Wednesday, April 29, 2009

UPDATE ON FCCA PUBLIC FORUMS (ELECTION FORUMS)--click here for the full story--


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chronicle: Candidate Interviews Available!--see below--

MCC/CRD has officially endorsed Carlos Cain, Bruce Albright and Rodrigo Carreon (who has endorsed Cain & Albright) for positions 2 and 6 respectively due to their public forum responses and community engagement. They will not be a "rubber stamp" for the district leadership during these tough economic times and first ever $10 million dollar budget deficit.

In the MC council races MCC suggests supporting Rodney Griffin (district A) & Robin Elackatt (district C). Both are currently operating independent of special interest companies (city-county vendors) out of Houston.

Get more at

Monday, April 27, 2009


Get more here:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

More Higher Taxes On The Way For FBISD Via The "Global Taj Mahal"?

Staff report

Recently, in an interview reported in the Fort Bend Independent, the current FBISD BOT president continued the mythical claim that private monies will cover the entire costs of what has become known as the "Global Taj Mahal". Estimates have been cited from $30 million to as high as $100 million dollars, but at NO time has the district administration, nor the vendor, PBK (being investigated by the FBI), produced a list of guaranteed donors and rarely are these projects ever paid for in full via private donations. The board president also claims NO taxpayer funding will be needed (at least 3 days before early voting is slated to begin). Many local media sources have helped in spinning that information after first opposing the proposed excessive spending project, but the likely-hood that NO public tax dollars from the operations budget or bonds will be used is, in our opinion, a pre-election myth. Further we have found little proof that many of the districts claims regarding this "white elephant" can be supported. Not only will this proposal take bond money, which impacts the "debt service" portion of the operations budget (that directly impacts your property taxes) it will more than likely be coming from the "fund balance" (really a bond surplus account which the district doesn't like to discuss). Further, once the massive building project comes online, it will compete directly with other resources, materials and salaries on the "operations budget" for years to come (yes, this is a building project that will impact your taxes with no empirical support as to raising test scores or other outcomes)!

Click this link for more on the "official" spin coming from the district administration and the supporting vendors:

-We will update this as needed!


Also see for more on the early voting times for elections starting Monday.

Early Voting Information (Begins This Monday Ap. 27th)-


• Early voting at Garcia Middle School, 18550 Old Richmond Road in Sugar Land; Missouri City Community Center, 1522 Texas Parkway in Missouri City; and Hightower High School, 3333 Hurricane Lane in Missouri City will be:
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through May 2; 7 a.m.-7 p.m. May 4-5.

• Early voting at First Colony Conference Center, 3232 Austin Parkway in Sugar Land, will be:
10 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday through May 1; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. May 2; 7 a.m.-7 p.m. May 4-5.

• Early voting at Lost Creek Park, 3707 Lost Creek Blvd.; and Sugar Land City Hall, 2700 Town Center Blvd. N. will be:
10 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday through May 2; 7 a.m.-7 p.m. May4-5.

• Early voting at Fort Bend Independent School District Administration Building, 16431 Lexington Blvd., Sugar Land; Meadows Place City Hall, One Troyan Drive in Meadows Place; Willowridge High School, 16301 Chimney Rock in Houston; and Sugar Land Branch Library, 550 Eldridge in Sugar Land, will be:
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through May 1; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. May 4-5.

MCC endorsements include (taxpayer friendly candidates): Carlos Cain, Bruce Albright, Rodrigo Carreon (BOT elections) & Rodney Griffin (district A MC) and Robin Elackatt (district C MC)...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chron: Open Missouri City council seat draws 2 candidates

Open Missouri City council seat draws 2 candidates
April 22, 2009, 11:56AM

Redevelopment and neglect in Missouri City’s north side District A are again the main issues as voters choose between two businessmen seeking to replace retiring Councilwoman Eunice Reiter in the May 9 city election.
Rodney Griffin, 62, is a longtime resident of the Hunters Glen subdivision and works in insurance and real estate services. Bobby Marshall, 48, who owns a printing supply company and lives in Colony Crossing, also serves on the city’s planning and zoning commission.

The two agree that redevelopment of Texas Parkway and Cartwright Road is an important issue with District A voters.
Griffin said the city is moving too slowly. It routinely neglects older parts of town — especially “communities of color” — while lavishing attention on newer areas along Texas 6, he said. . .click the title link for more above!


FBSun: Elackatt Picks Up Endorsement By Former Council Member Bob Burton!

Elackatt picks up endorsement

Updated: 04.22.09
Robin Elackatt, a candidate for District C in Missouri City, has picked up an endorsement in his campaign to unseat incumbent Missouri City councilwoman Barbara Gibson.

Elackatt, a Colony Lakes resident and president of the Colony Lakes homeowners’ association, recently received the endorsement of former Missouri City District C candidate Bob Burton, who held the seat prior to Gibson’s election.

The endorsement was announced in an official press release issued by the campaign on April 22. . .(follow the link above for the full story)

Early voting begins for council and school board races this Monday, April 27th! Get out and vote...

See related from FBN:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CATCH UP ON FBISD HAPPENINGS--click this title link--

Missouri City Council Races Present Many Issues Of Concern--click the title link for the full FBW story--


Get more on these races at:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

From Fort Bend Sun: Golf course shows city has priorities out of order

Golf course shows city has priorities out of order

The White House's new stimulus package and efforts to turn around the economy have most of us very focused on those aspects of government policy.

Missouri City residents have probably overlooked the interesting aspects of their city's eminent domain action to take over ownership of the Quail Valley Golf Course.

The Constitution requires that property taken under this provision be for “public use,” and that “just compensation” should be provided to the property owner.

I personally feel that “public use” implies anticipated use by a vast majority of Missouri City residents. Statistics show that less than 15 percent of Americans play golf.

How can the city say that they are really catering to the entire Missouri City population by taking over the golf course? It’s very likely that the actual percentage of golfers is lower in Missouri City because we are a young community, many of us have Houston employment and our commutes give us less time for recreational activities.

The city has spent a large portion of the recent $17.5 million bond issue on the golf course. How do they justify that expenditure when the golf course will only service 10 to 15 percent of Missouri City residents? Golf proponents will probably contend that park repairs likewise cost substantial funds, and my response is that most city residents do make use of the parks.

Eminent domain proceedings such as the one that Missouri City is undertaking are an attack on the free enterprise system. Local governments should not be in direct competition with other golf course businesses due to tax breaks (the city pays no property taxes), public financing and other advantages.

Actually, the course is now also directly competing with local restaurants. The city is supposed to spur and stimulate economic growth, so important to Missouri City with its limited tax base, but the direct opposite is occurring. A good example of the city’s advantage in the marketplace is how it reports golf course income and expenses.

The city just forecast that the course would have a $570,000 operating loss but this figure does not include interest expense to be paid on the bond issue funds.

These reporting anomalies are an obvious advantage that the city has over private businesses, which have to include interest payments as a normal operating expense.

Is this important? Ask any cost conscious golf course or restaurant owner in the area if he/she wants to compete with the city and its resources and still make a profit. Investors and creditors are very interested in the profit that a business in generating. The city apparently has no such problem. One very important reason the course suffers losses is that there are there are already a large number of golf courses in the area. So, why is there a drastic need for the city to provide further golf recreation for its residents?

My most significant complaint about the whole eminent domain process is its cost. Legal fees, administrative costs and council time spent on this process will be substantial. The city will need to provide "just compensation" to the former golf course owner.

As a city, we clearly have more important priorities than golf. Missouri City has a limited budget and should be focusing its efforts on controlling crime, replacing worn infrastructure and accomplishing the other very important roles that most cities have. They may not be as glamorous and they may not win as many votes, but these priorities, especially public safety, are what make us a great city to live in.
MCC comment: This piece comes at a very opportune time given the projected 1.6 million dollar deficit in the MC budget and the 2.5 million reduction in the "fund balance" (surplus fund).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

MC Projecting 1.6 Million Dollar Deficit For '08-'09 (More tax increases on the way?)

"...Missouri City’s fund balance reduced from $9.10 million in 2007 to $8.30 million in 2008 and the current year’s estimated fund balance is $6.69 million.

Missouri City anticipates sales tax revenue of $5.78 million this year, against the original projection of $6.25 million. The city received $5.45 million and $5.58 million in sales tax revenue in the past two years, according to Finance Director Wes Vela.

Missouri City had total revenues of $28.46 million in 2007 and the expenditures were $28.12 million, resulting in a $345,000 surplus.

In 2008, the revenues totaled 29.8 million and expenditures $30.62 million, with a $783,000 deficit.

In the current year, the deficit is likely to be $1.6 million as the estimated revenues are $32.47 million and expenditures $34.11 million...
" Fort Bend Independent

FBW: Quail Valley HOA Board Violates Federal & State Laws?--click on the title link for more--

Just in from Fortbendweb:

FBW EXCLUSIVE: Apparent Violations of Texas Election Laws Leads To Multiple Complaints!
Fortbendweb staff

Homeowners very concerned about the direction their HOA has been taking over the last few years in local elections contacted an area tax watch group with potential infractions of the non-profit status of their association and possible state election law violations.

Because HOA's now have unprecedented powers allowed by the legislature through an ever expanding lobby of developers (ULI), management companies (CAI) and legal vendors (TCREA), armed with a Texas Supreme Ct. ruling dating back to 1987 (Inwood vs. Harris), these Quail Valley residents urged confidentiality in reporting these infractions because they feared retaliation.

One tax watch advocate was quoted as saying that, "according to the Internal Revenue Service and the Texas Ethics Commission rules, it is illegal for non-profit corporations to actively campaign or solicit funds for individual candidates or parties. Under the Texas Election Code, section 253.093, subsection d it is a infraction of state laws. We confirmed this by calling TEC legal consultant Robert Manus."

Residents of the Quail Valley subdivision contacted the tax watch group after a campaign release appeared in their HOA newsletter, the ValleyViewNews, on Thursday, April 9th and again on Monday, April 13th soliciting financial support for the Missouri City district C incumbent Barbara Gibson. . .(get the full piece by following the title link above)

Related Sources:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


"...Critics have derided the Tea Parties as a phony movement drummed up by Republicans angry that Barack Obama won the presidency.

But local organizers insist the rallies are not about partisan politics because both sides are to blame.
The Bush administration started the bailouts, they said, opening the door for the Obama administration’s attempts to get out of the economic crisis.

“People think this is about President Obama, but it’s not,” said Marilyn Jordan, an organizer of the Fort Bend Tea Party. “It is about making a change in government. They’re making bad decisions. These stimulus bills are out of control. I’ve worked hard all my life and no one has given me a handout.”

To keep the momentum going, the Houston Tea Party Society is planning eight more rallies. It also plans to have town hall meetings and to encourage people to register to vote.

“We see movements come and go,” Cravens said. “Where they fail is in the ‘what’s next.’ If there’s no direction to take the energy, it fizzles out. We hope to become a political organization to encourage more people to become active.” HOUSTON CHRONICLE

MCC comment: It's time for more competing political parties and ideologies.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

FBW: $41 Million To Counties Top Vendors (Some On Campaign Finance Reports Of Several Commissioners)--click the title link for more--

Original source:

Monday, April 13, 2009


Click the title link for the full piece...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Over 70 Bills Introduced That, If Passed, Could Have A Detrimental Impact On Your Home & Property Rights (get more from links below)

One of the proposed bills would eliminate due process in homeowner rights versus their HOA management companies/boards allowing further unconstitutional access to your home equity.

See these homeowner friendly sites for more: -National homeowners advocacy million hits a month+ website with affiliates in every state. -Nationally syndicated radio talk show on your individual property rights. -Texas homeowners advocacy group. -Local homeowner friendly newsletter. Learn about what the industry knows, but most homeowners don't. -Harvard Study on Harris Co. & Surrounding areas HOA foreclosure filings (continue to rise as vendors and lobbyist in the industry feed off your home equity). See the list of attorneys who filed most often in your area.

Stay informed and keep in touch as we follow this industry and their lobbyist (TCREA, ULI & CAI).

Call your elected officials below, and tell them to please support ONLY
SB 403, HB 371, HB 372, HB 3017, HB 4148, HB 4151, and HB 4299 and OPPOSE all other HOA bills written for the benefit of our “Contractor Associations” at the expense of homeowners.

Senator Glen Hegar - (281) 391-8883

Representative Charlie Howard - (281) 565-9500 (In our opinion Mr. Howard, a developer, is very much part of the ULI/CAI/TCREA industry).

Governor Rick Perry - (512) 463-2000

SB 403 Author: Jackson, Mike
HB 371 Author: Jackson, Jim
HB 372 Author: Jackson, Jim
HB 3017 Author: Olivo
HB 4148 Author: Rose
HB 4151 Author: Rose
HB 4299 Author: Rose

special note: always be leery of politicians claiming to support your property rights. very often they are the very ones working with these very special interests to empower the industry to access you home equity and increasing ownership liabilities.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Chronicle: More coverage of teacher association endorsements of challengers in FBISD BOT races

Click this link for the full story:


More Low Income Apartment Housing Coming To The Area--click the title link for more--

Areas now apparently targeted for more apartments are Riverstone, Greatwood, 3 separate areas of Missouri City (and more planned in Sienna), etc. Even the EDC ceo mentioned the over-development in his annual report (with numbers conflicting with last years EDC report). Contact your local elected reps. and attend these public sessions and then call the EDC and tell them to fine their membership who participate in over-development of these projects in our county to the detriment of property owners and the schools operating already here.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

FBN: Teacher Association & FBEF Endorse Cain & Albright!

Fort Bend Employee Federation Endorses Albright And Cain In FBISD Board Election
April 7th, 2009 | by Bob Dunn, FortBendNow

The Fort Bend Employee Federation has endorsed Bruce Albright and Carlos Cain in the upcoming Fort Bend Independent School District Board of Trustees election.

The federation, an arm of the American Federation of Teachers that counts between 1,900 and 2,000 FBISD teachers and employees as members, made the endorsements through its Committee On Political Education, a political action committee.

Federation organizer Anthony Lacsamana said members of COPE voted during a dinner on Monday to endorse Albright for board Position 6, and Cain for Position 2. He indicated more than 1,500 federation members make regular contributions to the PAC and thus had the right to vote on the endorsements, although much fewer actually cast votes.

Cain, Albright and Position 6 candidate Marilyn Glover made presentations last week at a federation-sponsored candidates’ forum. Board President Sonal Bhuchar, who is running against Cain for Position 2, and Position 6 challenger Rodrigo Carreon, didn’t appear at the forum. Federation President Karrie Washenfelder said at the forum that Bhuchar and Rodrigo also did not fill out questionaires the organization asked for.

Albright and Cain both were highly critical of the current FBISD Board, and both portrayed the board as providing weak oversight of the district administration. . .(get the full story on the title link above)

Monday, April 06, 2009

BREAKING STORY FROM FBN ON JENNEY'S "GLOBAL TAJ MAHAL"--click the title link for the full story--

Original release from FBN:

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Block-walking For Rodney Griffin Continues In Missouri City District A Race!

Block-walking For Griffin Campaign Continues In Week 3!

As in his 2007 bid for a city council seat, Rodney and his supporters are block-walking much of district A. The response has been very positive so far with homeowners and residents of the community very interested in Griffin's proposals to get district A and Missouri City moving again.

Get the full piece at (or click the title link above):

MCC comment/opinion: Griffin is the candidate most identified with ethical government practices and has run against the entrenched incumbent and their hand-picked replacement whose financial backing comes primarily from Houston builders and development companies which currently contribute to about 2/3rds of the current council membership including quite large sums over the years to the mayor Allen Owen. Often these council members vote on projects using city tax and bond dollars, which in our opinion constitutes a "conflict of interest" and a violation of the cities ethics codes and their oaths of office. We commend Mr. Griffin on his attempts to expose this and run a clean campaign for the people/voters of Missouri City. For this reason we fully support and endorse Mr. Griffin (district A) & Robin Elackatt (in district C).

Friday, April 03, 2009

Chron: Teacher Association Eliminates 2 Potential Endorsements

Get the full piece at:


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

FBW: Cain Holds Different View Of FBISD!

Position 2 trustee candidates hold different views of FBISD
April 1, 2009

Fort Bend school board president Sonal Bhuchar’s re-election bid is challenged by an opponent critical of what he describes as the district’s wasteful financial practices.

Bhuchar, a 48-year-old Sugar Land physical therapist, was elected to Position 2 in May 2006 and assumed the board’s presidency last year. She said she sees a changed school district over the past three years with achievements including new leadership, a comprehensive plan and a successful bond referendum. She said she played a role in the changes.

Opponent Carlos Cain, a 51-year-old self-employed oil field services consultant of Sugar Land, said changes in the school board following recent elections have not resulted in fundamental improvement in the district’s academic standing and the way school officials conduct business that he claims lacks transparency and accountability.

A recent highlight in their differences is the district’s proposed “global center for science and technology,” decried by Cain as a “pork barrel” waste but supported by Bhuchar, who is on a district-appointed committee to study the financial feasibility of the project.

Early voting runs April 27 through May 5. Election Day is May 9. . .

Get the full piece at:


Or visit:




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at