Monday, October 31, 2005


Hello Everyone!

We just wanted to take a moment to keep you all informed about how the candidate's committee is doing with plans for the '06 council races coming to a location near you! As you know, IMO, the visiting team (SJD/JDC) has been engaged in a legal action (SLAPP suit) against some of their own resident/homeowners (fairly recent customers). This has garnered much local media attention, but the committee's work went on uninterrupted as usual. We are currently canvassing the Mo-City neighborhoods--keep an eye out for us!

If you recall the committee was formed earlier in the year to search for candidates and establish local election themes (a platform) in order to run a candidate against the developer backed mayor Allen Owen of Missouri City (SJD/JDC is a major backer of Owen). A short list of candidates has emerged and will be released when the final selection has taken place. We appreciate these individuals commitment to local control and not taking Houston corporate monies in the upcoming election (see for Owens financial backing--his bank also handles the Missouri City accounts).

The home team, local homeowners and residents supporting the new mayoral candidate, met and discussed many local issues that have gone unaddressed here over the years. These themes are evolving into the platform for the home team challenger in '06.

Major Themes:

-A major theme which continued to come up at the
session was restoring honesty and integrity to local
city government (recent events over the past year
supporting this were discussed).

-Real tax relief that keeps quality of life as its core principle.

-Reduce disparity in development in some areas of Missouri
City. The committee placed an emphasis on this theme
because of the differences in home values in different
locations of MC. The focus of a new administration
would be on protecting homeowners value throughout MC, not just newer areas.

-A greater concern for the natural environment and
development concerns (a more eco friendly strategy
through incentives).

-Review of Fast Track Privileges for corporations instituting negative PR models.

-Long term planning with real citizen input
(neighborhoods discussed with regard to this were Lake
Olympia, Quail Valley, Colony Lakes, others and the impact aging
communities will have on property/home values if we
aren't better prepared and involved).--Question--Has the
current administration taken us in this direction?

-Term limits were the final topic discussed. The group
wished to examine this further with possible adoption
into the platform coming soon.

Thank you for your support and continued e-mails. If you wish to get more involved then you can contact the committee at

****FINAL NOTE: We would like to welcome Matthew Feinberg back to "free speech alley". He recently launched his new blog at As most of you remember he is the web administator for the old site and site (closed IMO because of the SJD/JDC pressure of recent court actions). As you remember Matthew, with his attorneys, fought very bravely to defend the privacy and free speech rights (and the right to petition) through several Texas courts---all in pre-trial for the members of his neighborhood website. WE WANT TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR EFFORTS (AND MAYBE MORE TO COME--HUH?).****

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Free Speech Loses in Texas (SLAPP laws needed)--

Just in from on the SLAPP suit filed by SJD/JDC:

Spat Over Apartments Could Impact Free Speech On The Web
by Bob Dunn, Oct 24, 06:29 pm
It seemed an unlikely hinge upon which Texans’ constitutional right to anonymous free speech might swing:

How many apartment units should the developers of Sienna Plantation be allowed to build, and where should they be located?

A disagreement over the answers to that question began boiling over in public a few months ago. Missouri City Council meetings regularly featured speakers railing over the building of apartments in Missouri City and nearby communities.

Mayor Allen Owen took heat after a deal was reached to relocate a planned group of apartments, to the dissatisfaction of a group of area residents.

In July, for instance, Sienna resident Chris Calvin spoke at a council meeting and said he’d obtained Mayor Owen’s list of campaign contributions, and that more than half of them came from developers. Among the largest contributors, Calvin said, was Larry Johnson, President of Johnson Development Corp. and Sienna Plantation’s developer.

Owen took issue, telling the Fort Bend Star after the meeting that “my vote has never been for sale, nor have I catered to anybody who made contributions to me.”

Thorn in the side
A self-described thorn in the side of the Sienna Plantation’s developers, Calvin heads what he says has become a consumer watchdog group – the Committee for Responsible Development – which he said once had 37 members but whose numbers have since dwindled.

Calvin said his motivation came in part from disenfranchisement. Sienna Plantation is outside Missouri City limits, so residents have no vote in city affairs. And, he said, the only voting members of the Sienna Plantation property owners association are appointed by the developer.

“We are not trying to hurt home sales,” he said. “We just want representation in what’s going on.”

Calvin didn’t limit his discourse to council meetings. He and other area residents discussed the apartments and various Sienna Plantation issues on Internet web site forums. One of those, run by Sienna resident Matthew Feinberg, operated on the domain

Officials at Sienna/Johnson Development, L.P., which holds a trademark for “Sienna” and “Sienna Plantation,” took notice.

To Calvin, it marked an attempt by Sienna/Johnson “to shut us up.”

In a July 19 missive to the Missouri City Council, Johnson Development Corp. Senior Vice President Douglas Goff said that assertion was incorrect. “Sienna/Johnson did not ask Mr. Feinberg to shut down his discussion forum, but only to stop using the Sienna and Sienna Plantation marks,” he said.

Substantial misunderstanding
Goff sent his message to the council in response to an anonymous email, also sent to members of council and to Larry Johnson of Johnson Development. The email, signed CRD, “reflects a substantial misunderstanding of the facts and makes several erroneous statements,” Goff said.

The email in question contended that Johnson Development Co. was trying to shut down, the new web home of Feinberg’s forums, opened after Sienna/Johnson informed him of the trademark issue involving

“They are now trying to force the site administrator into turning the domain names over to them,” the email states. “This obviously is not allowing free speech or open communications between residents here in Sienna.”

But it was another anonymous communication, posted under the pseudonym NextDoor on, also on July 19, that really drew Sienna/Johnson’s attention.

“You do not have the rights to Sienna Plantation – it is the name of a place. You would be shutting down all the other small businesses that use that name not just this site,” the post said. “So what, we changed the name now get off and leave us alone. So Matt doesn’t want to hand over the domain names – pay him for them at the price he wants just like you did the mayor and council that you are addressing in your post.”

Anticipation of a lawsuit
That post became part of the court records in a case Sienna/Johnson filed 15 days later in Fort Bend County District Court, in which it sought to depose Chris Calvin and Matthew Feinberg in anticipation of a defamation and business disparagement lawsuit “in which the Petitioner may be a party.”

In its petition to take depositions from Calvin and Feinberg, Sienna/Johnson said it and its employees “have been the subjects of false and disparaging statements, including malicious accusations of criminal conduct,” made anonymously on Feinberg’s web sites.

As its sole example of such disparagement, the petition seems to refer to the July 19 post by NextDoor: “For example, recently under the name “nextdoorneighbor” a message was posted that indicated Petitioner has made “pay-offs” to the mayor of Missouri City and Missouri City council members. Petitioner is informed that deponent Chris Calvin makes posting under the screen name “nextdoorneighbor.”

The petition also said Sienna/Johnson believed Calvin repeatedly posted on Feinberg’s web sites using multiple pseudonyms “to create the impression that large numbers of residents of Sienna Plantation and Missouri City oppose further development by Petitioner, and thereby affect Petitioner’s economic interest.”

Identification of users
Among other things, the petition asked that Feinberg produce “all documents concerning the identities and IP addresses for the registered users” of Feinberg’s web sites, including “CRD,” “responsible_dvlpmnt,” “BuddyJ,” “Mike,” “JaneL,” “starbuck,” “Jim_Calhoun,” “Bill_Crane,” “twinstuff2,” “nextdoor,” “nextdoorneighbor,” “sundaysiennasurfer,” “sss,” and “donny12.”

Eventually, the notion of a Texas court helping a private business learn the identities of anonymous web forum members attracted significant legal attention, including the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Texas.

Feinberg’s attorneys sought to have Sienna/Johnson’s petition quashed, but their motion was denied by Fort Bend County District Court Associate Judge Pedro Ruiz.

Ruiz did, however, grant a protective order stating, among other things, that identities of users of and be considered confidential and would be disclosed only to attorneys in the case “as well as secretaries, paralegals, law clerks and support staff of those attorneys” and also the parties in the case and their partners and employees.

Ruiz’s ruling set off a flurry of activity by Feinberg’s attorneys in an attempt to head off the depositions, including a Notice of Appeal and Request For Hearing and Emergency Request for Stay of Orders, brought to court Oct. 17 just before the depositions were scheduled to take place.

Right to anonymous speech
“This matter raises an important issue of first impression to Texas jurisprudence,” Feinberg attorney Laura Hermer said in the 35-page notice. “To what extent does Texas protect its citizens’ First Amendment right to anonymous speech on the Internet…?”

As if in answer to that question, Ruiz denied Feinberg’s attorneys an extension of time to file the notice of appeal. And in an early-morning, Ruiz denied a stay of the depositions.

They took place as scheduled, and their full transcripts have not been made part of the public record, in keeping with the court’s protective order.

However, anyone who posted comments critical of Sienna Plantation on Feinberg’s web sites with the expectation of doing so anonymously has had his or her expectations dashed.

Douglas Goff and Chad Johnson of Johnson Development Corp. were present at the depositions, said Sienna/Johnson attorney John Keville, of Howrey LLP.

Among other things, the depositions clarified the issue of whether there really were a large number of people writing anonymous posts on Feinberg’s web sites about Sienna Plantation, Keville said.

“I think it’s fair to say that a lot of the identities were Mr. Calvin,” he added.

Calvin said the legal action by Sienna/Johnson is consistent with what have become known as SLAPPs – strategic lawsuits against public participation.

Keville insists otherwise.

“That’s absolutely not true,” Keville said. “Feinberg was never forced to shut down the web site. This was never about suppressing free speech.”

What to do next
However, he added, “when you cross the line into defamation, that’s another thing.”

As for the court case, Keville said he and his client are discussing what, if anything, to do next.

“We always said we never intended to file suit against Matthew Feinberg, and that still holds true,” Keville said. He would not extend that statement to Calvin.

“I know I’m the target,” Calvin said. “I think they’re trying to divert our political campaign. “We’re trying to get a candidate to run against the mayor.”

David Broiles, meanwhile, a cooperative attorney with the Texas ACLU who assisted in Feinberg’s case, said he and Feinberg’s other lawyers also are discussing what to do next. One possibility would be to seek an order that the depositions be sealed.

Gathering anonymously to talk on a web site forum “is a way of assembling” and a form of free speech protected under the Constitution, Broiles said. And if a court is being asked to compel people to divulge identities of people who have been accused of no wrong-doing, “we want to stop it.”

In Feinberg’s case, however, Broiles acknowledges that didn’t happen.

“It’s certainly a loss to this point,” he said. “We have certainly not prevailed.”

Friday, October 21, 2005

RE (update): Johnson Development Attorneys Continue to Challenge Courts Protective Order in Case Filed Against Their Own Residents! (case #05-CV-1441)

Originally on September 14th John Keville, SJD’s Houston attorney, filed an objection to the court protective order that was primarily issued to shield hundreds of homeowners and residents who participated on a local website in protest to the developer’s proposed second grouping of apartments coming to this quiet Missouri City neighborhood (see court connect for verification). This is in addition to an already approved “up to” 900 apartments coming to this area courtesy of SJD.

On October 17th an appeal was filed and challenged once again by SJD/JDC in the SLAPP (Strategic Law Suit Against Public Participation; see Canan & Pring, 1996) suit against Sienna residents here in the 240th district court in Fort Bend county. Several constitutional attorneys are now involved in the case and are continuing their attempts to protect homeowners in the Sienna area who participated on the website. Johnson Development attorney’s are continuing their attempts to access those records and expand the case including this website (

This case was originally filed after a group of Sienna and Missouri City area residents submitted a petition against the addition of a second grouping of up to 1800 apartments to Missouri City council and the developer backed mayor Allen Owen. This occurred five days after local media reported the campaign contributions list and ethics violations by the mayor during this 6 month long local conflict between residents, the developer and those backed by the SJD corporation on council, namely mayor Owen (see contributions list online at

The recent hearing to depose on September 14th allowed the limited depositions of the residents which took place on October 17th & 18th, by SJD attorneys, but a protective order by the court was issued over the website (formerly to protect the free speech rights of hundreds of registered users from any possible retribution by the Sienna developers or exposure of their personal information to the developers who manage their residents association and control their resident’s association board of directors in this community of nearly 10,000 in the ETJ of Missouri City, TX.

Ms. Hermer and Jeff Singer are the attorneys who represent the residents and the website in this case. Ms Hermer, on the law faculty at University of Houston, filed the counter motion against the attempt by JDC attorneys to amend the protective order and has called in additional assistance from several constitutional lawyers. In her response Ms. Hermer states “…because the requested discovery seeks to pierce the anonymity of potentially each and every one of the scores of users of the website in question, First Amendment protections therefore come into play (see Doe, Inc.)…” she goes on to state in her brief that “… the Petitioner (Johnson Development) is precisely the entity from whom many of the users of the website sought protection through anonymity.” If the court goes along with the JDC/SJD attorneys and modifies the court order many residents would be subject to exposure to the developer and potential retribution for their participation in this very public fight against apartments in this community.

Stay tuned for more as we will continue to update this action by the Houston developer building Riverstone and Sienna Plantation subdivisions here in Missouri City, TX. If you want to help then please contact the below to let them know how you feel:

Contact e-mails: -- Fort Bend Sun -- The Chronicle -- Fort Bend Star -- The Chronicle -- Fort Bend Now

City council contacts:;;;;;;;;;;

Developer contacts: --web contact

Larry Johnson-713-960-9977;
Chad Johnson-713-960-9977;
Doug Goff-713-960-9977;

Committee for Responsible Development—MoCity Group
Missouri City, Texas

Thursday, October 20, 2005

More on ECO/MUD Scandal (Dollar Losses Mounting/First Lawsuit Filed)-

Breaking news from

Fired ECO Manager Sued For Fraud
by Bob Dunn, Oct 19, 04:41 pm

Janet E. Trentham, an ECO Resources client manager fired last month for allegedly scamming ECO’s clients out of at least $185,000, has been sued for fraud.

Sugar Land-based ECO manages and operates more than 120 municipal utility districts. One of them, First Colony MUD #9, filed suit against Trentham on Tuesday in Fort Bend County District Court.

The lawsuit alleges Trentham obtained more than $25,000 from the utility district through fraud, and seeks actual and punitive damages, an accounting of Trentham and all her financial records, interest on money taken by fraud, and attorney’s fees.

Trentham, of Missouri City, could not be reached for comment on this story.

According to the lawsuit, the utility district has an operations and management agreement with ECO under which ECO purchases supplies, material, provides labor, accounting and collecting services. The suit says ECO provides similar services to MUDS throughout Fort Bend and Harris counties.

Each of ECO’s MUD clients is assigned a client manager, the suit states, and for the past two years, Trentham was assigned to First Colony MUD #9 as client manager. In that capacity, she had access to various suppliers and laborers.

For more on this visit (for the rest of this story):

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Accused ECO Worker Quits Planning Board (see Sienna comments below)-


Accused ECO Worker Quits Planning Board
by Bob Dunn, Oct 17, 10:51 am

A former ECO Resources employee – fired for allegedly embezzling money from ECO clients and facing a criminal investigation – has resigned a government post, saying she’s leaving the area.

Officials at municipal utility districts and with ECO Resources confirmed that Janet E. Trentham of Missouri City was terminated about four weeks ago. The company believes she had been running a scam in which phony bills were presented to seven or eight MUDs, and that Trentham allegedly kept the proceeds when those bills were paid.
Trentham could not be reached for comment on this story.

One MUD – Harris County MUD #165, reportedly lost $145,000 in the scheme, while representatives from other utility districts say they believe their losses were limited to $10,000 or less.
ECO Resources officials have hired Dave Gillis & Associates of Dallas to conduct a forensic audit at the company, and alerted Fort Bend District Attorney John Healey that they’ll forward the findings to his office.

Meanwhile, Trentham abruptly resigned her position as board member on the Missouri City Planning and Zoning Commission, although her term ran through June 2007. A spokesman for the commission, who asked that his name not be used, said “I understand she’s going to be possibly moving out of the area.”
Jim Brown, who oversees ECO operations, said Monday he knew Trentham had resigned from the planning commission and had also been made aware she’d told others she was moving.
“I’m going to pass this on to our legal team,” he added.

ECO Resources, which operates and manages more than 125 MUDs, was founded by Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert, who was CEO of the company for 13 years. ECO since has been sold to Southwest Water Co. of Los Angeles, for whom Hebert serves as a consultant. Brown is regional vice president for Southwest Water’s Houston Regional Services Group, which includes ECO.

Brown said ECO’s forensic audit has not been complete. When it’s finished, the results are expected to be distributed to Healey’s office, and also to ECO Resources’ MUD clients.
Last week, Hebert and Brown both said ECO will make full restitution, including interest, to MUD clients who lost money from the billing scam.

Jimmy Thompson, who serves on the board of Sienna LID, said
Trentham attended his district’s board meetings and served in a consultant’s role, acting as liaison between the board and ECO.

“Janet was very capable,” he said. “Any time we asked a question, she was always able to get us the answer.”
Thompson said ECO has replaced Trentham with another manager to serve in that same role. He also said Sienna LID didn’t suffer any losses in the alleged scam, as far as the board knows now.
However, the district “reserved the right” to bring in its own forensic auditor in the future, Thompson said, if the board believes such action is necessary.

Richard Muller of Houston law firm Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP, who represents Sienna Plantation MUD #1, said ECO already has made restitution on about $10,000 that the district lost in the scam, plus interest. Restitution of about $2,000 also was made to Sienna Plantation MUD #2, he said.

“The districts that I represent are waiting on the report from Dave Gillis & Associates that is due this month, but those districts will also engage their own forensic accountants to review both the scope and the results of that report,” Muller said. “Once that review is completed, the boards will consider what further action is warranted. ECO has agreed to reimburse the districts the costs associated with the districts’ forensic accountants.

“Obviously, this is an unfortunate situation, but I am pleased with ECO’s swift reaction to the problem and their candor with our firm and the districts,” Muller said. “I do not think that ECO could have handled the situation any better than they have to date.”

Monday, October 17, 2005



***We are providing a copy of this here because, again, it was not made available to residents of Sienna Plantation (or surrounding communities) through our resident supported newsletter, website or other media available to our developer controlled residents association or at the October developers update in Sienna. Notice that anyone can request a public hearing on this proposal and it provides the contact information below:

Public Notice U.S. Army Corps Permit Application No: 23882 Of Engineers Date Issued:

3 October 2005 Galveston District Comments Due: 3 November 2005


NOTICE: To inform you of a proposal for work in which you might be interested. It is also to solicit your comments and information to better enable us to make a reasonable decision on factors affecting the public interest. We hope you will participate in this process.

AUTHORITY: This application will be reviewed pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

APPLICANT: Sienna North, L.P. 3777 Sienna Parkway Missouri City, Texas 77459-6015 AGENT: Berg Oliver Associates, Inc. 14701 St. Mary’s Lane, Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77079-2932 Telephone: 281-589-0898 POC: Mr. Nick Laskowski

LOCATION: The project is located on an approximate 199-acre tract southwest of the Raintree Road and Sienna Parkway intersection in northeast Fort Bend County, Texas.

Project Site can be located on the U.S.G.S. quadrangle map entitled: Missouri City, Texas at approximate UTM Coordinates in NAD 27 (meters): Zone 15; Easting: 253611; Northing: 3267370.

Mitigation Area #1 can be located on the U.S.G.S. quadrangle map entitled: Thompsons, Texas at approximate UTM Coordinates in NAD 27 (meters): Zone 15; Easting: 255999; Northing: 3265110.

Mitigation Area #2 can be located on the U.S.G.S. quadrangle map entitled: Thompsons, Texas at approximate UTM Coordinates in NAD 27 (meters): Zone 15; Easting: 253540; Northing: 3264822.

PERMIT APPLICATION #23882 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to fill 6.135 acres of forested wetlands, excavate 0.150 acre of forested wetlands, fill 0.263 acre of waters of the U.S., and excavate 0.751 acre of waters of the U.S. during the construction of a single family residential development on an approximate 199-acre tract.

The applicant proposes to compensate for impacts to 6.28 acres of jurisdictional adjacent wetlands by creating 6.49 acres of wetlands off-site and preserving 0.49 acres of adjacent forested wetlands on-site. Mitigation would be done within a 21.21-acre area known as Mitigation Area #1, which is located within an existing stormwater detention facility adjacent to single family residences and the Sienna Plantation Golf Course. The applicant proposes to create 3.0 acres of wetland shelves within the existing 21.21-acre stormwater detention facility and lake bottom. Mitigation would also occur within a 4.81-acre area known as Mitigation Area #2 which is located south of the Sienna Sports Complex. The applicant proposes to create 3.49 acres of wetlands in an upland area which would be planted with “desirable herbaceous” hydrophytic vegetation.

NOTES: This public notice is being issued based on information furnished by the applicant. This information has not been verified. The applicant’s project plans are enclosed in 4 sheets. The project plans, in 15 sheets, can be viewed in their entirety on along with the mitigation plans in 13 sheets. A preliminary review of this application indicates that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required. Since permit assessment is a continuing process, this preliminary determination of EIS requirement will be changed if data or information brought forth in the coordination process is of a significant nature. Our evaluation will also follow the guidelines published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Section 404 (b)(1) of the Clean Water Act (CWA).

OTHER AGENCY AUTHORIZATIONS: The project site is not located within the Texas Coastal Zone and therefore, does not require certification from the Texas Coastal Management Program. This project would result in a direct impact of greater than three acres of waters of the state or 1500 linear feet of streams (or a combination of the two is above the threshold), and as such would not fulfill Tier I criteria for the project. Therefore, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) certification is required. Concurrent with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) processing of this application, the TCEQ is reviewing this application under Section 401 of the CWA and in accordance with Title 30, Texas Administrative Code Section 279.1-13 to determine if the work would comply with State water quality standards. By virtue of an agreement between the Corps and the TCEQ, this public notice is also issued for the purpose of advising all known interested persons that there is pending before the TCEQ a decision on water quality certification under such act. Any comments concerning this application may be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 401 Coordinator, MSC-150, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

The public comment period extends 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. A copy of the public notice with a description of work is made available for review in the TCEQ’s Austin office. The complete application may be reviewed in the Corps office listed in this public notice. The TCEQ may conduct a public hearing to consider all comments concerning water quality if requested in writing. A request for a public hearing must contain the following information: the name, mailing address, application number, or other recognizable reference to the application; a brief description of the interest of the requester, or of persons represented by the requester; and a brief description of how the application, if granted, would adversely affect such interest. NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES: The staff archaeologist has reviewed the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places, lists of properties determined eligible, and other sources of information. The following is current knowledge of the presence or absence of historic properties and the effects of the undertaking upon these properties:

Part of the permit area was surveyed by HRA Gray & Pape in a Report entitled, Draft: Intensive Pedestrian Survey and Deep Testing in 100 Acres of the Proposed Village of Bees Creek Residential Development, Sienna Plantation, Fort bend County, Texas Dated July 26, 2005. An historic properties investigation will need to be conducted on the remaining 99 acres for the presence of potentially eligible historic properties. Mitigation Area #1 has been previously disturbed; therefore, there is little likelihood that the proposed action would impinge upon historic properties. Mitigation Area #2 near the Sienna Sports Complex has been surveyed for historic properties. No historic properties were found in Mitigation Area #2.

THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES: Preliminary indications are that no known threatened and/or endangered species or their critical habitat will be affected by the proposed work.

ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT: This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat consultation requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Our initial determination is that the proposed action would not have a substantial adverse impact on Essential Fish Habitat or federally managed fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. Our final determination relative to project impacts and the need for mitigation measures is subject to review by and coordination with the National Marine Fisheries Service.

PUBLIC INTEREST REVIEW FACTORS: This application will be reviewed in accordance with 33 CFR 320-330, the Regulatory Programs of the Corps, and other pertinent laws, regulations and executive orders. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefits, which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal, must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments.

All factors, which may be relevant to the proposal, will be considered: among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people.

SOLICITATION OF COMMENTS: The Corps is soliciting comments from the public, Federal, State, and local agencies and officials, Indian tribes, and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects, and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. This public notice is being distributed to all known interested persons in order to assist in developing facts upon which a decision by the Corps may be based. For accuracy and completeness of the record, all data in support of or in opposition to the proposed work should be submitted in writing setting forth sufficient detail to furnish a clear understanding of the reasons for support or opposition.

PUBLIC HEARING: Prior to the close of the comment period any person may make a written request for a public hearing setting forth the particular reasons for the request. The District Engineer will determine whether the issues are substantial and should be considered in the permit decision. If a public hearing is warranted, all known interested persons will be notified of the time, date, and location.

CLOSE OF COMMENT PERIOD: All comments pertaining to this Public Notice must reach this office on or before 3 November 2005. Extensions of the comment period may be granted for valid reasons provided a written request is received by the limiting date. If no comments are received by that date, it will be considered that there are no objections. Comments and requests for additional information should be submitted to:

T. Cheryl Jaynes
Regulatory Branch, CESWG-PE-RE
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 1229
Galveston, Texas 77553-1229
409-766-3804 Phone
409-766-6301 Fax

Saturday, October 15, 2005

MUD Problems in Sienna & Missouri City, TX (Fort Bend County)--

Please look over these two articles and contact your MUD board if you are a customer of ECO resources. You may want to find out more. We also encourage you to contact the Office of the Attorney Generals Consumer Division (HOUSTON REGIONAL
(713) 223-5886 808 Travis, Suite 300, Houston, Texas 77002-1702) and the FBI at to get outside policing agencies involved. Right now it looks like it is being handled only internally:

From the Fort Bend Sun:

"Water company launches probe into embezzlement

By:SESHADRI KUMAR 10/10/2005

An alleged financial embezzlement scheme by an employee of ECO Resources in Sugar Land, the water and wastewater operation and maintenance company, has resulted in incorrect billing" to the tune of thousands of dollars and at least seven municipal utility districts in Fort Bend and Harris counties have been affected.

One of the victims in this case is believed to be Harris County MUD # 165, with an estimated billing error of $145,000, while in other cases the amount ranges from a couple of thousand dollars to $10,000 or more.
Lynn Humphries, attorney for Harris County MUD#165 says ECO Resources officials have themselves alerted the district to the potential problem and has promised total restitution of the amount with interest.
The company is conducting a forensic audit to determine the extent of financial irregularity that had occurred and at this stage, nothing more is known, Humphries says.

Maria S. Parker, attorney for the Blue Ridge West MUD in Missouri City says her district is said to have been improperly billed for about $9,200, according to preliminary estimates made by ECO Resources. The MUD district is waiting for ECO Resources to complete its audit and will then decide the course of action.

James Murdaugh, attorney for Harris County MUD#118 says his district's estimated incorrect billing is less than $2,000. Murdaugh also says that ECO Resources itself found out the problem and informed the MUD.
First Colony MUD # 9 in Missouri City is believed to have been incorrectly charged to the extent of about $10,000. John Wallace, attorney for the district, confirms that ECO Resources officials have met with him and the MUD board plans to launch its own audit of the bills it received from ECO Resources.

Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert, who is a consultant to ECO Resources, says that he is aware of the issue.
"I have assisted ECO Resources early on in explaining the position and the facts as they know them to the attorneys of various MUDs," Hebert says.
Based on his knowledge of what transpired and the feedback he got from the MUDs, Hebert says the company took appropriate steps to inform its clients and promised to restitute the money.
"It is a sad situation to go through, but I am pleased with the way it has been handled," Hebert says.

Jim Brown, regional vice president of ECO Resources for the Houston region, says he cannot comment much because an investigation is in progress.
"We have a very high code of ethics. We have taken the high road. We feel violated as our customers are. We moved quickly and talked to the districts and did everything we can. We had a very good response from the customers."

The whole issue came to light about four weeks ago.
As promised, ECO Reso-urces has already cut a check to the Harris County MUD#165 toward the initial estimated loss, pending a final settlement, Brown says.
Brown also says the matter has been brought to the attention of Fort Bend County District Attorney John Healey for potential criminal investigation. The employee allegedly involved in the case has been fired, Brown says.
Healey says ECO Resources officials had consulted him over a matter that is being investigated by the company itself and when they get all the information, it will be reviewed and forwarded to a suitable criminal investigation agency."

©Houston Community Newspapers Online 2005

This other article came in from the

FortBendNow> site (please read and contact outside consumer policing agencies on this)

"ECO Resources Discovers Employee Ran MUD Billing Scam
by Bob Dunn, Oct 12, 03:03 pm

Several local municipal utility districts have been bilked of thousands of dollars in a billing scam allegedly run by a former ECO Resources Inc. employee.

Sugar Land-based ECO Resources manages and operates MUDs. About a month ago, two company managers discovered what they believed was a billing scheme involving “less than 10” local MUDS, Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert said Wednesday.

The managers asked for Hebert’s advice in handling the situation. Hebert, who founded ECO Resources, was its chief executive officer for 13 years and still is under contract as a consultant. The company now is owned by Southwest Water Co.
“My recommendation was that they go immediately to the attorneys involved (at the MUDs), and then to the boards involved,” Hebert said.
Jim Brown, regional vice president for Southwest Water’s Houston Regional Services Group, was one of the managers who discovered the scheme. He said ECO Resources still is conducting an internal investigation and forensic audit in an attempt to determine the scope of the scam.

Neither Brown nor Hebert knew how much money was taken in total, since the audit still is ongoing. However, Hebert estimated it was at least $145,000 and will wind up being “probably in the low six figures.”
He said the employee believed to be involved in the scam was immediately fired, and “the loopholes the employee was using were closed.”

Fort Bend County District Attorney John Healey said company officials met with him, and are expected to provide him with the results of their internal investigation. “In all likelihood, we will make a referral” to a police agency to complete an investigation.
“At this point, it looks very obvious it was only an individual act,” Brown said, although nothing is being ruled out.
“It’s a terrible event,” Hebert said. “The employee was a very trusted manager. You’re just crushed.”
“We were as shocked as anyone,” said Brown.
Brown and Hebert said all MUDs that lost money will be fully reimbursed and paid interest on their losses.'

Thursday, October 13, 2005

SLAPP Suit (Strategic Law Suit Against Public Participation):

Here's one we found at

Free Speech: Going, Going ...
By Molly Ivins, AlterNet. Posted August 19, 2005.

Corporations' efforts to curb free speech through lawsuits are unfortunately succeeding. Tools

Eternal vigilance is the price of ... um, well, guess we can't say that anymore. We might get sued.

Mostly when we think of threats to free speech, it's government actions or laws we have in mind -- the usual bizarre stuff like veggie libel laws or attempts to keep government actions or meetings secret from the public.

Sometimes you get a political case, like then-Gov. George W. Bush's effort to stop a Bush-parody site on the Internet. The parody, run by a 29-year-old computer programmer in Boston named Zack Exley, annoyed Bush so much that he called Exley "a garbageman" and said, "There ought to be limits to freedom." (That's not a parody -- he actually said that.)

Bush's lawyers warned Exley that he faced a lawsuit. Then they filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission demanding that Exley be forced to register his parody site with the FEC and have it regulated as a political committee.

This fits in with the four instances in which faculty members at the Bush School of Government and Public Service in our fair state were reprimanded at the behest of Bush associates for saying less-than-glowing things about our then-governor.

But this is petty stuff compared to corporate efforts to curb free speech.

SLAPP suits (for "strategic lawsuits against public participation") are a serious menace to free speech. The latest example is a real prize: The Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports, has already spent $10 million defending itself against a lawsuit filed by Isuzu Motors Ltd. because, eight years earlier, Consumer Reports rated the Isuzu Trooper "not acceptable" for safety reasons. And the case has not yet reached trial.

And that is the real menace of SLAPP suits. It's not that corporations win them, but that they cost critics so much money that the critics are silenced -- and so is everyone else who even thinks about raising some question about a corporate product or practice.

Isuzu claims that CU's reports are "not scientific or credible," but the company's internal memos state that the "lawsuit is a PR tool" and "when attacked, CU will probably shut up." According to a study by two University of Denver law professors, "Americans by the thousands are being sued, simply for exercising the right to speak out on public issues, such as health and safety."

New York Supreme Court Judge J. Nicholas Cobella told PR Watch in Madison, Wis.: "The longer the litigation can be stretched out ... the closer the SLAPP filer moves to success. Those who lack the financial resources and emotional stamina to play out the 'game' face the difficult choice of defaulting despite meritorious defenses or being brought to their knees to settle. ... Short of a gun to the head, a greater threat to First Amendment expression can scarcely be imagined."

PR Watch also quoted George Pring and Penelope Canan, authors of the 1996 book "SLAPPs: Getting Sued for Speaking Out."

"Initially, we saw such suits as attacks on traditional 'free speech' and regarded them as just 'intimidation lawsuits,'" the two authors say. "As we studied them further, an even more significant linkage emerged: The defendants had been speaking out in government hearings, to government officials or about government actions. ... This was not just free speech under attack. It was that other and older and even more central part of our Constitution: the right to petition government for redress of grievances, the 'Petition Clause' of the First Amendment."

Some examples of SLAPP suits from PR Watch:

* In Las Vegas, a local doctor was sued for his allegation that a city hospital violated the state's cost-containment law.
* In Baltimore, members of a community group faced a $252 million lawsuit after circulating a letter questioning the property-buying practices of a local housing developer.
* In West Virginia, an environmental activist was sued for $200,000 for criticizing a coal-mining company for activities that were poisoning a local river.
* In Pennsylvania, a farmer was sued after testifying to his township supervisors that a low-flying helicopter owned by a local landfill operator caused a stampede that killed several of his cows.
* In Washington state, a homeowner found that she couldn't get a mortgage because her real-estate company had failed to pay taxes owed on her house. She uncovered hundreds of similar cases, and the company was forced to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes. In retaliation, it sued the woman for slander and dragged her through six years of legal harassment before a jury found her innocent.
* In Missouri, a high-school English teacher was sued for $1 million after complaining to a weekly newspaper that an incinerator burning hospital waste was a health hazard.

Unlike the average citizen, Consumers Union has the resources to defend itself against the Isuzu suit. It's a nonprofit organization, and Consumer Reports accepts no advertising, lest there be any appearance of bias, and never grants permission for any commercial use of its name or test results.

It accepts no contributions from corporations or law firms or even individuals if the check bears a business imprint. The 60-year-old magazine is supported by the generations of smart consumers who always consult Consumer Reports before making any major purchases.

As we have seen with tort deform, it is not difficult to close off access to the courts for certain kinds of lawsuits. I can't think of a more meritorious and constitutional cause.

Molly Ivins writes about politics, Texas and other bizarre happenings.


Let us know how you feel about SLAPP suits against Sienna homeowners (by Johnson Development Co.) in the following thread. . . .

-see case number ase no. 05-CV-144185

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

FBISD Board Vote Gives Baitland A Year's Paid Leave (Just in from

FBISD Board Vote Gives Baitland A Year's Paid Leave
by Liz Mitton, Oct 10, 11:17 pm

The Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees approved an amendment to Superintendent Betty Baitland’s contract Monday night that will allow her to step down from active duty at year-end 2005 and continue to collect her salary while on leave throughout 2006.

The vote capped a contentious and sometimes bitter exchange during the past two weeks between board members and those in the community who felt the move cut Baitland’s tenure short unnecessarily.

Baitland’s contract was renegotiated early in 2005, extending it to December 31, 2009, and providing for a raise in her base salary to $216,000 per year. In May of 2005, however, Baitland publicly announced her intentions to retire in late 2006.

Trustee Laurie Caldwell moved to reconsider last week’s decision on the amendment which was voted down in a 4-3 vote on Oct. 3rd. At that time, Caldwell stated that while she was in favor of the amendment, she felt some board members needed additional time to review and discuss it.

After convening in closed session for one and half hours, the Board reconvened and Caldwell made the formal motion to reconsider. The motion passed 4-3 with Trustees Caldwell, Lisa Rickert, Stan Magee and Ken Bryant in favor.

The contract amendments provide for:

→ A December 31, 2006, retirement date for Baitland;

→ Baitland to go on leave effective January 1, 2006, using her accrued state and local leave and vacation days, which would add up to a year;

→ During her leave, Baitland would not be required to perform her duties as superintendent. The board would appoint another person or persons to oversee those duties;

→ Baitland would provide advice and counsel as called for by the board and has the consent of the board to attend professional conferences during her leave.

→ Baitland would provide assistance and cooperate with the district regarding claims, complaints, lawsuits or other legal actions that may be brought against the district;

→ Baitland would be indemnified from any claims that may be brought against her if they relate to the term or scope of her employment with the district;

→ Both parties would agree to a mutual non-disparagement clause, which provides that neither Baitland nor the board (as a body or individually) will disparage the other or interfere with any contracts or business relationships.

The board also unanimously approved hiring Don McAdams, president of the Center for Reform of School Systems, to serve as a moderator during the Board’s self-evaluation scheduled for November 7, 2005.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

NOTIFICATION: Johnson Development Attorneys Challenge Courts Protective Order in Case Against Their Own Residents! (case no. 05-CV-144185)

On September 14th John Keville, SJD’s Houston attorney, filed an objection to the court protective order that was originally issued to shield hundreds of homeowners and residents who participated on a local website in protest to the developer’s proposed second grouping of apartments coming to this quiet Missouri City neighborhood (see court connect for verification). This is in addition to an already approved “up to” 900 apartments coming to this area courtesy of SJD.

This case was originally filed after a group of Sienna and Missouri City area residents submitted a petition against the addition of a second grouping of up to 1800 apartments to Missouri City council and the developer backed mayor Allen Owen. This occurred five days after local media reported the campaign contributions list and ethics violations by the mayor during this 6 month long local conflict between residents, the developer and those backed by the SJD corporation on council, namely mayor Owen (see contributions list online at

The recent hearing to depose on September 14th allowed the limited depositions of the residents, by SJD attorneys, to go forward but a protective order by the court would be issued over the website (formerly to protect the free speech rights of hundreds of registered users from any possible retribution by the Sienna developers or exposure of their personal information to the developers who manage their residents association and control their resident’s association board of directors in this community of nearly 10,000 in the ETJ of Missouri City, TX.

Ms. Hermer and Jeff Singer are the attorneys who represent the residents and the website in this case. Ms Hermer, on the law faculty at University of Houston, filed the counter motion against the attempt by JDC attorneys to amend the protective order. In her response Ms. Hermer states “…because the requested discovery seeks to pierce the anonymity of potentially each and every one of the scores of users of the website in question, First Amendment protections therefore come into play (see Doe, Inc.)…” she goes on to state in her brief that “… the Petitioner (Johnson Development) is precisely the entity from whom many of the users of the website sought protection through anonymity.” If the court goes along with the JDC/SJD attorneys and modifies the court order many residents would be subject to exposure to the developer and potential retribution for their participation in this very public fight against apartments in this community.

Stay tuned for more as we will continue to update this action by the Houston developer building Riverstone and Sienna Plantation subdivisions here in Missouri City, TX. If you want to help then please contact the below to let them know how you feel:

Contact e-mails: -- Fort Bend Sun -- Fort Bend Star -- The Chronicle

City council contacts:;;;;;;;;;;

Developer contacts: --web contact

Larry Johnson-713-960-9977;
Chad Johnson-713-960-9977;
Doug Goff-713-960-9977;

Committee for Responsible Development—MoCity Group
Missouri City, Texas




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at