This is the entire text from the FB Sun article which came out today at .
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Sienna resident, website operator caught in legal wrangle
By: SESHADRI KUMAR 11/07/2005
The legal wrangle between Sienna/Johnson Development, on the one side, and a Sienna Plantation resident Chris Calvin and the operator of a web log Matthew Feinberg, on the other, have raised many new questions.
The nature of comments posted on the website, some allegedly defamatory in the eye of Sienna/Johnson Develo-pment and an attempt to find out the real identity of those who posted the comments, are at the center of the dispute.
SJD, represented by Attorney John Keville, sought to get depositions from Calvin and Feinberg regarding the website.
Calvin is represented by Sugar Land Attorney Jeff Singer and Feinberg is represented by Laura Hermer, a professor at the University of Houston Law Center. The American Civil Liberties Union is footing the bill for Feinberg.
Calvin and Feinberg appealed against the court ordered depositions, but were unsuccessful. Consequently, as per the order of Associate Judge Pedro Ruiz of Fort Bend County, Feinberg and Calvin under oath answered the questions of SJD attorney John Keville on Oct. 17 and Oct. 18.
Hermer has filed an appeal in the 14th Court of Appeals, along with an emergency motion to stay the use of the deposition. Hermer wants the deposition to be sealed.
Hermer believes the protective order issued by Judge Ruiz prohibits the public release of the identity of the bloggers and that information can only be used by Sienna if they file a lawsuit.
Doug Goff, senior vice president & director of Land Development of The Johnson Development Corp. issued a statement clarifying some of the published reports on the litigation.
"First, SJD did not sue anybody. The legal proceeding we instituted asked the Fort Bend County District Court to allow SJD to take two depositions, that of Mr. Chris Calvin and Mr. Matthew Feinberg. The purpose of these depositions was twofold: (1) to determine whether Mr. Calvin made defamatory statements under fictitious screen name aliases on websites administered by Mr. Feinberg, and (2) to determine if Mr. Calvin was masquerading as many different people and whether he clicked on his postings possibly hundreds or thousands of times to create the appearance of great community interest in his agenda.
"SJD does not now, nor ever has, wanted the names of innocent users of the Siennatalk or MissouriCitytalk websites disclosed. We just wanted to get the truth behind Mr. Calvin's fictitious aliases, and to find out if Mr. Calvin had any facts to back up his accusations.
"SJD has never intended to limit Free Speech rights of anyone. However, the right to Free Speech does not include the right to defame others, and it does not, in our opinion, include the right to deceive the public.
"The alleged escalation of legal costs was not caused by SJD, but by the attorneys representing Mr. Calvin and Mr. Feinberg. Mr. Feinberg was represented by the ACLU and they repeatedly filed motions against the depositions going forward in three different courts including the Texas Court of Appeals. Ultimately, all three courts have rejected the legal claims presented by Mr. Calvin, Mr. Feinberg and the ACLU. If Free Speech rights were truly an issue here, then at least one of the courts would likely have agreed with them and the ACLU. But to say in some of the postings that the Free Speech rights of Sienna Plantation residents are in jeopardy is ludicrous and Mr. Calvin knows this.
"When the legal dust settled, the two depositions occurred routinely and produced the following results:
"Mr. Calvin admitted under oath that he had used at least 30 different fictitious aliases on the Siennatalk and Missouri Citytalk websites and that he had repeatedly clicked on his postings. In fact, one website "discussion" appeared to include back-and-forth postings between nineteen users of the website when, in fact, at least 15 out of the 19 message posters were actually aliases of Mr. Calvin. By doing this, Mr. Calvin gave the false impression that the views he was espousing - some of which involved unfounded accusations of wrongdoing - were shared by a large number of Sienna Plantation residents, when, in fact, most of it was coming from him. While SJD has no issue with truthful discussions and/or criticism about the company or the community, it will not stand idly by in the face of insinuations of wrongdoing, particularly when made under false aliases.
"Mr. Calvin has admitted under oath that he does not have now, nor has he ever had, any evidence of wrongful conduct on the part of SJD, its partners, Johnson Development or any of its employees.
"Mr. Calvin has admitted under oath that he has no evidence that SJD, its partners, Johnson Development or any of its employees (a) made anything other than lawful and proper campaign contributions to any official of Missouri City or (b) that SJD received any favors from any Missouri City official in return for campaign contributions.
"Mr. Calvin admitted under oath that he signed a Notice to Lot Buyers several months prior to the purchase of his lot in The Woods and that he was aware that SJD had the right to build multifamily housing (apartments) and commercial/ retail development in Sienna Plantation. He further admitted that he had ample opportunity to investigate these issues before the construction of his home if they were of such a concern to him.
"Mr. Calvin admitted under oath that he was notified of the existence of a homeowners association in Sienna and that he had ample time to investigate the manner in which it is operated and specifically, the fact that members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the Declarant (SJD) until such time as a majority of homes in the community have been sold.
"SJD is now deciding whether to sue Mr. Calvin for damages and reiterates that we do not intend to sue Mr. Feinberg. SJD encourages residents of Sienna Plantation and other area citizens to contact us directly if you have any further questions. We will be happy to explain the truth about what has transpired and are always available to discuss issues of concern about the community. We just prefer to do it with real people, not an Internet imposter who twists the facts to suit his hidden agenda."
Calvin responds:
Responding to Goff's statement, Calvin said "They obviously have left out a great deal of information in this case besides potential violation of the court order over the deposition We won't violate the court protective order, but we will respond to some of the misinterpretations of the 400-500 pages of transcripts taken."
The deposition used in this case by JDC/SJD attorney and Doug Goff's subsequent interpretation of it is based on his opinion of the findings and not a court or jury finding, Calvin said.
Goff is attempting to base his limited claims on several hundred pages of testimony certainly based on his opinion of the transcript and not fact, he said.
"This deposition was rather one-sided, expensive and brought by the SJD/JDC and does not allow other witnesses or cross-examination by the target/defendant (which is still unnamed at this juncture of pre-trial discovery)," Calvin said.
This case is a template borrowed from Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation( SLAPP) cases which have been used by many developers around the country to silence groups and individuals engaged in public debate (such as land use issues). The intent is to "chill" the community.
"Goff's statement has erroneous claims. First the appeals were filed by Ms. Hermer (Feinberg's attorney) and the constitutional experts, not Jeff Singer, my attorney," Calvin said.
The final court appeal ruled that since the depositions had already taken place that the arguments were moot Ruiz did not allow an extension for the last appeal to be effective ). So the case was sent back to Ruiz's. This is not a victory for Goff's attorney or a ruling against free speech as implied above, Calvin said.
As anyone knows who follows SLAPP cases keeping the deposition fishing expedition from happening is crucial to keeping these cases from getting dragged into, what experts call, "fact quagmire" (arguing over each statement made and its intent). According to the research when depositions have been allowed the financial damage to the target/targets and the length of these trials extends quite a bit. In most states with anti-SLAPP statutes these cases are thrown out before deposition .
Feinberg has since started a new blog called where he has posted the following comments regarding the depositions and Goff's statement.
"I was deposed on the 17th but under extreme duress under a court order by Judge Ruiz. The order was give by Ruiz even though there was a pending appeal. If I did not complete the deposition me and my lawyers could have been held in contempt of court," feinberg said.
"Chris Calvin and the rest of us have a constitutional and god given right to "blog" anonymously. This has already been decided in many other states and by the Supreme Court of the USA," Feinberg said.
SDJ has yet to prove the comments are defamatory, he said.
"Goff could only show two cases of possible "alleged defamatory" statements. Mine was one of them and we already proved that it was not defamatory. The other I told who I believed made the statements and it wasn't Calvin. What else is there?" Feinberg said.
"For many years the apartments were not on the map, in the sales office or literature given to the public. There was not even a road sign until this past summer. The sign that was there said "Commercial Property". In my opinion that was deceiving the public. And I don't care that we all signed a document stating that SJD has the right to build what ever they want. We did not know or was not informed of the apartment plan. Really.. who goes to the city hall and searches through all the agreements between the city and the builder?"
"In the new Covenant for Sienna Plantation there is specific language that limits fee speech and assembly in or near Sienna. This means they want to restrict free speech in or out of Sienna. Here is Proof that SJD wants to limit free speech. Check section 2 in the new Covenant, they specifically don't want owners to "assemble for the purpose of spreading propaganda". If you read more into this you are not even allowed to have web site that opposes them. They can even use personal emails against residents. It would be easy for Sienna to enforce this rule on anyone that runs a web site or opposes their views," Feinberg said.
OP/ED--we appreciate the efforts of at least one local paper to balance the reporting. Thanks FB Sun!--CRD