Friday, June 30, 2006 Reports: Another Wal-Mart Super Center (3+ miles from first?)-

Comment: Just what's needed around here (sacasm intended) another Super Wal-Mart approximately 3+ miles from one already in Mo-City. At least Graf (of the EDC) only waited 8 months to let us know about this one.-Thanks!

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

From New 60,000 sq. ft. Shopping Center in Sienna Plantation

Click on title link for full story. --I wonder if just one of these commercial developments in and around the Sienna area will produce the much needed grocery stores (remember the HEB & Randalls showed interest and then evaporated)...

--Check the HSW Airport story below this one (maybe some potential good news).

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

FBSun: HELP STUDENTS IN NEED WITH SCHOOL SUPPLIES (Click title link for more on how to help)-

"How can you donate?

From June 28-July 26, stop by your local H-E-B and either pick up an Operation School Supplies donation coupon at the checkout counter to add to your purchase total or purchase any Coca-Cola products at H-E-B during the time period, and the Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company will donate a portion of the proceeds to Operation School Supplies. You can also help by dropping off new school supplies at any of three donation days:

* 9 a.m.-1 p.m. July 15 at the Houston Zoo, 1513 N. MacGregor, in Houston
* 6 a.m.-1 p.m. July 20 at Gulfgate H-E-B, 3111 Woodridge, Ste. 500, in Houston.
* 7:05 p.m. July 26 Houston Astros game at Minute Maid Park" --FBSun

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rumors of Houston SW Airport in Arcola (Fact or Fiction)-

This FBN comment was posted by a former Arcola city council candidate and activist in an area blog in response to a comment about the opposition to the expansion of HSWA raising the question of who is looking at the Arcola Airport property. So far this is just an unconfirmed rumor, but we will follow this story as it progresses (click title link for background and discussion thread):

Tom Hilton - Jun 26, 10:30 am
No, I’m not anti-growth – I’m for the RIGHT kind of growth. Arcola is a living organism, which unfortunately has a cancerous growth living inside it. This cancer keeps wanting to spread, endangering the very life of this tiny town. The cancer needs to be held in check because it is already too large for the space alloted, yet it continues to want to mestasticize. We are against the growth of this cancer, yes. Do you really believe that if Houston Intercontinental wanted to expand it’s runway right into the heart of downtown Houston, that it would be benficial to the City? Well, that is the situation that Arcola is facing.

As far as keeping people in the dark ages, perhaps you should educate yourself about the way the airport owner, Fort Bend EDC, and others attempted to rush this “Feasibility Study” through Commissioner’s Court without anyone having adequate time to study what it contained. Thanks to Sugar Land City Council, the Commissioners were forced to answer 26 questions before taking action. Guess waht? After the “facts” in the study were shown in the LIGHT OF DAY, the County was FORCED to refuse sponsorship of this boondoggle because it became clear that it was not in the best interests of anyone involved, except for the airport owner.

The fact is, that the airport owner has recently been approached by developers interested in buying his airport and the 211 acres north of it in order to develop this land to it’s true potential. Just the act of taking the airport acreage off of the +_ free County tax roles, would be an incredible financial windfall for Arcola…for example, the 77 acres that the runway sits on is probably worth close to 6 million dollars, yet is on the County tax roles valued at +_80,000 because it is a public use runway. How much tax money is this cancer sucking up that Arcola could use? Imagine what benefits would arise for Arcola if the land was developed PROPERLY, generating true jobs, sales tax, property tax, etc. etc.

I could go on, but I am just trying to bring you out of the Dark Ages Dan.

Good luck with your investments!

Tom Hilton

Johnson Development Corporation of Houston Deposes Third Sienna Homeowner Today!

For background on this case click the title link above. --For those keeping track this is the 4th deposition, but the third homeowner/customer of this company being deposed in this SLAPP-suit by Johnson Development Corporaton of Houston (Larry Johnson, Pres.).


This piece is dedicated to her:

In honor of the third homeowner undergoing deposition today at the hands of John Keville and Johnson Development Co. in their SLAPP-suit (against residents, customers who spoke up against the up to 2700 apartments they're bringing to Sienna Plantation) a deposition joke apparently from Alabama:

This is supposed to be an actual court transcript. -- remember, you found it on the Internet!

To: All Staff Attorneys

Subject: Depositions and Their Use

A friend sent me the following portion of a transcript, which was confirmed with one of the counsel involved (Ms. Olschner) and subsequently posted on Lexis Counsel Connect. The transcript is from Birmingham, Alabama, although the use of a deposition of a party opponent 'for any purpose' is also in the federal rules. We have no word on what had happened immediately prior to this exchange:

The Court: Next witness.

Ms. Olschner: Your Honor, at this time I would like to swat Mr. Buck in the head with his client's deposition.

The Court: You mean read it?

Ms. Olschner: No, sir. I mean to swat him [in] the head with it. Pursuant to Rule 32, I may use the deposition 'for any purpose' and that is the purpose for which I want to use it.

The Court: Well, it does say that.


The Court: There being no objection, you may proceed.

Ms. Olschner: Thank you, Judge Hanes.

(Whereupon Ms. Olschner swatted Mr. Buck in the head with a deposition.)

Mr. Buck: But Judge...

The Court: Next witness.

Mr. Buck: We object.

The Court: Sustained. Next witness.


To follow the blow by blow as this case grows see the links below on past & recent court filings:

And Johnson Development's past case history since 2000 just here in FB county alone:

--Stay informed and keep in touch!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Another Great Editorial By Susan B from FBN!!!

Click on title link to read more. . . and read Susan's work at (download the free campaign finance reports on our area politicians while visiting).

Friday, June 23, 2006

WHO'S RUNNING YOUR HOA (and why does it matter)??? -Part II- CLICK ON TITLE LINK FOR MORE!

Ever ask yourself who our SPRAI (HOA) board is here in Sienna Plantation (Missouri City, TX --- Sienna Plantation Residents Association, Inc.)? The simple answer is 3 employees of Johnson Development Co. of Houston. Are these homeowners, taxpayers or even residents of this subdivision? No, of course not. Were they voted on by the 9-10K residents who pay almost $3 million a year into this association? No, of course not. Do they pass covenants without our approval or input? Yes, of course they do.

Why is any of this important to a homeowner who lives in this neighborhood or potential purchaser? Because this group of individuals decides who your community manager is and which attorneys represent the HOA (among just a few minor items). How can this impact you as a homeowner/taxpayer/resident?

Maybe some recent articles on HOA foreclosure abuse (by CAI affiliate & industry attorneys) will help:

Background- -- Major builder scam reported by HOBB. -- related article. -- Hard data on HOA foreclosure filings and the impact on owners/members of these associations (just in Harris county alone). -- see if your association lawyers are on this list of most active HOA foreclosure-related attorney filings. -- how do these high filings impact home value? Check this data out. -- related article.

Is our resident manager involved with this industry and/or our HOA attorney? The SPRAI (Sienna HOA) manager, Sandy Denton, is soon to be past president of CAI (Community Associations Institute), which is listed prominently in the AHRC article above and on the affiliated Texas Homeowners Association site. What about our HOA attorney? As of last year Marc Markel (of Roberts, Markel & Guerry, P.C. of Houston, TX) became our association legal consultant and he is listed twice on the “Houston Area HOA Foreclosure-related Filings” all time list of lawyers involved with this type of work. See the hoadata link above for Harris County filings and search his work here in Fort Bend County through court connect at (or click the title link above):

*** ***

*** ***

Ask yourself why is any of this important? Why should you have a real voice in your HOA, not just non-voting village reps? I think you will agree that the answer to these questions are contained in the multitude of sources above (please read carefully and consider).

Related Pieces on this:

If you have any questions about this opinion piece then feel free to contact or visit the related website or

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Visit SOS to get FBISD updates as an alternative information source (click on this title link)-

Monday, June 19, 2006

Is Sienna Trying To Annex Parts of SPMUD 3 to SPMUD 10 and Why??? (Click on title link)

On the June 19th Missouri City Council Agenda under item 5a. an interesting piece on the background of a request by the Sienna Plantation MUDs, Brushy Lake and the city to annex portions of one SPMUD into another. See:


(a) Discuss and consider taking action regarding granting consent to Sienna Municipal Utility District No. 10 to annex approximately 179 acres of land that is not contiguous to the rest of its territory.
(Note: by Agenda Addendum of 06/16/2006, this item has been removed and will not be considered.)


--Click the above title link to learn more about this issue. Pay attention to the bond issues and understand that SPMUD 3 is eligible for resident/homeowner control (although some serving on the board do not live in SP).

--Check all opinions and claims here with the city, developer or the involved SPMUD boards for confirmation purposes.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

MissouriCityChatter Celebrating First Year!!! (Click on title link for first post and purposes for this blog-site)

Officially next month will be the first full year of operation for this blog-site. By clicking the title link above you can see where and how this site evolved from two previous neighborhood sites as an alternative source of information in a community with originally few options. In 2004, the now defunct website, (ST) was created as a neighborhood chat site by area homeowner Matthew Feinberg. Over 200 other residents of this community joined and participated in what would become controversial issues in the Sienna Plantation subdivision here in Missouri City, TX.

Developers from Houston who control this community, through their HOA board (and nearby city council), objected initially to the use of the word Sienna in the websites name. They claimed to own the trade mark for the name so Matthew changed the name to (MCT). Issues like the possible delay of the second firestation, school zoning issues, the up to 2700 apartments along with the petition drive from 1100+ residents opposing further development of them here along with the updating the sales maps at the homefinder center were just a few of the discussion threads which took place. Some of the threads that began on ST migrated to MCT. The life of the MCT website was cut short via threatened litigation against the founder and some homeowners here who lead the petition drive in this community against the above land use. You can still search the archives of this site and follow the story of ST --> MCT and now MissouriCityChatter.

Needless to say, the lawsuit (characterized by legal experts as a SLAPP-suit) was filed after Johnson Development Company (JDC) of Houston initiated discovery into this case in early August of 2005 and is entering its 11th month as we speak. The early stages of this case were appealed on free speech and petition clause issues to the Texas Supreme Court by Mr. Feinberg to defend the users and homeowners in this community using the site. In February '06, a counter-suit was filed by homeowners (deemed a SLAPP-back by legal experts) against the development company for fraud, trade deception, negligence and harassment for actions taken which lead to the petition drive against the forth-coming proposed/approved apartments to our quiet neighborhood.

This is a very brief history of this site and we will keep blogging here, and allowing comments, hopefully for years to come. The last court filings though involved yet another attempt by the JDC crowd to seek a court ordered injunction that may shut this site down (hopefully not). We will leave the rest to your opinion and imagination, as is your right to do in this country--we believe.

On a final note Mr. Feinberg opened a new site called and continues to blog from his site Both can be found at:

We wish Matthew the best and encourage others in this community to start their own blog-sites and get the word out on issues impacting their neighborhoods (as several community groups have started yahoo listservs here). Contact us here and we will network with you and post a link! Wish us the best as we continue to fight this mega-corporation from Houston (Larry Johnson, President) as they continue this very destructive public relations course of action here!

-Look for our "Stop SLAPP-suit" signs in the community as we continue to resist this use of the legal system to harass homeowners here!

-Stay informed and keep in touch! Happy first year (and on to year 2). . . ;-)

Committee for Responsible Development--MoCity Group
Missouri City, TX

Monday, June 12, 2006

Visit To Discuss County & Area Issues (Click on this title link)-

Visit and discuss local county issues impacting the East FB county area. Founded by the creator of &! Stay informed and keep in touch. . .

Saturday, June 10, 2006

From the Chronicle: Proposed Sienna Plantation hospital on hold

Proposed Sienna Plantation hospital on hold
Mo City officials say Christus plans are just postponed

Chronicle Correspondent

Less than a year after plans were announced for a hospital and medical complex in Sienna Plantation, the Christus Health Gulf Coast project remains on indefinite hold.

Groundbreaking for the 100-bed hospital, which was projected to employ 350 people, had initially been scheduled for later this year. The hospital was slated to eventually expand to a 300-bed facility providing a full range of medical services, according to Christus officials, and was to be complemented by an 80,000-square-foot office building. . .(for the full story on this click the title link above).

MCC Comments: This is the story that Mayor Owen and Mr. Graff, along with Johnson Development, are claiming they will keep us updated on, when it was this blog that initially broke this story on April 3rd. It was originally reported as a rumor, but almost all aspects of it have been confirmed. The ground breaking that was scheduled for winter '06 was cancelled. If you read the full chronicle story, some city officials continue to spin this as if they kept the community informed. IMHO, they work too closely with the developer here and the "insiders" on this project and were trying to help keep this out of the media until after the May 13th mayoral election (again for our SJD SLAPP-suit opponents this is an opinion based on the timing of the news releases since our April 3rd posting and follow-ups). Also for those of you reading this we have an affadavit from Mike Smith, the GM for Sienna Plantation and a Johnson Development Employee, which they are trying to use to injunct homeowners who released this story to the media in April & May. If they were really interested in keeping the public posted on this, especially now after Mo-City Hermann has announced its closing in '06 (see last weeks FB Sun article), then why would they run to the 240th FB County district court to seek yet another injunction on those releasing this news to a public whom have a right to know!!!

Stay informed and keep in touch!

original Chron link:

SOS Reports: State Investigation into 14 FBISD Schools!!!

14 FBISD schools eyed for TAKS "irregularities" (click on title link above for the entire SOS breaking news)-

In their first serious effort to identify possible cheating on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, state education officials have flagged 609 schools , 14 in Fort Bend ISD, for irregularities in the way students answered questions last year.

Those flagged for investigation, representing 9 percent of Texas public schools, are not accused of cheating.

FBISD schools on the list (and number of flags for each) are: Clements HS (6), Dulles HS (3), Elkins HS (4), Austin HS (6), Marshall HS (6) and Willowridge HS (2). These campuses had just one "flag" each: Dulles Middle, First Colony Middle, Fort Settlement Middle, Hightower HS, Hodges Bend Middle, Kempner HS, Lake Olympia Middle, Quail Valley Middle.

"Just because a school shows up on the list doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem," TEA spokeswoman Debbie Graves Ratcliffe said. "They could be there because of great teaching."
Last fall, the TEA hired Caveon Test Security, a Utah-based firm, to conduct a pilot study based on April 2005 TAKS scores. . . .


Comments: Thanks SOS for keeping us posted before local media and other public information sources on this!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

From FB SUN: Memorial Hermann FB Hospital in Mo-City is Closing This Year! (Click on title link for the full story)

Memorial Hermann FB Hospital in Mo-City is Closing!

. . ."Memorial Hermann Fort Bend Hospital in Missouri City will continue to provide imaging services other than mammography until the end of this year, and then the hospital will close down. In the medical plaza at Sugar Land, the bottom two floors house outpatient services, while the top three floors will be leased by physicians." . .


Comment: From an article in this weeks FB Sun. This is happening earlier than originally reported. We will try to get an update on this issue asap.

Question-What will Mo-City residents do without any hospital during future projected busy hurricane seasons when the primary evacuation route is hwy 6?

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

From Of The Developers, By The Developers, For The Developers (from Sienna Pkwy Resident)

Of The Developers, By The Developers, For The Developers

The county and local government appear to be controlled of real estate developers by real estate developers for real estate developers.

The CAD darn sure is! The appraisers or CTA sing the value song which the developers write for profit – raise values on paper when the little guy owns the property, force ‘em to sell, and when the big guys buy, give ‘em tax breaks....(click title link above for full piece).

L. Watts
Missouri City


Comment: Isn't this the same Sienna Pkwy homeowner who endorsed and ran a sign for heavily developer-backed incumbent mayor of Mo-City Allen Owen during the last city election?

2nd Sienna Firestation at 3000 homes (in the DA contract with Missouri City)?

South Sienna Update (from the Houston Business Journal--click title link for full article):

Arizona investor buys land for southern plantation

Houston Business Journal - June 2, 2006
by Allison Wollam

..."With a total of 3,500 homes sold to date, it will take about eight more years to complete the 8,000-home community.

Says Goff: "It was just a timing issue for us."

The proposed Sienna Plantation South will cover four existing municipal utility districts previously approved to issue more than $660 million in bonds to fund infrastructure improvements."...


Comment: Doesn't the developer's agreement with the city require a second firestation at 3000 homes (not 3500+)?

Both Sienna Area Schools Move Up In Preliminary Accountability Ratings (From

Fort Bend ISD Elementary Schools Moving Up In State Ratings, Early Figures Show
by Bob Dunn, Jun 06, 2006, 03 50 pm

Fort Bend Independent School District elementary schools turned in an exceptional academic performance this year, as 11 of 37 appear ready to move up in the state’s accountability ratings.

According to rating calculations provided by the district to individual school officials, six elementaries likely will improve from 2005’s “Recognized” rating to “Exemplary.” Walker Station Elementary – the district’s lone Exemplary school last year – is on track to repeat that designation this year.

But the district isn’t releasing the ratings to the public, despite what appears to be mostly good news. Sources provided FortBendNow with the preliminary elementary ratings, but not with ratings for the district’s middle and high schools.

“I do not feel comfortable naming those schools specifically until we have official results,” Dr. Susan Wey, associate superintendent of curriculum and instruction, said Tuesday. . .(click title link above for the full story)


Comment: Why is the district so tightly guarding the data?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

VISIT To Discuss County & Area Issues (Click on this title link)-

To discuss or keep up with local East Fort Bend County issues and meet your neighbor visit these local websites run by independent sources or click the title link above: (South Missouri City Area) (Fort Bend County at large) (Sienna Parkway & McKeever Area) (South Missouri City Area)

Stay informed and keep in touch through independent sources!

Monday, June 05, 2006

From the HOAdata Site: HOA & Management Company Foreclosure Related Cases-

Get the HOA, Lawyers & management company listings for foreclosure-related filings for the Houston area (much of Fort Bend County is not in this list). Contact the researchers at the site to find out more (and how to get the data on the law groups, management companies and HOA boards that may abuse this system the most). Some law offices listed on this database are listed hundreds of times (one even thousands). Click above title link to learn more before you buy a home in one of these communities.

See HOA, lawyer and mgmt lists...

Texas Homeowners Association News (Affilate of the AHRC)

Follow lobbying, legislation and other issues that may impact your home and property value nationally at the AHRC website or through the state affiliate site for Texas (click title link above).

An example from AHRC:

April 29, 2006

By Donie Vanitzian
Copyright Donie Vanitzian, BA, JD

In centuries past, an emperor could decide the fate of an entire community with nothing more than a nod of his head. Some believe a similar system exists today, but instead of one emperor there are boards of emperors who on a whim can decide the fate of an entire community of homeowners.

A quasi-judicial authoritarian panel is established called a "board of directors" which has an unmatched gift for political maneuvering. Directors don't need campaign contributions to stay in power because association operating funds can be plundered at will. The unchecked controls to distribute, gather, and process ballot and proxy votes ensures the imperial board continues its reign. Like dynasties of old, homeowner associations can fall prey to a debauched mistreatment of its owners.


In the face of crumbling individual rights, censorship is encouraged and laws are passed that further prejudice homeowners. Not unlike feudal systems, boards delegate their authority to handpicked aiders and abetters who carry out their demands. Rebels, dissidents, and rivals of those in control are easily silenced or alienated from the faithful followers. In struggling to fight their aggressors, owners are peppered with intimidating salvos delivered by modern day lackeys like lawyers, managers and industry vendors. The job of aiders and abettors in the pecking order is to push through the board's agenda. As those minions become autonomous, the result is a wholesale disenfranchisement of those who are not part of the "chosen" few. . .

From (follow this link for the full story).

Friday, June 02, 2006

FBSun Article On Latest Zoning Decision Impacting Sienna Area Families-

Protest forces rethink of rezoning

By:DIANE TEZENO, Staff Writer

Feeling the heat of parental protest, Fort Bend ISD last week reversed an earlier plan to rezone 96 bilingual students from Burton Elementary to Blue Ridge Elementary.

Bilingual students from kindergarten through fifth-grade zoned to Scanlan Oaks and Sienna Elementary who are now attending Burton were to attend Blue Ridge for the 2006-'07 year under the previous plan. Now, the district has abandoned that plan and the students will continue to attend Burton for one more year. For the time being, Burton will remain overcrowded; the opening of a new elementary for 2007-'08 will ease that burden.

Under the new plan announced last Thursday, regular and bilingual pre-K students zoned to Burton, Goodman, Sienna Crossing and Scanlan Oaks elementary schools will go to Lantern Lane Elementary next year. The previous plan only affected regular pre-K students.

A new letter explaining the changes was sent to parents on Thursday.
The controversy took root at the May 22 board meeting, when parents protested the original changes. Other changes would have sent pre-K bilingual students zoned to Burton, Goodman, Sienna Crossing and Scanlan Oaks Elementary to Blue Ridge next year. Further, regular pre-K students zoned to Burton, Goodman, Sienna Crossing and Scanlan Oaks were to attend Lantern Lane Elementary in 2006-'07. . . (click title link above for full story)-

From FBSun: Local Developer Changes Plans After Much Homeowner Opposition!

See this FBSun article on how a developer works with a local community to improve the commercial retail plan being developed inside their community after much vocal homeowner (and future customer) opposition. -(Click on the title link for the entire story)-

Developer drops local gas station plan

By:DIANE TEZENO, Staff Writer 05/30/2006

Email to a friendPost a CommentPrinter-friendly
Lake Olympia residents in Missouri City will be glad their voices have been heard and the plan for a gas station in their neighborhood has been dropped by the developer.

Several residents from Lake Olympia turned out at the May 10 Missouri City Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to oppose a developer's plan to rezone property in their community to accommodate a gas station.
The station was to be located on a four-acre lot at Lake Olympia Parkway and Peninsulas Drive, across from the entrance to Swan Lake. Armed with more than 300 signatures in a petition, the group listed many concerns about the proposed rezoning. . .

CRD Comment: This is how community activism can work and often does when you work with a willing corporate that doesn't practice a negative or disparaging PR model.




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at