FBISD Zoning Problems For Sienna Plantation Area Schools--click the title link for the full FBN story--
Follow the title link above for the complete FBN article...
More: http://www.fortbendnow.com/2009/09/30/40926#comment-4189
Follow the title link above for the complete FBN article...
Controversial Fort Bend ISD Police Chief To Retire At End Of Year
Labels: FBISD, school ethics
Click the title link for the full story on how city leadership is once again raising taxes and borrowing from the "fund balance" (a special account made up of unused bond-debt monies that were originally designated for other projects)...
Texas Comptroller: "This agency imposes costly and bureaucratic roadblocks for homeowners left out in the cold by shabby construction and a commission dominated by builders," Strayhorn said... "It is clear that the Texas Residential Construction Commission functions as a builder protection agency." ..."if it were up to me personally, I would blast this Texas Residential Construction Commission builder-protection agency off the bureaucratic books."
FBISD trustees want harder look at zoning proposals
"...From the comments Bud Childers made about the allocation of security funds, it appeared he was seeking publicity. So ...Judge, here it is. You might begin by starting court on time and allowing folks into the courtroom as prescribed by law. On your docket days you have more than your allotted bailiff and you still treat the public like something you wipe off the bottom of your shoe. The courts are the most scared part of the government which is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people, not the fiefdom of an elected demigod..." FB Star
Open records request is a farce
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Question: Do you
trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his
Houston corporate backers?
participating said yes
participating said no
participating responded not sure
(N) sample = 632