Monday, November 30, 2009

Missouri City Drops On The Congressional Quarterly "Safest Cities Report" (From #22 to #78)

It has come to MCCs attention that several complaints have been filed with the Universal Crime Report Agency (FBI) involving apparent over reporting of the city population in order to qualify them for this CQ sponsored annual rankings. Click the title link for more on this and visit the FBI-UCR crime report for more on the specifics of which subcategories Missouri City crime increased over the previous year. For example, in this years report, MC was higher than Sugar Land in 7 out of 10 subcategories and MC increased in the subcat for violent crime for murders by approximately 400% over the prior reporting period. The report also shared that SL has nearly twice as many patrol officers as MC...Get more by clicking the title link above or following the UCR reports link below:

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FB Star: First Colony-MoCity Resident Raises Community Health the title link for more...

First Colony Community Association
negligent, bends rules as it sees fit

The area behind Connies Ct was mowed during the summer, but now has weeds that exceed 5 to 10 feet high in the ditch. The company that did the work never cleaned out the ditch. Neighbors cleaned it out but it is dirty and weedy again.

The other area that the county owns is not the issue. I was forced to contact the city the last time that it got bad since these high weeds violates the city ordinance. If we lived in Sugar Land, would this reserve be allowed to have weeds this high?

Get the full article by following the title link above...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

--Click here for a Thanksgiving pict from FBN---

Monday, November 23, 2009

Visit For More On Area News & Blogs--click the title link for more--

Take a moment and catch-up on the issues facing you and your community!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

FBISD Pushing For Pre-election Start On Controversial "Global Taj Mahal" Project--click the title link for more--

Follow the title link for more....

MeadowCreek Community In Missouri City, TX Launch Website To Keep Community Informed--click the title link for more--

Residents of MeadowCreek in Missouri City launched this website to initiate communications in there community around their own HOA, which has been involved in many closed door activities with the help of their law firm Holloway and Jones over the years (a former MC and current SL city council member is a principal in this law firm). Click the title link for more....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

ABC13: Sugar Land City Council Member Russell Jones In The Middle Of Missouri City Neighborhood Controversy! --click the title link--

MISSOURI CITY, TX (ABC13-KTRK) -- People who live in one Missouri City subdivision plan on protesting Thursday night. They are upset about changes to deed restrictions.

Beth Blankenship is on a door-to-door mission. She wants the Meadowcreek homeowners in Missouri City to know about the possible changes to their deed restrictions and annual dues.

There is a group of homeowners who think the association is trying to push through a due increase of $100 per year without telling residents. That it comes with a 22-page document which rewrites the restrictions.

"They are extremely, extremely restrictive," said Tommy Blankenship, Meadowcreek homeowner. "I think a lot of our neighbors and a lot of people I have spoken to in the neighborhood have been deluded."--Click the title link for the full story from abc13!

Visit Texans for HOA reform for a better understanding of how some boards operate without the consent of the members:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

FBISD Zoning Problems Continue--click the title link for more--

Click the title link for the full story...

Monday, November 09, 2009

Local Fort Bend Resident And Property Rights Advocate Nancy Hentschel Was The Guest Speaker On This National Radio Hook-up!--click the title link--

From Syndicated Radio Blurb: "On The Commons this week we are joined by Nancy Hentschel. Nancy lives in Sugarland, Texas and owns 3 houses in three separate HOAs in Texas and she maintains a web site at Prior to moving to Texas, Nancy and her family lived in a real, HOA free, community on the East Coast so the added expenses, the fear, the closed books and records, the creative ways the association raises money were new experiences and real eye openers. Please join us On The Commons this Saturday, October 24, 2009. We'll talk about her observations, the fear that seems to keep neighbors from being neighbors and building real communities and we'll find out why her house in Arizona does NOT have an HOA" the link to listen to the live radio feed for the latest "On The Commons Podcast" out of Virginia...

FBISD Important Dates-


Nov. 9 Regular School Board Meeting
Nov. 11 Public Hearing - Zoning
Nov. 12 Public Hearing - Zoning
Nov. 25-27 Thanksgiving Holidays
Dec. 14 Regular School Board Meeting

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Chron: County Ethics Reform Meets Resistance---click this title link for more--

Official not OK with reimbursement policy

November 2, 2009 2:29 pm Zen T.C. Zheng, Houston Chronicle

A set of proposed changes in the county’s travel policy concerning reimbursement to county elected officials who incur business travel expenses is not sitting well with County Commissioner Andy Meyers.

Commissioners Court would have voted on the changes two weeks ago but instead decided to put off the matter until tomorrow after Meyers raised concern that the changes may cause them not to be fully reimbursed and that they may have to reach into their own pockets....




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at