This is concerning the School Board Election in May. Steve Smelly is
retiring from the school board and I have filed as a candidate for his
position in the upcoming election.
My wife Letty has been a teacher for 25 years, 19 of them with
FBISD. We have raised 2 children through Fort Bend Schools. I personally
have been teaching middle school kids at church for the past 18 years. We
both are very involved with the educational process in Fort Bend County.
I received my degree in Business & Personnel Management, from the
University of Central Florida in 1978. Since that time I have been involved
in the active management of several different companies. My specialty has
always been the ability to "turn around" operations.
I expect in the coming year, FBISD will need a fresh new prospective
in dealing with "funding problems, staffing, and student population growth", just to mention a few. They are going to need someone who can look from the "outside~ in", not the "inside-out".
Some of the other important issues are:1) The Global Science Center:
I really don't think this district ought to be thinking about
building a "Taj Mahal", when we have teachers in classrooms without proper supplies such as copy paper, projectors, etc. and students without computers in classrooms for learning math and other computerized programs.
I think it's more important for the district to take care of the
instructional needs of all Educators and Students, not just a select few who
may or may not get any use out of this building.
2) The district should address the rate pay and spend more attention to the
needs of workers who are struggling within this current economy such as
hourly bus drivers, custodians, lunch room workers, and Teachers who are
struggling to make ends meet in this troubled economy.
3) We need to deal with the ever increasing, mushrooming layers of
administration and the salaries thereof the same.
4) Make sure our school employees have decent health care benefits and
5) We also need to make sure that underperforming schools receive
instructional assistance in the classrooms with students, not in the
My pledge is simple; I will represent the students, educators, and
taxpayers with a fresh new prospective, and with the vigor of a roaring
Bruce D. Albright, L.S.
Candidate~ Board
Trustee, Pos 6
Fort Bend ISD