Sunday, July 31, 2005

Save our Schools Committee Launches Community Website-

Posted by: Responsible_dvlpmnt on Jun 30, 2005 - 07:25 AM

SOS Release: Save our Schools Committee launches on-line Community Forum
Web log aims to further community discussion about FBISD

SUGAR LAND, TX….. Parents, teachers, taxpayers and students now have a place on-line to learn more about key issues concerning the Fort Bend Independent District and express their opinions or concerns.

The Save our Schools web log ( is dedicated to furthering community discussion about the needs and state of Fort Bend ISD, says SOS chair, Liz Mitton. Various articles and links to school-related information are posted on the site and visitors to the site have the opportunity to leave comments and read other’s comments and respond to them. Information about and reports on future District Board of Trustees meetings and actions also will be included.

“We start from the premise that in Fort Bend we have wonderful teachers, incredible talent and plenty of resources to make FBISD a model of excellence and achievement,” says Mitton. “Our goal is to ensure we’re using our resources, listening to our best teachers, involving our community and tapping the talent of all our children to achieve that vision.”

Save our Schools is a three-year-old grassroots organization with more than a thousand members District-wide. Membership is free and members receive free periodic e-newsletters on school issues and topics.

“Often, parents and taxpayers get frustrated because they may have a good idea or have an issue and have found it difficult to get their ideas or concerns heard through channels within the FBISD administration,” says Mitton. This new resource, available free on-line, has been established to help the District leadership have greater access to those voices.”


FB Sun Article (7/25-7/29/05)

This article appeared recently in the FB Sun. Any comments are welcome:

Missouri City mayor gets piece of advice from residents

By: DIANE TEZENO, Reporter 07/26/2005

Comments made by Missouri City Mayor Allen Owen at the June 6 council meeting have evoked adverse response from some residents and one of them asked the city to hire a consultant to advise city council members and the mayor on their public behavior.

Four citizens spoke at the July 18 council meeting regarding the mayor's comments.
In the June 6 meeting, Owen told Roy Die, a resident of Sienna Plantation, to "sell" his home in response to the homeowner's concerns over lack of communication by Johnson Development Corporation on the issue of bringing apartments to Sienna.
As the discussion continued Owen said, "The developer that has his name on the note says that when you want to start telling him how to run Sienna, you need to sign the note with him because he has a lot more invested in that than you do in your house."

Paul Malone, a resident of the Waterbrook subdivision off Sienna Parkway, was one of the four who spoke at the council meeting. Malone said he is a consulting clinical psychologist for businesses and government entities, but he had no interest in securing a consulting relationship with the city.

Malone said he is not "an amateur observer of organizational dysfunction." He suggested that the city engage the services of a consultant to address recent behavior that has locked citizens in a "double bind" when trying to express their concerns, much like dysfunctional behaviors that develop in families.

Malone said he was focusing his comments on the mayor because he was the leader of the organization, but that he was not solely to blame for recent perceptions, and his views pertained to others on council as well.
Malone said that Owen has made significant contributions during his many years of public service, including countless hours of volunteer service, and that "no one person is more responsible for development of the city of Missouri City than Owen." He said that he did not believe that Owen's recent public statements were intentional, but the fact remains that perceptions have been shaped by those comments.

"Governments were created to serve people, not people to serve governments," said Malone.
Malone told the mayor and council that the perception from Owen's comments in the June 6 council meeting were that "how much money a person contributes determines how you will be treated by city government."
Malone said that public records show that over his political history Owen has received the largest campaign contributions from Johnson Development Corporation, the developer of Sienna Plantation, which fuels the perception of a conflict of interest. Owen, who gave Malone additional time beyond the standard five minutes allowed for public comments, thanked the resident for his comments. He then responded that the Sienna apartments issue, has divided council and divided the city and there is not an easy solution to it.

With respect to campaign contributions, Owen said, "I'm proud that developers and builders have chosen to support me as Mayor. I haven't intentionally shown favoritism to any developer, and I am not at all ashamed of the people that have supported me in the past. If not for the relationship with Larry Johnson, the City would not have not been able to sit down with him and compromise on what they finally compromised to do."
Owen said the city has hired consultants in the past to iron out problems, but the "A" word (referring to apartments), has created divisions on council and in the city.
Chris Calvin, who coordinates a group called the 'Committee for Responsible Development', during public comments said Owen had violated the code of ethics.

The mayor knowingly accepted campaign contributions from Johnson Development, Inc., and did not recuse himself when pushing through the apartments issue in February and continues to defend those actions even now, Calvin said later. The Sienna resident says Owen should have recused himself during the voting as well as during the arguments in February.
Sixty percent of campaign contributions over the last two years, according to city records, came from developers, Calvin said.
Calvin also criticized the Mayor for comments made to two Sienna residents, Roy Die and Mary McClure, in the June 6 council meeting. He asked council to investigate his allegations of code of ethics violations by the Mayor.

©Houston Community Newspapers Online 2005
Reader Opinions:
Responsible Development Jul, 26 2005
Excellent article Sun! Some coverage of the 1100 to 1200 petition signatures against the second grouping of 1800 apartments coming to Sienna/Mo-City might have been a nice addition too.--CRD

FB Star Front Page Article (7/25-7/29/05)

This FB Star article was first published 7/27/05 and relates to the unwanted over development of up to an additional 1800 apartment units slated for Sienna/Missouri City, TX (above the up to 900 already approved) and was originally available at

Council speakers slam Missouri City
officials over Sienna apartment issue
By Barbara Fulenwider

At most city council meetings none to few speak during the public comments part of the agenda but at Missouri City’s July 18 council meeting the mayor and council got an ear full.

Chris Calvin, who has been identified in local media as the spokesman and co-chair of Committee for Responsible Development, which opposes apartments in Missouri City, was the first speaker and he told council and Mayor Allen Owen that he had requested a copy of the mayor’s campaign contributions.

Calvin said that over the past two election cycles 60 percent of the total contributions came from developers and that Larry Johnson, developer of Sienna Plantation, was among the largest donors in that group.

Calvin also said that at the June 6 council meeting residents spoke up opposing apartments in Sienna and "were treated with little courtesy" by the mayor.

Specifically, Calvin said that when one resident spoke opposing apartments the mayor told him that he could sell his house if he didn’t like it here. Calvin requested that an ethics committee be formed "to look into this" in regard to the code of ethics council members must adhere to. He ended by requesting that the developer contributions to Owen’s campaigns be entered into the public record of the July 18 meeting.

Paul Malone also spoke on the issues Calvin raised and "how the city has handled some of the issues are my concern." He began by saying he had nothing to say about apartments, that his issues are "how council and the mayor have been functioning in recent months -- how the city has handled some of the issues.

"It is hard to imagine that anyone in the city has acted more responsibly in the development of our city than you," Malone told Owen, but added that the mayor’s remarks at the June 6 council meeting were "especially troublesome to me.

"The perception is "the way you’ve done some things, especially recently, (which) have contributed to the distress and confusion in our community. I’m focusing on you (Owen) because you’re the leader. I know you alone can’t take any action without council. It’s not all your fault." And he said he was sorry that council members Jerry Wyatt and Don Smith were not present.

Malone referred to the June 6 meeting where two residents of Sienna protested apartments during an agenda item concerning the Sienna Plantation Joint Development Agreement.

"It’s not acceptable to me for any official to criticize a citizen that you’ve put in a particular position," Malone said referring to the fact that the mayor strongly answered a citizen who does not live in the city limits.

At that meeting council voted to annex a commercial area in order to collect sales taxes while many residential areas in Sienna are not in Missouri City so pay no property taxes and are not represented on city council.

"Some Sienna citizens have been made dysfunctional by the situation they are in," Malone said adding that he believes council has "seen some of this type of dysfunction in some of the people who have tried to address you."

Malone said the mayor’s comments pose the perception to citizens that those who contribute more money to the city via taxes carry more weight than those who don’t. "You told (homeowner) Robert Die, that Johnson has a lot more invested in Sienna than Die has invested in his home. Your words and actions stressed that who has the most invested or at stake gets a bigger vote in what the city does.

If this is a miscommunication or perception not based on reality, then mayor, you need to look at how you’re functioning that has caused this to happen. "The owner of a business consulting firm in Missouri City said he wasn’t for hire but urged them to hire a consultant to help them "understand what’s going on in regard to this situation so it doesn’t deteriorate further. In my opinion, it will only get worse unless you and council change some things."

_-Mayor, you’ve done many things right in this city and you’ve done some things wrong and I ask you to find some way to deal with these people differently. That goes for all of council, not just you, mayor.

Keep up the good work but please do it a little different," Malone said. Owen replied, "It troubles us as well. It has divided the council and is dividing the city and there’s not an easy solution to it; there are a lot of outside factions to it.

The A word has set us back to where we were three years ago. "Then he pointed to his 30-year friendship with Sienna Plantation Developer Larry Johnson and said that "because of that relationship, I was able to sit down with him and get the compromise they agreed to on the apartments.

Had I not had that personal relationship with him, I’m not sure he would have agreed and we (Missouri City) ended up with a hospital. "The mayor said he’s "proud of the fact that developers and builders who built this city have chosen to support me in my role as mayor," that he’s "proud of what Johnson & Sienna brought to this city" and denied having ever shown "any favoritism to any developer regardless of their contribution to me.

The state of Texas has a very strong ethics law and one we always abide by. I’ve never tried to hide anything. "Owen said he’s lived in Missouri City for 29 years and served as a city official for 25 years and it’s "a thankless job" because "you can never please everybody.

There will always be two sides. I appreciate your comments. I think they were sincere. We’ll all try to do a better job and thank you. "Then Gerry Hookstra stepped to the microphone, and the Missouri City resident who lives in Sienna, spoke to a petition drive started to stop more apartments from being built in Sienna.

So far, he said more than 1,100 residents have signed the petition against a second group of apartments and that only one in 25 home owners or 5 percent didn’t sign on. "No more than 150 to 200 residents would support a second grouping of apartments.

Ninety-five percent plus do not want a second group of up to 1,800 apartments in the area adjacent to the Planned Development 8 region where currently up to 900 apartments are already approved. "Most residents in Sienna seem very happy with the course of development with the exception of unwanted apartments and the lack of representation here.

We are requesting that city council initiate an amendment to the developer’s agreement that removes or significantly reduces the number of apartment units near Waterbrook West."

What do Quail Valley & Sienna Plantation Have in Common?

This entry and subsequent discussion will focus on two golf course communities currently in Missouri City, TX. The contrasts between the two communities is stark. Quail Valley is about 30 years old and is starting to show its age. Many of the mistakes made during its planning/development stages are now evident. Home values, according to recent HCN FB Sun figures ('05), demonstrate that the property values aren't keeping up with the rest of the area. Cost shifting attempts are being made by the Golf Club to the residents to save its struggling country club. The point of discussion is will this be Sienna in a few decades?

QV has multi-family housing but no retail within the housing areas, while Sienna is currently building multi-family (apartments) and retail within the immediate housing areas. At one time Sienna was marketed as a 3 golf course recreational/residential community but has slowly been redesigned into a high density, residential, retail, multi-family with only one golf course master plan. One village in Sienna, the Lodge, had their homes advertised as being on a golf course or having a view of one but that has since been converted into a high density retail/commercial area. What will happen to those home values?

Will SP be going through what QV is experiencing in a few decades because of poor planning now? This is a thread that should focus on the problems facing these two very similar communities within the same town.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Video Minutes on Petition/Ethics Submissions Available--

This first appeared on in July. Open discussion on this after viewing the city's steaming video is encouraged:

Ethics Complaints Filed on the Mayor
& Petition Against More Apartments in Sienna Delivered to Council-

The video minutes for the July 18th city council sessions are now available through the Missouri City website at . The agenda item is listed as number 6 (about 30 minutes into the video). This is the open public session where residents from Sienna Plantation, Waterbrook, and Oakwick presented on issue related to development in this area. A formal ethics violation was also submitted in regard to resident treatment at some of these sessions, and questionable campaign contributions to our mayor over the last two election cycles were presented.

Many non-Missouri City corporations along with one of the largest land law firms in Houston were also on this contributions list, although the complaints were focused on developer contributions and the mayor’s insistence on supporting the apartments coming to Sienna this year. A second group is planned to be built near Waterbrook West just off Sienna Parkway when the toll road comes through.

Over 1100+ Sienna residents signed the petition against the second grouping being injected into this community by the Johnson Development Corporation which has been a consistent giver to the Owen’s campaigns. The enthusiastic crowd, made up of Oakwick, Waterbrook, West point, Waterbrook West and Silver Ridge and Sienna Plantation residents/citizens gave a warm reception for the area presenters.

Presenters at the July 18th session requested that the city amend the developers agreement and remove the second grouping of apartments and consider other alternatives such as privately held town homes, condominiums and garden homes which would not have the negative taxing impact that apartments do. As of this posting no action has been taken by the developer backed mayor (banking executive at Wells Fargo) on this issue. Please continue to contact the mayor and city council on this issue and others directly impacting our neighborhood. See contacts below:

--And you can join us in our efforts to stop additional apartments in this community by e-mailing us at .

City council contacts:;;;;;;;;;;

Developer contacts: --web contact

Larry Johnson-713-960-9977;
Chad Johnson-713-960-9977;
Doug Goff-713-960-9977;

All information contained in this release are subject to the individual interpretation/bias of its author…

(1265 Reads)

Mayoral Search Committee-

This ad first appeared in the Fort Bend Sun and is now running on Please read and e-mail them if you'd like to contribute or join this needed local effort to take back city council.

Description :
Must be honest, willing to represent the people of Missouri City, TX without bias. Does not accept corporate funding with strings attached and certainly none from outside the Mo-City community. Requirements: Must have a proactive & successful background in local, city or state government (HOAs, activism, etc. accepted). Contact the for more information on this search for an '06 Mayoral candidate for Missouri City, TX.

Missouri City Chatter (A blog for Mo-City)

Welcome to the official blog for the residents and citizens of Missouri City, TX to keep up with and follow local issues. This blog was born of controversy but we hope it will be a good place for you and your neighbors to visit and discuss open and honest issues that impact positively or negatively our community. We would like to encourage those posting to identify their neighborhoods and to encourage others to blog/post here. You may remain anonymous when posting but please follow the site guides. Repeated violations will lead to removal.

We will follow the core rules of netiquette located at as our guide and will stop any violations when they come to our attention.


This site was founded by the Committee for Responsible Development which started in the Sienna Plantation area and can be contacted at and grew from a grass roots movement opposed to further apartment development in Missouri City, Texas. Some of the critical issues which grew out of that movement are still with us, such as the campaign contributions and ethics violations filed with the city against the developer backed mayor of Mo-City.

The basic goals of CRD are simple:

-To encourage residents and citizens of Missouri City neighborhoods to get actively involved in their local politics.

-To engage developers and city officials on value added growth and sustainable development over the long-term.

-Allow for more open/honest discussions on controversial issues that often don't get discussed in the community with regard to the above goals.

We look forward to hearing from you and keeping the dialogue going!

Committee for Responsible Development
Missouri City, TX-Group




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at