CRD EXCLUSIVE: Several Locals Prepare to Announce Their Candidacy for City & County Offices!
Several Locals Prepare to Announce Their Candidacy for City & County Offices!
As the holidays continue the fever is in the air for local candidates to announce for which public office they wish to pursue. Several non-EDC endorsed candidates are preparing to make a run for city & county-wide offices in an attempt to wrestle control away from EDC endorsed incumbents. Who and what is the EDC? The short form is that the EDC is the acronym for economic development council and is made up of many corporations which came to Fort Bend County over the years to do business (make money). Later, about 5 or 6 years ago tax payers voted for tax supports for this group. Many are representative of Houston corporations and this organization works very hard to find and endorse like-minded politicians from our community who will protect their special interests. While CRD supports the right of this organization to exist and operate here (and even make a fast buck) we do recognize the conflicts inherent when the EDC members support politicians to look out for their issues/concerns rather than those of the voters and homeowners of this county. Economic growth is good, but should be mediated through independent office holders who are genuinely affiliated with their voter/stakeholders/home & property owners.
Several recent examples in this county exist to demonstrate some of the problems that have arisen in recent years because this electoral buffer no longer exists here for voters.
1. Development Stress and excessive growth issues impact our schools and children (along with other detrimental types of land use).
2. Over development of apartments, which lead to negative quality of life issues (increased density leads to increased traffic, crime, non-permanent residents, negative taxing impact on the schools, etc.).
3. Disparity in development (areas left ignored while some businesses pursue the more affluent market).
4. EDC backed politicians actually telling homeowners/voters that if they don't like something that is getting developed to get out of the way (see the Simonton, Fulshear and Missouri City examples available on
5. Recent scandals publicized (See ECO/MUD Scandal reports from the FB Sun and
6. Recent airport expansion and land confiscation issues in Arcola (See current FB Sun and coverage).
How pervasive is this group and their money? Visit to see the corporate and private membership list and compare it to the givers of many current city & local positions now on the ballot or currently serving. The issue is simple, who is operating in the homeowners/voters best interest when your elected officials are taking so many contributions from this group? Who is minding the store?
Is economic development good for this community? No one is arguing that much of what has been brought here by Houston businesses has been a great boon for FB county, but should this or any special interest group go unmediated by the political process, which is what happens when politicians are co-opted through campaign contributions by such groups (see literature on political science and sociology for more on this co-optive process).
This problem is pervasive throughout the U.S. and well documented. Is either party resistant to these forces? IMHO both parties have grown increasingly dependent on these types of organizations for support. The campaign reform efforts related to this speak volumes, as do recent court cases involving some very public figures (endorsed by many from the EDC).
How do we reform the system? One election and one politician at a time at the grass-roots level is the best answer. By helping voters become more aware of the process and how it is influenced they can better decide for themselves which candidate to select and support with their vote.
Some resources for checking on your candidates:
1) Be aware of who the individuals are and what corporate interests they represent (banking, development, related firm, etc.).
2) Then get the campaign contributions list from either the state ethics website at <-- searchable online (or other media source--sometimes listed on their ads). One local site, which carries many, is at
3) Check the list of EDC backers and board members in the comment section under this post.
4) Next make your choices based on your community & personal needs (if they match up).
5) If you are a Missouri City resident then consider the candidates option list this cycle for taking back local control and check out (click on) the title link above for the platform for the independent mayoral candidate.
CRD will run lists this election season and back candidates that support homeowners and voters that are non-EDC affiliates. We feel that the EDC is already over-represented in our local political process. These candidates primary qualification is that they must be independent and willing to represent the voters/homeowners of this area.
Take care, stay informed and keep in touch!
-The previous post has been an editorial piece.
Committee for Responsible Development-MoCity Group
Missouri City, TX
Fort Bend County
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The GFB-EDC membership base consists of the county judge and commissioner’s court, cities, developers, educational institutions, manufacturers, municipalities, retailers, service sector industries, utilities and local chambers of commerce.
2004-2005 EDC (economic development council) Board Members
OFFICERS: Chairman: Robert C. Brown, III Vice Chairman Les Newton Planned Community Developers President: Herbert W. Appel, Jr. Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council Secretary: Mary Alice Gonzalez Stewart Title of Fort Bend Treasurer: John Perry LJA Engineering & Surveying
Allen Boone Humphries Robinson L.L.P. Joe B. Allen
ALLTEL Brian Harman
Alpha Shirt Company Lenard Anderson
Andrew Lonnie Sikes, Inc. Andy Sikes
BFI Waste Services of Texas, Inc. Raymond Franks
Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. Dick Gay
Business Diversified Corporation Dinesh Shah
CenterPoint Energy Dudley Van Ness
Champion Technologies, Inc. Nell Ciancarelli
City of Missouri City Frank Simpson
City of Richmond The Honorable Hilmar Moore
City of Rosenberg The Honorable Joe Gurecky
City of Stafford Michael Sachs
City of Sugar Land Allen Bogard
City of Sugar Land The Honorable David Wallace
Colliers International Charlie Herder
Consolidated Communications Anthony Francis
Cosentino USA Fred Schneider
Costello, Inc. Stephen Costello
E.E. Reed Construction, L.C. Gene Reed
ECO Resources Mike O'Connell
Fairfield Industries Debera Fontenot
First American Bank Andrew Dow
First Colony Community Association Sherrie Knoepfel
Fluor Corporation Rick Conley
Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce Louis Garvin
Fort Bend County The Honorable Bob Hebert
Fort Bend County The Honorable James Patterson
Fort Bend County LID #2 Andre McDonald
Fort Bend County MUD #21 Michael Yentzen
Fort Bend ISD Betty Baitland
Frito-Lay, Inc. Jim Miller
Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council Herb Appel
Hartman Newspapers, Inc. Fred Hartman
Indermuehle & Company Larry Indermuehle
Leaman Building Materials, L.P. Lee Leaman
LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc. John Perry
Memorial Hermann Fort Bend Hospital Jason Adams
Methodist Sugar Land Hospital James Heitzenrater
Midway Companies Mark Anawaty
Newland Communities Peter Houghton
Newland Communities Travis Stone
OakBend Medical Center David Rowe
Office of Congressman Tom DeLay Barkley Peschel
Pannell Kerr Forster of Texas, P.C. J. Del Walker
PTI, Inc. David Collins
QC Laboratories, Inc. George Purvis
Robert C. Brown, III Robert C. “Bob” Brown, III
Rosenberg/Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce Gail Parker
Rosenberger Construction L.P. Kent Rosenberger
Sienna/Johnson Development, L.P. Doug Goff
Southern National Bank Dan Roach
Southwest Bank of Texas Lane Ward
Sprint Fort Bend County Landfill, L.P. Joseph Swinbank
Sterling Bank Richard Booker
Stewart Title of Fort Bend Mary Alice Gonzalez
Sugarland Properties, Inc. Les Newton
Terramark Development Charlie Turner
Texas State Bank James Sturgeon
The Hunton Group Richard Hunton
Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc. Daniel Wong
Trammell Crow Company Jim Casey
Transwestern Commercial Services Eric Anderson
Tristar Holdings, Inc. Masaud Baaba
Turner Collie & Braden, Inc. Jerry Newell
Twinwood US Inc. Glenn Plowman
University of Houston System Ed Hugetz
UNOCAL Rick Kangail
Wharton County Junior College Betty McCrohan
WJ Interests, L.L.C. William Jameson
WoodCreek Reserve Development Company Troy Maxwell
Isn't Bob Hebert, Mayor Allen Owen and Mayor Wallace heavily endorsed by the EDC?
This was in an earlier thread from Bob Hebert (the EDC backed chief county judge) in response to criticism for his involvement in the internal investigation of his own former company (we think it struck a nerve). I think this originally was from the FB Sun:
Anonymous said...
Hebert explains (response to Hilton editorial on MUD/ECO Scandal):
Hebert rebuts conflict of interest claim
(This is in response to a letter from Tom Hilton published in the Oct. 26 issue of Fort Bend/ Southwest Sun.)
To the Editor:
I was surprised that Mr. Tom Hilton, a resident of Arcola and a sometimes candidate for city council there, wrote that he was "shocked" to discover that I would publicly admit to my consulting agreement with the parent company of ECO Resources, Inc. (ECO).
After giving the matter some consideration I realized that not everyone sees all the public information available on their elected officials and many new residents who have come to Fort Bend County in the past three years may also not be aware of the facts.
Therefore it seems prudent on my part to respond to his letter.
By coincidence, the article on Page 3A of that same edition of the Sun refers to my candidacy for re-election and contains acknowledgement of the consulting agreement; as does my official resume, which is readily available to anyone on my personal website at
I initially made my consulting agreement public when I announced my candidacy for office in 2002. Upon being sworn in as county judge in 2003 I filed a potential conflict of interest notice with the county clerk naming Southwest Water, ECO and all other Southwest subsidiaries.
At the first meeting of commissioners court at which I presided I again publicly announced my relationship with those firms and called on the county attorney and the county auditor to assist in making me aware of any matter before the court in which any of those firms might have an interest so I could recuse myself from debate and abstain from any vote on the matter.
As to Mr. Hilton's comments on my influence or leverage on cities and utility districts, I submit that these agencies are independent of county government and are controlled by their own state codes and their own elected officials. Oversight of their water utility operations is vested in the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) whose directors are appointed by the governor with consent of the Senate.
Texas counties are barred by state law from investing any tax dollars to operate a public water utility; therefore Texas counties, including Fort Bend, are not in the water business. There is no inherent conflict between my service to the county and my consulting agreement.
I do not know all the facts pertaining to the matter of the "allegedly victimized local water districts" mentioned in Mr. Hilton's letter. Since my meeting with ECO executives and the attorneys representing ECO's client districts I have not been directly involved in the ongoing investigation. Almost all of what I know about the matter comes from reading our local newspapers, and by what I can glean from them it appears that ECO, acting on its own initiative, engaged an independent forensic accounting firm to review its books and records, brought the matter to the attention of its clients and the public, investigated and made quick restitution of all misappropriated money with interest, and took their facts to the Fort Bend County District Attorney's Office for further investigation.
While it is true that this entire incident is sad, regrettable and embarrassing for the hundreds of wonderful employees at ECO who professionally and honorably serve the public every day, I can only hope that other companies caught up in similar situations within Mr. Hilton's "ethically-challenged business environment" would react in the same highly ethical manner demonstrated by ECO.
Although I must admit to a natural bias toward the company I founded in 1972 and have been associated with for over 30 years, I would ask your readers to judge ECO and its employees in this matter by the manner in which they have responded to date, and do respond in the future.
Bob Hebert,
County Judge
Some of you may be interested in this piece on Wallace (heavily EDC backed):
Governor Appoints Wallace To TEDC Board
by FortBendNow Staff, Dec 9, 05:24 pm
Sugar Land Mayor David Wallace has been appointed to the Texas Economic Development Corporation Board by Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
“I will be assisting in promoting the state of Texas,” Wallace said Friday. “and articulating to major corporations interested in coming to Texas the tools and incentives they will have available.”
While the TEDC programs are available to all counties and cities in the state, Wallace said there’s “no question” that economic development efforts in Sugar Land and Fort Bend County can benefit as a result of his appointment.
The Texas Economic Development Corporation was created by the state Legislature in 2003 to support programs and activities of the governor’s division of Economic Development and Tourism. Under this corporation, the Texas One program was created to actively promote Texas as a business location.
With a background in real estate development, Wallace says he’s been involved in formation or acquisition of more than 100 companies and partnerships in various fields.
In addtion to serving as mayor of Sugar Land, Wallace is chairman of the investment committee for W.C. Perry Properties Realty Fund, LP.
Wallace said his term on the board runs for two years.
and this one from
Road Diversion Plans Anger Landowners
by Bob Dunn, Dec 6, 11:55 pm
Angry Arcola area residents assailed Fort Bend County commissioners on Tuesday, attacking county plans to alter McKeever Road, which they called an effort to take property on behalf of the owner of Houston Southwest Airport.
County Commissioners Court was scheduled to vote on land acquisition that would allow the McKeever project to move forward. Plans would alter the road, diverting it to South Post Oak, which runs east to State Highway 6. The existing McKeever roadway south of Post Oak would be abandoned.
In the process, 100 feet of right-of-way would have to be acquired from land owners in nearby Newpoint Estates.
“Before you perform any actions resulting in the ultimate closure of McKeever Road, you need to present to the taxpayers of this county just what justification exists for this action,” said Arcola resident Tom Hilton.
In a statement he read to commissioners, Hilton maintained efforts to divert the road were part of “a pattern of ethically challenged decision making by Fort Bend County officials at the urging of this airport owner and the Fort Bend Economic Development Council over a several-year time span.”
He referred to Jamie Griffith, owner of the airport, who did not attend the meeting.
“This is not to accommodate the airport,” County Judge Robert Hebert said, but to accommodate commercial development in Arcola, to boost the city’s tax revenue.
Hebert said what the county is considering amounts to a three-way deal: Griffith would donate right-of-way property to the county, plus $500,000 to help pay construction costs for the road changes. Once the county builds the altered roadway, he said, Griffith would agree to allow the City of Arcola to annex 200 acres of land Griffith owns north of McKeever road.
In his statement to Commissioners Court, Hilton attacked the proposal: “So in other words, Mr. Griffith’s $500,000 has bought him the right to use the county’s power to condemn other people’s private property for his own developmental purposes.”
Commissioners went into executive session to discuss the matter, and emerged an hour later without taking action.
Precinct 1 Commissioner Tom Stavinoha said members of the court weren’t comfortable signing off on the three-way deal because it wasn’t legally binding.
“We would prefer a contract between Griffith, the city of Arcola and the county,” he said.
Stavinoha said the existing McKeever Road location is in violation of certain Federal Aviation Administration design and safety standards. If county commissioners vote not to divert the roadway, “Jamie is going to sue us, because we have killed his ability to improve his airport.”
That statement didn’t sit well with two property owners whose land would be taken as a result of the project.
“The proposed road is going to cut off half of my property,” said Caleb Makukutu. “The road would be right in my back yard.”
Makukutu said his family has intended to build their home on the 8-acre-plus property he owns, but they’ve put off their plans for more than two years because of the on-again, off-again, on-again proposals for expanding the airport.
“One way or the other, they’re going to get the property,” he said.
Arcola’s Rosie Rojas said she is the lone member of City Council against the McKeever Road project.
“I’m all for the city to grow,” she said. “But not when you’re going to condemn property. I can’t understand how the county and the city can take the side of a business owner who doesn’t even live in Fort Bend County.”
Apparently, I see several conflicts of interest with regard to the MUD-ECO issue. The TCEQ mentioned by Hebert has Allen, Humphries and Boone lawyers as consultants for many of the MUDs. If you look on his campaign contributions list you notice that firm is a giver along with some of the MUD advisors (lawyers) that work for that firm. How is this not a conflict of interest?
The following is a repost of the candidates search committee (CSC) platform meeting in October. Their mayoral candidate for Mo-City will be announced soon. Here is the platform:
Major Themes:
-A major theme which continued to come up at the
session was restoring honesty and integrity to local
city government (recent events over the past year
supporting this were discussed).
-Real tax relief that keeps quality of life as its core principle.
-Reduce disparity in development in some areas of MissouriCity. The committee placed an emphasis on this theme because of the differences in home values in different locations of MC. The focus of a new administration would be on protecting homeowners value throughout MC, not just newer areas.
-A greater concern for the natural environment and
development concerns (a more eco friendly strategy
through incentives).
-Review of Fast Track Privileges (RTP) for corporations instituting negative PR models in the community.
-Long term planning with real citizen input (neighborhoods discussed with regard to this were Lake Olympia, Quail Valley, Colony Lakes, others and the impact aging communities will have on property/home values if we aren't better prepared and involved).--Question--Has the current administration taken us in this direction?
-Term limits were the final topic discussed. The group
wished to examine this further with possible adoption
into the platform coming soon.
Thank you for your support and continued e-mails. If you wish to get more involved then you can contact the committee at
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A little change of pace (we don't want JK to feel picked on). So here is a salesman joke:
A salesman walking along the beach found a bottle. When he rubbed it, lo and behold, a genie appeared.
"I will grant you three wishes," announced the genie. "But since Satan still hates me, for every wish you make, your rival gets the wish as well -- only double."
The salesman thought about this for a while. "For my first wish, I would like ten million dollars," he announced.
Instantly the genie gave him a Swiss bank account number and assured the man that $10,000,000 had been deposited. "But your rival has just received $20,000,000," the genie said.
"I've always wanted a Ferrari," the salesman said.
Instantly a Ferrari appeared. "But your rival has just received two Ferraris," the genie said. "And what is your last wish?"
"Well," said the salesman, "I've always wanted to donate a kidney for transplant."
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I find the comment in Heberts retort to Mr. Hilton quite lacking and an obvious attempt to confuse the reader. Mr. Hebert claims there is no legal conflict of interest with regard to his involvement with ECO resources, his former company, and current consulting contract with them when he helped instigate the internal investigation of the firm when the scandal was reported by the Houston law firm which handles many of the MUDs dealing with this company (and the ECO company itself). Not only is the law firm representing some of the MUDs they are also consulting through some of them via the TCEQ and represent ECO (as well as many land developers in the region). Hebert, on the other hand, is the Chief County Judge who has a great deal of influence over the county budget for the DAs office and the local sheriff's office (this further complicates the issue).
Mr. Hebert, in the letter above, actually claims that he has reminded those that work for the council to remind him when an issue involving ECO (or the MUDs?) comes up before the commission to recuse himself from it. If he is to be reminded then how is this not a conflict (or is he splitting legal hairs again). See his quote "There is no inherent conflict between my service to the county and my consulting agreement."
You be the judge . . ;-) (figuratively of course)
You all forgot this example:
"Arcola’s Rosie Rojas said she is the lone member of City Council against the McKeever Road project.
“I’m all for the city to grow,” she said. “But not when you’re going to condemn property. I can’t understand how the county and the city can take the side of a business owner who doesn’t even live in Fort Bend County.”
I hope these candidates support reform and not just the standard party line on everything!
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Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?
Can someone help me find it?
Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.
Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
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