Accused ECO Worker Quits Planning Board (see Sienna comments below)-
Accused ECO Worker Quits Planning Board
by Bob Dunn, Oct 17, 10:51 am
A former ECO Resources employee – fired for allegedly embezzling money from ECO clients and facing a criminal investigation – has resigned a government post, saying she’s leaving the area.
Officials at municipal utility districts and with ECO Resources confirmed that Janet E. Trentham of Missouri City was terminated about four weeks ago. The company believes she had been running a scam in which phony bills were presented to seven or eight MUDs, and that Trentham allegedly kept the proceeds when those bills were paid.
Trentham could not be reached for comment on this story.
One MUD – Harris County MUD #165, reportedly lost $145,000 in the scheme, while representatives from other utility districts say they believe their losses were limited to $10,000 or less.
ECO Resources officials have hired Dave Gillis & Associates of Dallas to conduct a forensic audit at the company, and alerted Fort Bend District Attorney John Healey that they’ll forward the findings to his office.
Meanwhile, Trentham abruptly resigned her position as board member on the Missouri City Planning and Zoning Commission, although her term ran through June 2007. A spokesman for the commission, who asked that his name not be used, said “I understand she’s going to be possibly moving out of the area.”
Jim Brown, who oversees ECO operations, said Monday he knew Trentham had resigned from the planning commission and had also been made aware she’d told others she was moving.
“I’m going to pass this on to our legal team,” he added.
ECO Resources, which operates and manages more than 125 MUDs, was founded by Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert, who was CEO of the company for 13 years. ECO since has been sold to Southwest Water Co. of Los Angeles, for whom Hebert serves as a consultant. Brown is regional vice president for Southwest Water’s Houston Regional Services Group, which includes ECO.
Brown said ECO’s forensic audit has not been complete. When it’s finished, the results are expected to be distributed to Healey’s office, and also to ECO Resources’ MUD clients.
Last week, Hebert and Brown both said ECO will make full restitution, including interest, to MUD clients who lost money from the billing scam.
Jimmy Thompson, who serves on the board of Sienna LID, said
Trentham attended his district’s board meetings and served in a consultant’s role, acting as liaison between the board and ECO.
“Janet was very capable,” he said. “Any time we asked a question, she was always able to get us the answer.”
Thompson said ECO has replaced Trentham with another manager to serve in that same role. He also said Sienna LID didn’t suffer any losses in the alleged scam, as far as the board knows now.
However, the district “reserved the right” to bring in its own forensic auditor in the future, Thompson said, if the board believes such action is necessary.
Richard Muller of Houston law firm Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP, who represents Sienna Plantation MUD #1, said ECO already has made restitution on about $10,000 that the district lost in the scam, plus interest. Restitution of about $2,000 also was made to Sienna Plantation MUD #2, he said.
“The districts that I represent are waiting on the report from Dave Gillis & Associates that is due this month, but those districts will also engage their own forensic accountants to review both the scope and the results of that report,” Muller said. “Once that review is completed, the boards will consider what further action is warranted. ECO has agreed to reimburse the districts the costs associated with the districts’ forensic accountants.
“Obviously, this is an unfortunate situation, but I am pleased with ECO’s swift reaction to the problem and their candor with our firm and the districts,” Muller said. “I do not think that ECO could have handled the situation any better than they have to date.”
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Isn't Allen, Humphries and Boone the law group for ECO and the MUDs?
Janet also served on the Missouri City Planning and Zoning Board?
Isn't MUD 1 the one with all none Sienna residents appointed by the developer and two former Missouri City council members on it?
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Isn't Mr Muller a Sienna resident and doesn't his firm sometimes represent the developer here too?
Check this out (Fort Bend Sun)--
"County judge and the water company raise questions
To the Editor:
The Oct. 12 Fort Bend Sun article describing the embezzlement scandal at ECO Resources, in which an ECO employee allegedly victimized local water districts, shows what can happen in an ethically-challenged business environment. We have dealt and are dealing with questions of ethics here in Arcola as well.
It was also shocking to me that County Judge Bob Hebert publicly admitted he still has a "consulting arrangement" with ECO Resources' parent company even though he is no longer an ECO Resources executive.
I had heard that Hebert worked on behalf of ECO Resources with water districts and cities in Fort Bend and his comment gives credibility to that rumor.
I believe that public officials should maintain the highest standards of integrity while avoiding any appearance of a conflict of interest or the potential for allegations of self-dealing.
In his capacity as county judge, Hebert has the opportunity to influence many MUDs and cities in Fort Bend and is in a position to apply leverage to a lot of the land developers in the subdivisions that use ECO Res-ources.
At the very least, Hebert should remove himself from all deliberations and votes relating to development activity of any sort in Fort Bend County, especially in the areas that involve cities, MUD or LID districts that use ECO Resources directly or indirectly.
I had thought that was the case because when Hebert was first elected, he pledged to abstain from any county business when dealing with ECO Res-ources and said he was confident in Commissioner's Court to make the correct decisions when dealing with Eco Resources.
If this is the way that ECO has been conducting its business, maybe I am naive to be shocked and appalled by the latest scandal. It does lead me to doubt the judgment or credibility of the Hebert and it will be interesting to see what any investigation by the District Attorney turns up on ECO."
Tom Hilton
This is what happens, it sounds like a type of inbreeding.
Too many "friends" in the business leads to graft because everyone is out for the cash grab.
Business and government are too busy SLAPPing citizens and this is what happens
What's ECO waiting for before turning this over to the DA -- for Janet T to skip town? She sounds like a flight risk to me. Heard she had quite a cozy relationship with someone pretty high up the ECO food chain.
Someone needs to contact an outside agency. Maybe someone wants her "out-of-town".
Gotta sell those papers. Any more news on the scandal?
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Please follow the core rules of netiquette when posting individual names in a post (see the link for these rules posted in the initial thread).
"How many personal injury attorneys does it take to change a light bulb?
Three--one to turn the bulb, one to shake him off the ladder, and the third to sue the ladder company."
=-0 =-I =-)
The article also brings the LID into the internal investigation. I sure would feel better if an outside agency was looking into this.
Isn't Allen, Humphries and Boone an outside agency?
Not exactly. They are the law group which represents both ECO resources and most of the MUDs involved in this report thus far. If you are a client/consumer of either one you may want to keep up with this investigation.
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