Mayor Owen's Campaign Contributions '99-'05 (Repost)
Campaign Contributions (Public Record)-
Political Contributors To
Mayor Allen Owen
(Developers in order of giving)
1. Clinton Wong (Land Development Co.)
2. Larry Johnson (Land Development Co.)
3. Paris Schindler (Land Development Co.)
4. Rocky Lai (Land Development Co.)
5. Larry Wong (Land Development Co.)
6. Bob Perry (Land Developer)
7. Jim & Sandy MacNaughton (Land Developer)
8. Pat Cagle (Land Developer)
9. Thomas Cagle (Land Developer)
10. E. Blake Hawk (Land Developer)
11. Scott Reamer (Land Developer)
12. R.E. Reamer (Land Developer)
13. S. Jay Williams (Land Developer)
14. Eugene Arensberg, Jr. (Land Developer)
--This data can be confirmed via request from the Missouri City secretary for campaign contributions for anyone serving on the city council over the same time period. Many other contributions were made from corporate sponsors who live outside of Missouri City to Mayor Owen and this data will be released in a timely fashion.
--Question #1: With such a large percentage of Mayor Owens campaign contributions coming from those in the land development business can you trust him to represent your interests at council?
--Question #2: Has Mayor Owen violated the city’s code of ethics of which he has signed (see below)?
--Question #3: Has the mayor violated his oath of office concerning these matters?
--You be the judge!
From the Missouri City Council Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy (Adopted 10/5/98) Sections: L & M state “Council members should not use their positions to secure special privileges and should avoid situations that could cause any person to believe that they may have brought bias or partiality to a question before Council.”
“Council members should refrain from personally appearing on behalf of their own financial interest or personal interest of any kind or on behalf of any person, business entity, group or interest before the City Council, any city board, commission or committee except in matters of purely public concern. When legally permissible, with regard to a council member’s own financial or personal interests, he/she may designate and be represented by a person of his/her choice in any such personal business matter or may choose to “step away” from the table and speak to Council from the podium as a private citizen.”
--This paper does not address the decorum violations brought before council against the mayor by residents on July 18th, 2005. Has the mayor or council agreed to form an ethics committee to review these complaints or are some avoiding any actions.
--Please verify these reports via the TX ethics website and/or or pay the fee at the local government agency for a hardcopy.
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Is this the city council session that lead to the strike/SLAPP suit against homeowners in Sienna by the Johnson Development group?
Did you catch that the guy running against Mr. Hebert, the chief county judge, has sworn off special interest monies? I wonder if Hebert will?
-Doesn't Owen give to Hebert's campaign?
-Isn't that like giving the contributions he receives from developer's to Hebert?
Good luck Prescott Small in your run against Hebert, your gonna need it and some big help!
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