Friday, September 28, 2007


From the FB Star:

BFI “tipping fee” brings firefighter to Fresno/Arcola

By Cheryl Skinner
As opponents of the Blue Ridge Landfill ready for a court battle they hope will keep the refuse company from building a tower of trash. Fort Bend County Commissioners were voting on an agenda item that would allow the sometimes controversial “tipping fees” to be used to bring a full-time firefighter to the Fresno Volunteer Fire Department.

The agenda request was made by Precinct 1 Commissioner Tom Stavinoha who said the county receives in excess of $400,000 yearly from what is known as the “BFI tipping fees.” The funds were allocated to the county some years ago and are designated, at least in part, for improvements to the Arcola and Fresno areas, Stavinoha said. While the allocation is set at $200,000 yearly with the remainder of the funds going into the general fund, residents who oppose the landfill’s plan to expand the Blue Ridge facility, say the county “sold out” and the fees amount to nothing more than a legal pay off. . . (click the title link for more)

Background at:


I wonder why the commissioners waited 4 years to use the money for something like this and get it out to the media right before the Oct. 16th hearing. Maybe they're helping the company with their PR?

Pt.2--Should elected officials be accepting tipping fees to not represent their constituents?

--Lead picture from FBN.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

FBISD Continues To Ignore Single-Member District Representation & Pushes The November Bond (Click on the title link for this Chron piece)-

Get background at:

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Watch Video Minutes Of Mo-City Council Breaking Another Promise (Raising Taxes Over 5%)--click the title link here--

Buried in the 9/17 Missouri City Council session agenda in item 8b was the first and only vote for a 5%+ tax increase in a city with the highest taxes already in Fort Bend County. For the last several years, through the media, city officials have been claiming they were about to "turn the corner" on taxes. Scroll into the video to the 45th minute to watch this segment and subsequent 5-1 vote. Professor Gary, reform council member, was the lone opposition vote (we applaud you for your independence). With so much of the cities tax dollars going to newer highway 6 development, via the reinvestment zones, should council be asking residents for more? Additionally this was apparently a banner year for revenue collection for the city. What happened to the money boys?

See related piece:

Stay informed and keep in touch!


Friday, September 21, 2007


Get the HOA, Lawyers & management company listings for foreclosure-related filings for the Houston area (much of Fort Bend County is not in this list). Contact the researchers at the site to find out more (and how to get the data on the law groups, management companies and HOA boards that may abuse this system the most). Some law offices listed on this database are listed hundreds of times (one even thousands). Click above title link to learn more before you buy a home in one of these communities.

See HOA, lawyer and mgmt lists...


***Next related article will cover why homeowners/small business owners should get involved with taking back their developer appointed MUD boards (millions of dollars are at stake in your local community). How is your city duplicit with these MUD boards in their ETJ (extra-territorial jurisdiction)? Stay tuned...

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

FB Chronicle Reports On Increasing Tax Vote In Missouri City--

Click on the title link for the full story...

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During a relatively quiet council session last night the city council voted another tax increase. This in a city with some of the highest taxes in Fort Bend County already. The action did not go unchallenged when Kevin Tunstall approached the podium late in the evening to chastise the group for voting to raise taxes in a community with retirees and others living on fixed incomes. Tunstall stated, "that you should practice fiscal responsibility first and reduce spending before considering this option". He continued by quoting Nancy Reagan and the "just say no campaign" and asking council not to take the easy way out and "just say NO to more taxes".

Cynthia Lenton-Gary, city council representative for district B, was the lone dissenter on council which drew some applause. Professor Gary was elected as the reform candidate in a landslide victory over long-time incumbent Don Smith, heavily endorsed by special interest backed Allen Owen & Jerry Wyatt in the May run-off elections (Owen was not present for the vote). After Tunstall's statements several on council seemed visibly defensive.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Friday, September 14, 2007

FB Chronicle (front page)-- Permit Hearing Approaches Oct. 16th

Sides prepare for landfill hearing
Coalition seeks to derail permit request

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

A waste management company that plans to expand a landfill in east Fort Bend County will face off with project opponents next month at a hearing in Richmond.

The hearing on Allied Waste's request for a permit for expansion is set for 10 a.m. Oct. 16 at the county's commissioners' courtroom and will be conducted by a judge with the Texas State Office of Administrative Hearings.

On its Web site, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which granted the contested case hearing in July, described the contested case hearing as a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court.

The commission previously gave preliminary approval to the company's plan to add 1,345 acres to the 599-acre landfill, known as Blue Ridge Landfill at 2200 FM 521, which would rise in height from 58 to 170 feet in 40 years.

A request for a hearing came from project opponents, including residents in east Fort Bend County and Pearland who formed the Coalition Against Blue Ridge Landfill.

Also opposed to the project are three local television stations, KTRK (Channel 13), KRIV (Fox 26) and KHOU (Channel 11), who claim the expansion could block their weather-forecasting signals.

The administrative hearing judge will make a recommendation to the three-member state commission based on evidence given at the hearing, according to Lisa Wheeler, a spokeswoman for the state commission.

The commission may or may not follow the recommendation or can chose to modify it in its decision, she said.

Richard Morrison, an attorney for the coalition, believes the judge's opinion from the administrative hearing will have an impact on the commission's decision....(follow title link above for full story)

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

FB Sun Covers Missouri City Council Races: Pinnock May Seek Seat!

The front page of the FB Sun this week covered the potential run of Noel Pinnock for an at large city council seat. Recently Mr. Pinnock, school central office administrator and Quail Valley resident, has been pushing FBISD to adopt single-member voting districts. His concern has been the continued decline of east FBISD schools. He believes cities could become more involved in fighting this decline. Get more at:

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fort Bend County Corruption (or just stupidity?) Catch These Contemporary Classics From KMBBB!

See these links for the specific stories: (these are the supporting documents direct from the county)

Comment--remember we are paying a great deal in taxes for these characters who gave themselves nearly a 15% raise last year (as if they need it). . . and they call themselves conservatives (more like neo-cons or fake conservatives).

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Chron Metro UPDATE: SUSPECT captured in Sienna Plantation Robbery Near Missouri City

Click the title link for more...

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Friday, September 07, 2007

County Commissioners Circumvent Open Meetings (catch this piece from chron reporter Zen Zheng)--

If you want to read what our county commissioners really do behind closed doors, then follow the link above!

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

MCC EXCLUSIVE: Pinnock Explores City Council Run!

Pinnock Explores City Council Run!

Noel Pinnock, a long-time Missouri City resident living in Quail Valley, is meeting with a campaign exploratory committee in preparation for a potential run in the 2008 city council races. He is specifically looking at one of the 2 at large positions. He has provided the following position statement:

"My platform for running in this year's election is to provide a beacon of hope to the citizens of Missouri City. It is my belief that every taxpayer, voter, every citizen, and our business community at-large should be integral in the overall proficiency, efficiency, and growth in our community.

It is my belief that we must restore ethical and responsible city government. That can be better accomplished with a stronger ethics code and implementation of term limitation. Currently we have several incumbents that have run unopposed through many election cycles and have grown stagnant. This has lead to an over-emphasis on Houston special interests projects without regard for the local taxpayers!

This reform effort will require uncompromisable dedication, motivation, commitment, to improving our quality of life here in Missouri City. I will dedicate my efforts with my family's support with due diligence and involve my fellow citizens throughout the process. Working to include all voters in the growth of our city will be my primary goal along with a focus on real tax reduction, which hasn't been the case in our city in almost a decade under the current administration.

Join Us today!

If you would like to contribute to the campaign effort then send checks to:

Noel Pinnock Campaign
2903 Robinson Road
Missouri City, TX 77459

or e-mail us at

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FB Star: State Sets Contested Hearing Date On Blue Ridge Landfill Near Mo-City, Arcola, Fresno & Pearland--

State sets contested hearing date in Blue
Ridge Landfill permit issue for October 16

By Cheryl Skinner
Opponents and proponents alike will be gearing up for a court battle on whether the state of Texas will give final approval on a permit that will allow Blue Ridge Landfill, near Arcola, to expand. The date of the recently granted contested hearing has been set for Oct. 16 here in Fort Bend County.

The hotly disputed landfill expansion plan is being vigorously opposed by area television stations and a grass-roots organization that claim the expansion will hurt the media’s ability to forecast severe weather, including hurricanes and tornados, reduce property values, and pose a threat to the health and well being of residents who live in the shadow of the landfill.

The state granted an appeal by those impacted by the dump last month and last week set the date for the forthcoming hearing, which is, according to legal representatives, similar to a civil court lawsuit with both sides of the issue presenting evidence.

The hearing on the Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion Permit Hearing is set for 10:00 a.m., Oct. 16, 2007 in the Fort Bend County Commissioner’s Courtroom on 309 South 4th Street, Suite 701 in Richmond. . .(click title link for the full story).

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Chronicle: Missouri City Taxes Going Up Again?

Click title link for full story...

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

ABC Houston Covers Sienna Robbery!

Click the title link for more...

Houston Chronicle Covers Crime Wave In Sienna--

See these links for more on recent crime reports in Sienna Plantation:


Stay informed and keep in touch!


From FBN:

Armed Men Burst Into Sienna Plantation Home, Steal Jewelry
by Bob Dunn, Sep 04, 2007

Two armed men walked into an unlocked Sienna Plantation home Saturday evening, tied up a resident with duct tape and made off with several pieces of jewelry.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s detectives reported the men both had red bandannas covering their faces and wore Los Angeles Dodgers baseball caps.

The robbery occurred just before 8 p.m. at a home in the 20 block fo Steve Fuqua Place, according to a sheriff’s report. . .(click title link above for the full story).

See related links on Sienna crime:

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

MCC Exclusive: Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion Contested Case Hearing Set For October 16th!!!

Just In: BRLFE Contested Case Hearing Set For Oct. 16th!!!
Published on 09/01/07 - 15:12:24 by MCCNewsUpdates

The contested hearing for the hotly disputed Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion Permit Hearing is set for 10:00a.m. -- Oct. 16th 2007 in the Fort Bend County Commissioner's Courtroom on 309 South 4th Street, Suite 701 in Richmond Texas. This landfill is located near Missouri City, Arcola, Fresno & Pearland, TX. The permit seeks to expand this landfill to nearly triple its current height and double the land area despite recently reported Barium leaks.

This case gathered immediate attention when it was learned that elected officials from Missouri City (including the mayor) and Fort Bend County Commissioners accepted "tipping fees" in order not to oppose the expansion. These endorsements also included our own Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council, with little explanation ever given for this move. Several Houston t.v. stations have joined the opposition case with many area neighborhoods which may be impacted lead by state and national representatives, namely Dora Olivo. Some of the stations believe this height may block some of the doppler radar signals and create a potential threat to S.E. Texas when tracking major storms.

Background On This Case Can Be Retrieved Through Searching The Following Sites:

& Other local media sources.

The official CABRLE website is also an excellent source:

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at