Friday, May 26, 2006

SOS Reports: FBISD Internal Audits Released -Which Documents Long-term Waste (click on title link for more)

Why is FBISD in the printing business at all?

The recently released internal audit review of the FBISD Print Shop operation is alarming -- but not surprising. This is not a full-blown audit -- only a review. But the opening sentence pretty much says it all:

"The review of the Print Shop determined that the system of internal administrative and system controls currently lacks the ability to ensure the safeguarding of District assets."

...The Print shop has lost an average of $80,000 during each of the past three years -- and that's just what can be accounted for in an operation that has been woefully mismanaged. . . (click above title link for the rest of the story).



Our Favorite passage from the recently released Human Resources Audit....

The recent audit of the FBISD Human Resources department highlights more evidence of widespread and long-term mismanagement and misuse of District assets. Below is one our favorite passages on page 14...

Issue Risk (A)

It was noted that not all individuals receiving stipends are accurately listed in the financial software system (i.e., CIMS) so that their license renewal can be verified each year. For example, if an employee is hired and is awarded a stipend based on a verifiable reason (i.e., professional license) and Human Resources personnel fail to enter a date in the “license date” field, Human Resources would not be able to readily determine when that license expires. Consequently the employee will continue to be paid a stipend for a reason that is no longer valid.

In addition, Internal Audit also received notice from an anonymous source that some transcripts had been submitted by a employees from unaccredited colleges and universities in order to qualify for stipend funds. Upon review, this report as noted to indeed be correct, a degree from an unaccredited university was presented and the employee has received in excess of $15K in stipend funds to date. . . (click title link above for entire story).


MCC comment: Welcome back SOS. Keep an eye on the district and the tax dollars for us.




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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