Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Arcola Airport Update: EDC Tries Again! (for background click the title link)

City council member James DeVoge addressed the packed house at the Arcola City Council Special Session and asked, "Does anyone here support this airport expansion plan presented by Herb Appel of the FBEDC"? No one in the room responded.

That would be the best summary of Tuesday nights meeting on the future of Houston SW Airport in Arcola. Once again, and like a tireless old soldier, a Fort Bend Economic Development representative dusted of the plans for the AXH airport and presented them to a room full of area home & property owners in a attempt to drum up support for this very controversial project.

A question and answer session followed and revealed that in this attempt to continue the expansion the city would have to seek federal dollars to purchase the airport from Jaime Griffith for the errant plan to continue. Mr. Tom Hilton, who has so often in the past headed the opposition to this expansion, presented the counter-case along with several other residents. Not long after the meeting was adjourned, with no decision being made, many left asking why they were back here on an issue that was reported resolved just in February of this year?

More background on this at:


Comment: Stay tuned as we will continue to follow this ongoing saga of AXH and the road diversion airport expansion. It just never seems to go away...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Earlier comments on this issue (from assorted sources):

1 Chris D. Calvin, Ph.D. - Dec 30, 03:21 pm
Thank you Tom Hilton!

Someone needs to thank Tom Hilton, former city council candidate, for shining the light on this one. On 11/22/05 many officials were still denying this airport expansion was even being discussed and now they are telling everything. Thanks Tom from the 10,000 to 15,000 residents and the scores of other county voters and tax payers living on the fly-way that will now have to deal with the unpleasant sound of jets landing and taking off a few hundred feet up, not to mention that this supposed diversion plan actually helps Sienna Plantation residents?

IMO as a Sienna resident who uses this road regularly by diverting McKeever from its near connection with FM 521 back towards hwy 6 we are dumping all our traffic on the only hurricane evacuation route available to this area. This creates a greater traffic problem for Sienna homeowners during such crisis and no great improvements under normal conditions. If the county was really interested in improving our traffic they would get us a South exit on to FM 521 through Sienna as is part of the South Sienna plan (see Developer’s Agreement on file with Missouri City June ‘05 5th Amendment).

IMO this is a project for special interests and special interests only. It benefits very few and the excuse that a law suit would be generated hasn’t stopped the county on the DOJ voting concerns, why should this excuse be used now.

If officials really want to improve McKeever Rd. then improve it as is without helping the airport expand for jet service over us. Never has an expanding airport helped property values (or sell homes). If our values tank because of this then Missouri City, the school district and the county among a few will see tax revenue dips as values drop. Not a good plan for the largest numbers in this area of the county Mr. Hebert!

Again if county officials really want to help us here in Sienna then listen to us the voters and not your EDC friends (Griffith, the SJD developer, Gipson, etc.). I might add that some of these people are big campaign contributors to Mr. Hebert too, but they can only vote once.

Thanks Tom for shining the light on this!!!-Chris

visit for more on this and related matters in this area of the county. . .

2 Tom Hilton - Dec 30, 06:24 pm

There seems to be alot of misinformation being bantered about on this subject by the Judge…..

QUOTE/MISINFORMATION: “In an interview Thursday, Hebert said the road project isn’t being pushed to help Griffith expand his airport, but to relieve traffic congestion and allow development to proceed southwest of the airport in Sienna Plantation.”


This is documentation from the HGAC which shows clearly that there is no “traffic congestion relief” needed here. Fort Bend County Judge Hebert seems to be on a crusade to extend McKeever Road in Arcola at the expense of taxpayers in order to benefit a private developer who owns an airport. This amounts to blatant abuse of Eminent Domain camouflaged as a Mobility issue. Ask yourself, and more importantly, ask your County Commissioner; WHAT IS THE URGENCY HERE, AND WHAT IS THE NEED AT ALL FOR THIS PROJECT? There are plenty of other ACTUAL mobility issues that are more deserving of our tax dollars.

MORE DOCUMENTATION THAT SAYS OTHERWISE: Hebert wants us to believe that road diversion is being done for “traffic relief” when this document clearly shows why the County is building it…to expand the airport. The road is not the only thing that the Judge wants diverted here.

QUOTE/MISINFORMATION: “To accomplish that, the county or city would have to acquire or condemn about 100 feet of land from four private parcels in the Newpoint Estates residential community.


This is a plat showing the actual amount of land planned to be confiscated, which totals to about 10 ACRES, worth about $650,000. The approximate size of this plat is about 300 ft x 2200 ft. In addition, the County will be liable for damaged property values for the adjacent land owners. ALSO, (which is not even on the table being discussed) there is the inverse condemnation which WILL occur to the 17 acres west of the runway and 200 ACRES south of the airport owned by the Neuhaus family. What are the consequences to the economic future of Arcola due to this travesty? Why is there not discussion regarding this?

QUOTE/MISINFORMATION: But Hebert said airport expansion plans wouldn’t include an expanded runway or a new runway, as some project opponents have asserted, because aircraft clearance requirements and geographical restrictions prevent it.

DOCUMENTATION THAT SAYS OTHERWISE: I just did an Open Records Request with the County asking for the Master Plan mentioned in the August 2004 from Nicely to Judge Hebert, and that also mentions the EXTENSION OF THE RUNWAY. The County called and said they had everything I needed – I come in and they hand me the 2-year-old Feasibility Study. The plans changed when the County declined acquisition of this airport, yet the County can’t provide the documents as required by law. The Judge claims there are no plans to extend the runway, but does not have the documentation to back that up? How does he know that the runway won’t be expanded? Where is that info? Looks like illegal activity if the County is not acting within the law as prescribed by the Open Records Act, OR looks like NEGLIGENCE by the County to attempt to act on a project without the latest documentation with which to make an informed decsision. Either way, it’s unacceptable.

This thread is getting very long, so will not insert any more info here – go to: for more information on inaccuracies found in County Judge Hebert’s rebuttals. Also look at the timeline found at; which puts all of this trickery into perspective.

All the best,

Tom Hilton

3 James DeVoge - Dec 30, 06:57 pm
We do not want expanson of Houston Southwest airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 thelittleguy - Dec 31, 07:09 am
Bob has to satisfy his EDC backers and local developers (big business). Lord knows we can’t have a road expansion plan that doesn’t help the airport and keep traffic flowing to FM 521 instead of hwy 6 (were it isn’t needed). Who cares about those poor Sienna Plantation residents (small business) who own companies along McKeever who just bought the properties and now face road diversion.—It’s all for the greater good right? Not Hebert and his friends. . .

5 Tom Hilton - Dec 31, 03:29 pm
In a related topic, that is, dealing with recent “ethically challenged” decision-making by Judge Hebert, Commissioner’s Court has this on their Jan 3rd 2006 Agenda;

36. COUNTY ATTORNEY: Workshop to discuss and take appropriate action on conflict of interest disclosure requirements established by Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code.

Maybe the County Attorney can show some “tough love” to County Judge Bob Hebert and force him out of denial. Judge Hebert has been in denial regarding the legal requirement that elected officials submit Conflict-of-Interest Disclosures. His consulting relationship with Eco Resources is a clear conflict that the Judge refuses to acknowledge. The Judge is in the water business due to his consultant position with Eco.

File that Disclosure Judge. What are the terms of your Agreement with Eco, compensation, etc. ? The voting Public wants to know, and know BEFORE the March primaries.

All the best,

Tom Hilton

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1 Tom Hilton - Feb 28, 04:56 pm

My commendations go out to County Commissioner’s Court for doing the right thing here.

Now, the airport owner needs to remove 950 feet from the west end of the runway to take McKeever Road, and the additional traffic from the new Steep Bank Trace, out of harm’s way. NOW! The FAA needs to follow their own laws and REQUIRE that this airport be brought into compliance. The safety of Fort Bend County citizens is at risk here.

All the best,
Tom Hilton

2 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Feb 28, 06:09 pm

Residents of Sienna, Colony Lakes, Silver Ridge I & II, Waterbrook, Waterbrook West, Arcola Heights, Plantation Oaks, Oakwick, Oyster Creek, West Point, and especially New Point Estates, etc. all owe you a debt of gratitude for your efforts since rediscovering this was not “off the table” this past November.

A word of caution to anyone reading this. This project has been an on-again-off-again deal so it is always necessary to keep an eye on this.

I want to thank those commissioners who genuinely went with the voting public on this and did what was best for the residents and taxpayers of this area of FB county.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Dr. Calvin, Co-Chair
Committee for Responsible Development-SP Group
Missouri City, TX

3 maized&cornfused - Feb 28, 06:58 pm
Thank you all for all of your efforts to make us a safer and a better place to live. I will feel better knowing that the students a BBMS won’t have jets flying over them. I know, and you do too, that this won’t be the last of it, but can celebrate for now.

4 Matthew Feinberg - Feb 28, 08:07 pm
Great Job!.. I think Herbert got the election year jitters. Lets keep an eye on this after the election. It could pop up on us.

5 Chris Elam - Mar 1, 08:10 am
‘Hebert got the election year jitters’?

What do you base that comment on? There are only two logical reasons you could say that…

1) You believe that Bob Hebert should be worried about his opponent in November (nobody)

or 2) You needed something to say that wouldn’t come out and sound too kind about a man whom you and your buddies have been spending way too much time worrying about in recent weeks, so you quickly came up with a total non sequitur.

6 Matthew Feinberg - Mar 1, 09:10 am
For those with a limited vocab.
Main Entry: sequitur
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a logical
conclusion from the premises; a logical consequence

Chris.. Just because Herbert eliminated his opposition with questionable tactics does not mean he does not have to worry about is constituents. Just three weeks ago Herbert was hell bent on helping getting this project approved. Now there is a sudden turn around after much pressure from community activists like Hilton and Calvin. Hilton and Calvin care more about the community and people than the politicos and their cronies. I applaud them for their efforts. I also thank Herbert for making the right choice.

Chris.. You have your own blog. If you really think that Herbert does not have to answer to anyone then you can vent there. Personally I don’t think elected officials can do what ever they want. They have to answer to the people and need to be held accountable for their decisions. Apparently there are very few people around here that feel that way.

Thanks again to the few people that blocked this pointless project. I still say we need to keep an eye on things after the election. I am not blind to think thinks can’t change.

7 Tom Hilton - Mar 1, 09:37 am
You are correct – Hebert surely doesn’t have any election year jitters, as nobody had the cajones to run against him. (Hundreds of thousands of $ in campaign chest, incumbent, backing of EDC, etc.) As far as spending too much time worrying about Judge Hebert, let’s just say that without plain ‘ol citizens keeping an eye on politicians such as Hebert, I ASSURE you that he would not be reversing his position on this matter. By the way, McDougal is promising to create an Ethics Division in the DA’s office if elected – this is sorely needed in this County where ethics is considered a four-letter word.

All the best,
Tom Hilton

8 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Mar 1, 11:22 am
Matt & Tom,

I wouldn’t worry too much about the musings of the young Elam. He works for his dad in a firm that is hired to put “out the spin” for the politicians and their cronies. Hebert must apparently be one of their clients. CE becomes increasingly insignificant in the big picture. You’ll never see him carrying a sign he isn’t paid to carry.

Keep up the activism guys. I know Hebert may be worried about the bond elections coming up rather than Mr. Small whom he smeared out of the race on a ridiculous Elam rumor of an incident which took place 22 years prior.

I hope McDougal does get in and get the ethics panel established and going so the “good ole boys club” can get shook up a bit!

Yes, keep an eye on these special projects backed by the likes of Delay-Hebert-Owen (and their Houston based developer buddies).

Congrats all again!

9 Prescott E Small - Mar 1, 12:35 pm
I have to congratulate Tom Hilton, Chris Calvin and others like them in their efforts to force the County Court and Bob Hebert to do their job and represent the constituency, albeit reluctantly. I guess being dragged along kicking and screaming might be considered progress.

Jamie Griffith isn’t going to go away quiet either. Griffith and his Airport were just sacrificed. I have to bet Griffith isn’t to happy and we haven’t heard the last of him.

I have to say that although it appears the commissioners court is doing the right thing in this instance there is still a lot of room for improvement. It is reassuring to see that even Bob Hebert can Flip-Flop when hammered repeatedly with hard evidence and continuous scrutiny. Although it is a shame that it takes several years of hard scrutiny and constant vigilance to get an elected official to represent the voter.

Hebert and the other commissioners need to start returning campaign contributions from those same people that silence free speech by using SLAPP suits against their constituency. They need to stop representing out of county special interest and get to work for their real bosses – the residents of Fort Bend County.

When you take money from individuals that crush rights, mislead or defraud the public you are no better than they are. Last count there were about 230,000 pieces of evidence in Hebert’s bank account that were valued at $1.00 each. Maybe DeLay has taught him well and now Hebert realizes his price was to low?

Things to improve on:
Give back all the money from the Sienna/Johnson Developers. The same developers that use huge cash reserves and SLAPP suits to crush free speech and deplete the savings of hard working families. Crushing free speech is as un-American as you can get. These families are your constituents Bob.

The Commissioners’ Court needs to start having hearings in the evenings or on weekends so that the constituents can attend the court and still take care of their jobs and families.

Bob Hebert and the Commissioners’ Court need to press our State Legislature and the Texas Secretary of State to approve of the V6 version of the eSlate system and require printers. Then demand that the state provide enough funds to buy the correct number of voting machines and printers for the primaries as they have always been in the first place.

Bob Hebert and the other officials need to get their full disclosure documentation completed and published for everyone to see. Bob Hebert believes HB 914 “Has good intentions” but “It is a bad law.” Why is full disclosure bad? I think it was a good start. It needs to be expanded to show when a contract was “no bid” and include all elected state officials including the Legislature.

The Commissioners’ Court should establish a county wide policy of fiscal transparency and reporting that is in plain language so that the average person can understand what the reports say. That information should be readily available to any constituent in any Library, county office or on the internet.

The county should have ZERO no bid contracts. They are handling our money with complete irresponsibility and need to have competitive bids on all jobs. Bob Hebert and the Court should be demanding that the Legislature re-instate the repealed checks and balances that previously made “no bid” contracts illegal.

Emergency contracts should be pre-bid at a fixed rate of profit based on actual costs. These costs should be independently audited and severe penalties should exist for any form of abuse, including criminal prosecution.

I have heard it from several reliable sources there are republican party plans for Bob Hebert and Sugar Land Mayor David G. Wallace.

Bob Hebert has more campaign money than any County Judge in the U.S. – Why? We will see where the “republican golden boy” heads next.

10 Chris Elam - Mar 1, 01:22 pm
Dr. Calvin – Internet Imposter – ResponsibleDevelopment, whatever you call yourself…

I’m not sure where you read “spin” into that comment that was soley addressed at Feinberg. But then again, for a man who’s currently in the midst of legal proceedings over your own “spin”... perhaps you’re more qualified to talk on the subject. =)

11 Chris Calvin, Ph.D. - Mar 1, 01:58 pm
Thanks for such a deep well thought out response CE. Maybe your dad can help you touch it up a bit.

All one has to do is look at your clients list to know what you are up to.

Take care-

12 Chris Elam - Mar 1, 02:51 pm
Hey, I’m just glad that you have started attributing your own name to your comments. Best of success in all your future endeavors.

13 gogetter - Mar 2, 10:08 am
It’s great to see someone was successful with the local EDC crowd. Well done Tom, Chris, Prescott, Matt, Rosie, Anson, John and all the area residents who helped keep the pressure up on this one.

It is amazing to me how many people/voters must get involved to get any movement on the special interest boys!

Well done!

14 Tom Hilton - Mar 3, 08:22 am
The Judge is quoted as saying; “And that runway was knowingly built in close proximity to McKeeever Road’s right-of-way. Therefore, Houston Southwest Airport must correct any conflicts existing between its runway and McKeever Road under FAA regulations,”

I contacted the County Attorney’s office about this safety issue and they claimed that the County has no power to ensure the safety of it’s citizens using County roads. What?

Our position is that this private developer is endangering the safety of County residents using McKeever Road (the runway was built too close to the road which violates mandated safety clearances). This fact is clearly stated above by the Judge, and the County is fully aware of it. Since Griffith cannot go into Newpoint to divert McKeever, (which was the whole reason behind S. Post Oak) the only alternative is to remove 950 feet from the west end of the runway. He’s certainly not going to do it on his own – he will have to be forced to do it. Who is going to step up and enforce the law here? The FAA? Ha! The County should be taking this to the next level and ensuring that County residents are taken out of harm’s way.

I find it hard to believe that the County does not have the authority to require a private developer to take measures to ensure that his runway is not endangering the safety and welfare of the general public.

Any attorneys out there who could shed some light on this?

All the best,
Tom Hilton

15 Artemio Temo - Mar 14, 10:12 pm
Just to say a BIG THANKS to Tom Hilton, Chris Calvin, Matthew Femberg, Rosie, Anson, John and
whomever else participated with your efforts to stop this nonsense Airport expansion/Mckeever divertion. None of us want to lose our land for pennies, and we need to feel safe at home, just the way we are. Thanks again.
Artemio Temo

16 JLS - Mar 15, 07:40 am
I want to thank Rodrigo Carreon, Paul Malone & Greyling Poats for also working tirelessly on this issue.

Rodrigo especially appeared before the commission, several councils and went door-to-door on this for his neighbors in Arcola! Thanks Rodrigo and the rest! Keep your eyes on this after the bond election. It will probably come back as it has many times before.

17 Susan - Mar 15, 06:54 pm
It is super that the realignment plan failed. Congratulations.

18 Tom Hilton - Mar 16, 10:38 am
I went to TxDOT Aviaition a while back asking questions about the proposed 953 foot extension of the runway to the east. They denied that there was any plans to extend the runway, and that they were simply wanting for the airport to purchase the 2,000 foot section of property extending eastward for a “Safety Zone”. The plans still show the runway being extended however. Now, the consulting firm that the airport hired to negotiate land purchases is talking to people on the EAST side of FM 521 looking to acquire their homes. There were 36 properties over there that were to be condemned via the feasibility study – Griffith is still trying to make it happen.

This thing won’t go away until Arcola steps up with a Plan for their own city – right now, the Planning Commission is one man – Jamie Griffith.

Never mind that his airport is currently out of compliance with FAA safety standards, they are wanting to make it even MORE unsafe. And, our City, State, and Federal governments all have a hand in it (aka hand in the cookie jar).

All the best,
Tom Hilton

2:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1 thelittleguy - Dec 14, 05:49 am
Sounds like some of the GFBCEDC clique is working over-time on this one in Arcola. I witnessed the bold face claim by the mayor and it reminds me of other mayors in the area being told what to do by their EDC bosses. I sure hope people wake up to this before it is too late! Former Mayor Saenz was right at the meeting last night saying that someone is telling them what to do and say. Way to go Tom and Mayor Saenz! Stop the take-over of private property by the county for the owner of the airport (isn’t this now illegal under Senator Janek’s new law?)! What right have they got to take these people’s property for another private buisness?

Keep up the good fight! America still votes and can take control away from these elites telling our politicians what to do.

2 Tom Hilton - Dec 14, 08:40 am

One person not mentioned last night for his role in these shenanigans was Council Member Greg Abarr. He ran for re-election last May on the platform of being against the airport expansion. What does he do, literally 5 minutes after taking oath office? He votes yes on approving the resolution concerning South Post Oak – this road not only allows for the expansion, it is absolutely ESSENTIAL for the expansion as it does 2 things for Griffith; 1) It diverts the road out of the FAA safety zone and 2) It allows for the closure of McKeever thus making it possible for the airplanes to taxi across to the planned hangars north of McKeever. Mr. Abarr also claims that there has been extensive studies done regarding the economic/traffic impacts to the City, yet declined to offer those up when requested by me and other citizens. An Open Records Request was done regarding this, and the only thing that I got back was plans prepared by the airport…hardly credible to say the least Mr. Abarr.

Now, Judge Hebert, Commissioner Stavinoha, and Mayor Gipson all claim that this road is being done for the ECONOMIC benefit of Arcola (although virtually no studies have been done to corraborate this). The point is that Arcola failed to negotiate in good faith for the best interests of the City…Arcola controls the roads inside it’s Limits. If Griffith wanted a road, the very first item on the negotiating table should have been annexation of the 211 acres into Arcola’s City Limits – then we’ll discuss road plans. But no, Arcola immediately took the position of the developer, saying that he MAY NEVER incorporate his property into the City unless they do what he says.


Stavinoha also uses the ruse that Griffith may sue the County if they don’t do this – please Commissioner, do you really expect the citizens of this county to believe that the County is being blackmailed into doing the bidding of this developer without your consent and approval?

There are 4 things that concern me here;





This County is sorely lacking in an ETHICAL STANDARD, which I believe needs to be instated similar to the one that Sugar Land just approved. We need leaders who are accountable to the Citizens of this County relative to truthfulness and fairness. Their behavior should be governed by ETHICAL VALUES – their commitment to the Public Welfare has been sorely lacking in this GFBEDC-controlled environment.

All the best,

Tom Hilton

3 consumerwise - Dec 14, 09:31 am
After reading the articles about this and reviewing the available materials through the local media I would like to thank the citizens of the Arcola area for standing up to this behemoth cohort operating in our county. This “bullying” by some area developers of the local elected officials and with the help of other special interest politicians has got to stop.

There is an election cycle coming up and another opportunity for homeowners and residents of Fort Bend County to take back local control. This reminds me so much of the efforts taken to silence homeowners who complained in Simonton, Missouri City, Fulshear and now here in Arcola by the GFBEDC. Does this special corporate interest group really think this is good for buisness or their public image? Some types of land use just are not going to add value to area homeowners and this ultimately impacts long term stability and growth.

Voters are the stockholders in the community. It’s time we woke up and voted this gang out. Let them do their buisness the old fashioned way by involving local communities in the process rather than trying to sneek it past them and releasing deliberate misinformation to the media in hopes of fooling the consumers. The days of consumer contempt by these companies and some politicians operating in this county must stop and our elected officials can mediate that process if they are not co-opted by the Houston special interests working the back-rooms of our city and county government!

Support reform candidates in your party this coming year!

4 Kevin - Dec 15, 11:17 am
I am rather amazed that from the quotes this mayor is not even capable of speaking proper english. I suppose that says something about him as the mayor.

5 - - Jan 3, 01:03 pm
Prescott Small, a Stafford homeowner/resident, former republican and IT manager, apparently has filed to run against FBCEDC and Houston area developer backed Bob Hebert, the incumbent for chief county judge. All of you following this airport expansion story may be interested in an alternative this election cycle to the business as usual philosophy of the FBCEDC (Herb Appel) and Mr. Hebert (see the Simonton, Missouri City, Arcola stories here on for more examples).

Think about options this election season and visit to check the incumbent contributors this year. Elect candidates that haven’t sold out the political process and will represent homeowners and voters, not their absentee Houston corporate backers!

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wonder when this charade is going to end?

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


McKeever Road Expansion Doesn't Pass Smell Test
When you take into account the nearly completed expansion of the Sugar Land Regional Airport, the Southwest Houston Airport expansion is not only unnecessary, it is a complete waste of money and resources. Sugar Land Regional Airport is already an alternative airport for Hobby and Bush.

According to Google Maps, the two airports are a distance of 15.9 miles (29 minutes) apart. That includes cutting through Sienna Plantation to get there!

Tom Hilton has done a great job of gathering evidence:

Judge Hebert was quoted in the 12/28/05 Fort Bend Star: “the plan would divert McKeever Road to South Post Oak – providing critical relief for the overly congested roadways for people living in Sienna Plantation as well as overall relief for motorists who use those roadways.”

Fort Bend County has Harlem Road, which has had wrecks involving fatalities, yet McKeever Road Is a “higher priority”project according to Judge Hebert.

He must have attended some different math courses than the rest us. McKeever Road has a current traffic level of about 200 cars per day projected to reach 600. Harlem Road, on the other hand, has 10,400 cars per day with a projected load of 29,400. Harlem Road has had fatalities and McKeever has not.

Draw your own conclusions but it is evident to me that lives, safety and facts are not relevant to the court or special interests that contribute to the coffers of Judge Hebert.

Again we have a perfect example of “Actions speak louder than words.”

Still the questions remain:

Why does this airport require expansion when Sugar Land has nearly completed their expansion?

Where is the benefit to the community?

How is the cost of such a project justified?

Why is the taxpayer to be burdened with the expense of the project for Jamie Griffith’s personal and private business?

Why aren’t real questions being answered?

Who can be held accountable?

How can they be held accountable?

When will they be held accountable?

Perhaps the family of the next victims of a Harlem Road motor vehicle accident should file suit against the Commissioners Court, Bob Hebert and Jamie Griffith for gross negligence and dereliction of duty?

These people are using the power they have, unjustly and for no other purpose than personal gain. They should be ashamed.

Prescott Small

1 John Armstrong - Feb 8, 06:59 pm
Thank you Prescott! It’s called ‘misdirection’... What economic benefit will the airport provide to the area around it? Economic benefit must extend beyond the scope of the airport itself.
This to me smells of a ‘give me’ project. Where are the studies that validate economic growth benefits other than the airport itself?
The comments of Hebert about little or no impact and would improve quality of life in the area, happen to be ignorant of the facts. Facts that are easily available. One study showed that in a master planned development area of a little more than 8000 homes the airport impacted the community to the toll of $8,000,000+... sure that isn’t much per home but, it is your home. The secondary study indicated that home ‘improvements’ as in the areas of sound reduction materials would be necessary… add that on top of the $8,000,000+...

There is from the studies that are available a reduction in value of at least 1.0% per home. That is $2000 for my home.

Out of the S.P. area if one was to do the math of 3000 family units(if my information on the number of homes is correct) each at 100K per(which homes in the area go for much more) is $3,000,000 of lost investment… which I believe is a more than the cost of the airport improvement.

If anyone would like a list of studies please feel free to contact me.

FYI, there are other studies out there that make the claim having an airport right next door does nothing to the value of your home. I’m sure that statement is true if your home could no longer lose anymore value. By the way those studies are developed by the developers of the airports or at least paid for by them.

2 noairportexpansion - Feb 9, 07:00 am
Good point John. It is important to look for studies conducted by either independent governmental agencies or universities and to know the intent of the author of such research. This can usually be discovered by the funding source for such research.

For example the ULI & ABA funds and supports much research for the land development industry. This however would not be a good source to quote unless the reader knows what to look for. I remember at a recent city council session some Houston developers were throwing this data around in front of a friendly mayor who stated this supports the land use being advanced, but it really supported nothing since the group advancing it is an industry think tank and had a vested economic interest in the outcome. It’s a little like using campaign literature from either party to decide who to vote for rather than looking up the voting record and campaign contributions of a candidate.

Good luck and “no more airport expansion (political gifts)” for Mr. Griffith!

3 Tom Hilton - Feb 9, 09:50 am
The $69 question that begs to be asked is this;

If Griffith has 211 acres to route South Post Oak to McKeever, what is the need to intrude into Newpoint?

(Answer) There is one reason, and one reason only, which is to allow the airport to comply with FAA regulations by taking McKeever out of the Runway Safety Area. The Control Point set by the FAA is requiring the detour into Newpoint Estates.

Sounds like, Looks like, and (whew!) SMELLS like, Eminent Domain abuse to benefit a private developer. This is our County Government at work.

Thomas J. Hilton

4 John Armstrong - Feb 9, 06:46 pm
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice well, I like the attention you’re paying me.

I think it is time to rethink voting strategy in this area.

Sure, $2000 really isn’t much… over all. But, I don’t believe in being told I have to lose it for the ‘bogus’ benefit of McKeever road improvement and airport… this is improving one person.

We have the Sugarland airport now the airport at the end of McKeever vying for the same business categories… how far is Hobby from here?

What ecomonic growth in this area is really going to support the airport?

You know I could see it if there were future plans to get UPS or FedEx fulfillment warehouses built in the area or somthing along those lines, that would support growth – jobs.

Companies like those could really benefit from the airport improvements, you don’t develop by putting the cart before the horse.

Has anyone heard of any economic development that would allow the airport to be used as leverage?

5 voterwise - Feb 9, 07:11 pm
Don’t know John the answers to these questions, but you can bet the public will be the last to know about it, especially if we own property that is in the way of the grand scheme (even if we just bought out here). The use of the “mobility excuse” to take over land for the private owner of the airport is a mistake that can easily be challenged and should be. It would be obvious to any TX jury what’s going on here.

6 John Armstrong - Feb 10, 03:29 pm
I think I’m gonna having some ‘mobility’ in my vote!

7 John Armstrong - Feb 11, 12:24 pm

And the dated information from the bill:

I hereby certify that S.B. No. 7 passed the Senate on
August 9, 2005, by the following vote: Yeas 25, Nays 4; and that
the Senate concurred in House amendments on August 16, 2005, by the
following vote: Yeas 19, Nays 5.


Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 18, 2005

8 John Armstrong - Feb 11, 06:20 pm
More news folks…

This is from the new legislation…

Under section:

Section 311.005(a)(1)(I), Tax Code.

(c) This section does not affect the authority of an entity authorized by law to take private property through the use of eminent domain for:

(1) transportation projects, including, but not limited to, railroads, airports, or public roads or highways;

Ok, but to do that the county has to follow section: 311.003. of the Tax code which refered to as: PROCEDURE FOR CREATING REINVESTMENT

Under that portion of the law, they have to…

ZONE. (a) The governing body of a municipality by ordinance may designate a contiguous geographic area in the jurisdiction of the municipality to be a reinvestment zone to promote development or
redevelopment of the area if the governing body determines that
development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private
investment in the reasonably foreseeable future.
(b) Before adopting an ordinance providing for a
reinvestment zone, the governing body of the municipality must
prepare a preliminary reinvestment zone financing plan. As soon as
the plan is completed, a copy of the plan must be sent to the
governing body of each taxing unit that levies taxes on real
property in the proposed zone.
(c) Before adopting an ordinance providing for a
reinvestment zone, the municipality must hold a public hearing on
the creation of the zone and its benefits to the municipality and to
property in the proposed zone. At the hearing an interested person
may speak for or against the creation of the zone, its boundaries,
or the concept of tax increment financing. Not later than the
seventh day before the date of the hearing, notice of the hearing
must be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality.

Meaning that the investment in improving the area must be beyond the airport. The county MUST provide that information to the public. This investment CAN NOT occur just for the improvement of the road and rezoning of the airport, especially since the ‘private owner’ is contributing money himself. There is substantial proof that private parties are willing to invest in the improvement project without the county providing support… 30% if I remember right.

And the following section describes the restrictions…

ZONE. (a) A municipality may not create a reinvestment zone if:
(1) more than 10 percent of the property in the
proposed zone, excluding property that is publicly owned, is used
for residential purposes…

Then they have to appoint a ‘BoD’ Board of Directors to over see the rezoning and improvement plans, that would include the big plan for economic growth.


Under subsection:


The member of the state senate in whose
district the zone is located is a member of the board, and the
member of the state house of representatives in whose district the
zone is located is a member of the board, except that either may
designate another individual to serve in the member’s place at the pleasure of the member.

I guess our realm of voting options go way beyond Hebert if we don’t like this little project.

Has anyone seen the ‘big plan’ paperwork the above describes?

9 John Armstrong - Feb 12, 06:57 am
This called ‘Due Process’, if this is not being done correctly… it can not be done at all.

10 voterwise - Feb 12, 08:01 am
Excellent research on this issue Mr. Armstrong! I believe Dora Olivo (D) and Delay backed Kyle Janek-repub. are this areas reps for that (whether they know it or not). Which one do you think will stand up to this private take-over in New Point Estates?

11 John Armstrong - Feb 13, 06:29 am
Well, I believe that one would ‘foolish’ not to take this information to their attorney. Verification of ‘due process’ is absolute, if not followed, no expansion.

Oh, yeah… reinvestment zone is also a different tax zone… home owners pay for the school systems, don’t they?

3:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a lawyer joke for JK & associates:

Lawyers take everything

A reporter outside of a courtroom asked a defendant clad only in a barrel: "Oh, I see your attorney lost the case!" The defendant answered, "No, we won."

3:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a good one:

You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.

~ Anthony Robbins

5:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ck out this AHRC OP/ED release from 10/19:

Press Release
A disturbing trend in America's courtrooms

October 19, 2006

By AHRC News Services

Sana Ana, California -
Most Americans work hard, pay their taxes, feed and shelter and care for their families, and follow the laws. They also pay politicians to pass just laws, and they pay judges to deliver justice.

However, there are reports of a disturbing trend in America's courtrooms.

Homeowners are reporting that after they are terrorized in their communities by law breaking homeowner association lawyers, they are dragged into courtrooms where judges assist the lawyers to rob them of their homes or drive them into bankruptcy.

Homeowners report that both the judges and the lawyers are disrespectful and mistreat them in the courtrooms. They report that the judges collude with the homeowner association lawyers, let them lie, coach them , ignore laws, court rules and facts, strip evidence from the court files, and write opinions with false information to legitimize their biased and illegal rulings.

Law abiding, innocent homeowners should not fear and tremble when going into their courtrooms. Courtrooms should not be landmines rigged so that lawyers and judges can rob citizens of their life savings and take their property .

Our courtrooms have no room for corrupt judges who break laws and deliver injustice.

Let's put a face on injustice.

8:08 AM  
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