FBI: Missouri City Resident Makes Case Against QV Bond Support!
Case made against bond election
Howard Moline
Many residents are looking forward to the Nov. 4 elections so that they can cast their vote for their favorite Presidential candidate.
Potentially more important for Missouri City residents is the proposed $17.5 million bond measure, with a major component of that being the funding to improve the Quail Valley Golf Course.
I’m not voting for approval of this measure because the City Council hasn’t shown that they are able to deal well with citywide issues and distribute funds equitably throughout the city.
Missouri City City Council members living in the Quail Valley subdivision form a majority on the council and many residents see the QVGC funding as inevitable.
I and most Missouri City residents believe that there are various positive aspects to limited funding for QVGC. However, I also see several negative aspects to a City Council which has the QVGC improvements as its first priority.
The first point is that the council has been and will be neglecting other key issues that are very important for the cityʼs development.
The city is in dire need of infrastructure improvements, which the mayor admitted during this last election.
To keep our house values at a competitive level, we need the city to rebuild our streets, sidewalks and curbs which in many areas are in miserable shape.
In various areas, sidewalks are almost impassable even though the sidewalk repair ordinance was passed years ago.
Another issue is funding for Texas Parkway redevelopment and improvements. I can think of no other area more deserving of city funds.
I see plenty of plans and projections but nothing else being done.
New sidewalks, landscaping, etc. could make a huge difference for this area.
I am amazed that the city can quickly spend and commit millions to purchase and improve QVGC without resolving issues that genuinely concern residents outside Quail Valley.
The city is committing funds to QVGC without having clear title. The cityʼs title to the property will be decided by a judge at the end of an Eminent Domain proceeding. Why is the City Council in such a hurry to spend money on property that they donʼt even own?
(follow the title link for the full story)
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