Thursday, April 05, 2007

OP/ED: Carter's Creative Editing (from the FBStar)-

The following letter to the editor was in response to recent endorsements and political smears from Ms. Carter (In her "Burner" column) of the Fort Bend Star. In her response she left quite a bit out so we have included additional information by her in the e-mail exchange that initiated the release (see below or click the title link above for a heavily edited version in the Star, our local gossip rag):

Sienna resident accuses
“Bev’s Burner” of unwarranted attacks
Dear Bev,

I just wanted to respond to your recent roasting of yet another candidate that has vowed not to take “special interest” monies in your weekly put-down column. The petty nature of your attacks on the character of Mr. Pinnock indicates your true motives and relationships with the network backing one of his opponents. The Sienna Plantation candidate, Mr. Reitz, who you support and is hand picked to run by the “big money” here, who also purchases many ads in your publications, has exactly what experience? You simply endorse anyone that fits into your marketing scheme. Last year during the mayoral races you went as far as to leave out the facts that Owen, backed by the same group, even had an opponent running against him, only to apologize after the race had already ended (knowing otherwise). This is not reporting, but a farse (sic) and most in this area who may still read your paper accept it for what it has become.

I thought a few months ago you had changed when you took Bob Hebert to task on his campaign finance reporting (or should I say miss reporting (sic)), but you turned right around and gave him the big pat on the back later regardless. Was this because you sell several full page ads to him at election time? Ad pressure is an amazing thing Ms. Carter, isn’t it?

Please return to the people and stop pandering to these special interest who could careless (sic) about improving local government, schools, etc. Mr. Pinnock is a genuine hard-working educator who will represent all of Missouri City, not just 1 neighborhood and its developer’s agenda.

PS- I suppose you will endorse all the candidates that fit this mold during this election cycle. It makes me PROUD to be working/voting/supporting Tunstall/Hunter/Griffin & Pinnock. Guess what, unlike last year, we won’t be buying any ads from you (we don’t want to be hypocrites and can win without you).

Chris Calvin

Sienna Plantation Resident

Missouri City, TX.

*Editor’s note: I don’t know what newspaper you are really reading, but you certainly have your facts wrong. The following copy ran on the following date under the following headline:

March 15, 2006

Fort Bend hopefuls, incumbents throw hats in the political ring

Missouri City Mayor Allen Owen will seek another term as mayor as will incumbent Councilmen at Large Jerry Wyatt and Buddy Jimerson. Unlike recent past years when Owen was the only person who filed to run for the mayor’s job, this year he will run against Greyling Byron Poats.

The challenger is an insurance agent who has lived in Missouri City one month shy of 25 years. Owen, a manager of 12 Wells Fargo Bank branches in Fort Bend County, has lived in Missouri City for almost 30 years and been mayor for 12 years.

Comment: The above response ignored the deliberate ad placements during this contested mayoral race and the news release during the most important time of any election (early voting). The following piece was run on 5-10-06 and makes it appear that no one was running against the incumbent (whether or not this is deliberate or just poor reporting we will leave to you):

From your papers 5-10-06 election article (week of the election). It drew responses in other media around town. Mr. Poat's name isn't even mentioned and it looks like, from the way it is stated, that he isn't even running (intentional or not it supports my claim):

"Raborn said it has been three years since a city election was held in Missouri City so it’s difficult to make comparisons to the 907 people who have voted early this month in Missouri City.

The county election administrator said that in 2003 there was a contested council district race in Missouri City but no elections since. The mayor, Allen Owen, was elected in 1994 and has had only one opponent and that opponent filed to run against him but dropped out of the race. Incumbents in Missouri City’s two at-large council seats are Buddy Jimerson and Jerry Wyatt who are running unopposed for re-election."--BF reported this one


and this letter correcting Ms. Carter from city secretary Fogarty on 5-17-06 with a CLASSIC bev response:

Mo City secretary questions accuracy

Dear Star News,

I must say I am flabbergasted at the information on the front page of the May 3, 2006, edition of The Fort Bend/Southwest Star, regarding the Missouri City election. It states, “Missouri City only has mayor on ballot.”

If someone had but contacted me or a staffmember in my office, we would have gladly provided accurate election information. In addition to the mayoral race in which we have two candidates -- Allen Owen and Greyling Poats, we also have two other positions on the ballot -- At Large Position 1, with candidate Jerry Wyatt, and At Large Position 2, with candidate Buddy Jimerson. Both of the At Large races are uncontested.

A simple phone call would have afforded accurate reporting on Missouri City election information.

City Secretary Patrice Fogarty

Publisher’s note: Although the headline was indeed unfortunate, we do not consider uncontested races necessary to detail. And despite repeated attempts, we were unable to get Mr. Poats to return a telephone call. I believe the story mentioned he was running. So the only people ignored were the two running uncontested races. We apologize for the inaccurate headline.

Bev Carter, publisher


MCC/CRD would like to encourage Ms. Carter to find a better way to endorse her candidates and act more like a newspaper!

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

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