Controversy Surrounding FBISD Board of Trustees-
This just in from the Save-Our-Schools site in reaction to recent media events:
SOS Editorial: Knox, Bain, Clarke out of control
The Fort Bend Star continued its unprofessional approach to “journalism” today with regard to its ongoing coverage of Fort Bend ISD. In what amounts to a front page political ad for Trustees Bruce Bain, Cynthia Knox and former trustee Jane Clarke, Star reporter Barbara Fulenwider sunk to new journalistic lows.
It seems that Knox, Bain and Clarke are having a temper tantrum and want the Texas Education Agency to pacify their desire to derail the efforts of Trustees Rickert, Bryant, Magee and Caldwell to bring some fiscal accountability and responsible management to the District. So, in a peevish fit, each of the three has written separate letters to the TEA asking them to investigate allegations of improper governance by the new Board majority. In doing so, they may have sunk their own ship and have proven just out of control they are over losing a majority voice on the Board in the May elections.
What terrible accusations have they been able to mount? Are they on the take? Is the District on the verge of financial collapse? Are teachers not getting paid? Are children unable to attend classes? No…
Hold on to your hats, folks. Why, the newer Board members are accused of actually visiting campuses and talking to teachers and principals! How dare they? They supposedly made public statements in the media demoralizing staff and administration. They did? When? They’ve had the nerve to reprimand the superintendent publicly and questioned the professional ability of district staff to perform jobs. In light of recent audit findings of substantial mismanagement over a period of several years would that be a bad thing? Knox, who until recently didn’t even know she had line item veto authority for the annual budget, accuses the newer Trustees of being ill-prepared for Board meetings. And, our personal favorite, “Trustees routinely hear complaints from teachers and citizens without going through chain of command.” Hang them from the nearest tree someone, please. The list goes on, but you get the idea.
What will likely come of this? The TEA, which typically moves in glacial fashion, has written to Mrs. Clarke advising her that her letter “has been forwarded to the division of school governance for any action that may be required. If it is determined that formal intervention by the agency is necessary, agency procedures allow up to 60 days for resolutions from the date assigned by the complaints management unit.”
SOS has spoken with Trustees Rickert, Magee and Caldwell today. Each expressed surprise at the allegations and said they had no knowledge that the TEA was being contacted. All three, however, stated that they would welcome a TEA investigation into board governance and oversight. None were ever contacted by the Star for fair comment before the story was printed. No one from the TEA is quoted directly in the story. No evidence to support the allegations being made is offered in the Star story.
“I’ve been concerned for some time about what has been going on and the evidence that the previous Board had not provided the proper oversight or management of this District,” said Caldwell. “In fact, I’ve been in contact with the TEA myself and would welcome them looking into some of the same issues I have concerns about.”
SOS contacted the publisher of the Fort Bend Sun (the Star’s chief local competitor) and was told that none of the information given to the Star had been released to the Sun as of this morning. This is telling, as the Sun has been much more even-handed and professional in its approach to reporting both sides of an issue – something Knox, Bain and Clarke clearly did not want.
What do Knox, Bain and Clarke want? It seems clear they are unhappy with the results of the last Board election. They no longer control the management oversight (or lack thereof) of Board decisions and that is something they have enjoyed for a very long time. Their past role as a rubber stamp for the administration is being revealed and they do not want the public to become more aware of the contents of numerous audit reports that detail substantial and widespread evidence of mismanagement, waste and possible fraud. They want to distract people from a current investigation into serious allegations of criminal wrongdoing by an administrative employee that is linked to the Risk Management audit. The want to protect Superintendent Baitland at all costs and, in the process, their own inadequacies as Board members.
Bain, in particular, clearly hints that he is trying to negotiate a buyout deal for Baitland. In his letter to the TEA he writes, “I realize that it is entirely possible for a situation to occur that could be the superintendent’s fault, and in such a case, it might be appropriate for a properly negotiated buy-out or retirement….” SOS wonders just what Mr. Bain is suggesting here?
For those of you who support the efforts of the Board majority in demanding greater accountability and fiscal responsibility in FBISD, here are some actions you can take this week:
1) Write a letter to the Fort Bend Star and let Publisher Bev Carter know your feelings in this matter. Insist that the paper provide more balanced coverage of FBISD issues.
2) Send a note of support to each of the members of the Board majority (Rickert, Magee, Caldwell and Bryant).
3) Send Knox and Bain a clear message as well. It’s time they start working for the betterment of the District and the education of our children and stop the petty politics.
4) Encourage others in the community to visit this site and voice their opinions. It’s important that the yellow-journalism of the Star and the childish temper tantrums of Knox, Bain and Clarke are revealed for what they are.