CRD would like to thank the large group of Sienna and other area residents who along with their Arcola neighbors packed the council chambers Tuesday night. Keep up the good fight!--See related article below from (click title link above for the entire story) and thank you KTRK for covering this local effort here in Missouri City & Arcola, TX:
"Protesters Hammer Arcola Mayor Over Road, Airport Project
It was a rough night for Arcola Mayor Alvin Gipson, who was lambasted by 10 speakers in a row at Tuesday’s Arcola City Council meeting, upset over what they say is the city’s clandestine role in a plan to divert McKeever Road to benefit the owner of Houston Southwest Airport.
Then the 11th speaker stepped up to the podium, announced that he was a process server, and handed Gipson and several city officials a notice that they’d been sued in a wrongful termination action.
To start the evening off, about 20 protesters carrying signs with slogans such as “Citizens Against the Airport Expansion” gathered in front of Arcola City Hall and greeted council members, citizens and reporters."
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We would like to thank the residence of Oakwick, Waterbrook & Waterbrook West, Colony Lakes, North Point, Silver Ridge, West Pointe, Oyster Creek and of course the many Sienna residents (among others) who helped pack city council last night. Local and Houston media covered the event while between 60-70 area homeowners listened.
About a dozen speakers presented their opposition to the airport expansion and property confiscation plan along with an additional 20+ protesting outside town hall. Of course you can see the actual results from the linked report.
Ck this out:
Sugar Land city officials and employees will now be governed by a new code of ethics ordinance effective January 1, 2006.
"David Ellison, assistant city manager, presented the ethics ordinance for city council's approval in the Dec. 6 council meeting, which was approved unanimously.
After months of planning, beginning with creation of an Ethics Task Force in August 2004 and involving several revisions to the draft code in response to council concerns and the recently enacted HB 914, city council was finally presented with a final draft ordinance at last week's council meeting.
The policy is designed to assure Sugar Land citizens that their elected and appointed officials will always place the public's interest above their own.
The new policy states that city officials are expected to guide their behavior according to ethical values, including a commitment to the public welfare; respect for the value and dignity of all individuals; accountability to the citizens of the city; truthfulness; and fairness."
This Sugar Land example might be something Missouri City and especially Arcola city council may want to consider given recent events!
Did anyone catch when the mayor claimed he wasn't going to close McKeever Rd. for the cameras and then when KTRK left they turned around and moved forward with the issue and voted to continue with the project?
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Did anyone address the road safety issues or is council only concerned about helping the airport owner?
I think the deal is tied together and no single aspect of it can be rejected in order for it to move forward. Of course the people are viewed as an obstacle and are excluded again from the process until after the decision was made.
Is this the statement by the mayor that everyone is upset about:
“I’m just going to say there is no plans to close McKeever Road – not with this council,” the mayor said. “There is no plans for us to expand the airport…Can’t nobody else sell or close that road but this city council. And that’s all I’m going to say.”
Later in the meeting, however, the council agreed to draft an agreement with the county that involves McKeever Road."
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The local chapter of JDC is represented in this, according to our county commissioner, they are pushing the road project along with Jaime, Hebert and the Arcola Mayor and council. Of course the Arcola council and mayor will now be busy tangling with the courts on the wrongful firing of two of their police officers that wouldn't cave to city council pressures (this suit against them is a classic whistle blower action). I met the young man at the council session last night and he has a wonderful story to tell. Hopefully he filed his case in another county or in a federal court out of the influence of the GFBEDC gang.--Reform needs to happen now! Get active in your local politics and read Heberts denials of all this in the back of the GFBEDC endorsed rag the FB Star.....
Comments posted on the article:
1 thelittleguy - Dec 14, 05:49 am
Sounds like some of the GFBCEDC clique is working over-time on this one in Arcola. I witnessed the bold face claim by the mayor and it reminds me of other mayors in the area being told what to do by their EDC bosses. I sure hope people wake up to this before it is too late! Former Mayor Saenz was right at the meeting last night saying that someone is telling them what to do and say. Way to go Tom and Mayor Saenz! Stop the take-over of private property by the county for the owner of the airport (isn’t this now illegal under Senator Janek’s new law?)! What right have they got to take these people’s property for another private buisness?
Keep up the good fight! America still votes and can take control away from these elites telling our politicians what to do.
2 Tom Hilton - Dec 14, 08:40 am
One person not mentioned last night for his role in these shenanigans was Council Member Greg Abarr. He ran for re-election last May on the platform of being against the airport expansion. What does he do, literally 5 minutes after taking oath office? He votes yes on approving the resolution concerning South Post Oak – this road not only allows for the expansion, it is absolutely ESSENTIAL for the expansion as it does 2 things for Griffith; 1) It diverts the road out of the FAA safety zone and 2) It allows for the closure of McKeever thus making it possible for the airplanes to taxi across to the planned hangars north of McKeever. Mr. Abarr also claims that there has been extensive studies done regarding the economic/traffic impacts to the City, yet declined to offer those up when requested by me and other citizens. An Open Records Request was done regarding this, and the only thing that I got back was plans prepared by the airport…hardly credible to say the least Mr. Abarr.
Now, Judge Hebert, Commissioner Stavinoha, and Mayor Gipson all claim that this road is being done for the ECONOMIC benefit of Arcola (although virtually no studies have been done to corraborate this). The point is that Arcola failed to negotiate in good faith for the best interests of the City…Arcola controls the roads inside it’s Limits. If Griffith wanted a road, the very first item on the negotiating table should have been annexation of the 211 acres into Arcola’s City Limits – then we’ll discuss road plans. But no, Arcola immediately took the position of the developer, saying that he MAY NEVER incorporate his property into the City unless they do what he says.
Stavinoha also uses the ruse that Griffith may sue the County if they don’t do this – please Commissioner, do you really expect the citizens of this county to believe that the County is being blackmailed into doing the bidding of this developer without your consent and approval?
There are 4 things that concern me here;
This County is sorely lacking in an ETHICAL STANDARD, which I believe needs to be instated similar to the one that Sugar Land just approved. We need leaders who are accountable to the Citizens of this County relative to truthfulness and fairness. Their behavior should be governed by ETHICAL VALUES – their commitment to the Public Welfare has been sorely lacking in this GFBEDC-controlled environment.
All the best,
Tom Hilton
3 consumerwise - Dec 14, 09:31 am
After reading the articles about this and reviewing the available materials through the local media I would like to thank the citizens of the Arcola area for standing up to this behemoth cohort operating in our county. This “bullying” by some area developers of the local elected officials and with the help of other special interest politicians has got to stop.
There is an election cycle coming up and another opportunity for homeowners and residents of Fort Bend County to take back local control. This reminds me so much of the efforts taken to silence homeowners who complained in Simonton, Missouri City, Fulshear and now here in Arcola by the GFBEDC. Does this special corporate interest group really think this is good for buisness or their public image? Some types of land use just are not going to add value to area homeowners and this ultimately impacts long term stability and growth.
Voters are the stockholders in the community. It’s time we woke up and voted this gang out. Let them do their buisness the old fashioned way by involving local communities in the process rather than trying to sneek it past them and releasing deliberate misinformation to the media in hopes of fooling the consumers. The days of consumer contempt by these companies and some politicians operating in this county must stop and our elected officials can mediate that process if they are not co-opted by the Houston special interests working the back-rooms of our city and county government!
Support reform candidates in your party this coming year!
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How lame.. Sienna posted their offical position on the Siennanet intranet site for Sienna Residents... Thats it?
Dear SPRAI Member:
Recently, several members of the community have asked what the SPRAI’s position is regarding the neighboring Houston Southwest Airport in Arcola, Texas.
While it is not the association’s mission to take positions on land use issues, in general the SPRAI Board is supportive of any effort that might improve the current economic condition of the Arcola area. However, we cannot support any proposal or project that would create a safety concern and or a sight or sound nuisance to the residents of Sienna Plantation.
Very truly yours,
Michael Smith
SPRAI Board of Directors
Just in from the developers/SPRAI board on the airport issue:
Dear SPRAI Member:
Recently, several members of the community have asked what the SPRAI’s position is regarding the neighboring Houston Southwest Airport in Arcola, Texas.
While it is not the association’s mission to take positions on land use issues, in general the SPRAI Board is supportive of any effort that might improve the current economic condition of the Arcola area. However, we cannot support any proposal or project that would create a safety concern and or a sight or sound nuisance to the residents of Sienna Plantation.
Very truly yours,
Michael Smith
SPRAI Board of Directors
Update from on road expansion:
Arcola Council Paves The Way For McKeever Road Diversion Project
by Bob Dunn, Dec 22, 05:41 am
Arcola City Council has approve an agreement with Fort Bend County that appears to pave the way for the controversial diversion of McKeever Road, which would allow for the expansion of Houston Southwest Airport.
Plans under discussion by county and city officials would alter the road, diverting it to South Post Oak, which runs east to State Highway 6. The existing McKeever roadway south of Post Oak would be abandoned.
for more go to
More on story above with additional comments:
Arcola Council Paves The Way For McKeever Road Diversion Project
by Bob Dunn, Dec 22, 05:41 am
Arcola City Council has approve an agreement with Fort Bend County that appears to pave the way for the controversial diversion of McKeever Road, which would allow for the expansion of Houston Southwest Airport.
Plans under discussion by county and city officials would alter the road, diverting it to South Post Oak, which runs east to State Highway 6. The existing McKeever roadway south of Post Oak would be abandoned.
In the process, 100 feet of right-of-way would have to be acquired from land owners in nearby Newpoint Estates. Many of those property owners have expressed vocal opposition to the plan, and did so again Tuesday evening in a special meeting before the City Council voted to approve the agreement.
Opponents of the plan, however, say that while the agreement itself may not technically authorize the road abandonment, that is in fact the main purpose of the agreement.
Terms in the document appear to support that contention.
The document passed Tuesday describes a three-way agreement between the city, county and an unnamed property owner who has agreed to pay $500,000 to be used for construction of the diverted roadway.
That property owner appears to be airport owner Jamie Griffith. Earlier this month, Fort Bend County Judge Robert Hebert said Griffith has offered to donate land for right-of-way, pay a half-million dollars toward construction of the altered road and then allow 200 acres to be annexed into the city of Arcola.
Fort Bend Precinct 1 Commissioner Tom Stavinoha said the county would prefer not to act on the roadway extension project unless Griffith’s offer was contained in a written contract.
The interlocal agreement passed by Arcola City Council on Tuesday appears to be the first draft of such a contract.
The agreement states that the county has “appropriated” $1.5 million for the road project, which is to be held in a “special project account.” The property owner, which appears to be Griffith, is required to pay $500,000 into the special project account once plans and surveys are completed by the county engineer.
According to the agreement, the city of Arcola “shall then be responsible for acquiring the necessary right of way, either in easement or in fee, as may be appropriate and allowed by law. The costs (including plans, surveys, title fees, appraisals, filing fees, professional fees, judgments, payment to property owners, costs of any related or resulting administrative or judicial proceedings and other related or incidental items) shall be paid from the special project account.”
1 Tom Hilton - Dec 22, 09:29 am
In a letter dated May 17, 2005n(which can be viewed @ (Click on Chronolgy of Events) Commissioner Stavinoha points out that;
“Widening McKeever Road to 4 lanes from South Post Oak/Hwy 6 to Sienna Parkway (3.1 miles) will cost _ $25.3 million. ($21 million of which will have to be fuinded by unkown sources.” I estimate that South Post Oak itself is _ one mile long. They are going to build this road from scratch in addition to building a bridge over Briscoe Canal…this portion of the project will cost more than upgrading existin McKeever Road. So, SPO will cost at least $10 million to construct – Mr. Griffith initially agreed in writing to funding 50% of this road construction (also shown on above website).
WHO AUTHORIZED THIS MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR REDUCTION IN MR. GRIFFITH’S PART OF THIS CONSTRUCTION? Commissioner’s Court needs to answer this question to the taxpayers before any action is taken…also, layout the TRUE costs, as the numbers quoted by Stavinoha (he told me SPO would cost $2 million) just don’t add up.
Tom Hilton
2 honestyingov't - Dec 22, 02:47 pm
I don’t know about the rest of you, but this election year is going to be interesting. With so much back door work going on it becomes essential to get out this new year and vote for reform candidates (no matter which party you are in). I know who I’m not going to vote for on the commissioner’s court this year Mr. Hebert! With the ECO Scam, the airport expansion and your other local dealings I can see no reason to support the “fat cat repubs” this cycle!
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