Thursday, January 29, 2009

Missouri City Still One Of The Most Highly Taxed Cities Its Size In The Most Highly Taxed County In Texas (According to the Tax foundation)-click here

How did our county end up on the all time US high property tax list?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

FBI: As The MC District Races Approach-

Measuring the city council’s performance
Howard Moline

Missouri City voters need to be well informed about the performance of their city council members so they can cast their vote to good effect in the upcoming City Council District elections.

For me, there are three key measures of how well the City Council has managed the City.

First, very little information has been made public regarding the operation of the Quail Valley Golf Course. Residents should be apprised of the amounts of any losses/profit for the Golf Course so that they can gauge how well the operation is being managed, how well it will do in the future, and give advice and input.

Since the course is now City property, this is all public money and voters deserve an accounting.

Second, Missouri City residents should be given an accounting of Bond and other funds being spent relative to the Quail Valley Golf Course and Park operation.

I would like to know specifically what assets have been purchased and what major improvements have been made. Newspaper accounts indicate that half of the Bond money has already been spent so what were these dollars spent on?

--Follow the title link above for the full article...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Blogging County Commissioner (Pct. 1)

Visit the first FBC commissioner to have his own blog site. Click the title link above. Mr. Morrison is known for supporting reform efforts on the commissioners court and listening to his constituents over the special interests!--Click the title link above for more--

Monday, January 26, 2009

Follow this title link to get more local information & news and to participate in the oldest online community in FBC!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sister HOA Reform Group Launches Website! --click title link for more--

Click the title link for more...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

FBN: FBISD Trustees Mum On Call To Investigate District Police Chief!

Click the title link for the full story...

Dr. Jeff Hathaway, a communications specialist who advises companies on crisis communication issues, said the district needs to, at the very least, assure the public that they will not stand for misconduct by district employees. Absent some sort of assurance, the public may well get the impression the district is more concerned with covering up misconduct than correcting it, he said.

Hathaway, who also teaches crisis communications, said calling the issue a personnel matter is “a stretch.”

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chron: Inspite Of First Ever Budget Deficit, FBISD Superintendent Gets Another Raise!

Click the title link for more...

Also see:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

CHRON: Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion, Near Missouri City,...Update!

Landfill opposition group to get new attorney
Waste company makes deal with 2 TV stations

Jan. 2009,

A grass-roots group battling a landfill expansion plan in east Fort Bend County is expected to have a new attorney within a month now that Richard Morrison, their current lawyer, has decided to devote himself exclusively to his new county commissioner’s job.

“I will find a very capable counsel for my clients within 30 days and maybe sooner,” Morrison said on Jan. 7.
Morrison also said there is no truth to rumors that the group, Coalition Against Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion, has reached a settlement with the trash-disposal company, Allied Waste, which is now Republic Services, after the two companies merged late last year.

The two-year fight began after the company applied for a state permit to add 1,345 acres to the 599-acre landfill on the west side of FM 521 north of Fresno. With the plan, the landfill would rise in height from 58 to 170 feet in 40 years.
Strong community opposition resulted in opponents being granted a contested case hearing by Texas Commission for Environmental Quality, which had preliminarily approved the expansion. The contested case hearing to be conducted by the State Office of Administrative Hearings is essentially a civil trial.

In order to avoid the hearing, in early 2008, the company sought a settlement with the opponents that also include the city of Pearland and three local television stations — KTRK (Channel 13), KRIV (Fox 26) and KHOU (Channel 11).

Negotiations failed last year between the company and two opposition groups, including the city and the coalition, which comprises residents from numerous subdivisions near the landfill.

However, Gary McCuistion, a company spokesman, said on Jan. 8 that the company has struck a deal with two of the TV stations, KTRK and KHOU.

“We are still reaching out to the city of Pearland although we haven’t been talking to the citizens group,” McCuistion said. . .

Follow the title link above for the entire piece.

MCC Comment: This is the landfill near Missouri City that city council officials and county commissioners (except for Morrison) agreed to not oppose for "tipping fees" and recorded highly toxic Barium leaks in 2005.

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Monday, January 05, 2009

FBN: FBISD Has No Comment On Call To Investigate Police Chief--click this title link for the full story--

Friday, January 02, 2009 UPDATES FBISD INVESTIGATION!--click the title link for the full story--

Thursday, January 01, 2009

FBW: FBISDWatch Seeks Investigation Of High Ranking School Official!

Sonal Bhuchar, FBISD BOT President
Steve Smelley, FBISD BOT Vice President
Dr. Tim Jenney, FBISD Superintendent
Laurie Caldwell, FBISD BOT member
Bob Broxson, FBISD BOT member
David Reitz, FBISD BOT member
Susan Hohnbum, FBISD BOT member
Dan Menendez, FBISD BOT member

January, 2009

Dear FBISD Trustees & Dr. Jenney,

We just wanted to let you know how much FBISDWatch appreciates the hard work and dedication you all have displayed for much of this past year, realizing how little compensation you do receive for your efforts. Further, we are confident, that during this current budgetary crisis, that you all will continue to honor and represent your constituents in your fiduciary obligations as our elected officials regarding educational over-site and restraint.

This being said, it has come to our attention that during much of 2008 the FBISD police chief, J.L. Campbell, was reportedly absent from his job and may have been using district resources in an out of county political race. This quote was obtained from a local media source and has been verified.

“Following the election, several Fort Bend ISD police officers contacted FortBendNow and accused Campbell of using his school district office to run his campaign and district administrators of turning a blind eye to the use of district resources and time for a political race.” FortBendNow

Additionally, several internal sources reportedly have undergone unwarranted pressure from police administration after these stories began, this according to the same sources.

It is our sincere hope, that as our elected representatives and district administration, that these allegations will be thoroughly reviewed by the board and later the Texas Ethics Commission. This is our formal request that the school board review and report to the public on this situation upon its earliest opportunity.

We sincerely appreciate your attention to this very serious matter.



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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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