Thursday, April 10, 2008

Morrison Wins Primary Run-off

Richard Morrison, running in the recent primary run-offs, is best known for his stances against the Blue Ridge Landfill expansion proposed near Missouri City, opposition to the tolling of TX99 (the Grand Parkway) and his concern over the repeated attempts to expand the AXH airport with fly-ways over Sienna Plantation and surrounding communities, was victorious in his race this past week. MCC has endorsed him and will continue to follow his candidacy for the commissioners race in precinct 1 against Bob Hebert supporter and former toll road authority board member Greg Ordeneaux.

Also see this related piece on the ongoing AXH airport saga:

Click the title link above for the entire Chronicle piece...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

recent blog comments:


Is that a serious question? Morrison has NO SHOT at winning in November. Ordeneaux could spot Morrison 1500 votes and still win.

Posted by: Jose at April 10, 2008 07:54 AM

Jose is obviously an insider. Morrison is the only candidate in the race to fight the expanding landfill (to 20 stories) that the current commission endorsed or the TX99 tolling, that most oppose. Ord. served on the FBTRA, he will do what the edc tells him, not the voters.

Go Morrison!

Posted by: NMT at April 10, 2008 01:57 PM

I want to wish all the candidates the best and as a republican who has seen the two faces candidates often present, encourage all my colleagues in the party to support Mr. Morrison! He will represent our local community interests.

Posted by: fbtaxpayer at April 10, 2008 02:51 PM

Public taxpayer are prohibiting to elect local leaders that are planing future spending for toll roads, just as Pct.1 CAND. Greg Ordeneaux Republicans, has been doing as a toll road director for years. Toll roads is forcing double tax fees for public to pay, benefeting private individuals with taxes thats public money.

Lets vote down Fort Bend Republican Pct.1 Cand. GREG Ordeneaux. Unknown toll road candidate.

Support new Democratic leadership by helping
ELECT. Richard Morrisson, candidate for Pct.1 commissioner. To improve taxpayer dollar spending.

Posted by: STAND UP at April 10, 2008 03:23 PM

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


« hiltonisforarcola wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 04:31 PM »

It is our job to plan for the future of the City. There is no denying that development is coming to Arcola – it’s all around us. We need to plan for that development, that’s all.

The problem is that the only people that have been doing the planning for Arcola for the last decade or so are the County and the airport owner. Now that Arcola is wanting to plan for its own future, some people are upset with that notion. The County and the airport owner certainly do NOT want the City to participate in planning for its own future – that is clear.

HS – it’s a matter of public record – go back to spring of 2006 and see where the County went into executive closed session about “taking” the property in Newpoint. There was no “Mobility” to be gained – it was strictly an attempt to help the airport owner bully his way. Don’t take my word for it – it’s all there in the public record.

HS – my property values would be much higher IF the airport owner had not bulldozed the forest between our home and airport. He did it in an attempt to intimidate the property owners over here. He removed the buffer zone – another attack by Mr. Griffith on his neighbors.

You don’t seem to mind the numerous attacks this developer has made on the many families living in the area. You only come to the table when the City insists on the airport operating in compliance of FAA safety standards. We don’t have an issue with the airport operating in our City – we DO have an issue with the lax safety oversight by the FAA. You may have noticed that Congress has woken up to the FAA’s cozy relationship with the airlines and airports, resulting in safety hazards to the public.

Right now, I’m not concerned with the airport – that ball is in the FAA’s court. Our focus is on the issues at hand regarding providing mobility for the City, getting essential City services in place, and other crucial matters pertaining to the future of this City.

All the best,

Tom Hilton
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 04:26 PM »
You seem to constantly butt into conversations that aren’t addressed to you…why don’t you just revert back to wadefishin so your resident fan club can come out and shine the light on you and your clique.

“hiltonsucks maybe he got his feelings hurt….”

“Tom Hilton maybe its time to put on the big boy pants.”

“I noticed you had no problem with doing a little name calling of your own.”

“hiltonsucks you should be able to calmly discuss this issue w/o being attacked and having unfounded allegations made against you….”

“He’s one sick puppy….ask him about his siennatalk website…”

“hiltonsucks the current state of mind for most in Arcola/fresno is how much money can the gov give us…..supporting a thriving taxbase is the furtherest thing from their minds.”

...and these aren’t attacks on Hilton and those that support him? Try again wader…and stop interrupting, that’s rude even for owenites & hebertites (edc boys)...
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 04:02 PM »
actually M or clavin or Janel or any of the other 24….I’m not against anything Mr Hilton said…I just told him to get a tyhick skin…..maybe you and only you saw that as a disagreement…..

who knows what goes on in your squirelly cage?
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 03:44 PM »

“why Sugar Land pay raised-up too..15%, but guess who did not? Councilman Mayor Elect: Russell Jones =-)”

Not meaning to stir anything up in SL, but look more closely at the supporters and backgrounds of the candidates. A very interesting group.

Just an observation on this thread too. Funny how “SUCKS” teamed up with wader. It’s nice to see he finally found a buddy other than the neo-cons he constantly defends. . . ; }

People like Hilton, Morrison, Poats, Tunstall and Pinnock give me hope that democracy at the local level can work, BTB are you going to the candidates forum tonight? It should be a good show with REAL fireworks. I just got off the phone with a couple of the candidates loaded for bare. . .

Keep guessing wader. . .
« TexasRose wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 03:24 PM »
Yes, it’s true: Misty, Muckie, and TexasRose share the same DNA…;-)
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 03:08 PM »
M or calvin or Janel or whatever you are today…maybe we should follow your examples on nicks?......the man with 24 ailises lecturing someone about nickname protocol…..too funny
« TexasRose wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 03:00 PM »
Ha! Merci Muckie,

Misty’s alter-ego is just fine! Hip-hip hurry for asking!

Okay, down to busy:

why Sugar Land pay raised-up too..15%, but guess who did not? Councilman Mayor Elect: Russell Jones =-)
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 02:30 PM »

Hip-hip hooray for Morrison. I agree with councilman Hilton on the web-weaving comment regarding the incumbent for that precinct. I spoke with him numerous times and he seemed always over-concerned with the money. I guess that’s why they voted themselves a 15%+ pay raise not too long ago and continue to divert some of our tax dollars to the EDC (voting an increase this year). No mistake that many of the member companies benefit from our county mobility bonds, NO mistake!

“Also, noone ever answered my previous statement about “what big businesses in Arcola?”. I believe the airport is the #1 businesses.”


If you read the other FBN article on the council session me doth think you will find an answer:

“As Pitts’ question-and-answer period ended, long-time Arcola councilman James DeVoge weighed in, pointing out that the airport was neither the city’s top employer nor its largest taxpayer. He pointed to both an industrial crane company and concrete plant as having a far greater impact on Arcola’s economy than the airport.”

PS I’m glad Mr. Hilton filed a complaint against your login, he should since it is highly offensive and appears to violate the site rules, no wonder you and “jbb/wf/JP” have teamed up. A match made, well we can’t say in heaven now can we (someone might complain). . .

PSS Keep up the good work Mr. Hilton! After the airplane crash last year and the fact that the fly-way comes in over two highly populated schools is another good reason to do what you are doing!
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 02:15 PM »
hiltonsucks maybe he got his feelings hurt….
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 02:05 PM »
Evidently Mr. Hilton has complained to the Fort Bend Star about me. I received an email stating that they have deemed my login “inappropriate”. Funny that it is still letting me post as this user….
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 02:03 PM »
Another question I meant to raise: Why is Mr Hilton working with Sienna Plantation and other non-Arcola residents? Is his position not “Arcola City Council Member”? Perhaps he should run for County Commissioner if he wishes to spend his time on non-city projects.
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 01:59 PM »
So did Griffith actually GIVE the $500,000? Or just promise to? Or did he say he would donate land in that value? Not trying to be a smartass here, I just simply would like to know.

General Aviation Airports are good for the communities in which they are located. Their continued growth is essential to support our already backlogged primary commercial airports.

Also, noone ever answered my previous statement about “what big businesses in Arcola?”. I believe the airport is the #1 businesses.

It is apparent, Mr. Hilton, that you have a personal vendetta against the airport and Mr. Griffith. I realize it would greatly increase your property value to have a subdivision next door instead of an airport.
« TexasRose wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 01:44 PM »
Well, I’m astute and never invisible (for long), so …let’s hear it for the Morrison! Precinct #1 deserves respect for once!!!!
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 01:42 PM »
Yes “jbb/wf” (owen operative),

Mr. Hilton has done his homework and has provided very detailed documentation from the FAA, TXDoT, Arcola Council and the much involved commissioners, not to mention he is in your party but not a neo-con.

I appreciate his efforts as do thousands in the immediate community and unlike you who gets involved, not as troll, but as a community activist. He has taken positions for and against many projects but has always weighted against the future needs of the community that elected him, no string attached like those you spin for.

PS HS, thank you for confirming that they were your words and your inferences.

“Muckraker, here are a few of your quotes from which I inferred your opinion of the EDC. How can someone read your posts and not feel that you are 100% opposed to the EDC?”

And as a matter of fact I did support the Katy EDC’s position against the TX99 tolling plan. You have my permission to continue to fabricate what ever you like in here. Readers aren’t as shallow as you seem to think (not your words, my inference of your actions in here). . . ; }
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 01:35 PM »
Tom Hilton maybe its time to put on the big boy pants. Politicians are disparaged and made fun of everyday in here, one astute dem pol informed us when dems do it its called political satire….

if the heats too hot maybe it time to get out of the kitchen. I noticed you had no problem with doing a little name calling of your own.

I choose to not use my real name due to privacy, if you choose to use your real name have at it. Doesn’t make me wrong or you right.

meanwhile the discussion was informative, I’d like to see it continue.
« hiltonisforarcola wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 01:06 PM »

It’s hard to have an intelligent conversation with someone who hides behind an alias named “HiltonSucks”. My name is Tom Hilton, I don’t hide behind a keyboard, and I can document everything that I say.

I’ll try to put forth some facts here that maybe you can understand HS.

Our subdivision was there BEFORE the airport.

The airport mounted a full-scale attack on my home as well as a dozen others in 2003 – we successfully defeated him and Hebert, Stavinoha, and other cronies.

The airport mounted another attack on Newpoint Estates 2 years ago. The County, citing Griffith’s $500,000 contribution to SPO, said that he had the RIGHT to select the route for SPO…even if it meant confiscating about 11 acres of innocent peoples’ property in the process. In other words, for $500,000, you can buy the RIGHTS to use the County’s right of Eminent Domain. Disgraceful. (Griffith owns the 211 acres east of Newpoint, and has plenty of room to put a road thru – it was an attempt to divert McKeever around the FAA Control Point.

The latest Airport Layout Plan shows the planned expansion of the runway eastward by 950’. This would wipe out a substantial portion of prime FM 521 frontage on both sides of FM 521, in addition to mounting another attack on 44 properties east of 521.

My home is no longer under attack, but I am fighting for the citizens in our area who are in Mr. Griffith’s sights.

The airport received federal funding that violated FAA standards.

The airport cannot operate within mandated FAA safety standards inside of its existing property limits, and they want to expand? Ludicrous.

The City was required to submit Form 7460 to the FAA. If we didn’t, and ignored the egregious safety violation regarding the runway and McKeever, then we would be culpable in this. If there were to be an accident involving air operations and traffic on that road subsequently, then the City would be facing substantial liability issues. What about the safety of the motorists who travel McKeever every day who are placed in harm’s way? It is our job at the City to protect the interests of the Citizens and the City.

Since this is a General Aviation airport, the properties are reduced about 90% on the tax rolls. Just having that runway sit on the 73.3 acre tract is costing the City about $50,000 per year in lost property tax revenue. That’s the same tract which the County agreed to buy in 2003 at a $11.3 MILLION price tag. I would think that an investigation to the machinations here could dig up some interesting facts.

Stavinoha has found out that you can only lie so much before it catches up to you. I’m looking forward to working with our new County Commissioner of Precinct 1 next fall.

If you would like more information, I am available at each Arcola City Council meeting to discuss the issues in an open, frank, environment.

All the best,

Tom Hilton

Arcola City Council
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 12:57 PM »
oops, sorry for the double post.
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 12:56 PM »
Muckraker, here are a few of your quotes from which I inferred your opinion of the EDC. How can someone read your posts and not feel that you are 100% opposed to the EDC?

“considered a hero in those local communities for standing up to the edc boys.”

“We need more county and municipal elected officials that work for the public, like you, than these hand picked edc boys.”

“These over-charges sound like the new tactic being used by some tax supported governmental entities unduly influenced by the edc”

“The edc backed commissioner Hebert and Stavinhoa have been trying for years now to expand this runway”

“Help support Richard (he opposes the edc backed landfill expansion and the TTC highway takeover”

“deception game by some of our county (edc backed) elected officials.”

“I think one of the major points has been to not spend public monies on the expansion of this private airport and it’s edc member.”

“He should run against Bob Hebert in the next election (a former edc VP)”

“I find your login highly offensive for a man that is considered a hero in those local communities for standing up to the edc boys.”
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 12:56 PM »
Muckraker, here are a few of your quotes from which I inferred your opinion of the EDC. How can someone read your posts and not feel that you are 100% opposed to the EDC?

“considered a hero in those local communities for standing up to the edc boys.”

“We need more county and municipal elected officials that work for the public, like you, than these hand picked edc boys.”

“These over-charges sound like the new tactic being used by some tax supported governmental entities unduly influenced by the edc”

“The edc backed commissioner Hebert and Stavinhoa have been trying for years now to expand this runway”

“Help support Richard (he opposes the edc backed landfill expansion and the TTC highway takeover”

“deception game by some of our county (edc backed) elected officials.”

“I think one of the major points has been to not spend public monies on the expansion of this private airport and it’s edc member.”

“He should run against Bob Hebert in the next election (a former edc VP)”

“I find your login highly offensive for a man that is considered a hero in those local communities for standing up to the edc boys.”
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 11:46 AM »

Quite a few SP residents attended those sessions and sign off on the petition drive against the expansion. I know I collected close to 200 of them on just my route.

All other distractors aside, if McKeever is re-routed to 6 this will exacerbate the emergency problems with one way out, again for thousands. Currently the county has somehow misplaced the 4 million in bonds to improve the road (the battle is over diversion). If it is diverted to 6, instead of the current near 521 exit, you leave few if any options for families/taxpayers.

Additionally, with all the Missouri City residents living off the parkway, we brought it to the current council, which, of course, does nothing it’s residents request, but does respond to those who give regular campaign contributions too (usually large out-of-area corporates)...

FBEast tell BL I said hello.


As for this statement, “Since when is the EDC an evil entity? ”

this should be a wonderful exemplar for your paraphrasing. Try quoting and then spinning it. Sometimes that is more effective. Carry on…this is so obvious…
« Sweet_Misty1 wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 11:32 AM »
I’m invisible! Nevermind me….;-)
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 10:35 AM »
Muckraker, I agree with you regarding the airport manager. Luckily, she retired and has been replaced with an excellent fellow.

Also, which of your posts did I misrepresent?

FBEast, I’m glad to see someone else agree with the train tracks and rodeo. Thank you.
« FBEast wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 10:20 AM »
That airport doesn’t create much loud noise. The train track next door and the Mexican rodeo on 521 are much louder.

From what I recall, the Newpoint Estates folks are the ones who successfully blocked the plan to re-route McKeever at Post Oak to go into Highway 6. Don’t blame the Sienna folks on that one. McKeever is a potholed mess but again you can’t blame the airport for that. Maybe contractors illegally using the road to get into Sienna as well.

Arcola businesses? You got me there. I guess there is that new strip center at the corner of 521 and Highway 6 but you won’t see it while going down 6 because it’s underneath the overpass.
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 10:14 AM »
Too bad you didn’t attend any of the public forums in the communities impacted or the city council sessions. Your obviously in here for their council elections, good luck, but many more do NOT agree with the expansion and NONE of them appeared at any of the packed sessions with the exception of the airport manager who spent most of her time insulting taxpayers/voters in attendance (not a good PR approach at all).

As for your deliberate misrepresentations of my posts, well I can leave those to any reader. Again I hope you find another place to park your plane JK.
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 10:02 AM »
Maybe I’m talking about Hilton hotels. Umm… no. But in any case…

Mr. Hilton being a “hero” is up for debate. Plenty of people feel the opposite.

Since when is the EDC an evil entity?

The rhetoric against the airport is tiresome. When I saw the piece on Channel 13 the other day they said (paraphrasing) that “City leaders don’t want to reroute McKeever Rd because it would draw traffic away from the City’s big businesses”.


The airport IS the largest business. Can someone name another “BIG” business in Arcola? Google “Arcola, TX business” and see what comes up!
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 09:33 AM »
Treating the primary players as separate entities is problematic as well as foolish. The road is necessary to the safety and concerns of tens of thousands of residents and a redirect to hwy 6 was proven to be a failed solution during the Rita event. Holding the publically supported bond monies for the improvement of this roadway, as is, has been made a leverage tool by some of the commissioners. IMO, the town sees no advantage of becoming an extension of this expanding airport and I find your login highly offensive for a man that is considered a hero in those local communities for standing up to the edc boys.

Again I will encourage you to move your plane if they are successful at closing your airport. Having lived on that fly-way as that airport became a Hobby reliever a few years ago proved no cake walk and several studies posted in the earlier thread supported the damage to home and property values that ensues with this type of negative growth. Mr. Hilton is admired for his efforts. Just go walk any neighborhood and ask. Several petitions were initiated by this man and his involvement is welcomed! He should run against Bob Hebert in the next election (a former edc VP). This issue reminds me very much of the expanding edc endorsed landfill in the same area and how the commissioners and Missouri City mayor and current council signed off on non-opposition to another potential property value & health threat.
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 08:08 AM »
The FAA will not close down a runway because of this road proximity. It has not historically done so, and some policy they have produced states that they will not do so.

AXH’s airspace is no more in conflict with Sugarland’s than it is with Hobby’s or Ellington’s. There are many many examples throughout the US of airports in close proximity to one another that coexist with no issues. That is what Air Traffic Control is for.

I have no problem with local tax dollars not being spent to expand the airport. However, Federal monies that have already been earmarked for our national airport system’s expansion I have no problem with. The monies that AXH receives are Federal Tax Dollars (FAA budget).

I understand that one bone of contention has been using county/city money for a road reroute. I’m not sure what the solution to that problem is. I haven’t heard all the related information.

It is my understanding that the airport owner owns the land north of McKeever up to Hwy 6. Perhaps something can be worked out using that space. I don’t have the answer to that.

The airport has operated legally since its inception in 1979, and just in the last 10 years has this become an issue. Coincidentally, that’s about the same amount of time that new homes have been developed around the airport!

I am sure that when the airport was built in 1979 that FAA design standards were different, and I am also sure that McKeever Rd was a podunk little county back road that noone cared about.

So, it seems to me that any beef new residents have should be with a developer, not a pre-existing airport.
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 07:53 AM »
Look at the related stories above at the bottom of the article in the links (there have been substantial comments by residents of the many communities impacted by the ongoing and proposed expansion). Not only is the airport out of compliance with a pre-existing roadway (kinda the same argument made about the pre-existing airport) but its air-space is in direct conflict with SL’s expanding airport . Most of the older comments are gone from when the format changed a few months ago. I think one of the major points has been to not spend public monies on the expansion of this private airport and it’s edc member.
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 07:14 AM »
Other than a council meeting, is there a forum to discuss these matters?
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 07:07 AM »
hiltonsucks you should be able to calmly discuss this issue w/o being attacked and having unfounded allegations made against you….
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 07:04 AM »
My apologies for getting “energized” here. I am new to this, and have not heard your arguments before. It is simply frustrating to me that people would limit the development of privately-owned property because of what they perceive as a nuisance. I have no idea what transpired with Sienna Plantation. I tried to view the “siennatalk” website but it appears to have been shut down. I would love to calmly and logically debate this issue.
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:56 AM »
let the hate rant begin….

hiltonsucks, M or calvin or JaneL cannot discuss an issue w/o making doing his hate rant.

If someone wants to discuss an issue and present logical points M or calvin or Janel whatever they’re posting as will spew loads of unfounded accusations to try to derail the discussion.

He’s one sick puppy….ask him about his siennatalk website…
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:56 AM »
It is a small, private airport. Go talk to the people who live around Hobby and IAH what a living next to a major airport is like.

I can’t help it if another developer (Sienna) misrepresented the airport. Those resident’s quarrel should be with that developer, not with an airport that was pre-existing.

And I really have no idea who you think I am. I am new to this website and its discussions.
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:49 AM »

“When was the last time the runway was expanded? Are there any currently plans to expand the runway? NO.”

If you had attended the last Arcola session on this with Herb Appel you would already know that the original plan has NEVER been changed. I’m glad JK/”HS” you and “jbb/wf/JP”, an Allen Owen operative, have hooked up. You have a great deal in common but I will continue to out both of you.

Maybe JK you could do JP’s/”wf” taxes for him at a reduced rate since he is in the same pol. clique as you. He might even invite you for coffee, is that deductible?

Get out and vote folks, these insiders can be worse than flies. . .
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:45 AM »
Of course you don’t, that’s why you described Sienna Plantation to a hilt and revisited the same arguments. Thank God Stavinhoa is gone at least.

Funny that you would use the arguments to blame people who buy their homes in these communities. We were told that the airport was “a small private airport” and would not be expanding. I wonder why so many of the elected officials, who accept campaign financial support from developers in this county don’t do more to correct these deliberate misperceptions sold to thousands of our of state transfers?

As for tax dollars for Arcola, that land would produce much greater revenue for that town if it were under mixed use development (commercial and residential). Further the road you so carelessly would close is one of the only alternate exists for nearly 15,000 residents when hwy 6 backs-up that doesn’t dump them on the same over-crowded roadway. Please do your homework or stop the propaganda. The people who live in that community by the thousands signed petitions and attended the public meetings on this (your neighbors)...

Go buzz somebodies house JK/”HS” and do some more taxes for political insiders and family members. . .
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:40 AM »
You said: “Don’t worry your friend Hebert will keep the fight on for expansion of your precious expanding runways no matter how many thousands of your neighbors it impacts”

When was the last time the runway was expanded? Are there any currently plans to expand the runway? NO.

How does the airport impact the neighbors? Noise? Wow, maybe they should have considered that when BUYING A HOME NEXT TO A FREAKING AIRPORT.

Your argument is weak.
« JohnBernardBooks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:40 AM »
hiltonsucks the current state of mind for most in Arcola/fresno is how much money can the gov give us…..supporting a thriving taxbase is the furtherest thing from their minds.

Unfortuantely 50% of taxpayers pay no federal taxes…..they’re just along for the free ride on yours and my nickle.

Actually Rep Lampson is trying to make the RR re-route at great expense to the RR.

Someone asked the difference between Olson and Lampson for Dist 22. Lampson wants to give grants further burdening the middleclass taxpayer and Olson would work to find a solution, keeping the airport open and growing the taxbase.

Thats a major difference.
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:36 AM »
AND… the runway doesn’t need to be expanded, and I have no desire for it to be. It is a sufficient length for everything that flies in there.

AND… I don’t own an airplane. I am a pilot, but moreover I am concerned for the future of small airports such as AXH.
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:34 AM »
I have no idea who JK is. I just found this discussion last night.
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:32 AM »
I’m sure JK (“HS”) that you will be able to continue to fly your private plane in and out of AXH. Don’t worry your friend Hebert will keep the fight on for expansion of your precious expanding runways no matter how many thousands of your neighbors it impacts and Lord knows how horrible it would be if you had to make that 10 minute drive to get to your plane for your weekend excursions. . . ; }

Your right on Ace as is Tuffly, Hilton and the others not protecting the private airport owners interests. BTW John are you still serving on those mobility committees and doing the books for one of the local cities?
« hiltonsucks wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 06:23 AM »
Earplugs and bunkers? You should have thought about that before buying property next to an existing airport!

I guess noone cares about the Life Flight & Medical Transport aircraft that fly in there. Or all the good that the airport and aviation provide the community.

One other thing: MOST of the noise comes during the day while people are away from home. Very few flights occur at night. People who live in the City of Houston have low-flying police helicopters overhead all the time. There is no outcry to close that operation down.

Are we trying to make the Railroad Company move or close the train tracks?? Their whistles blowing at night provide more of an annoyance than the airplanes!!!

Anyone see the current transportation debacle on the news with major airlines grounding thousands of flights? Airports like AXH with air taxi and charter service help relieve that.
« acemac wrote on Thursday, Apr 10 at 03:53 AM »
Right! Because what’s best for the residents of Arcola is an expanded airport that looms over not just hilton’s property, but everyone’s!

You can take the extra tax revenue and buy earplugs and bunkers.
« hiltonsucks wrote on Wednesday, Apr 09 at 09:23 PM »
What I don’t understand is why Arcola is turning its nose up at the potential tax dollars to be generated at the airport. More airport development means increased property tax revenues from land, buildings, and aircraft. Sales and fuel taxes could be charged, and other fees generated by corporate aircraft coming to the airport. AXH has the potential to be the LARGEST tax base for the City of Arcola (if it isn’t already!).

Mr Hilton bought his house knowing that the airport was there. Almost every person that lives in the vicinity of the airport bought their home long after the airport was built. Anyone purchasing a home near an airport should be well aware of the hazards and noise generated by such a facility. When AXH was built… there wasn’t much in Arcola, TX!

After conversations with the owner of the airport, I am convinced that he wants nothing more than to get along with the community. He has purchased land adjacent to the airport (almost all of it!), to eliminate the problem of being “landlocked”. The moving or closure of McKeever Rd and the introduction of a S Post Oak extension is the most viable plan to promote safety and grow Arcola’s most valuable asset.

I am aware of at least 2 developers interested in helping to grow the airport (within its current bounds) and thereby bringing a huge tax benefit to the City.

Mr Hilton and Mr Tuffy are NOT doing what is in the best interest of the residents of Arcola. Fight to get them out of office as soon as possible. They do not speak for us.
« Muckraker wrote on Monday, Mar 31 at 07:12 AM »
I want to thank Mr. Hilton for keeping residents in the surrounding communities around AHX informed on this public deception game by some of our county (edc backed) elected officials.

Keep up the good work. I only wish more elected officials had the guts to stand up to these people when they are supporting projects like the airport expansion over Sienna, Silver Ridge and dozens of other neighborhoods….this is another good reason to support Richard Morrison for commissioners court. He knows the difference between responsible development and unhealthy community projects…

Help support Richard (he opposes the edc backed landfill expansion and the TTC highway takeover
« KDTunstall wrote on Sunday, Mar 30 at 11:07 PM »

I think we share similar problems. Perhaps we should meet and trade notes.

« hiltonisforarcola wrote on Sunday, Mar 30 at 10:21 PM »

I think Arcola’s frustration comes from the fact that we are still fighting the SAME issues with the airport that we were fighting 6, 7, 8 years ago. It NEVER gets resolved, and it NEVER goes away.

The question is not whether or not this airport is operating out of compliance – that point has been made clear by the FAA itself.

The real question is;

Why have our City officials (Abarr and Jackson), County officials (Stavinoha and Hebert), State officials (Linda Howard with TxDOT Aviation), and Federal officials (Mike Nicely with the FAA) ALL worked together in the last few YEARS in an attempt to AVOID having this airport coming into compliance? Makes you wonder.

With MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in federal grant money at stake, it must be noted that graft and corruption often raise their ugly heads.

There is certainly a need for a thorough investigation by an independent party into this matter.

Stavinoha is up for re-election. Maybe it’s time the voters show the good ‘ol boys in this County that “business as usual” is no longer going to be tolerated. Our focus should be on looking after the interests of the CITIZENS OF FORT BEND COUNTY – not the interests of some millionaire developer who lives in the County to the east.

All the best,

Tom Hilton

Arcola City Council
« heads-up wrote on Sunday, Mar 30 at 02:08 PM »
FT.Bend district Attorney will try and prohibit in releasing public information, to help county officials be uder the shade of clouds.
« Muckraker wrote on Sunday, Mar 30 at 01:59 PM »

The edc backed commissioner Hebert and Stavinhoa have been trying for years now to expand this runway over Sienna Plantation and surrounding communities using the McKeever Rd. as the leverage. As a taxpayer I want to know what Stavinhoa and Hebert did with the 2000 BOND dollars that Hebert pushed for through his mobility PAC? I sure hope it didn’t go to another new developer contributor road? By state law they are supposed to put in their roads and not forget all the county roads!

Support Morrison who will expose these hide-n-seek bond games, YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK FOR SOMEONE ELSE, NOT YOU!
« heads-up wrote on Sunday, Mar 30 at 01:33 PM »
Fort Bend Co. elected official are flip-flopping public taxpayers funds for private Corperate funds usage of contributers. Leaving

public county maintenance services behind.
« Muckraker wrote on Sunday, Mar 30 at 07:40 AM »
Thanks Mr. Hilton for the update. These over-charges sound like the new tactic being used by some tax supported governmental entities unduly influenced by the edc. We ran into this over at Missouri City recently when we were trying to find out about the non-bid city contacts, campaign contributors and the plethora of studies commissioned after the city raised taxes 3 times in 2007. We need more county and municipal elected officials that work for the public, like you, than these hand picked edc boys.

Thanks for keeping an eye on this!
« hiltonisforarcola wrote on Friday, Mar 28 at 11:46 PM »

I did an Open Records Request from the County Attorney’s (CA’s) office to find out what happened to the $2 million missing for McKeever. They came back saying it would take 160 personnel hours at $15/hour – please send a check for over $2,500 and they will get to work on it. (What?)

I went over to the CA’s office and viewed what they had – the P&L showed $81,000 expended for the project. The figure went from $4 million to $2.3 from one line to the next…there was no line items for this reduction and pointed that out. I went to the County Auditor’s office and Mr. Sturdevant said that info was NOT in HIS office. He told me it was apparently a decision made in one of the Mobility Bond Committee meetings, and that was where we should look.

So in other words, the County Attorney was trying to charge me over $2,500 for info that would not have answered my original request, and did not look where the info REALLY was. Shameful.

I went back up to the CA’s office and filed ANOTHER Open Records Request asking for the same info that I had asked for the first time – isn’t that illegal for the CA to not take the appropriate action to find this info? All they had to do was call Mr. Stavinoha.

Tom Hilton

Arcola City Council
« ConcernedResident wrote on Friday, Mar 28 at 08:54 AM »
This airport should be closed for potential safety reasons alone. A search of the NTSB Aviation Accident Database is enlightening. ( There have been 4 accidents at this airport in less than 4 years. 3 of those 4 were due, in part, to the adverse crosswinds at this airport. This is not surprising since the runway is aligned perpendicular to the prevailing winds.
« Muckraker wrote on Thursday, Mar 27 at 12:32 PM »
Go Tuffly and Hilton! Keep shining the light on this one. The commissioners are very much involved. BTW, I wonder whatever happened to the 2000 bond dollars for the improvements on McKeever???

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Morrison! Give 'em hell.

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