FBN: HOAs Growing Power Leaves Homeowners/Members Behind--see the FCCA story-- (Whats next in these property rights battles?)
FBN: Home Owner Associations Growing In Power While With Little Oversight Or Transparency
Wed, Aug 4, 2010
By, Nancy Hentschel
Home Owner Association (HOA) and Property Owner Association (POA) living is advertised to promote sales and to manage the homeowner population, but these “corporations” are specifically designed to disenfranchise most if not all the homeowners in the subdivision.
The HOA corporation is frequently controlled by the developers, builders, or even the vendors of the HOA corporation, such as the HOA management company and HOA attorneys. These entities seek legislation to give the HOA board (and therefore its agents) ever more control over the property belonging to the homeowners.
This latter group has formed their own trade organization (Community Associations Institute), which not only lobbies for anti-homeowner laws but also uses funds from HOA corporation coffers (their “client”) in order to pay for the lobbying expenses. One should note that these HOA funds were taken from the homeowners under threat of foreclosure (from assessments). The foreclosure power is used primarily to benefit these vendors, not the homeowners of the HOA...(get the full story by following the title link above)
Other: http://myfortbend.net/news/local/politics/1334-fbn-home-owner-associations-growing-in-power-while-with-little-oversight-or-transparency
Related: http://archive.kpft.org/mp3/100803_090001oj.MP3 (KPFT FM 90 Open Journal Show 29:45 Topic: HOA reform)
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