Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Latest Board Minutes from Sienna Plantation MUD #2 (No Action on Potential Litigation Regarding Ditches was Reported at Feb. Session)-
From http://www.spmud2.com/meetings.php (Sienna P. MUD #2)-
February SPMUD #2 Minutes:
February 20, 2006
The Board of Directors of Sienna Plantation Municipal Utility District No. 2 (the “District”) met in regular session, open to the public, on the 20th day of February, 2006, at a designated meeting place of the District, ECO Resources, Inc., 12535 Reed Road, Sugar Land, Texas, outside the boundaries of the District, and the roll was called of the duly elected members of the Board, to-wit: David Daniel President Juan Marroquin, Jr. Vice President David White Secretary Richard Luke Assistant Vice President Brian Machart Assistant Secretary and all of the above were present, thus constituting a quorum.
Also present at the meeting were the following: Aimee Ordeneaux of Tax Tech, Inc.; Jerry Graham of LJA Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (“LJA”); Shirley McLennan of McLennan & Associates, L.P.; Andrea Maloof of ECO Resources, Inc. (“ECO”); Tom Ramsey and Michael Harney of Klotz & Associates, Inc. (“Klotz”); Mark Parsons, Rodney Engel and Karl Fennessey, District residents; Douglas A. Daniels of Bracewell & Giuliani; and David Oliver and Brenda Presser of Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP (“ABHR”).
MINUTES The Board first reviewed the minutes of the meeting held January 16, 2006. After review and discussion, Director Machart moved that the Board approve the minutes of the January 16, 2006 meeting, as presented. Director White seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
BOOKKEEPER’S REPORT Ms. McLennan reviewed with the Board the bookkeeper’s report and the investment report, and the Board considered bills for payment. Following review and discussion, Director Luke moved that the Board approve the bookkeeper’s report, investment report, and payment of bills. Director White seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. A copy of the bookkeeper’s report is attached.
REVIEW AND DISCUSS AUDIT OF MASTER DISTRICT Mr. Oliver reported that the auditor advised that the Master District’s audit will be presented to the Board at their February meeting and requested that the Board table this matter. Following discussion, the Board concurred to table this item.
APPROVE ANNUAL REPORT AND AUTHORIZE FILING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DISTRICT’S CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION AGREEMENT AND AS REQUIRED BY SEC RULE 15c2-12 Mr. Oliver reported that the Annual Report is not yet complete and requested that the Board table review and approval until the District’s March meeting. The Board concurred to table this matter.
TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR’S REPORT Ms. Ordeneaux reviewed the monthly tax assessor/collector’s report, a copy of which is attached. She then reviewed the delinquent tax report provided by the District’s delinquent tax attorney and requested the Board’s authorization to pursue delinquent tax accounts in accordance with District policy. She also reported that the current collection rate for the 2005 taxes is 71.06%. After review and discussion, Director Marroquin moved to approve the tax assessor/collector’s report, payment of bills from the District’s tax account and authorize the District’s delinquent tax attorney to pursue delinquent tax account in accordance with the District’s policy. Director Machart seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
REPORT FROM TOMMY HAYNES The Board did not receive a report from Tommy Haynes.
ENGINEER’S REPORT Mr. Graham presented the engineer’s report, a copy of which is attached. Mr. Graham presented and recommended approval of Pay Estimate No. 3 in the amount of $26,903.49 to B & D Construction Company, for the construction of the water distribution system, sanitary sewer system and drainage facilities to serve Steep Bank Village, Section 5-C, along with the Partial Waiver of Lien and Request for Extension of Time. Following review and discussion, and based on engineer’s recommendation, Director Luke moved to approve Pay Estimate No. 3 in the amount of $26,903.49 to B & D Construction Company and deny the request for extension of contract time. Director Marroquin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. Klotz then updated the Board on the design of Phase I of the ditch rehabilitation and reported that the design will withstand a 100-year event and will not impact the original design. Director Daniel asked if the storms from last year have changed the original 100-year event design. Mr. Ramsey responded that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) is currently re-mapping flood maps for Fort Bend County due to the impact of last year’s storms. He also reported that Harris County has remodeled its water sheds due to damage sustained from Tropical Storm Alison because flood plains have changed. The Board requested that Klotz confirm whether the 100-year event has been redefined in Fort Bend County prior to awarding contracts for the project and, if it has, they want to make sure plans are consistent with revised criteria.
Mr. Varney then reviewed the plan for construction of Phase I and reported that the grade will be deepened along North and South Fitzgerald from 0.30 to 0.50%. He also reported that the outfall pipe from Schindler to South Fitzgerald will be replaced to provide depth to enhance drainage. He stated that plans are complete and now going through the regulatory process and anticipates construction to begin in late May, anticipating the overall project to take about 20 weeks to complete. Klotz anticipates requesting the Board’s authorization to advertise for bids at the March meeting.
District residents in attendance expressed concerns regarding timing of construction, duration for completion and affect on landscaping. Mr. Klotz reported plans to keep the residents apprised of construction process, affect and timing. The Board concurred to utilize the services of the District’s consultant, Tommy Haynes, on a daily or near daily basis to oversee construction and to be the liaison between the District and the residents and to also address residents’ questions and concerns.
OPERATOR’S REPORT Ms. Maloof presented and discussed the operator’s report, a copy of which is attached. She stated there are 1,704 connections in the District, with 2 new taps installed for the month and an overall accountability for a twelve-month period of 96%. She then reviewed the management report which describes maintenance and repair items performed within the District since the last meeting and the District backcharge list.
Ms. Maloof then reviewed customer correspondence from a resident requesting consideration for an adjustment to their water bill, which was higher than usual due to a leak. She stated that the leak was determined to be on the resident’s side of the meter and the resident called a plumber to repair the leak in the front yard caused by a broken fitting. Following a discussion, the Board concurred that the District is unable to make adjustments to water bills if the problem is on the resident’s side of the meter. The Board also confirmed with Ms. Maloof that they are interested in receiving notice of all customer correspondence.
Following review and discussion, Director Luke moved to approve the operator’s report. Director White seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
CONDUCT HEARING ON TERMINATION OF WATER SERVICE TO DELINQUENT CUSTOMERS Ms. Maloof next presented a list of delinquent customers this month. The Board conducted a hearing regarding water and sewer service terminations. She informed the Board that the residents on the termination list were delinquent in payment of their water and sewer bills and were given written notification in accordance with the District’s Rate Order prior to the meeting of the opportunity to appear before the Board of Directors to explain, contest, or correct their bills and to show why utility service should not be terminated for reason of non-payment. After discussion, Director Luke moved that, because the residents on the termination list were either not present at the meeting or had not requested to speak regarding their delinquency nor had they presented any written statement on the matter to the Board, utility service for such residents should be terminated in accordance with the District’s Rate Order. The motion was seconded by Director White and passed unanimously. A copy of the termination list is attached.
ADOPT AMENDED CODE OF ETHICS Mr. Oliver presented an Amended Code of Ethics (“Code”) and stated that the Code includes Chapter 176, Local Government Code requirements regarding the disclosure of certain relationships by Directors, vendors and certain prospective vendors to the District. After discussion, Director Machart moved that the Board adopt the Code of Ethics, which includes Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code. Director White seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote.
REPORTS FROM DIRECTORS AND CONSULTANTS No additional reports were presented.
DISCUSS 2006 DIRECTORS ELECTION Mr. Oliver informed the Board that the District is required to hold an election on May 13, 2006 for the two Directors’ positions held by Directors Marroquin and White. He then informed the Board that, pursuant to Chapter 49 of the Texas Water Code, any two or more districts in which substantially all of the land is developed as a single community development may mutually agree to designate an election office and common early and regular polling places within one of the districts. He then reviewed the procedures for Fort Bend County to administer the consolidated election. After review and discussion, Director Luke moved that the Board consolidate its directors election with the elections for Sienna Plantation Municipal Utility District Nos. 3 and 10 and to contract with Fort Bend County to administer the election. Director White seconded the motion which passed by unanimous vote.
SET PAY FOR ELECTION OFFICIALS Mr. Oliver stated that this item is not necessary since Fort Bend County will be administering the election and will determine the amount to be paid.
ORDER CALLING CONSOLIDATED DIRECTORS ELECTION The Board next considered adopting the Order Calling Consolidated Directors Election with Sienna Plantation Municipal Utility District Nos. 3 and 10. After discussion, Director Luke moved that the Board adopt the Order Calling Consolidated Directors Election and contract with Fort Bend County to administer the 2006 election. Director White seconded the motion, which was approved by unanimous vote. A copy of the Order is attached hereto.
ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AGENT FOR SECRETARY OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Oliver stated that if the Secretary of the Board of Directors is unable to keep his office open for three hours a day for the purpose of accepting candidate applications, the Board may designate another officer of the District to be his agent. After discussion, the Board concurred that no action was necessary on this item.
REVIEW AND APPROVE VOTING RIGHTS ACT SUBMISSION LETTER TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Mr. Oliver stated that the District must submit a Voting Rights Act submission letter to the U.S. Department of Justice if any changes affecting voting occur. After discussion, Director Luke moved that the Board approve submittal of the Voting Rights Act Submission letter to the U.S. Department of Justice seeking approval of the use of voting machines and a change in polling place. Director White seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote.
AUTHORIZE DIRECTORS TO ATTEND THE ASSOCIATION OF WATER BOARD DIRECTORS SUMMER CONFERENCE The Board discussed the AWBD summer conference and upon a motion made by Director Luke and seconded by Director Machart, the Board voted unanimously to authorize any interested Directors to attend the conference.
OTHER MATTERS There being no further business to come before the Board, the Board concurred to adjourn the meeting.
RECONVENE OPEN SESSION AND AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING STEEP BANK VILLAGE DRAINAGE SYSTEM At 1:52 p.m., Director Daniel announced that the Board would reconvene in open session. Upon reconvening in open session, the Board concurred no action was necessary.
Secretary, Board of Directors (SEAL)
(the above document is a copy from the SPMUD2 site)-
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
NOTIFICATION Sienna Plantation Residents: Is "SELECTIVE CODE ENFORCEMENT" harassment?
Hello All,
Just wanted to keep all those Sienna homeowners/residents, who have supported or been involved with the CRD in its efforts to address development issues in our community (no more apartment petition drive, second firestation delay, sales maps updated, participation in the national petition drive to reform the developer/building trades, opposed the airport expansion project, support value added growth in our community and surrounding areas, etc.), informed that we have been receiving reports from Sienna residents who participated with the CRD of "SELECTIVE CODE ENFORCEMENT". Although we strongly urge all residents to comply with their deed restrictions we would also like those of you who supported or participated with the CRD to be aware that reports are coming in. We are keeping tabs on this and have given the information to our legal counsel. If you fall into the above categories and feel you are being singled out then please contact us here at responsible_dvlpmnt@yahoo.com. Currently we have a Fraud, Trade Deception & Harassment Lawsuit filed on Sienna Johnson Developers who also run our SPRAI board (homeowners association). During this process the courts have requested potential witness lists which are made available to SJD's legal counsel. If these lists are being misused then legal recourse through the courts via our attorneys is an option, but they must be well documented. First we must collect this data and then report it to the courts. So please if you suspect this is happening to you or your family then feel free to contact us.
Stay informed and keep in touch for regular updates on the SLAPP-suit by Johnson Development Co. of Houston (Larry Johnson, Pres.) and the counter-suit listed above by Sienna homeowners(SLAPP-back).
Committee for Responsible Development-SP Group
Missouri City, TX
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Rosenberg Defeat's Developer's 168 Unit Apartment Complex in Council Vote!
Rosenberg Council, Citizens Unite Against Proposed Apartment Complex
by Bob Dunn, Mar 21, 11:47 pm
Rosenberg residents were out in force Tuesday night in a show of opposition to a proposed 168-unit apartment complex for people with modest incomes.
With a standing-room-only crowd in attendance, the City Council prepared to vote on a resolution recommended by City Manager Jack Hamlett opposing construction of the Providence Estates apartment complex on the southeast corner of Louise Street and Airport Drive.
“There appears to be a large group of residents here tonight concerned about a large-scale apartment complex being built near their homes,” noted Neal Rackleff, an attorney with the Houston office of Lock Liddell & Sapp who represents the project developer and spoke to the council.
“Almost everywhere you go, if you propose apartments that are income-restricted, nobody wants them in their neighborhoods,” Rackleff said. But the residents at Providence Estates would be “good, strong citizens, who have to be employed, and simply can’t afford a single-family home yet.”
Rackleff hinted that the city should be careful its actions aren’t construed as discriminatory or in violation of fair housing laws.
“That said, I’d like to make a plea for communication and understanding,” the attorney said. “We feel the market is strong, and that there are a lot of people living in substandard housing in this community.”
Rosenberg attorney Don Schwartz also addressed the council, saying he represents “the other people – the people living in the city of Rosenberg… who would like to retire in Rosenberg.”
Schwartz said in the “core” of Rosenberg, 37% of the housing is rented, and there have been four major apartment projects built in recent years. Instead of another apartment project, he said, the location would better serve the city if single-family houses were built on it.
“Bring in families that pay taxes and contribute to the community,” Schwartz said. “Everyone needs a house – I’m not saying they don’t – but if you look at the census, we’re not discriminating. We’re not seeing any new housing being built.” . . . .
. . .Schwartz said after the meeting that Thorse has applied for $1.2 million in state tax credits, and is in competition for the credits. One of the criteria involves whether a project is viewed negatively by the surrounding public.
Therefore, Schwartz said, “it’s my job as a homeowner to give them as big a black eye as possible.”
1 jls - Mar 22, 10:43 am
Thank you Schwartz! At least some city councils in this area are getting the message. Not like the Mo-City decision (5-2 for apts) for Sienna Developers and their mayor last year, against popular opposition and a petition of over 1100+ homeowners which spun-off a developer SLAPP suit! At least that council/mayor represents its citizens.
(for the entire story visit http://www.fortbendnow.com -- click on title link above)
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Local Elections that Matter to Sienna & Sienna Area Residents (We can’t vote in all of them but they will impact us)-
Comments: For those of you keeping up with area politics this season it is rather complex, but a classic struggle is in the making. In the snip-its provided below (all front-page pieces from local papers this past week) the voting in Arcola and Missouri City will impact our area significantly due to the fact that control of the Arcola city council frequently decides what will happen with the on-again off-again airport expansion controversy. All of the current incumbents with the exception of Rosie Rojas supported the expansion that would have negatively impacted our area and many others. Tom Hilton’s group, “Citizens for Better Government”, are attempting to retake local control of their council at the mayors seat and two other positions. If you are an Arcola resident please get out and vote for those candidates. Most of the communities impacted by this vote, because of the airport controversy, have no say in this except at the county level.
Also locally an election that many Sienna residents can’t take part in, but should because of the developers agreement with Missouri City, is the mayor’s race. For the first time in over a decade special interest & developer-backed incumbent Allen Owen will face a challenger in Greyling Poats, a Mo-City resident who has fought the airport expansion and the 2700 apartments now slated for our area courtesy of Johnson Development and their Mayor Owen. Wish we could vote in this one but we are in the ETJ. Do encourage your friends that live in Mo-City to get involved and vote for Greyling and local control!
Finally, make sure to vote in the FBISD BOT elections. Some clear choices exist and should gain our thoughtful consideration. Two independent candidates that are running for former developer-backed Bruce Bain's seat, which he is not seeking this time around, is Liz Mitton (Sugar Land) & Rodrigo Carreon (Fresno). Both of these candidates support a return to local control and a rational zoning plan. Mitton has even touted support for developer kick-in on new schools that are placed in their mega-developments (a great idea to help reduce over-crowding). Stay tuned for more as this progresses and support Mitton, Carreon, Hilton, Poats and other independent non-special interest candidates now running in our area (ck their contributions list to learn more before you vote). These issues do impact our quality of life here and our eventual resale values on our homes, zoning, etc., so get involved!
Fort Bend hopefuls, incumbents throw hats in the political ring (from http://www.fortbendstar.com/031506/s_Fort%20Bend%20hopefuls,%20incumbents%
By Barbara Fulenwider
Missouri City, Stafford, Fort Bend ISD, and the Fort Bend County Water Control & Improvement District No. 2 will hold elections and Sugar Land, Meadows Place and Stafford Municipal School District will not.
Missouri City Mayor Allen Owen will seek another term as mayor as will incumbent Councilmen at Large Jerry Wyatt and Buddy Jimerson. Unlike recent past years when Owen was the only person who filed to run for the mayor’s job, this year he will run against Greyling Byron Poats.
The challenger is an insurance agent who has lived in Missouri City one month shy of 25 years. Owen, a manager of 12 Wells Fargo Bank branches in Fort Bend County, has lived in Missouri City for almost 30 years and been mayor for 12 years. . .
Fort Bend ISD will definitely have an election for two positions on the board. The two positions up for grabs are Position 2, which Sue Hauenstein held since 1997, and Position 2, which Bruce Bain held for 10 years. Neither incumbent is running for re-election but four hopefuls have filed to run for each of the two board chairs.
Candidates for Position 2 are Hal Jay, business owner; Sonal Bhuchar, physical therapist; Steven Dieu, assistant attorney general, and James Walker, accountant. Candidates who have filed to run for Position 6 are former board member Steve Smelley, sales manager; Wayne Howard, retired FBISD teacher; Liz Mitton, communications consultant, and Rodrigo Carreon, electrician. . .
Top News From the Fort Bend Sun (http://www.hcnonline.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=16293993&BRD=1574&PAG=461&dept_id=532245&rfi=6)
Mitton enters school board race
By: Diane Tezeno, News Reporter
Community activist and owner of the "Save our Schools" web blog, Liz Mitton, has entered the election fray.
. . . Greyling Poats, Missouri City resident and owner of an insurance company, has filed to run against Missouri City Mayor Allen Owen.
As of press time, no candidates have filed to challenge incumbents Jerry Wyatt, and Buddy Jimerson, at-large councilmen. . .
City election slates finalized
By B.J. Pollock
From the Fort Bend Herald (get the full story at: http://www.herald-coaster.com/articles/2006/03/14/news/news03.txt)
Monday was the last day for candidates in the May 13 to file for election in city and municipal utility district races across the county. . .
Missouri City
Mayor Allen Owen is being challenged by Greyling Poats for the city's top office.
Incumbent councilmen Jerry Wyatt and Buddy Jimerson face no opposition in their bids for reelection.
Mayor Alvin Gipson is being challenged for his office by Tom Tuffly and Mike Saenz.
Incumbents Florence A. Jackson and Rosie Rojas has filed for reelection to their at-large positions on city council, and are being challenged by Tom Hilton, Michael A. Saenz, Leroy Jackson Jr., Mary Etta Anderson and Dave Villarreal.
Incumbent Rodney Goff is being challenged by James DeVoge for the unexpired term on council. . .
--Stay informed and keep in touch!
Committee for Responsible Development-Mo-City Group
Missouri City, TX
Monday, March 13, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
(From FortBendNow.com) Greyling Poats, Citizen's Candidate, Runs Against Special Interest Backed Mayor Allen Owen of Missouri City--Exclusive!
From FortBendNow.com:
Greyling Poats Running Against Allen Owen For Missouri City Mayor
by Bob Dunn, Mar 11, 08:43 am
Businessman Greyling Poats has announced he’ll run for Missouri City mayor against incumbent Allen Owen, who has held the position since 1994. Poats said he filed to run for office on Thursday.
Poats, a long-time insurance representative for State Farm in the Missouri City area, said he decided to run “because the level of apathy in local government has reached a critical mass… It became apparent to me that we needed true local representation on some of the more controversial growth issues ongoing in our community.”
According to his campaign announcement, Greyling, a resident of the city’s Oakwick Forest subdivision, has made numerous appearances before the Missouri City Council on issues “ranging from disparity in development along the FM 2234 corridor to the controversial apartments scheduled to be built this year.”
He said he supports “value-added growth that enhances the quality of life and community over the long term, and will work with the communities most impacted by these growth issues that often get ignored by the current administration under Owen.”
Poats said he met with a community group several months ago and outlined some of the shared concerns they agreed should be addressed during a new administration. These include:
→ “Restoring honesty and integrity to our local council and especially with regard to the administration.”
→ “Retaking local control from the special interests now operating and profiting in our community.”
→ “Pledging not to accept out-of-area special interest contributions and to represent this community’s wants and needs.”
→ “Real tax relief that keeps quality of life as its core principle.”
→ “Reduce disparity in development in some areas of Missouri
City. The focus of a new administration would be on protecting homeowners’ value throughout Missouri City, and not just newer areas.”
. . . (click link above for the rest of this story)--
Friday, March 10, 2006
JUST IN TO MCC: Greyling Poats Announces His Intention To Run As A Reform Candidate For Mayor Of Missouri City!
This just in to MissouriCityChatter.blogspot.com. Local businessman Greyling Poats announces:
Greyling Poats Announces His Intention
To Run Against Developer-backed Mayor Allen Owen of Missouri City
After a dozen or so years with no opponents in Missouri City to run against Allen Owen, and even having several election cycles cancelled, this year’s race will be different. Area businessman and homeowner, Greyling Poats, has decided to throw his hat into the ring. Greyling is a longtime insurance salesman for State Farm here in the Missouri City-Arcola areas and has been involved with local community activism for many years now. He said he decided to get involved because the level of apathy in local government has reached a critical mass. With Mr. Owen accepting most of his campaign support dollars from outside this community and low voter turn-outs “it became apparent to me that we needed true local representation on some of the more controversial growth issues ongoing in our community.”
Greyling is a homeowner and resident of Oakwick Forest subdivision here in Missouri City and has made numerous appearances before city council on issues ranging from disparity in development along the 2234 corridor to the controversial apartments scheduled to be built this year. He supports value added growth that enhances the quality of life and community over the long-term and will work with the communities most impacted by these growth issues that often get ignored by the current administration under Owen.
Poats met with a community group a few months back and further outlined some of the shared concerns that they agreed should be addressed during a new administration as communicated to him. They are:
-Restore honesty and integrity to our local council and especially with regard to the administration.
-Retaking local control from the special interests now operating and profiting in our community.
-Acting as a representative of the people who live in this community.
-Pledging not to accept out-of-area special interest contributions and to represent this communities wants and needs.
-Real tax relief that keeps quality of life as its core principle.
-Reduce disparity in development in some areas of Missouri
City. The focus of a new administration
would be on protecting homeowner’s value throughout Missouri City, and not just newer areas.
-A greater concern for the natural environment and
development concerns (a more eco friendly strategy
through incentives).
-Review of Fast Track Privileges for corporations instituting negative PR models here locally.
-Long term planning with real citizen input
from area neighborhoods prior to final council decisions/votes.--Question--Has the
current administration taken us in this direction?
-And a committee to review the possibility of term limits for all council members.
-Support for state level property tax limits (as opposed by the current mayor).
-Allow for bids from competing banks with regard to city accounts. This is not the case currently with these accounts being handled by Owen’s bank.
Greyling looks forward to meeting all his Missouri City neighbors over the next few months of the campaign and listening to the real needs of area residents. He knows much work needs to be done to improve the long-term plan for our area!
Comment- It is good to see that there will finally be an election in Missouri City after many years. The last election cycle was cancelled just last year by Mr. Owen. Stay tuned here for more as this campaign progresses!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
More from the Fort Bend Star on the McKeever Rd./Airport Expansion Controversy (Thanks to grass-roots community involvement minds are changed-for now)
Click title link above for full story-
McKeever Road will not be realigned
according to Fort Bend Co Commissioners
By Cheryl Skinner
In a surprise move last week, Fort Bend County Commissioners exited a closed executive session and voted to halt tentative plans to realign McKeever Road. Shortly before the meeting, Precinct 3 Commissioner Andy Meyers said his opposition to the plan made him a “minority of one,” however it appears the entire court had come around to Meyers’ consensus that the plan simply was not good business for the county and scarce tax dollars could be better spent.
The plan to divert Arcola’s McKeever Road had created increasing controversy as residents of the area continued to maintain that the whole plan was for the benefit of Houston Southwest Airport owner, Jamie Griffith and to the detriment of Newpoint Estates residents, the citizens of Arcola and the taxpayers of the county. The project, also known as the South Post Oak extension project, could have cost county taxpayers nearly $5 million, even though Griffith had agreed to pay $500,000 of the costs.
Meyers, who noted that other roads in Fort Bend County are in critical need of expansion due to high traffic counts and dangerous conditions, said the court had a tradition of putting projects to the top of the list when developers or, in this case, private business made commitments to contribute to the costs. He went into the closed door meeting thinking fellow court members would disregard his consensus that the project was not a good deal for the county.
However, such was not the case and after the doors were opened, commissioners and County Judge Bob Hebert voted unanimously to reject the realignment of McKeever Road “as proposed by Houston Southwest Airport.”
“Their property essentially will be intact permanently,” Hebert said. “This county judge will oppose any taking of their land.”
Hebert had discounted rumors and reports from opponents suggesting some sort of “conspiracy theory” Griffith, Hebert and members of the Greater Fort Bend County Economic Development Council. Hebert consistently said the theory was “ridiculous” and that he would study the proposal and do what was best for Fort Bend County and the taxpayers of the county. As late as Monday before the meeting, Hebert said that while he could not discuss the information he would share with commissioners in closed session, he was hoping his fellow court members would act on his recommendation to the court.
Apparently, Hebert decided it was best for all concerned to put a halt to the plan. A letter to Griffith, which was released after the meeting, noted that the county “has determined that any extension of South Post Oak from State Highway 6 to McKeever Road, is premature at this time because no justifiable right-of-way alignment exists...”
“And that runway was knowingly built in close proximity to McKeever Road’s right-of-way. Therefore, Houston Southwest Airport must correct any conflicts existing between its runway and McKeever Road under FAA regulations,” the letter to Griffith stated.
The letter also suggested that if Houston Southwest Airport offered right of way in the future, the airport owner would have to adjust the runway to remove any FAA clearance conflicts with McKeever Road and any proposed extension of South Post Oak Boulevard. And, the approval of all property owners who could face the loss of some of their land would have to be part of the agreement, the letter noted.
The proposed realignment created an outcry from several residents of the area who felt that the county was playing into a plan created by Griffith when Fort Bend County was considering the purchase of the airport as a county-run facility. That idea was eventually nixed, but opponents said all the plans associated with increasing the size of the runway were incorporated in the proposals under consideration by the county for the McKeever Road project. In order to accomplish the now dead plan, condemnation of about 100 feet of land from four private landowners in the Newpoint Estates would have been required.
Meyers said, prior to last week’s unanimous vote against the plan, that too many other roads in Fort Bend County needed attention because of severe traffic congestion and dangerous driving conditions that have resulted in serious accidents, some fatal. He said the traffic in the Arcola area did not warrant a major road expansion at this time and would be taxpayer money ill-spent. . .
Comments: Many area residents from at least 8 area neighborhoods attended city council sessions, commissioner courts, called, emailed and helped keep the pressure up on this one. A special thanks goes out to citizen's for better gov't and Tom Hilton for his hard work & leadership on this one. We would also like to thank the commissioners for turning this around and would hope it doesn't become an issue later on in '06.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Some Close, Some Not (the "Hammer's" Machine Survives)-
Close Votes Force Runoff Elections For District 28, County Attorney, Court-At-Law #1 & GOP Chair
by Bob Dunn (from FortBendNow.com)
Tight races with a multitude of candidates produced the expected results Tuesday, as runoff elections appear certain for state house district 28, Fort Bend County attorney, County Court-at-law #1 and Fort Bend County Republican Party Chairman.
With just five precincts left uncounted, John Zerwas had a comfortable lead in the six-way race for District 28. However, the 2,429 votes he received just represent a hair over 25% of the total. Zerwas needed one vote over 50% to avoid a runoff.
According to Texas election law, if no candidate in a primary race receives more than 50% of the vote, the two candidates with the most votes must meet in a runoff election on the second Tuesday in April, which is the 11th. . .
--for more click the title link above. . .
Comment--One bright spot in the race for republican party chair has to be the survival of Linda Howell to make it into the run-off. Gillen should be worried if Stokes shifts his support to Howell. Remember Gillen is the hand selected replacement for Eric Thode the Houston based former party chair (backed by Delay).
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Check the Election Results Here Tonight (Click on this title link to FBNow.com's coverage)-
Hit the refresh button for updates.
Monday, March 06, 2006
VOTE . . VOTE . . VOTE!!! (click title link for a list of candidates)
Hello All,
Remember Tuesday is election day for the primaries. Many local and national papers are picking "the Hammer" (Delay) to win the republican primary this time around, but also predicting trouble in the general election. Tom Campbell needs the support of the moderate republicans to have a chance, so if you haven't planned on getting out and voting Tuesday then please do so. This election carries with it an opportunity to clean out some of the dead weight in the party. We can either go along as we have in this area for years watching the non-local special interests run things or start fresh with new faces who are trying to bring back local control. Look at non-incumbents this time around and if the primary goes against this new wave in the party then consider crossing party lines in the general election. Nothing will change unless you get out and try to help!
Another interesting race is the party chairmanship position. Candidate Gary Gillen has been endorsed by our Houston based absent chairmen Eric Thode. This makes it all the more important to get out and vote for Ms. Linda Howell. She has promised not to control the party the way Thode has for Delay or to endorse candidates.
Check the contributions lists at the state election ethics site or at http://www.brazosriver.com/locals.htm before deciding. Much of what has been going on in our area of the county is directly linked to these non-local givers to commissioners, councils, mayors, etc. Do the background before casting your vote and remember Mr. Thode (the "old guard" republican chair who backs Delay completely and lives in Houston) is counting on a low voter turn-out. They have been busy getting out their people and discouraging other non-traditional voting republicans.
No matter what you decide get out and vote!
Stay informed and keep in touch!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Homeowners in Silver Lake, A Johnson Development Community, Files Lawsuit . . .
MissouriCityChatter/CRD Exclusive (Click on title link above for more). . .
Another Johnson Development Related Lawsuit?
Many of you were aware that Johnson Development Company (JDC) of Houston developes many communities in the Missouri City area (Riverstone & Sienna Plantation) and of the current SLAPP suit against homeowners here who participated in organizing a petition drive against up to 2700 apartments (approximately 7-11 complexes) last summer in the Sienna area. In February a local homeowner filed a SLAPP-back suit against them for fraud, trade deception and harassment with regard to this legal effort by the company. Also in February it was found through a search of Fort Bend County court records that JDC/SJD has been involved with numerous cases here in this county since 1999 some involving other residents and homeowners (see http://courtcn.co.fort-bend.tx.us:80/pls/public/ck_public_qry_cpty.cp_personcase_details_idx?backto=P&soundex_ind=&partial_ind=&last_name=&first_name=&middle_name=&begin_date=&end_date=&case_type=&id_code=@3129 for more)
Well yesterday word came to us that a lawsuit has been filed in Brazoria County against the Silver Lake HOA board by 20 homeowners, another Johnson Development community. A Ms. Trisha Taylor, the legal counsel for the group stated (from the Houston Business Journal):
"According to a Silverlake resident, the residents pay $480 a year to the homeowners' association.
In a lawsuit filed in the District Court of Brazoria County, the residents claim that the association has breached its fiduciary duty by failing to provide financial statements and reasonable access to corporate books and records.
Trisha Taylor, an attorney with Daughtry & Jordan PC who is representing the homeowners, says because of the association's failure to provide financial information, it is impossible to determine whether the annual assessments being paid by the homeowners are being used for the benefit of the subdivision.
Meanwhile, residents say that the confusion over board representation began when Johnson Development Corp. took over the 4,000-acre master-planned community -- located just east of State Highway 288 -- from Southwyck Limited Partners in the late 1980s and early 1990s and certain board members were replaced.
Today, Silverlake is made up of many individual communities, and each neighborhood is supposed to elect a representative to the homeowners' association, according to Taylor.
She contends that three people on the board formulated "arbitrary" rules to certify whether those elected neighborhood representatives were valid members.
"What's happened is the current members on the board aren't certifying the elected members and have created a situation where they cannot be removed," she says.
The lawsuit states that "because the board failed to properly hold elections pursuant to the association's governing documents, it is the plaintiffs contention that the current board was not properly elected."
To read the entire article please go to http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/stories/2005/04/25/story8.html .
Comment: With the management team selected without member approval here in Sienna, could this be an issue we face when build out is achieved? Also isn't it curious that such a large company is constantly involved with lawsuits in at least two counties now?
See residents comments on this below. This is very telling:
"Meanwhile, residents say that the confusion over board representation began when Johnson Development Corp. took over the 4,000-acre master-planned community -- located just east of State Highway 288 -- from Southwyck Limited Partners in the late 1980s and early 1990s and certain board members were replaced."
-Stay informed and keep in touch!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Question: Do you
trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his
Houston corporate backers?
participating said yes
participating said no
participating responded not sure
(N) sample = 632