Thursday, June 28, 2007

From KMBBB (formerly Kick-backs fort bend county style! -- This will be a Susan B. classic! --

June 27 - Okay, so here’s the deal. A construction company sent their writ twit to commissioner’s court yesterday to let the public know that the low bidder did not get the contract on the new jail.

Attorney Greg Travis told court members on Tuesday that his client, Cornerstone Detention Products Inc. of Tanner, Ala., submitted a low bid of $6.63 million to construct the jail cells. However, he said he has been informed that San Antonio Contractor CCC Group, which submitted the high bid of $6.98 million for the work, is being awarded the contract.

Oh, shock and awe! You mean commissioners played favorites with vendors to the county? Well, I’ll be a toad frog on a pool table. That’s just shocking, shocking I tell you. . . (get this full OP/ED piece on how many politicians in our county & cities operate by clicking on the title link above).

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Houston Chron: Reformer, Professor Gary, Certified (It's just the oath now)

Follow the seating of the first reform candidate on MC council July 2nd. Click the title link above for the full piece.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Would Single Member Districts Benefit MC Area Representation On The FBISD School Board?

Click the title link to catch-up on this discussion with former BOT candidate Pinnock heading this drive.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

OP/ED: MissouriCityChatter & CRD celebrate coming 3rd year with a look back!

OP/ED: MissouriCityChatter & CRD celebrate coming 3rd year with a look back!

MCC ©2007

Over two years ago a developer run HOA denied access to the membership supported newsletter to paying members for notifying fellow homeowners of a land-use project that may threaten their property/home values and negatively impact the tax base of the community (usually what HOAs are intended for). The threatening statement, which would lead to the founding of this free, non-advertisement supported resident run blog-site, and others (now shut down), that caused consternation and an eventual SLAPP-suit (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) by a Houston corporation in an attempt to muzzle/chill the local community, lead to a reform movement that now has an extended multi-partisan family network throughout the local area well beyond Sienna Plantation and growing into other nearby communities.

When Matthew Feinberg founded in 2004 he opened it without opposition and grew his online community without interference for 6-7 months. A committee of Sienna and Sienna area homeowners began to share information and meet on development issues that may impact school over-crowding and home & property values as well as daily activities on that site, after their developer run HOA refused them access to simply post an e-mail contact address in the member supported newsletter. Once the apartment/land-use battle reached the site a fairly large network had been established with 7-8 local neighborhoods involved in opposing this project. In Feb. ’05 many residents of this community marched on city council only to be told that the project was a done deal and the voting reflected it (5-2) to the dismay of hundreds in attendance. Later, after it was found that the mayor and several on council had been receiving campaign contributions from this company and voting on their projects (an apparent violation of the city ethics code of conduct), a petition of over 1100+ homeowners against this project was submitted to city council along with ethics complaints against the mayor for failure to recuse himself in the voting (it was following this action that the mayor’s top developer supporter initiated the SLAPP-suit). You can get much of this story and background at:

& (unconstitutional dissemination of information CCR)

(search either site for more or google SLAPP-suit, Johnson Development Co., Houston or view the entire session via the Missouri City streaming video minutes at: )

Not to beleaguer the story, but much has been learned since then and a subsequent investigation of several judges and a county commissioner, possibly involved in the SLAPP-suit case, by the State Commission On Judicial Conduct is on-going. This, thanks to the efforts of pressure by taxpayers/voters & homeowners from this community.

During this time a family lost their home, life savings, college fund, but not each other and found a great deal of friends and support in their community. After much pressure from one corporation, and later its sister site were shut down. was founded about 1-2 months prior as a support blog-site so that alternative communications would still remain in this isolated community. We have remained open through 3 SLAPP-cases and numerous other tactical attempts to stop these broadcasts/postings. We announce that we are proud that we are still here and have expanded our scope of coverage to most of the South area of Missouri City, TX and have networked with numerous community and political organizations, which lead to the replacement of two of the council members who voted on the original land-use project while accepting campaign contributions from the development company involved (we have always believed that these council members should have recused themselves in this voting along with the mayor). Another full slate of candidates is scheduled to run in ’08 against the mayor and his backers. --Enough abbreviated history.

The cornerstone of MCC is the stories people e-mail to us and the follow-up provided. Please keep them coming no matter where in Missouri City you live!

We look forward to year 3 and more to come! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCC/CRD!!!

Chris Calvin, Ph.D.
Committee for Responsible Development
Missouri City, TX

Additional useful homeowner/taxpayer/consumer links: (National homeowners resource center) (the real Harvard study on HOA abuse, get the list of leading HOA forclosure attorneys in the Houston area and ask yourself is your home at risk in this racket?) (Homeowner advocacy group here in the Houston area) (track legislation that helps/hurts homeowners and taxpayers) -- Texas Homeowners Advocacy Group (NHAG affiliate)

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead
US anthropologist & popularizer of anthropology

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

FB Sun Covers District B Landslide Victory!

Click the title link for the full story!

Just In From The Chron: It's over and Gary will not be opposed!

Click the link above for the full Houston Chronicle story.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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MC Council Report (From first hand account, an MCC exclusive)-

MCC Comment: The following is a first hand report on the ongoing saga of whether or not Mayor Allen Owen and City Council, backed by Houston special interests, will allow heavily voter supported (by 63%) reform council woman elect Gary to take her district B seat. Some sepeculate that this is an attempt to block a popular reform candidate by large corporate special interest working to protect the insiders on council (you know, business as usual).

6/18/07 City Council Session--

Last nights city council chamber was packed to over-flowing. Numerous speakers addressed the council and mayor during the open session after the mayor issued a warning to the audience. The crowd was a diverse group from around the city and even Harris Co. citizens concerned about the potential denial of the hard won seat by Ms. Gary (63%). Several political party chair people were present with current and past candidates from council, commission and congressional races showing a great deal of interest. Apparently the spin coming out of the council is that her certification would be illegal (this was not stated at the meeting, but by insiders after). During the public presentations a large number of speakers presented, including the reform council-member elect, which brought resounding cheers and applause from the audience demanding that the council “do the right thing” and seat her. One speaker did approach the mic, whom this witness has seen at several sessions supporting the mayor’s spec. int. projects and stated that he must “enforce the law”. To this point, no one, including the council has specifically stated what law Professor Gary has supposed to have violated (they do use rumor, innuendo, etc.). They also seem to deny the rights of the voters in law and of the candidate (notice this IS a specific accusation). IMHO, I guess the law only applies where the special interest see fit, through their council (and communication plants on the forums).

Mr. Tunstall, an elected county party chairmen, pointed out the specific constitutional provisions, during his presentation, that would be in violation of TX & US law if the mayor and council refuse to seat a popularly elected official (via a landslide).

Much more occurred and I’m sure others will have a different take on this, but it was an interesting SHOW that council was unable to carefully control (democracy is often messy, but real democracy is a thing of beauty). The message was clear!

BTW, council did do other work last night. They raised MC taxes and the mayor, once again, as at many, many council sessions, took bows for saving his golf course (the bill was actually initiated by Dora Olivo, but this often gets left out during the bows).

Get out in ’08 and ring in the rest of the reform candidates and complete the turning of an “out-of-touch spec. int. controlled” council! Keep getting the word out. Recall organizers will be contacting those interested in volunteering for this effort if needed. Stay tuned!

--Council Watch

Stay informed and keep in touch. If you are part of the growing ETJ area (approaching 20,000) of MC you too may want to become a council watcher. Even though you only pay sales tax in the city their decisions directly impact your lives and possibly your future home and property values.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Houston Chronicle Reports On Reform/Gary Victory In Mo-City!!!

Click the title link for more!

FBN Covers Reform Victory in Missouri City!

Click the title link for the full story!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Professor Gary Wins In A Landslide (Click the title link for official county counts)

Click the title link for the hotly contested Missouri City district B run-off race between Gary and longtime incumbent Smith. Wyatt and other council members, via media reports, have threatened to not certify Professor Gary if she wins the council seat tonight. Many current and past council candidates, including several Fort Bend County Party chairpersons and other local, regional politicians have promised to lead a potential recall election (fully endorsed by MCC) if Wyatt, Smith and the mayor make good on this report.

Election Update: It's official Gary wins in a landslide!

Gary 518 (63%)

Smith 309 (37%)

Congratulations reformers and volunteers!

Stay tuned to see if council certifies this clear victory!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New Sienna School Expected To Open At Capacity: No Relief In Sight (Record School Bond Election Coming)!

From the chronicle:

Construction contract for new Fort Bend school is approved
'Cookie-cutter design' will save millions, trustee says

Houston Chronicle

Fort Bend school officials on Monday picked a Houston company for the construction of a new elementary school in the Sienna Plantation area with a deal that promises multimillion-dollar savings for the district.

The board of trustees unanimously approved awarding a $12.5 million contract to Brookstone LP, which the district has used for other construction projects.

School officials had previously estimated the campus to cost up to $17 million, including land, design, construction and furnishings. . .

. . . The school will be built on a 12-acre tract northwest of Baines Middle School. The district bought the land earlier this year for more than $601,100.

The school, which will accommodate 860 students, is scheduled to open in August 2008.

"We are experiencing explosive growth in that area, and the new school is critically needed," said Mary Ann Simpson, a district spokeswoman. . .


responsible_dvlpmnt wrote:

So let's recap the issues in the excellent article above. First we have "explosive growth" so we need to approve a record setting bond in the Fall to keep up with it. Our school board isn't seeking anything from those responsible for this growth and making a great deal of money off of it. Wouldn't it be wise to seek kick-in on the land in some of these larger master-planned communities that use the schools to attract customers? For these same companies over-developing zoning/tax buster apartments in our county, shouldn't we add an impact fee to help the district keep up with the growth and not just pass the buck along to the taxpayers? Shouldn't we also stop borrowing against the bonds for new schools prior to the voters approval?

It would seem that a double A bond rating is NOT an optimal rating and we need to make some changes in how FBISD (and many FB districts) are doing business. Bring the corporations to the table who directly benefit from this growth while it hurts our schools and families, don't you think? Growth may be good, but unmanaged growth will continue to harm our struggling school system.


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Monday, June 11, 2007

Related Chronicle Piece (District B Race Heats Up)-

Click the title link for the entire Houston Chronicle piece.

FBN Covers Tight Missouri City District B Race!

Playing Catch-22 In A Game Of Missouri City Hardball
Fort Bend Politics

By Bob Dunn

After a May 12 election that saw her take second place in a three-way race by virtue of a 15-vote margin, Cynthia Lenton-Gary is headed toward a Saturday run-off election against incumbent District B Missouri City Councilman Don Smith.

But if you didn’t know better, you might think she was running against Councilman Jerry Wyatt. Because for someone who’s not up for re-election, Wyatt seems to be working extraordinarily hard to defeat her.

It’s not because of philosophical differences, or her position on issues facing the city. Ostensibly, it’s because Lenton-Gary says she lives on Mossridge Drive, at the same address on her Texas driver’s license, while Wyatt believes she lives on Royal Plantation Lane instead. The Mossridge Drive home is in District B. The Royal Plantation Lane home, less than four miles away, isn’t.

Wyatt says that means Lenton-Gary isn’t a legal resident of District B, and can’t serve as a council member. And, he said Friday, he’s prepared to prevent her from taking a seat on City Council even if she wins the runoff election.

Lenton-Gary, however, says Wyatt is acting on Smith’s behalf, and has made her residency an issue “because they feel I have the upper hand in this election” and something was needed to divert voters’ attention from real issues facing District B and the rest of Missouri City.

Drive-by Politics
“I assume Jerry is doing it because Don wants it to look like he’s staying in the background,” she said of Wyatt and Smith. “Bottom line – he is doing it for Don.” . . . (click title link above for more).

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Visit For More Area News & Discussions-

Visit this local website for more area news! -- Click title link above --

Stay informed and keep in touch. . .

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Professor Gary Campaign Teams Block Walk Last Weekend Before Monday Early Voting Start In MC District B Run-off!

Cynthia Gary, reform candidate for the Missouri City district B run-off, spent the last weekend before early voting pounding the pavement in several Mo-City neighborhoods with her teams of supporters. Ms. Gary is committed to opening up local municipal government and improving the disparity in development along the Texas Pkwy and Cartwright corridors. She has been outspoken on improving police and fire protection while attempting to rain in the high crime and taxes in her district.

Cynthia encourages everyone in district B to get to the polls for early voting and make history this election cycle! When asked what will be her greatest contribution to the city council, Gary said, "I will stop the current rubber stamping approach to special interest in our local government".

Early Voting Information:

Early voting for the runoff will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from June 4-9; from noon-5 p.m. on June 10, and from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on June 11 and 12. All early voting will take place at the Missouri City Community Center, 1522 Texas Parkway in Missouri City.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on election day, June 16, at the following Missouri City locations:

→ Precincts 2077 and 2141 – Glover Elementary School, 1510 Columbia Blue;

→ Precinctc 2050 and 2089 – Hunter’s Glen Elementary, 8295 Independence Blvd.;

→ Precinctc 2033 and 2091 – Lantern Lane Elementary, 3323 Mission Valley Drive;

→ Precinct 2092 – Meadowcreek Clubhouse, 2410 LaQuinta Drive;

→ Precincts 2115 and 2136 – Quail Valley East Clubhouse, 2206 Turtle Creek Drive.

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at