifying” her position.

Yes, there is a reason the McCain is hoping that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. McCain is hoping he can keep independents as well as his own campaign managers from jumping ship because they like Obama. And McCain is hoping he can debate Hillary Clinton on Iraq because her spinning on that issue just is not very convincing.

And Hillary Clinton says she is more prepared and detail oriented than Obama. Once again the proof is in the pudding. Her campaign ran out of money, was unprepared to deal with caucuses and has had to fire a whole bunch of people for poor performance and political low blows. In contrast, Obama’s campaign is well run, well financed (even though they don’t take money from lobbyists while Clinton does), and consistent in its message.

It’s time to vote for the Democratic nominee who is most electable and will make a great President. It’s time to vote for a President who can unify America. Without unity, without hope, there is no chance of real change. Without hope there never would have been civil rights reform. Without hope we never would have come out of the Great Depression. Once again, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Obama ‘08.

Yes we can! Yes we can in Texas!

PS Here are two interesting articles about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama today:

I also came across this post on the Internet written by someone else and thought it was good so here it is:

Let’s take a closer look at who’s really qualified and or who’s really working for the good of all of us in the Senate. Obama or Clinton.

These bills can be found on the website of the Library of Congress

Please pass this on


Clinton ========

Senator Clinton, who has served only one full term – 6yrs. – and another year campaigning, has managed to author and pass into law – 20 – twenty pieces of legislation in her first six years.

These bills can be found on the website of the Library of Congress, but to save you trouble, I’ll post them here for you.

1. Establish the Kate Mullany National Historic Site.

2. Support the goals and ideals of Better Hearing and Speech Month.

3. Recognize the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.

4. Name courthouse after Thurgood Marshall.

5. Name courthouse after James L. Watson.

6. Name post office after Jonn A. O’Shea.

7. Designate Aug. 7, 2003, as National Purple Heart Recognition Day.

8. Support the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day.

9. Honor the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton on the bicentennial of his death.

10. Congratulate the Syracuse Univ. Orange Men’s Lacrosse Team on winning the championship.

11. Congratulate the Le Moyne College Dolphins Men’s Lacrosse Team on winning the championship.

12. Establish the 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Commemorative Program.

13. Name post office after Sergeant Riayan A. Tejeda.

14. Honor Shirley Chisholm for her service to the nation and express condolences on her death.

15. Honor John J. Downing, Brian Fahey, and Harry Ford, firefighters who lost their lives on duty. Only five of Clinton’s bills are, more substantive.

16. Extend period of unemployment assistance to victims of 9/11.

17. Pay for city projects in response to 9/11

18. Assist landmine victims in other countries.

19. Assist family caregivers in accessing affordable respite care.

20. Designate part of the National Forest System in Puerto Rico as protected in the wilderness preservation system.

There you have it, the fact’s straight from the Senate Record.


Obama =============

During the first – 8 – eight years of his elected service he sponsored over 820 bills. He introduced

233 regarding healthcare reform,

125 on poverty and public assistance,

112 crime fighting bills,

97 economic bills,

60 human rights and anti-discrimination bills,

21 ethics reform bills,

15 gun control,

6 veterans affairs and many others.

NY TImes Obama’s record in the Illinois Senate

His first year in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 bills and co-sponsored another 427. These inculded:

1. The Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 – became law,

2. The Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act, – became law,

3. The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, passed the Senate,

4. The 2007 Government Ethics Bill, – became law,

5. The Protection Against Excessive Executive Compensation Bill, In committee, and many more.

In all, since entering the U.S. Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 bills and co-sponsored another 1096.

An impressive record, for someone who supposedly has no record according to some who would prefer that this comparison not be made public.
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 11:57 AM »
FYI: According to one …no I am not “lost” just looking for a new Sheriff, butt thank-you for noticing!

GO_ Billy Teague!

« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 11:39 AM »
Oops..incorrect tabulations? Kind alike “playing it fast & loose” huh? Rejection hurts…..
« Muckraker wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 11:18 AM »
Sorry Marsha, what happened to your criticism of Lampson from just a few months ago? He is SO status quo and has Tom Delay’s old money boys backing him all the way. He even voted funding for the TTC (private foreign take-over of our public TX roads). Go Morrison (D), Carreon (D), Dora (D), Stansell®, and anyone running against dash for cash Nick, whether they are repubs, independents or other. If you can’t keep your pact with the public then they should be OUT.
« marsharovai wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 11:04 AM »

Good to hear from you again. Although I appreciate the new people running the site, the format stinks. It may be good for Nerds and Geeks but it doesn’t work well for us old pluggers like me.

For those who thought that they were the only Democrats in Fort Bend County, SURPRISE we out number the current status quo.

Take deep breath John Healy, your days in office are numbered. WE are taking back our County and Court House. You are last years news. Also all you pompous Judges take a good look at the Bench, when you come up for re-election you will be unseated too.

Yea!! Albert Hollan, Milton Flick, Martin Siegel, Mary Markantonis, Bert Moser, Leslie Taylor, Jim Sharpe, Joe Beverly, J.R. Molina, Susan Straw, Susan Criss, and Jim Jordan.

Also Ron Reynolds, Sharon Wallingford, Nick Lampson, Rick Noriega and Barack Obama. All my picks are the Best of the Best!!!

6:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

« transparencyingovt wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 10:42 AM »
Watch who has his finger though on the election results (without a paper trail) and be cautious. This looks more like a rejection of the status quo boys. Now the public needs to watch the corporate monies from the big boys follow the parties.

Keep an eye on the vote tabulators managers in close races. Of course how will we know if they are close races without a trail? Another website logged incorrect reporting yesterday and posted the pict to their site. The county folks changed it after it was pointed out.

I wonder which party is going to win the gold for awhile?
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 09:54 AM »
Speaking of HOT flip-flops…my own official poll had my eyes seeing “1 sign 4 Olson + 1 sign 4 Hrbacek” equal distance apart! In the same yard!
« FBEast wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 08:58 AM »
I have yet to see any polls on the heated Republican District 22 contest to go up against Lampson. My own unofficial poll based on the number of yard signs I see puts Pete Olson in front followed closely by Dean Hrbacek and maybe Shelley Sekula-Gibbs in a distant third?? Maybe Manlove and Squier have a chance too since they’re not really as well known in Fort Bend??
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 08:35 AM »
Obama vs Clinton also in a state of heated controversy. It seems Mrs. C is flip-flopping over her own state of affairs…..
« TexasRose wrote on Sunday, Feb 24 at 08:32 AM »
Kudos to linking us into the elections administration website.

Rumors are flying! It is a HOT contested race to the “good faith” finish line. Sheriff Wright may very well be un-incumbered. Ribbons & details await!

Our right to freedoms are precious.

Rock your vote!

6:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't so bad. Perhaps it will bring about some positive change.

2:07 PM  

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