Thursday, August 31, 2006

Chronicle Reports on South Sienna Fire Station (MCFS#5)--CLICK title link for the entire story...

. . . .Staffing and equipment (click title link above for entire Chron. story)

Although not a resident of Sienna Plantation, Greyling Poats, who lives in Oakwick Forest, an older neighborhood on Trammel-Fresno Road about a half mile from Sienna Parkway, expressed concerns about staffing and equipment for the planned fire station and other existing fire stations.
"What's the use building fire stations when they are not adequately manned and equipped," said Poats, who lost in the recent mayoral race against Missouri City Mayor Allen Owen.

During a recent City Council meeting, Poats, an insurance agent, claimed that home insurance is higher in the ZIP code 77459, where his and the Sienna Plantation subdivisions are, than surrounding areas because of what he described as the area's unfavorable risk rating, known as the ISO rating that takes into account the area's fire protection capacity.

Simpson said Sienna Plantation has experienced relatively low demand for emergency responses.

A tally obtained from the fire department shows that between July 2005 and June this year, the subdivision generated an monthly average of 30 calls for service, totaling 370 calls.

That represents 8.5 percent of the total 4,352 calls during the 12-month period.

According to the fire department, the city has 51 firefighters in operations, with an average minimum 13 firefighters across the city per shift with a shift commander and an average minimum three firefighters per shift at each of four stations.

Simpson said balancing overall city needs with available resources is a key consideration in determining a fire station's staffing and equipment.

"Missouri City doesn't have four-men crews at this time like Houston, but we need a balance in meeting all city needs," he said. "If we could get additional men and trucks without taking away resources for other services, we'd be happy to do that.

"You can always use more police or fire protection while others may want more parks or lower taxes. City Council has to determine what it believes is a good balance to meet the overall needs of the city."

However, Simpson said a four-firefighter crew per shift is a municipal goal.


Comment: I find this coverage well balanced from the Chronicle. I wonder why Mr. Muller didn't mention the monthly price to residents for this second Sienna area station, which was first listed at around 17.95 and later quoted at approximately $30.00? Why the price difference?

--Additional note-- Since Mo-City only rides 3 per truck, apparently in a major fire the first truck would have to wait for a second one to arrive before entering the building. Why was this not mentioned by city officials too?

--They also mention that it won't be completed for another 2-3 years. How many homes will we have then in this area? Why weren't the plans drawn up sooner?

--We'd like to thank Mr. White from a Sienna area neighborhood for his tireless work on the second area fire station and all the residents who became involved with this effort. We must remain vigilant based on the time lapse for delivery.

--Safety first guys!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Click This Title Link To Visit (A community news and discussion site since '99 for FB county)-

Click the title link above to participate and read the latest breaking information in FB county. Another good source for area news.

and visit SOS for a critical view and alternative source for district info. and more at


Stay informed and keep in touch!

Monday, August 28, 2006

FB Star Report: Problems With Area Apartments Forces Council Action!

See this FB Star report by Barbara Fulenwider on problems at an area apartment complex. According to this piece the city may act soon with options of fines or even possible demolition of these privately held older units. Get the entire story by clicking the title link above.


Stay informed and keep in touch!

Weaver Davis & Jacob Realty Group Purchase More Sienna Commercial Property?

Just a quick update on some signs now in at the entrance to Sienna Plantation. In addition to commercial properties along Sienna Pkwy it looks like the area once designated for an HEB and then a Randalls at the entrance of Sienna Plantation on hwy 6 across from the new CVS pharmacy has been picked up by Weaver Davis & Jacob Realty Group. Will the plans for this area still include a grocery store? What else will be coming?

Additional note: We are checking on a rumor that the Fort Bend Town Center in the ETJ of Missouri City has a proposal for more multi-family (apartments) coming. This is just a rumor for now, but we will update this post as more information becomes available. The NewQuest Development group is working on the Brazos Town Center and will be directing the Fort Bend Town Center Development near Sienna by the FB Toll Rd.


Stay informed and keep in touch!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

McKeever Rd. Improvements On the Way!!!

Great News for Sienna Area and Arcola Residents!!! McKeever Rd. is scheduled for improvements (in its current location) according to this FBN release and Arcola City Council. MCC wants to thank Mr. Tom Hilton for keeping us informed!

"For someone who used to office in the County Judge’s office, I would think that you would be privy to the current plans for McKeever Road – the funding has been approved, and Judge Hebert has alerted Mayor Tuffly that McKeever will be totally rebuilt including new shoulders beginning this October. Your claim that there are no plans to improve McKeever again sir, is more misinformation." -- from (source Tom Hilton and Arcola City Council)


Stay informed and keep in touch!

Missouri City Officials Admit Concern Over Hospital Dilemma-See Latest FBN Report (click title link)-

Most of you remember the controversy right before the Mo-City mayors race about the proposed Christus Hospital and the exiting Hermann Memorial Hospital leaving our city without emergency care for the first time in decades. See background below:

Well this piece updates information on how Hermann is converting the current facility to a long term care institution. Notice the Bob Graff comment and attitude in this interview has changed significantly since the pre-election comments by city officials and the subsequent Chronicle coverage on this event in June.



To Mayor Owen & Johnson Development, when will Missouri City have hospital/emergency care again?

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

SPMUD#2 Discusses High Flouride Levels in the Sienna Water Supply (click title link to get the minutes)--

Click the title link above to get a copy of the discussions held during the last meeting (7/17/2006) of Sienna Plantation MUD #2 on the water warnings recently shared with area homeowners under the "Operator's Report" section. This is the only fully resident controlled MUD board in Sienna.

-Stay informed and keep in touch!

Comment: See earlier release posted here in MCC for details. . .

Monday, August 21, 2006

Is Arcola Airport (off McKeever Rd.) Safe? See this Crash Report From

Last March when the county was deciding whether or not to help Arcola Airport expand, near Sienna and many other Arcola-Missouri City communities, through a developer supported road diversion project, that would have required the take over of parts of New Pointe Estates and would have closed many area businesses on McKeever Rd., the issue of moving/closing this airport was addressed in several area discussion groups.

After this recent crash and the growing population density in the area, is it a topic that should be revisited? Several schools flourish now along this fly-way that received Hobby reliever status only last year, along with the many thousands of residents in this area of Arcola-Missouri City.


-Whatever happened to the mobility bond promise by Chief County Judge Bob Hebert to expand and improve McKeever Rd. without diverting it?

-Do the area schools on the fly-way have an emergency plan for an Arcola Airport crash on or near their campuses (see Sienna Crossing and/or BB Middle School)?

Friday, August 18, 2006

Here's an interesting tidbit (official release) from Mo-City:

Statement of Increase/Decrease (Taxes)

--If Missouri City adopts a 2006 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of $0.485321 per
$100 of value, taxes would increase compared to 2005 taxes by $173,534. (source


--Once again another broken campaign promise by the mayor?

--I wonder why he didn't support the property tax cap initiative in '05?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chronicle Coverage of Growth Impact on FBISD (Baines MS and more)-

Click the title link above for Houston Chronicle coverage of recent school openings that should impact over-crowding in this area of FBISD.


Comment: With a AA bond rating making it cost more to borrow to build newer schools how long can FBISD continue at this pace? Remember Standard & Poors (as reported earlier) bases this poor rating on excessive growth factors and the amount of current bond debt.

Ques: When will the major development companies kick-in the land for school start-up if they want these features/amenities placed in their neighborhoods (after all they benefit from the district reputation indirectly through the home sales)?

Monday, August 14, 2006

MCC Exclusive: Missouri City Council Faces Angry Homeowners Over Sienna Area Fire Ratings!

Missouri City Council Faces Angry Homeowners Over Sienna Area Fire Ratings!

At the August 7th city council session business as usual was the order of the day, at least until the portion of the agenda set aside for public comment (see streaming video at for the open session August 7th 2006 ). Homeowners from several area Sienna Parkway HOAs addressed council on fire safety issues that have hurt the 77459 zip code areas (newer growth areas) of Mo-City.

Former mayoral candidate, local homeowner and long-time State Farm insurance agent, Greyling Poats, addressed Allen Owen and council on numerous issues negatively impacting the ISO rating of newer sections of hwy 6. The current ratings actually have residents & businesses paying more per year than older areas of Missouri City. This tid-bit seemed to catch many on council off guard and pointing fingers.

Later during the session a Sienna Plantation resident addressed council on the poor communications and lack of response to queries over the proposed Missouri City Fire Station #5 (often called South Sienna Fire Station #2). Apparently, the city, during the controversial apartment debates in ‘05 promised adequate police and fire protection. The developers agreement with the city provides for one at 3000 homes. Several figures have been bandied about by the developer and city with some counts claiming as many as 3811 (see Sienna developers update minutes for confirmation). In the Mo-city council minutes a figure of approximately 2900 was mentioned by the city manager who works very closely with many of the Houston major development companies in this area.

During one exchange, with the new mayor pro-temp, a question was fielded if Sienna area residents were prepared to pay for the increased service charge for the second fire station. A response from the audience was that this cost would be somewhat off-set by improving ISO (insurance) numbers and with the increase of firefighters riding on the trucks from 3 to 4 (as is the case in the Houston FD). Another meeting has been scheduled with one area HOA board on this fire safety issue with Mr. Simpson. Will the city and developer keep their ‘05 promises, as they related to the increasing population density, in this area serving over 10,000 residents and many businesses?

. . . Stay tuned for more on this growing area of concern as information comes in.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Click the title link above to get the latest from local district watchdogs on FBISD issues. Stay informed and keep in touch!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Coverage Reaches AHRC Media Services (Nation-wide multi-million hit consumer website and media network) on Texas SLAPP-suit by Johnson Development!

Johnson Development Drops SLAPP-suit Against the Committee for Responsible Development

August 03, 2006

By Chris Calvin, Ph.D.
Copyright MCCNews 2006

Missouri City, Texas -

Johnson Development Corporation of Houston, Texas, mega-developers of Riverstone, Sienna Plantation, Silver Lake and many other master-planned communities (Larry Johnson, President) dropped part of their lawsuit against the committee of homeowners who protested against up to 2700 apartments being brought to this community by them (but continues to target another Sienna family).

This strike case tactic, so common with developers involved in NIMBY (not in my back-yard) protests, tracks back to early last year when 40-50 residents, representing 7 area HOAs and thousands of independent homeowners, organized and merged several petition drives garnering over 1100+ signatures and presented them, along with a city ethics complaint violations against Mayor Allen Owen of Missouri City, for accepting nearly 60% of his campaign contributions over the previous 5 year period from Houston mega-development companies doing business in this area and not recusing himself when voting on the controversial apartment plan. These actions, by the banker/mayor Owen, lead to his being challenged in the '06 mayoral race for the first time in over a decade by Greyling Poats of Missouri City with many of these issues playing as central themes in the election. . . (Click title link above for the rest of the story).

Comment- AHRC Media Services, a consumer reporting news agency, with news feeds to 60+ major markets and affiliates in all 50 states publishes homeowners SLAPP-suit struggle in Texas here in Sienna Plantation (Missouri City, TX).

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fort Bend County Judge Orders Access to Personal Home Computers of Sienna Plantation Resident for Johnson Development!

Just in from the 240th District Court of Fort Bend County:

Under strenuous objections from Jeff Singer and Lee King, homeowner attorneys in the SLAPP-suit filed last year by Johnson Development Co. of Houston, Judge Pedro Ruiz (in Thomas Culver's Court) orders a Sienna Plantation family to turn over personal computer hard-drives to forensic specialist for the developer. This action allows access to family pictures, movies, thousands of student files and a contact list of nearly 2000 area residents along with the list of the committee members who circulated a petition against up to 2700 apartments being brought to this community by Johnson Development Co. of Houston (Larry Johnson, Pres.).

For more background on this case click the title link above or follow this link:

-Stay informed and keep in touch!

Monday, August 07, 2006 & Websites Join the Protest! -- click this title link for more. . .

Two local East Fort Bend County websites join the protest against Johnson Development recent court actions to attempt to access homeowners computers in Sienna Plantation. Read the posting below this one for details and get a neighbor to contact us in support at The hearing on the JDC motion is being held Tuesday in Judge Pedro Ruiz's FBC 240th district court.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

John Keville of Howry LLP, a Johnson Development Co. Lawyer Representative, Continues His Attempts to Confiscate Homeowner's Personal Computer!

The Controversy Continues

In a recent court filing through Judge Pedro Ruiz’s 240th District Court here in Fort Bend County the ongoing harassment of Sienna Plantation homeowners continue in this SLAPP-suit. In this round, John Keville of Howry LLP, from a Houston international law firm, much like his earlier attempts to access the & databases is requesting, through the courts, access to one Sienna families personal home computer. According to one homeowner’s opinion, JDC is seeking access so that they can get a hold of membership information on the Committee for Responsible Development (CRD) as well as the CRD e-mail contact list for approximately 2000 homeowners and residents in Sienna and the Sienna Plantation area of Missouri City.

Just a few weeks ago the committee of homeowners (CRD) were removed from the lawsuit by Keville and JDC after nearly a year of litigation whereby they were unsuccessful at gaining the full list of homeowners who participated in the petition drive against their proposed, up to, 2700 apartment units allowed for this community through an unpopular 5-2 city council vote lead by their developer-backed Mayor Allen Owen during ’05 (see campaign contributions list for Mayor Owen by searching the MissouriCityChatter blog site). In the court papers JDC is also requesting that this expense for accessing and searching the targets personal computer be billed to the homeowner.

Related City Ordinance

In a somewhat related piece, it has been reported, by reliable MCC sources, that a controversy is brewing at Missouri City Council over an ordinance to register rental properties within the city boundaries so problems can be addressed early with owners. According to these sources, a Houston development company, with apartment interests in this city, and a major contributor to several council members, is requesting that apartments be exempt from this rental registration requirement, thus reducing the effectiveness of such an ordinance in protecting the public.

We will update this release as it develops. . . . .

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

See This Austin-American Statesman Article on the TRCC-

Who really runs your local and state politics? Read this piece in the Austin-American Statesman from Homeowners for Better Building. Consumer movements in Texas are heavily out spent and industry lobbyist know it. Click the title link for more and then let your local representative know that you want fewer special interest appointments on this TRCC committee and more consumers/homeowners. . .

Stay informed & keep in touch!




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at