Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chronicle: Is Jenney seeking "global center" to "glorify" himself?

Get the full chronicle story at: http://blogs.chron.com/fortbend/archives/2009/03/is_jenney_seeki.html

MCC question: How many school campuses could FBISD build for the 30-40 million dollars needed for this project?


During last nights public comments section of the regular board meeting several speakers engaged the trustees in a series of questions meant to clarify the current lack of information or misinformation circulating the district regarding the new proposed "Global Taj Mahal".

Since speakers are only given 3 minutes, apparently the board members were not required to respond, few if any answers were provided. One speaker, a resident/taxpayer from the district, asked the BOT if they were aware of the media reports regarding the FBI investigation going on involving the vendor/company in another school district which seemed to have similar characteristics of this project? Another speaker seemed very concerned about how the "feasibility committee" was selected to supposedly investigate if this project should even get off the ground at this time. She claimed that at no time was this process open to the public. She was also very concerned about why this project was not placed on the ballot during the last bond election and where the money is going to come from.

Two of the board candidates were present, Bruce Albright (http://www.brucealbright.com ) and Rodrigo Carreon, whom have gone on record as opposing the timing of this proposal along with Mr. Carlos Cain (http://www.carloscain.com ) who is running against Sonal Bhuchar for her seat (and who was also appointed to the "feasibility committee"). Mr. Albright chose not to speak. One rumor circulating the post meeting chat was that apparently a senior administrative official and the appointed leader of the "feasibility committee" [sales committee] is recruiting high school students to join the promotion of this project even though, according to the plan, it will only target 2nd through 8th grade students for the annual field trips to the central office extension on Lexington.

We will update this story as it progresses...

Related Stories In The Houston Press and other media:







Thursday, March 26, 2009

FBN: Cain-Bhuchar BOT Race Heats Up!

Get the full story at: http://www.fortbendweb.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1128&Itemid=101#jreactions or http://www.fortbendnow.com/2009/03/26/36631

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chron: No 2nd Fire Station or South Exit, High Traffic, No Hospital & 72 Foreclosures In Sienna Plantation (2008)--click here for full story--

...The development agreement between Johnson and the city also obligates Missouri City to build a second fire station for the Sienna community currently served by the city’s Fire Station No. 4 at the community’s entrance [originally set for 3000 homes but now long over-due] . The new station is planned east of Sienna Parkway, south of Waters Lake Boulevard. Sienna Plantation MUD No. 1 would secure the land and pay for the construction and a fire truck under the agreement.

Owen said city and county officials are considering setting up a Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office substation at the new fire station. The city’s police department would eventually take over the substation when the city annexes the area, Owen said.
Sienna has not been immune from the economic recession, with a marked slowdown in home sales the last two years, Smith said. With less open land available, Johnson shifted focus to larger lots in the wooded areas, he said.

Goff said the availability of a broad range of low-end homes in 2006 contributed to record sales that year, a scenario unlikely to occur under today’s economic conditions. Smith said Johnson is pacing construction at 400 to 500 homes a year, targeting 8,000 homes at build-out.

Simmons, who specializes in Sienna properties, said foreclosures here are about 1 percent of the total number of homes. It recorded 72 last year, which is higher than usual.

Community concerns linger. Sienna Parkway is congested during peak hours despite the opening of Sienna Ranch Road to Texas 6.

“It’s going to get worse as the community grows,” Wang said.
The area has no hospital. Nearly nine years after buying 34 acres near the community entrance for a proposed medical complex, Irving-based Christus Health still has the project on hold.

Comment: Search the archives on this site for more on the relationships between the political officials quotes in this piece and the developer of this community. Another link of interest to all this is the special taxing zone that was set-up in this area in '07 & '08:


Albright Release: Upcoming Election for Position 6, School Board Trustee, Fort Bend ISD

This is concerning the School Board Election in May. Steve Smelly is
retiring from the school board and I have filed as a candidate for his
position in the upcoming election.

My wife Letty has been a teacher for 25 years, 19 of them with
FBISD. We have raised 2 children through Fort Bend Schools. I personally
have been teaching middle school kids at church for the past 18 years. We
both are very involved with the educational process in Fort Bend County.

I received my degree in Business & Personnel Management, from the
University of Central Florida in 1978. Since that time I have been involved
in the active management of several different companies. My specialty has
always been the ability to "turn around" operations.

I expect in the coming year, FBISD will need a fresh new prospective
in dealing with "funding problems, staffing, and student population growth", just to mention a few. They are going to need someone who can look from the "outside~ in", not the "inside-out".

Some of the other important issues are:

1) The Global Science Center:
I really don't think this district ought to be thinking about
building a "Taj Mahal", when we have teachers in classrooms without proper supplies such as copy paper, projectors, etc. and students without computers in classrooms for learning math and other computerized programs.

I think it's more important for the district to take care of the
instructional needs of all Educators and Students, not just a select few who
may or may not get any use out of this building.

2) The district should address the rate pay and spend more attention to the
needs of workers who are struggling within this current economy such as
hourly bus drivers, custodians, lunch room workers, and Teachers who are
struggling to make ends meet in this troubled economy.

3) We need to deal with the ever increasing, mushrooming layers of
administration and the salaries thereof the same.

4) Make sure our school employees have decent health care benefits and

5) We also need to make sure that underperforming schools receive
instructional assistance in the classrooms with students, not in the

My pledge is simple; I will represent the students, educators, and
taxpayers with a fresh new prospective, and with the vigor of a roaring



Bruce D. Albright, L.S.
Candidate~ Board
Trustee, Pos 6
Fort Bend ISD


Monday, March 23, 2009

Local Races See Some Candidates Turning To The Web For Support!

Nothing new about state and national elections turning more to the internet to reach its constituents, but local elections have often been hit or miss. This election cycle we have found at least 2 of the 5 school board candidates in FBISD and 1 council candidate using interactive websites to reach the public. Some with online stores and paypal features to donate.

These are ones we have located thus far:




Visit them and learn more before you vote. Remember early voting starts April 27th with election day falling on May 9th this year...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Griffin & Elackatt Draw First Position On The May Ballot!

Rodney Griffin, running for district A and Robin Elackatt, running for district C council seats in Mo-City supporting reform have drawn first position for the May 9th local election for city council. Griffin previously ran for the position A seat pushing for the Texas Parkway & Murphy Rd. improvements and has been partially credited with the city placing this on the front burners after many years of neglect.

We will update these city races as they progress! Click the title link above for more on local school district and city council races.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Griffin, Elackatt Challenge For Council Positions (See this chronicle report)

Griffin wants to focus on the deterioration of the city’s older neighborhoods, which he said is “truly heartbreaking.”

“The lion’s share of our hard-earned tax dollars from the older communities are going down Highway 6 to special projects and developers, instead of revitalizing areas along Texas Parkway, the gateway to Missouri City.”

The city’s new redevelopment plan for Texas Parkway is “more smoke and mirrors,” said Griffin...

...“It seems to me that the city parents are talking the talk, but not walking the walk,” he said.

--FOLLOW the link above for more...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Carlos Cain, an oil field services consultant and taxpayer advocate, announced this week that he will seek the position 2 trustee seat currently held by Sonal Bhuchar.

Mr. Cain is best known for his efforts in 2007 and 2008 to push for more transparency and accountability in the bond process during the record bond election that lead to the first ever budget deficit in FBISD. He has also been involved in supporting teacher retention, academic improvement, single member school districts and improved discipline models that address real student needs.

At the 2008 district tax hearing he spoke up in favor of teacher salary increases and exposed the nearly $100 million dollar surplus fund, better known as the “fund balance account”.

Carlos has been a resident of Sugar Land since 2002 and is very concerned about the impact rising property taxes are having on our schools and community. He stated recently that “ the primary responsibility of the school board is over-sight, transparency and accountability”. It is this belief and commitment that he will bring to the position 2 trustee seat.

He can be contacted at: carloscain@rocketmail.com or 281-313-3796.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Districts New "Truancy Policy" Leads To Record Collections For FBISD!


Check out this FBN article on how it works:

A Tougher Fort Bend ISD Truancy Policy Bears Fruit, But Not All Of It As Expected
Bob Dunn, FBN

The [new] get-tough policy against truancy that Fort Bend Independent School District announced last summer has borne fruit:

...And as more parents have been hauled before county justices of the peace, so have more parents shown up at recent school board meetings to assail the district Board of Trustees over what they see as an inflexible and unfair truancy policy.

“They have 68,000-plus students, and they have sent 8.4% of the entire student body to court” in the first semester of the 2008-09 year, one parent said, adding that the district created an automated system for handling truancy cases “and then probably realized, ‘whoo-hoo, we’re sitting on a gold mine.’

--Follow the title link for more above and how the district is "cashing in" to overcome a special interest initiated record bond debt that so negatively impacted our district school budgets...

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Popular Local Blog Covers Insiders & Outsiders In Latest FBISD BOT Races!

Click the title link for more on this story....

Position 2 Trustee Sonal Bhuchar faces opponent Carlos Cain.

Now that’s a name and a half.

Not only is it alliterative, but both “C” sounds are “hard.” The name speaks like a nuclear chain reaction.

Like the devil himself has come to call.

So who is this guy, Carlos Cain, and what does he bring to the table? Well, he also lists himself as a Consultant living in Sugar Land (honestly, is there anyone but Rodrigo with an honest to goodness job title? What are all these consultants doing running for a non-paying job?).

Carlos Cain, it would appear, is the local county seer. Way back in 2007 Cain went on record as opposing the Fort Bend ISD bond issue to raise funds to build new high school, middle school and elementary school campuses. Growth projections in the district showed that at the current rate of growth, FBISD would be bulging at the seams, and would need these new facilities within 10 years in order to stay ahead of the population curve. Here is what he wrote in FortBendNow:

"If We Build It, Will They Come?”

“What if they don’t come?”

“As a concerned parent and voter I have been reviewing the FBISD bond issue on the November ballot. I believe they are overstating the future needs of Fort Bend ISD and the cost of this “potential” growth. Who will pay for this? WE WILL! Every tax payer in FBISD. If passed, the new bond issue would push FBISD debt to approximately 1.5 Billion dollars. That is ($1,500,000,000.00). Think about it, and call 832-859-5783 for more information.”

That is, clear back in October of 2007 Carlos Cain foresaw the housing crisis and the downturn in real estate sales everywhere, including Fort Bend County.

Cain has also come to the conclusion that the Board of Trustees propose inflated bond issues so that unspent bond money can be used “for purposes other than what was initially approved by voters.” Former FBISD Chief Operations Officer Mike Seale as well as Superintendent Timothy Jenney have labeled these accusations as “false.”

Fort Bend ISD voters were not swayed by Cain’s arguments, however, despite his singular effort in organizing robo calls to 2,200 homes in the district. In November 2007 voters approved the massive $428 billion bond issue by 65% to 35%, with over 16,000 votes cast.

Now, come to find out, Cain was spot-on correct. Not about the financial gyrations that he was accusing the Board of going through. About the “will they come” thing.

According to Fort Bend County projections, “they” stopped coming." halfempty


Thursday, March 12, 2009

FBI: Battle lines drawn in local elections

Click the title link for more...also see: http://www.fortbendstar.com/031109/n_Four%20elections%20to%20be%20held%20May%209.htm

FBN: Five Candidates Vie For Two Positions On Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees

Five Candidates Vie For Two Positions On Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees
March 10th, 2009 | by Bob Dunn | Published in News | 4 Comments

Three people have filed to run for the Fort Bend Independent School District Board seat being vacated by Steve Smelley, and Board President Sonal Bhuchar has also drawn an opponent.

Carlos Cain, a Sugar Land consultant, has filed to run against Bhuchar for the board’s Position 2 seat.

In her second term, Bhuchar was elected at the beginning of this term to serve as board president. She has also served on the Fort Bend Education Foundation.

The three running for Smelley’s vacated Position 6 seat are sales manager Bruce Albright, Missouri City consultant Marilyn Glover, and Fresno electrician Rodrigo Carreon.

“This will be my 10th year in this seat. It’s time for someone else to step up and take care of the children of this district,” Smelley said last month, in announcing he didn’t intend to run again.

Cain was among the most vocal opponents of Fort Bend ISD’s $428 million bond referendum in 2007.

Carreon is a familiar figure at Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustee meetings, who often addresses trustees on a variety of topics. He also has run unsuccessfully for a board seat in the past. . . get the full story at: http://www.fortbendnow.com/2009/03/10/36279

FB Sun: District C candidate takes campaign to the streets!

District C candidate takes campaign to the streets


District C candidate Robin Elackatt, a resident of Colony Lakes subdivision in Missouri City, recently took his campaign to the streets.

Elackatt filed his candidacy for the District C post on Feb. 16 and is slated to face incumbent councilwoman Barbara Gibson in the upcoming city election on May 9.

On March 1, Elackatt and a number of supporters kicked off his campaign with a block walk in the Oyster Creek subdivision of the city.

During the two-hour walk, the District C candidate knocked on about 200 doors and spoke with a number of residents regarding their concerns.

Top among them lack of district representation regarding a number of concerns, including sidewalk repairs, increased taxes and the city’s recent golf course acquisition.

Elackatt spoke with several First Colony subdivision residents, many of whom described themselves as being “fed up” with “getting the run around” on the progress of sidewalk repairs in the city and other issues.

“I think their point is the city has allocated some money and they want someone to take initiative to get the job done,” Elackatt said. . .get the full piece at: http://www.hcnonline.com/articles/2009/03/12/fort_bend_sun/news/sws_-_elackatt_platform_35.txt

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: Community Activist, Mike Allen, Decides Not To Run In District A Race In MC And Endorses Rodney Griffin For Council!

Just into MCC: Colony Crossing resident Mike Allen, who has been a property rights activist in his community, has decided not to seek the district A council seat in Missouri City and instead has endorsed registered candidate Rodney Griffin who narrowly lost the hotly contested race in 2007 by just 3 votes.

Earlier this month Eunice Reiter announced she will not seek re-election and then offered her support to Robert Marshall who also lives in the Colony Crossing neighborhood. Apparently, Mr. Allen had decided to run with the encouragement of many in that subdivision and given some of the actions by his HOA board president, Mr. Marshall, involving their community and his repeated attempts to substantially raise their annual dues. Mr. Allen, according to reports, opposed this with petitions and supposedly enough votes to change the neighborhood board, but Mr. Marshall has so far been successful with the help of the involved vendor law firm in blocking the acceptance of the votes that would replace him as HOA board president.

Mr. Griffin considers this a valuable endorsement by Mike Allen and looks forward to working with him during this campaign season.

Monday, March 09, 2009

5 Challengers File For 2 FBISD BOT Positions

At the close of 5pm today, 5 candidates had registered for the position 2 & 6 seats. They are:


Sonal Bhuchar

4306 Keating Court
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Physical Therapist
Year of Birth:
Home: 281-265-9468

Carlos M. Cain*
3622 Stratford Arms Ln.
Sugar Land, TX 77498
Self Employed – Consulting
Home: 281-313-3796
Cell: 832-859-5783


Bruce Albright*
4906 Bend Court
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Sales Manager
Year of Birth: 1952
Home: 281-265-0574
Work: 713-204-2967

Marilyn S. Glover
P.O. Box 635
Missouri City, TX 77459
Home: 281-835-0824
Year of Birth: 1945

Rodrigo Carreon*
1122 Ave. C
Fresno, TX 77545
Home: 281-431-6734

*Indicates candidates fully supported by MCC.

Reformer R. Elackatt Campaign Takes It To The Streets!

'ELACKATT for MISSOURI CITY (C)' block walk a huge success on Saturday

The 'ELACKATT for MISSOURI CITY (C)' campaign wants to update you on the progress made today. Our campaign team along with residents & friends had a huge success of block walking the FIRST COLONY neighborhoods. We have reached over 230 homes today with a very strong support for Robin Elackatt. This is a record breaking for our campaign!

"We have picked up a huge momentum in these areas of Missouri City and surrounding neighborhoods that had the least representation for the last two years." said the campaign team. Our campaign would like to give special thanks to all twelve friends & residents for your time today. Brenda Adams, one of the original homeowner in First Colony said, "I have lived here for almost 20 years and I have never met my district candidate - This election is about good changes for Missouri City and now we are very excited that we have this young man will help move Missouri City forward."

-From the Elackatt for council campaign...robin4citycouncil@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Crime Up In Missouri City By 6% Over 2007 Figures, The City Reports


"Though the city’s 2008 crime rate was up by six percent from 2007, that statistic still falls within the overall trend of steady crime rates during a period of explosive growth, Worrell stressed.

According to statistics provided by the city, there were approximately 575 businesses within city limits in 2000. By 2008, there were 730. The number of residences was 17,479 in 2000, but reached 20,584 in 2008. Missouri City’s population has grown from 54,000 to 67,000 during the same time period."


Monday, March 02, 2009

Reiter Beats Hasty Exit Off Council Leaving District A Open To Challengers!

Reiter Decides To Vacate District A Position After Very Narrow Win In 2007!

MCC Exclusive:

Incumbent council member Eunice Reiter of district A made it official tonight and has decided not to seek re-election. After narrowly defeating her opponent in 2007 by just 3 votes, Rodney Griffin, she was reported to have said enough is enough.

The district A council woman was involved in several highly controversial votes over the last 3 years including supporting more apartments in the city and higher taxes on several occasions.

She took a great deal of criticism from the community during her 2007 run for accepting campaign contributions from Houston development companies and then voting on their projects when they came before council. Some credit her comments during 2005 & 2006 sessions and voting approval of up to 2700 apartments in the ETJ community of Sienna Plantation along with ex-council members Don Smith, Bob Burton and current mayor Allen Owen along with Buddy Jimerson as leading to one of her first challenges for her seat in the many years she sat on city council.

MCC endorsed her opponent in 2007 and wishes her well in retirement. The district A seat currently has two challengers with rumors of a third waiting in the wings. Filing closes soon for council and school board positions.

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 ....you can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at responsible_dvlpmnt@yahoo.com