FBW Offers School Board Endorsements (Magee, Caldwell & Carreon)--click the title link for the full story--
FBISDWatch School Board Candidate Endorsements 2008
With the school board elections coming up on May 10th FBW has decided to take a position in the forthcoming races. Based on voting records, issues and campaign disclosure statements.
Candidate Summary:
Laurie Caldwell (Missouri City) is currently serving and is seeking re-election to the FBISD school board. She is a small business owner and has worked throughout her last term to reform the board operations.
Stan Magee (Sugar Land) is a former educator and is currently a seated board member. He has maintained his independence on the board in several votes including the all important one involving taxpayer/voter inclusion on key administrative committees, voting against the rest of the boards efforts to reduce access by the public. Mr. Magee has worked to bring about reform and over-sight during his tenure.
Rodrigo Carreon (Fresno/Arcola) is a community activist that has worked tirelessly to monitor and upgrade school accountability in the bonds and strongly supports the concept of single member school districts. He has served on the 2007 bond committee and is a frequent contributor at BOT meetings.
Other related issues during this campaign season include the strong possibility of more special interest candidates being elected to the board. In one potential scenario, if two of the candidates are successful, one subdivision could end up with 3 seated board members over-seeing the taxes, bond distribution and administrative over-sight. This possible outcome places greater emphasis on the need for SMD.
Early voting begins April 28th and runs through May 6th, with election day May 10th. Please get out and vote in your municipal and school board races. . .
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