Thursday, December 28, 2006

ALLEN OWEN, Mo-City Mayor, Responds To Criticism Over Landfill Stance-

Click the title link to get the full story from the FB Star and use the link below for the FB Sun coverage:


It would be nice if the city officials who offered those wonderful comments would remember who they work for, rather than acting as surrogates on anything the EDC endorses. Of course that $200,000 tipping fee might help when the potential leaks continue, right Frank, Buddy and Allen??? Are you all gonna help with the clean-up (remember the barium leak that wasn't reported last year?). Sounds like a repeat performance on the 2700 apartments they helped vote in here to our community last year. . . . just damn fine council work boys, just fine (sarcasm intended).

Buy bottled water folks, your elected officials are out of touch on this one.

Pist (whisper), Allen, a helicopter at several miles distant hovering at 170 feet is just a tad different than a mountain of trash taking up hundreds of acres and no Buddy placing trees on it won't hide it or stop the ground water contaminates! ;-)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

From the Chronicle: Gang Related Attack Involving FBISD Students (Middle School)

See this chronicle report on a recent FBISD middle school gang related fight that sent 3 students to the hospital. . .what are officials doing about the problem?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Join CABLFE Today! Help Stop This Local Tragedy (click title link now to help)-

See list of EDC backed politicians and businesses supporting this effort by BFI to expand this landfill here in East Fort Bend county. . .


Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

FBISD Gets Serious About Rezoning & Forthcoming Bonds (see this FBN piece)-

Fort Bend ISD Aims To Create Rezoning Plan By End Of February
by Bob Dunn, Dec 19, 2006

Fort Bend Independent School District board trustees wrestled again with the thorny issue of drawing new attendance zones, but appeared to make only limited progress.

Nonetheless, by the end of a Monday evening workshop session to address the issue, board members agreed to a recommendation by Superintendent Dr. Timothy Jenney to work toward the creation of a district-wide rezoning plan by the end of February.

Board members expressed occasional frustration with Dennis Harner of demographics firm Harner & Associates, hired to provide projections that can be used to for redistricting, and to predict when and where new schools will be needed.

Harner’s presentation was difficult to follow, as he referred to images of colored maps projected on a screen, some of which contained 40 separate color-coded attendance zones. Also, Harner referred to a list showing how some schools’ population would be increased or decreased, but board members weren’t provided with a copy of that list.

At least three board members initially expressed a preference for only changing attendance zones to reflect four new schools coming on line, or possibly also changing zones to relieve the most extreme cases of overcrowding. . . (click title link to get the full story from FBN).

Monday, December 18, 2006

From theFACTs Online Newspaper: Complaints on BRLF Growing! (click title link for more)

According to the piece in "theFACTS" newspaper from Brazoria county the tri-county coalition, which CRD-Sienna Area is actively supporting, registered complaints about BRLF expansion have grown to close to 150 as of Friday. Today is the deadline for TCEQ receiving anymore.

See quote:

"As of Friday, the commission had received about 148 public comments, including the Pearland City Council resolution, said commission spokeswoman Andrea Morrow. The commission will have a 60-day period to respond to each comment, and then will compile the comments to use when making a decision on the permit application. Four contested case hearings already have been requested. It could be months before a final decision is made, Morrow said." -theFACTS

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Fort Bend Herald Covers Landfill Controversy Near Missouri City!

Landfill opponents consider fight

By Stephen Palkot
December 2006

A contested case hearing in Austin remains one of the only options for east Fort Bend County residents to halt plans by Allied Waste to expand their Blue Ridge Landfill, said several officials with the state's environmental agency on Thursday.

The landfill was constructed after much opposition in 1993 by BFI, and officials with the company now seek a permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to expand it. Currently, the landfill is 58 feet high and includes 784 acres for waste disposal; its current permit only allows it to be operated for 13 more years. Allied Waste officials hope to expand its lifespan to 40 years by increasing its height limit and total acreage. . .(click title link to get the rest of the story)

Comment: Sienna area residents, don't forget the FBISD zoning hearing tonight at the admin building at 5 pm.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Modern Feudalism: From GHN

Comment: Recently it seems that many Americans are unaware of the disintegration of our property rights, amongst just a few, via contracts and the limitations these documents put on our constitutional rights (this includes the corporate HOAs you join when you sign the rights to your home away via a vendor's lean). Common in business but now they impact almost every aspect of our lives, including our homes and families and even the very neighborhoods we choose to live in. This article by Craig Harfoot seems to sum it all up quite well from the Georgia Homeowner News (see below).


Corpocracy, Constitutional Feudalism

The gangs of corporations known as the Chambers of Commerce are behind inflation, eminent domain, job loss, illegal immigration, and energy price inflation.

Recently I was having a conversation with a retired gentleman wearing a hat which he did not remove indoors. We were talking about a very common topic these days, the high energy prices and the mild weather. Our conversation came to deregulation of natural gas and the part Southern Company and the Chamber of Commerce had in its passage in the state legislature.

I stated whether he believed that we had a democracy or a republic it didn't matter. The nonpartisan Chamber of Commerce funds or reimburses all winning candidates debt or personal expenditures. I stated we were seeing an oligarchy. He disagreed. His reply was one I have never heard voiced before. He stated we did not have a republic or a democracy. He called it a Corpocracy, the rule of corporations. I believe he hit the nail on the head.

I have been aware for some time now that makes no difference which party is in power. First they divide us then the winner rules from the middle as corporations grow more powerful. Everybody gets it when eminent domain is used to bestow an individual's property to developers. The Chambers of Commerce fund the elections of the winning candidates. I learned this by going to the election office and reading the financial disclosure forms of political candidates. The leadership hierarchy reveals the biggest most powerful corporations control the agenda of the Chambers of Commerce.

The evidence is everywhere. The antitrust laws do not seem to affect the continuing consolidations of corporations on a daily basis. CBS, Disney, Sony, GE, Time Warner, CNN, AOL and Turner South are just a few of the corporations in one conglomerate today.

Less than a hundred years ago we had thousands of local independent banks. The margin call by J.P. Morgan precipitated the run on the small banks making them insolvent. He was able to buy up their assets for pennies on the dollar. Control of the supply of money by a few caused the great depression. Booms and busts are controlled by those who control money and those savers and borrowers who are preyed upon by these financial manipulators. The banking lobby gutted the predatory lending law passed under Governor Barnes in Georgia. Since the great depression independent banks have been swallowed up after constriction by acquisition merger.

Right here in Atlanta BOA, Bank of America has gotten so large that they started paying below par rates on IRA's to drive money from their bank. They have more than the allowed percentage of assets on deposit as a result of their last merger. I asked an investment manager at the bank were they loaning money to the real estate high rise speculators in Atlanta. He said no, they were investing heavily in China as they were receiving double digit returns on their money. I asked if my IRA money was being used for that. He stated no, it was the bank shareholders money that was being used. I asked if I could transfer my IRA's to Treasury Bills directly. Three month T-bills are paying higher interest than the bank is for longer term IRA's. The answer was no. Only a non guaranteed principal T- Bill fund managed by the bank was available.

I am a saver for retirement but in the last five years the interest on my savings shrunk to 1% while the bank loaned it out at over 5%. During the same time many banks loaned the artificially low interest money with little or no equity. It was the fuel driving rapid residential growth at inflated prices. Banks continued to approve loans on inflated home prices on interest only loans and 40 year mortgages. Those sale prices were used as the basis to raise our property taxes. Lenders robbed the savers and buried the borrowers in debt using adjustable rate mortgages. The labor used to build all the homes was predominately illegal for the last ten years. Still after 9/11 we have permeable borders.

Now we hear that the savings rate of Americans is as low as the time leading to the Great Depression. Shelter prices, food, and heating are the basics. How are Americans to save in an economy when basic necessities prices are now inflating due to energy prices? During this inflation of housing prices banks were more willing to loan amounts over $100,000 on a refinanced home than amounts less than $100,000 when the bankers knew people were using the equity to put in the stock market. How many offers do you continue to get each day to refinance?

The building boom repeated itself in the Sun Belt from Florida to California, and the targeted fuel of choice to power the new construction was natural gas to fuel gas fired turbine generators. These turbines are very much the same as a jet engine and could burn petroleum or methane. Power plants using steam turbines can use geothermal, coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear energy or any thing that will transform water to steam. All the demand pressure was shifted to deregulated natural gas by Enron, Mirant, Southern Company, the entire power generation sector. Local transit authorities such as MARTA and Cobb County Transit converted their buses to natural gas.

Our leadership gives lip service to energy conservation but we were motivated to war for secure oil supplies. War continues to keep oil prices high. The constant corporate agenda is world corporocracy, business without borders. Governments whose elected leaders serve global corporations goal of one world under control of merged corporations. Inflation is how they finance that never ending war as they tout world peace as the stated objective.

At a CEO conference in Atlanta Erik Vonk set out the vision of replacing the American worker with the human resource unit. We all see that in play now, illegal immigration, pension loss and healthcare costs rocketing out of reach. The government has done nothing to address any of the problems in a positive way. Ford and General Motors are closing plants. They are following the path of the natural gas burning fertilizer plants, and foundries that have already shut down after natural gas prices just began to increase years ago.

Production operations moved to China financed with our money by American banks. Balance of trade is predicated on manufactured exportable goods or natural resources. When America used her resources to produce finished goods our house was in order and we were a creditor nation. When we exported our colonial raw materials times were not so good. Our credits were squandered on war. J.F. Kennedy wrote that while he was a Senator in 1953 we gave France one billion dollars to fight the Vietnamese. In the same time frame we were fighting in Korea. The outcome was a divided Korea.

Prior to the Civil war our national debt was 64 million dollars at the end it was 2.8 billion dollars owed to the British and Europeans who financed it. Some historians assert that the British helped instigate the war. The resulting debt was acknowledged and paid by constitutional amendment.

We were taught why the US civil war was fought in school. Abolish slavery/ preserve the Union from the northern perspective. The Southern view was unfair taxation of slave states due to changing representation in the House and Senate as Free states were added and the states right to succeed from the Union. My biggest question is how did they get Northern Christians to kill Southern Christians over money? What message was the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, ministers preaching to their congregations on both sides of the Mason Dixon line? Were there Constantine's of the day saying it was gods will to go to war and kill your brothers? What happened to Christ's message contained in the "sermon on the mount" also known as the beatitudes?

We were not taught that the same amendment which freed the Southern slaves but not the Northern slaves has ever been expanded to give the constitutional rights of actual living men to created entities, corporations. You can be sued by a non living entity, a creation of the state known as a corporation. This door was opened in the Georgia legislature in 1798. The legislature gave the Grand Lodge of Georgia a non living entity legal standing as living person that could sue its members for nonpayment of dues. A Frankenstein, made up of living or dead persons' assets that can live forever.

Corporations can now grow to bigger than goliath stature and crush any adversary and somehow enjoy the constitutional privileges as "WE THE PEOPLE" through their deep pockets and legion of lawyers cloaked in the corporate veil. The corporations control has evidently reached the Supreme Court in light of their ruling on the use of eminent domain by developers. Their latest ruling on eminent domain supports sustained development a chamber objective.

Corporations now want protection from class action law suits from living people. The lobbying scandals in Washington and the Enron trial are related. The lawyer connected corporate monster is the zombie that is being fed real people and their assets with the aid of the government. Lawyer lobbyists and corporate connected elected lawyers; have co-opted the people's government to be the corporation's servant. Public service now means feeding the people and their assets to the corporate monsters. The prescription drug plan is an example.

We were taught about American Liberty as the ideal Icon complete with green statue goddess of liberty. Does it really matter who wins if both candidates serve the corporate agenda? Our children are sacrificed to the goddess and they spend what we have not yet produced to wage war to bring the all of humanity under their global corporate fiefdom.

We all seem to work for corporations today. The corporate veil of governmental protection is sought by developers and others to give them personal immunity from creditors and financial loss by their own misdeeds. In Georgia consumers "we the people" have no protection from the corporate veiled predators. Buy a million dollar house and its buyer beware. We have portable debt through credit cards that the minimum payment has just been raised. Welcome to the global company store. We are witnessing and living constitutional feudalism and exporting it to the rest of the world through every war we fought and have financed with our national debt and tax money.

Karl Marx a British Free Mason started the socialist version and it was financed with five million dollars from J.P. Morgan and other capitalists to eject Russia's Czar the richest king in the world at that time. Many other lesser kings were deposed in WW1. Of late we are seeing the merger of these supposedly competing ideas of communist socialism and capitalism and the one shared value of both is the control of religious people, or their eradication. Their tool of choice is the corruption of truth propaganda.

Do you think Gorbechev took down that Berlin wall because Reagan told him to? The communist boogieman was replaced by the Muslim religious terrorist boogieman. The most recent media instigation involves insulting the Muslims of the world. A group that doesn't have "turn the other cheek" and "forgive you enemies" as a core principle. The Danes could have sent their paparazzi to photograph the Amish. It is against their religious belief prohibiting the making of graven images as spelled out in the ten commandments of the Old Testament Bible or Torah. Mohammed a student of Christianity and Judaism borrowed it with other laws and incorporated it into what he taught in the sixth century. He organized the fight against the Roman emperor Constantine's version of Christianity conquering the world with the sword and his soldiers not afraid of death. The Amish would not riot and kill due to the photographic transgression but they would shun the perpetrators.

Everybody gets to this question. What are you going to do about it? What Can I do about it? The answer is do not support what you know to be wrong. Live the truth. Don't be trapped by your own greed or fear. Use the system we have to get people who will represent you in office not mega corporations whose agenda is business without borders.

We will "discover" the "visa" to new world order "master" on the American express is portable debt till death. Mortgage is from Latin it means debt gauged till death. This debt will be increasingly harder to pay off. Inflation of basic necessities will continue to outstrip wages especially as plants are closed and salaries are cut. We the people can not continue to allow the corporations to manipulate us by divisive issues. The winner rules from the middle of those never to be resolved issues, while they continue to grant corporations and themselves money that we and our children have not yet earned or produced through debt. The constant revenue stream that funds their global business without borders agenda is supplied by we the people and our choices. The same agenda drives sustainable development as we are witnessing here in Metro Atlanta.

Craig Harfoot

Thursday, December 14, 2006

FB Star Reports On Fresno/Missouri City Landfill Controversy--(Click title link for full story)

Comment: Get your written comments to the TCEQ post-marked before Dec. 18th at:

Office of the Chief Clerk MC-105
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711

See related FBStar story at:

Fort Bend Sun Covers Landfill Protests! (Click title link)

Residents speak out against landfill

More than 200 people showed up for a public meeting opposing the expansion of a landfill that they say already has diminished their quality of life.

Members of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Allied Waste/BFI listened to complaints and answered questions - though not always to the satisfaction of the residents - during a public meeting at Blue Ridge Elementary on McHard Road.

Residents of Fort Bend, Brazoria and Harris counties have formed the Coalition Against Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion (CABRLE) to stop the expansion of the Blue Ridge Landfill located at 2200 FM 521 just south of McHard road in Fresno.

Allied Waste/BFI submitted a permit amendment application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to expand the facility to 1,345 acres from 599 acres, and increase the landfill's height to 170 feet from 58 feet to increase its capacity to accommodate waste for a new proposed age of 40 years.

The permit application was submitted in January, declared administratively complete in February, and released to the public on Nov. 8. Residents formed a grass roots organization on Nov. 14 to petition the TCEQ to deny the amendment.

Environmental lawyer Richard Morrison has been hired by CABRLE to defend the coalition and secure expert witnesses. He also addressed the panel at the meeting.

Morrison said in Allied Waste's filing, evidence of statistically high levels of barium had already been found in one of the monitoring wells at the landfill. . .


Comment: Get your written comments to the TCEQ post-marked before Dec. 18th at:

Office of the Chief Clerk MC-105
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

FBISD Zoning Meeting Dec 18th (How will this impact Sienna area attendance zones?)-

For those following the zoning issues in this area of Missouri City you may want to attend the zoning meeting scheduled at the administrative building on lexington Dec. 18th. It will start at 5:00p. The next bond issue may be one of the topics discussed. Remember that both Sienna area elementary schools are near or over 1000 students and how will this impact BBMS? Get involved!

Click title link above for more. . .

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Pearland City Council Opposes BRLF Expansion, Why Not Missouri City Council? (Click title link for more)

Last night Pearland City Council heard from area residents from several neighborhoods opposed to the expansion of the Blue Ridge Landfill located near Missouri City & Fresno in Fort Bend County. This group primarily made up of homeowners from CABRLE, a coalition formed of residents from many Fort Bend and now Brazoria communities, has been working to stop the expansion of the current site to over 170 feet. This growing coalition of taxpayers and voters represents thousands in the tri-county area.

This effort took on additional urgency with the report of Barium leaks in '05 that had been kept from the media/public until recently. Barium is extremely water soluble and can travel great distances causing potential nerve damage and even death to living organisms (including humans).

At the city council session in Pearland the council voted to support a resolution (R2006-209A) to oppose the BRLF expansion. Will other area councils and county commissioners do the same? The council also took it one step further by adopting "affected party" status in this controversy.

Get more at

Comment: Will Allen Owen, the heavily developer and GFEDC backed mayor, do what's right for citizens, voters and taxpayers of this community and support such a resolution or will he go along with the GFEDC, BRLF, FB county commissioners?

Chronicle Covers Problems At Blue Ridge! (Click title link)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Just In from FBN: Morrison Seeks TCEQ Contested Hearing On BRLF!!!

Morrison Claims Landfill Application Deficient Over Flawed Transportation Plan
by Bob Dunn, Dec 11, 2006, 07 04 am

An environmental attorney contends in a document filed with the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality that an application for the expansion of Blue Ridge Landfill is deficient because it relies on a flawed analysis of transportation issues.

Richard Morrison represents a group of area residents – known as Coalition Against Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion – opposed to expansion of the facility, at 2200 F.M. 521, a mile north of Fresno in Fort Bend County.

In a public hearing on Thursday, Morrison revealed through questioning of landfill officials that a “statistically significant” increase in barium was detected at one monitoring well at the landfill in November 2005. . .

(Click title link for the full FBN story)-

Why Was Barium Leak Near Missouri City/Fresno Kept Quiet? --See this Exclusive (Click the title link)! Reports On Barium Leaks Near Mo-City/Fresno, Texas (Houston Burbs)- Reports On Barium Leaks Near...

by MCCNews

Just in from

FBN Reports On Barium Leaks Near Mo-City/Fresno Texas (Thousands may have been exposed and public officials kept a lid on it)

Published on 12/10/06 at 09:19:19 CST by MCCNewsUpdates

Opponents To Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion Pack TCEQ Hearing
by Bob Dunn, Dec., 2006, 10 56 am

About 175 people converged on Blue Ridge Elementary School to express their opposition Thursday before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to the proposed expansion of Blue Ridge Landfill.

If anything, that opposition appeared to strengthen during a public hearing, as environmental attorney Richard Morrison revealed through questioning of landfill officials that increased levels of barium have been discovered at the facility.

At the start of Thursday night’s hearing, a man in the crowd stood up and asked for a show of hands of those for and against the proposed landfill expansion.

Only two people raised their hands in favor of the proposal.

The hearing was part of the TCEQ application process for Blue Ridge Landfill TX LP, a subsidiary of industry giant Allied Waste, which operates the landfill at 2200 F.M. 521, a mile north of Fresno in Fort Bend County.

The operators want to increase the landfill “waste footprint” from the current 302 acres to 784 acres, and increase the maximum height at which refuse can be piled, from the current 58 feet to 170 feet.

“Landfills are not easy to fight,” state Rep. Dora Olivo, D-Richmond, told the crowd. “It’s good to see so many of you here.” . . .

Links for more: (Barium info)


Comment: Is Barium a real threat to our health, homes and safety here in the Sienna, South Hwy 6 area of Mo-City? Check the last link out for more on Bariums real threat to ground water!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Chronicle Reports On Blue Ridge Landfill TCEQ Hearing (Click title link for more)-

Fox News Coverage on TCEQ Hearing (Ch. 26)-Click the title link-- Covers TCEQ Hearing! (Click on the title link for the full story)

CBS KHOU Ch. 11 Covers BRLF Expansion Controversy! (Click title link for more)

See the continuing coverage of the growing controversy over the Blue Ridge Landfill in Fort Bend County (near Missouri City & Fresno/Arcola areas) by clicking the title link above. The TCEQ Hearing took place with a packed house of residents from neighborhoods from the tri-county area (Reps from the Sienna area, Silver Ridge, Oakwick, etc. were in attendance including Mo-City council officials) Thursday night at Blue Ridge Elem. One geologist expressed his concern over the inherent problems with using the compaction method of landfill with a structure this high while other experts critique the "dry tomb" process so prevalent in TX landfill. The TCEQ will render a decision later on whether or not a contested hearing will be held.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Recent BRLF Media (FB Star & links to more)-

More links to recent media on this controversial landfill expansion:


Thursday December 7th at 7:00PM
Blue Ridge Elementary School
6241 McHard Road
Houston, TX 77053

Monday, December 04, 2006

Don't Forget The TCEQ Hearing Thursday (Click title link for more)-

Latest updates from CABRLE:

Monday December 4th at 4:00 (raindate 12/6)
2200 FM521, Fresno, TX

Tuesday December 5th at 7:00pm
CABRLE Meeting
Quail Run Community Center
16748 Quail Park Drive
Missouri City, TX 77489

Thursday December 7th at 7:00PM
Blue Ridge Elementary School
6241 McHard Road
Houston, TX 77053


Continued involvement is needed. Please get your TCEQ online forms sent in and try to attend one of the above sessions. Remember the water contamination threat is real (see and they are trying to create the largest mound of garbage (17 stories high) on this side of Houston. . .

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Friday, December 01, 2006

FBStar Article: Sienna MUDs Pick Up The Tab On Regional Water Facility--

"The credits, Riley said, reduce the size of the plant that will have to be built. “By having Sienna build the plant, they would finance it. The city would be control of it and take it over in time.”

Councilman Jerry Wyatt pointed out that “the city’s lead in this (conversion) was pretty well perpetuated by the entities (MUDs) themselves. The delivery cost is much greater for the in-city districts, so in one sense Sienna is doing us a real big favor here. There’s offset here with us already having the water. We’re not giving Sienna anything but they are creating a great offset for the rest of the city” (with early conversion)."

-To get the full story on how our developer appointed MUD boards may transfer the cost of this regional water treatment plant and the tax burden to current and future Sienna residents (without voter input) that will help serve many Missouri City neighborhoods (without their taxing input) click the title link above.

Comment: Wasn't this nice of our developer appointed MUD boards to make this multi-million dollar proposed gift to the city on the backs of Sienna taxpayers (current and future) that we may be paying for over the years to come. Thanks again city council/Sienna MUD #1/SJD. When is it projected in the plan for the city to take over the facility from us? Will we still be paying for it through our MUD taxes with out help from other Mo-city taxpayers when this happens?

Stay informed and keep in touch!




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at