Tuesday, November 25, 2008

FBN Reports: FBISD Police Dept. Having Major Management Problems

Criticism Of FBISD Police Chief Continues, District Remains Mum
by John Pape

Following the election, several Fort Bend ISD police officers contacted FortBendNow and accused Campbell of using his school district office to run his campaign and district administrators of turning a blind eye to the use of district resources and time for a political race.

After a number of people claiming to work closely with Campbell posted comments on FortBendNow denying the claims, additional officers came forward to verify the initial allegations.

They also said members of the chief’s “inner circle” were trying to find out who was talking to the news media and that the atmosphere in the chief’s office had “become paranoid” following the initial reports, with a number of officers being accused of being the source of the reports. . .click the link above for the full story!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Join CABRLE--follow this link for more---

Help fight the proposed Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion near Missouri City, TX. Click the title link above for more!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

2 TV Stations Settle In The Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion Case Leaving Thousands of Homeowners To Press On Alone! --click here for full story--

Two Of Three TV Stations End Their Dispute Over Landfill Expansion
by Bob Dunn

Two of three Houston TV stations have dropped their bid to prevent Blue Ridge Landfill from expanding and piling refuse 170 feet high.

KTRK Channel 13, KHOU Channel 11 and KRIV Channel 26 all contended that the proposed expansion would allow garbage to be stacked so high that it could block Doppler radar signals and possibly prevent hurricane detection.

But sources said Wednesday that ABC affiliate KTRK-TV and CBS affiliate KHOU-TV have reached a negotiated settlement with the landfill's owner. The TV stations' attorneys couldn't be reached for comment Wednesday afternoon.

Fox affiliate KRIV-TV apparently is not part of the agreement.

About a year and a half ago, the television stations joined an already large group of opponents to the proposed landfill expansion, including the City of Pearland, Brazoria County and a group of citizens called CABRLE - the Coalition Against Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion. . . follow the link above for the full story!



Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Will Reform Commissioner Meet Opposition From Chief County Judge? --click the title link for more--

Will new commissioner's ethics reform plan work?
Zen Zheng (FB Chronicle)

In a few weeks, there will be a new face at the county Commissioners Court bench -- 41-year-old Richard Morrison will be the youngest of all five court members.

During the campaign for the Precinct 1 office, Morrison promised to not just bring a new physical presence to the court, but something substantially new - a reform. . . (follow the title link for the full chronicle story)

Friday, November 14, 2008

FB Star Updates Blue Ridge Landfill Controversy--click the title link--

"While the county has defended their position on accepting the tipping fees from Blue Ridge, opponents of the landfill and the proposed expansion of the landfill, say the county and the city of Missouri City basically “sold out” to the multi-million dollar refuse company by accepting the fees in the first place and the funds amount to no more than a legal bribe." Skinner FB Star

FB Star & Independent Covers Morrison Reform Victory And Issues He Fought For! --click here for more--

FBI story: http://fbindependent.com/default.asp?sourceid=&smenu=1&twindow=&mad=&sdetail=985&wpage=1&skeyword=&sidate=&ccat=&ccatm=&restate=&restatus=&reoption=&retype=&repmin=&repmax=&rebed=&rebath=&subname=&pform=&sc=2531&hn=fbindependent&he=.com

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update From Chronicle On The Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion Contested Case Hearing Near Missouri City, Texas--click the title link for more--

Chron: Continued Problems With FBISD Personnel Software System! (Total costs now nearing $10 million)--click title link for full story--

FBISD pumps more money into controversial software program
Consultant hired to install tax-regulation updates

After a multimillion-dollar investment into a problem-ridden business software system, Fort Bend Independent School District officials Monday OK’d another commitment of up to $60,000 to update the program.
The payment will be made to a consultant with Red River, a Lebanon, NH-based information technology service company, for a nine-week project to integrate government tax updates into the system, said Robert Calvert, the school district’s chief informational officer.

The financial and human resources management software system, known as PeopleSoft, is provided by the namesake company, which issues about six updates during a year to incorporate tax-regulation changes by local, state and federal taxing jurisdictions, Calvert said.

The software system, which the district introduced in early 2007 to replace an old system, has been plagued with technical problems from the beginning, causing issues such as payroll snags — delayed payrolls and lack of timely pay increases — and prompting officials to repeatedly allocate large amounts of funds for fixes ¾ the last batch totaling $300,000 six months ago.
Calvert said about 95 percent of the system replacement has been completed. Total project cost could be anywhere between $5 million and $10 million, he said. That replacement work has prevented timely installation of tax updates released this year and eventually an outside consultant has to be hired for the job as the updates must be integrated into the system by the year-end, Calvert said.

Before joining the rest of the school board in approving the $60,000 request, board president Sonal Bhuchar and trustee David Reitz expressed concerns about the cost.
“That $60,000 can hire a person for a whole year,” Reitz said after learning that the price is for a nine-week project by one person.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Visit Homeowners Advocacy Group (American Homeowners Resource Center)--follow the title link here--

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

CABRLE & Stop GPA TOLLs Advocate Richard Morrison Scores Big Win In Pct. 1 Commissioners Court Race Over Special Interest Candidate!--click here--

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




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91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


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