Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FBISDWatch Editorial: Why No Missouri City Officials At FBISD Zoning Meetings?

Editorial: Why No Missouri City Officials At FBISD Zoning Meetings?

At the recent packed FBISD zoning meetings, one group was obviously under-represented, or not in attendance at all, that left many in the audience asking why. The meetings over the last few weeks seemed to be targeting Missouri City communities. From Sienna Plantation, in the ETJ, to Quail Valley and parts of First Colony in the city, it became apparent that FBISD finds the east end of the district worthy of such attention. The issue was covered and appeared on Channel 2 news along with many recorded blog reports and comments from the taxpayers/residents of the city. . .(click the title link for the full article)

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Local Coverage Of The FBISD Zoning Controversy In Missouri City!

Follow the title link above for more on the Missouri City school zoning controversy. See FBN coverage below:

Monday, January 28, 2008

FBISDWatch: Zoning Update From Chron Blog--

Click the title link for more...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Chronicle Report: FBISD Missouri City Zoning Meeting (Lexington/Quail Valley)--

Click the title link for more...

Missouri City Families Upset At Current Focus Of FBISD Zoning--

See this FBN coverage from FBISDWatch:

Packed House At FBISD Lexington Zoning Meeting--

FBISDWatch was in attendance at the recent Missouri City/FBISD zoning meetings at Sienna Plantation and First Colony MC/Quail Valley. Our concern continues to be the lack of parent and community representation on the zoning committee headed by Lee Petros and other senior district officials only. Here is a report from


Lexington Creek Elementary Parents Take Strong Stance Against FBISD Rezoning
by Jamie Mock, Jan 25, 2008

Lexington Creek Elementary parents showed up en masse Thursday night to a redistricting meeting held by the Fort Bend County Independent School District. Their message, and that of all the speakers, was similar: Don’t rezone.

The redistricting plan is a result of the opening of Elementary School #39, located near Lexington Boulevard and FM 1092, which has been a temporary home for Quail Valley Elementary as that campus was rebuilt. Both building will open for students in August, requiring the district to outline the attendance zone for #39.

The suggested zones, under fire at the meeting, would: Rezone students in Dove Country, Lexington Square and the Park at Fort Bend Apartments to Missouri City Middle School and Marshall High School from Dulles Middle and High Schools. Rezone Dulles Elementary students east of FM 1092, E.A. Jones Elementary students west of Staffordshire Road, Quail Valley Elementary students north of a line extending west from Court Road to FM 1092, to the yet-to-be-named Elementary #39. Rezone Lexington Creek students south of Cartwright road and the northern portion of the Palmer Elementary zone to Quail Valley Elementary. Rezone the area south and west of the intersection of 5th Street and FM 1092, currently zoned to Quail Valley Elementary, to Lexington Creek Elementary.

To adjust to the district’s new kindergarten through sixth grade program, the following changes have been suggested: The area east of FM 1092, currently zoned to Dulles Middle School, would be rezoned to Missouri City Middle School. The Dulles High School zone east of FM 1092 would be rezoned to Marshall High School.

The neighborhood of Oyster Creek Plantation, comprised of about 25 homes with elementary-aged children, was well represented, unanimous in their desire not to be moved from Lexington Creek Elementary. Among their concerns was the safety of crossing FM 1092, the fact that they bought homes in that area specifically for the schools, home value and the same issue that brought most of the other speakers to the meeting – quality of education.

Many parents suggested that Quail Valley Middle School, Missouri City Middle School and Marshall High School were unacceptable alternatives to the schools their children were currently zoned to. Comments included parents saying they would move, some saying they would put their children in private school, and one suggesting possible legal issues. Several parents suggested their neighborhoods were being rezoned to bring up test scores in low-performing schools.

Dawn Wilson, Oyster Creek Plantation resident and mother of a high school graduate, said the focus should be on improving individual schools.

“Perhaps a principal (of FBISD) not reported has something to do with the neighborhood draw to perhaps increase scores and things that are involved at the state of Texas level,” said Wilson. “I think Fort Bend has some excellent teachers and some wonderful things going on, so perhaps the change should be in faculty and some professional development…let’s fix the problems at the campus levels and we can all be in excellent schools instead of moving kids around and making us pay the price.” . . .

See full story at:

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

FBN: Morrison Vows To Revisit Allied Waste Contract If Elected!

"Tipping fees" were just some of the reasons given for Missouri City & Fort Bend County elected officials for their non-opposition to the Blue Ridge Landfill expansion (to nearly 20 stories). The above linked story (through the title link) examines this issue more closely....


Register For Upcoming Elections (click the title link for contact info)--

Don't forget local elections (school board and city council races) are approaching too. MCC attended a gathering of several local potential candidates & citizens from various neighborhoods at the Town & Country Shopping Center off 1092 recently. Most of the candidates demonstrated a genuine concern about the direction the city has been taking under the current long-term leadership of Allen Owen, Jerry Wyatt and Buddy Jimerson.

Recent property tax increases, voted in by this council (5-1), special interest influences and campaign disclosures from the '07 district races were just some of the topics examined. One particular report came from a local news outlet regarding how the city is using the coming bond election to refinance a "shortfall" in the municipal court accounts. This would mean that future debt will be incurred to cover this "shortfall". In our opinion, not a good way to resolve city operational budget matters. They also discussed a new vision and equitable plan for city growth, authentic voter/taxpayer representation (minus special interest control), real tax reduction, attracting a hospital to the city, opening up more city contracts to fair bidding processes, just to name a few...

Stay tuned as the races approach for the inside story on the challengers! Get updates on the candidates registered with (with contact information)...

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

FBN: High Turn-over Reported At Missouri City Hall (click the title link for the full story)

From FortBendNow:

Simpson Says 2007 Employee Loss Is Not A Sign Of A Larger Problem
by Jamie Mock, Jan 23, 2008

Despite an increase in Missouri City employee departures in 2007, City Manager Frank Simpson says there is no need to for council to be overly concerned.

An anonymous e-mail sent to several council members suggested an exodus from the city, citing 56 departures in 2007 and blaming them on substandard pay, recognition, bonuses and an incompetent human resources department.

Simpson says that while the city has experienced an increase in employee departure, few of those were instances in which an employee left a Missouri City position for the same position elsewhere with higher pay. . .

Opposition Expressed At Sienna Plantation FBISD Zoning Meeting

Click the title link for the full story. Another Missouri City/FBISD zoning meeting is taking place Thursday at Lexington Elem.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chronicle Report: Not everyone happy with appraisal district's building proposal (Which will use some of the school tax surplus)--

Click the title link for more and visit for follow-up...

Friday, January 18, 2008

FBISDWatch: FBISD Zoning Meetings Approaching For Two MC Schools at Sienna & Lexington In First Colony

Click the title link from our associate site to get the full story...

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

From the FBStar: Will The County Finally Keep The 2000 Mobility Bond Promise For Mckeever Road? -- and what happened to the 4 million dollars???

MCC/CRD comment: Mr. Hilton and the rest of the Arcola city council must be breathing a sigh of relief, but of course as the old saying goes, "it isn't in until it's in"....

Click the title link for the full story:

Consent agenda includes funds for McKeever Road

By Cheryl Skinner
Consent agenda includes funds for McKeever Road

By Cheryl Skinner

Fort Bend County Com-missioners will be considering approval of $1 million to repave the portion of McKeever Road that lies in the incorporated portion of Arcola this week. Precinct 1 Commissioner Tom Stavinoha said the plan is to add six-foot shoulders on each side of the existing roadway and this portion is the most costly because it has more trees that will have to be removed and disposed of.

The funds for the McKeever Road project will come from the Mobility Bonds, approved by voters in 2000. While the original amount set aside by the county for this project was $4 million, the current improvements (which include the $1 million for the city portion and the remaining $1 million plus for the county’s segment) should cost slightly over $2 million, Stavinoha said. “I am still trying to figure out what happened to the other $2 million. I AM TOLD THAT I APPROVED THAT AMOUNT FOR ANOTHER PROJECT BACK IN 2001, BUT MY MEMORY FAILS ME on that one,” Stavinoha said.

When the bond issue was approved in 2000, the county was hopeful that McKeever Road could be turned into a multi-lane boulevard at a total cost, at that time, of about $21 million. The county allowed for the approved $4 million and was counting on the remaining funds being secured through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and perhaps private developers. It soon became apparent that TxDOT did not have the available funds and no interest was shown by any developers, Stavinoha said.

“That plan was downsized—big time,” he added. . .

. . . Some Arcola residents and city officials have criticized the county’s plan to do minor work on McKeever and the delay in beginning the project. Officials there have said the county was holding out on road work to force the city into cooperating with the owner of a private airport that borders McKeever Road. For years it has been rumored that various changes to adjacent roads would allow the airport to extend the runway and benefit only the private business owner.

Stavinoha said improvements will be a benefit to all of those who travel the road. “Of course, there will probably be a lot more speeding tickets written because they will go faster once the shoulders are added,” he quipped.

Post-script: I think the precinct chair should have been concerned about the school children and families that often travel that hazardous roadway and have waited since 2000, and many promises, for it to get down...

Background: (FB Star searches)

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Chron Blog: Covers Local Media Wars--

Click on the title link to get more...

From FBSun: Houston Community Newspapers Sues & Newly Formed Company

This just in from the FB & Sugar Land Sun newspaper:

Houston Community Newspapers filed a lawsuit Monday seeking damages and a temporary restraining order against the former owner of a newspaper group that he sold to HCN in 2006.

At a Monday hearing, a Harris County District Court Judge granted parts of a requested temporary restraining order and denied other parts. As a result of the judge's order, an additional hearing is scheduled to be held Friday, Jan. 25.

The lawsuit, filed against George Boehme, Inc. and FORTBENDNOW INC., claims Boehme has violated non-competition and non-solicitation provisions of a purchase agreement he signed with Houston Community Newspapers. . .(get the full story by clicking the title link above)...


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

FBN: FBISD Requesting More Funding For Financial Software Conversion

Click the title link for the full story and to comment at the source...

also see related at:

Monday, January 14, 2008

Another Possible Missouri City Council Candidate!

Hunter May Make Another Run At Council In 2008!
This just in:

Lou Hunter, who ran for the district B city council seat in 2007 and later helped support the landslide victory of Professor Cynthia Gary, may seek an at large position on Missouri City council. This information was shared via confidential sources, but appears to be a strong rumor. We should know before March, which is the filing deadline, if this is more than local chatter.

We will update this thread as the need warrants!

Stay informed and keep in touch...

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Report Just In From Capitol Annex On Texas House Race In District 27 (Incumbent Dora Olivo vs. Ron Reynolds)

Story quoted from the Capitol Annex News:

"TX HD 27: Olivo’s Opponent Anything But ‘Responsive, Reliable’
by Vince Leibowitz

Most people are a little puzzled as to why anyone would want to get into a primary contest with State Rep. Dora Olivo (D-Missouri City). Olivo is a reliable vote for Democrats and no “Craddick D” by any means.

However, word on the street is that activists in her district are unhappy with Olivo’s votes on stem cell research and abortion issues. Olivo is Catholic and, like many Catholic Democrats in the Texas Legislature, the only time she doesn’t vote with the party is on these two issues, which is perfectly understandable.

So, Ron Reynolds, an attorney, has been encouraged to run against Olivo in the primary. On his Website, Reynolds claims he is the, “Responsive” and “Reliable” candidate for Texas House. A nice campaign slogan to be sure. The problem? Reynolds is evidently anything but “responsive” and “reliable” according to his record with the State Bar of Texas.

According to the State Bar of Texas, Reynolds has been suspended (via partially probated suspensions) from the practice of law twice and remains on probation until June of 2009.

In one instance, Reynolds settled a personal injury case without his client’s knowledge:

On Nov. 22, 2005, Ronald E. Reynolds, 31, of Houston, accepted a six-month, partially probated suspension effective March 31, 2006, upon completion of his current active suspension, with the first three months actively served and the remainder probated. An evidentiary panel of the District 4-D Grievance Committee found that Reynolds was retained to represent his client in a personal injury case. In January 2004, Reynolds settled the case without his client’s knowledge or consent. Reynolds then received settlement proceeds from the insurer without notifying his client, negotiated the settlement check without distributing the funds to his client, and misrepresented to his client that he was still working on the case after he had successfully negotiated the settlement check. Reynolds violated Rules 1.01(b)(2), 1.03(a) and (b), 1.14(a) and (b), and 8.04(a)(3). He agreed to pay $350 in attorney’s fees.

In another instance, Reynolds neglected matters for three clients. . . . ."

To get the full story just click the title link above or confirm the information via the Texas Bar Association at:

See below:

Bar Card Number*: 24025610

Public Disciplinary History - Texas*:
Sanction Date of Entry Sanction

Partially Probated Suspension 02/09/2005 04/01/2005 03/30/2006 03/31/2006 03/31/2009

Partially Probated Suspension 11/22/2005 03/31/2006 06/30/2006 07/01/2006 06/30/2009

Stay informed and keep in touch as elections approach!

Friday, January 11, 2008

FB Star: Political Report (Pct. 1 Commissioners Race Heats Up and Howard Being Challenged Too)--

Click the title link for a good review of hot button issues and candidates in local races...(more on local council races later).

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Community Leader Rodney Griffin Comments On Recent City Council Change Of Heart (Possible TIRZ for TX Pkwy & Cartwright)

This just in from Rodney Griffin blog:

Griffin Responds To Recent City Change Of Heart--

In a very recent turn-around by Allen Owen, long-time mayoral incumbent facing re-election this spring, the city, after much criticism in the '06 and '07 council races for failing to be more proactive on encouraging development on Texas Parkway and Cartwright has announced a study will be funded to look into a possible tax abatement or TIRZ for that area. Mr. Griffin made this a primary concern during his run for council in '07 and has vowed to keep a close eye on this process. Already a fairly closed group of committee members has been selected by city "insiders" to work on this effort. Rodney was quoted as saying,

"It is about time., providing this city action is not more smoke and mirrors by the council. l(i.e) The disingenuous claim by councilmember Eunice Reiter that the proposed business park at Willowisp "impacts Texas Parkway".. The process I believe must have a broad based citizen participation component...persons not only with expertise in neighborhood revitalization and redevelopment, but regular citizens. They know what services they want for their families."

Mr. Griffin has decided to fully support Greyling Poats if he should decide to run for mayor in the '08 spring elections.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Missouri City, After Decades, Finally Considers A Tax Reinvestment Zone For Cartwright & Texas Parkway!!!


"Charges that the city has neglected Cartwright Road and Texas Parkway, which runs past City Hall, became an issue in recent council elections. Candidates said the city was focusing its attention on the development of Texas 6, near affluent new subdivisions, at the expense of these once-vibrant commercial and residential corridors.

Pictures of empty commercial buildings, potholed parking lots and other eyesores were part of Monday's presentation.

"After a year of talking about it, it's something we've finally done something about," Mayor Allen Owen said just before Monday's vote. "I think it's a great deal." Houston Chronicle Report

This position is in stark contrast to April of 2007 when the mayor and other, now former council members, said that TIRZs couldn't be used in this corridor. See this release from Ap. 18th 2007 (local media at: My concern as always is how this particular mayor and his diminishing council supporters are reactive rather than proactive on growth issues. They pushed and fully supported the TIRZs (reinvestment zones) on the hwy 6 corridor for large Houston development companies (many with executives and mgmt employees on campaign disclosure lists for those directly benefitting from these tax abatements) in prime commercial areas, which is not what they are supposed to be used for. Then after nearly two decades in office he is finally supporting a TIRZ where it belongs.

"Tunstall said he’d been prompted to study up on the concept of a TIRZ, after two other Missouri City residents – one a past political candidate and the other a current council candidate – had approached council at consecutive recent meetings to suggest a TIRZ should be used to attract business and development along Texas Parkway and Cartwright Road. Council members suggested the two citizens were short on facts about TIRZs and how they operate."

Who were these citizens pushing for proper use of the TIRZs within the city? They were Lou Hunter, Rodney Griffin, Greyling Poats, Kevin Tunstall, Cynthia Gary and many other reform minded citizens and volunteers. Finally, after decades of neglect, Owen sees this as a "good thing".

We need new, fresh and more proactive people on this council, starting with a NEW mayor with vision. One who will represent all the people of the community and NOT just the special interests!

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Monday, January 07, 2008

Arcola City Council-member Speaks Up On County Official's Tactics Regarding EDC Backed AXH Airport Expansion!!! (click the title link for background)

This recent blog release appeared on a thread in FBN that we thought might be informative as an update to the ongoing and often controversial AXH airport expansion project and McKeever Rd. diversion plan impacting many communities in the Sienna Pkwy area of Missouri City and surrounding neighborhoods. This was posted by a well respected local city council member. The response is in reference to the recent campaign announcement of Richard Morrison (an MCC endorsed candidate for pct. 1 county commissioner):

Thank you! Mr. Morrison for stepping up to the plate for the CITIZENS of Fort Bend County. Stavinoha has proven time and again that he doesn’t give a dang about the citizens, and is constantly pushing for the interests of corporate donors.

The Mayor of Arcola, the City Attorney of Arcola, and myself (City Councilman of Arcola) have made over 20 requests to Stavinoha, Jesse Heggemeier, Marc Grant, and others in the County to simply send the City information regarding the 2000 Mobility Bond money – how much is in the account for McKeever Road. Guess how many responses we all got? ZERO.

The County has had this money (about $4 million) for 7 years, yet due to the pressure applied by the owner of Houston SW Airport, the County has refused to bring this road up to standard (because they want to abandon McKeever at some future time).

Stavinoha recently made an appearance at a City Council meeting, saying that unless we do what he says, he will simply take that money and use it elsewhere in the County. Mr. Morrison, is that legal? Can Stavinoha take money approved by voters for a specific project and use it on other projects?

Sounds like tactics that the mafia would use – it’s not what I would expect from our County Commissioner of Precinct 1.

The City should have the right to have a say in how its City streets are constructed.

In a related development (South Post Oak) Stavinoha and Judge Hebert claim that since the land owner is “donating” $500,000 towards its construction, he has the right to determine the road’s layout. They do NOT want the City included in the process. A couple of years ago, the County tried to confiscate about 11 acres of prime real estate inside of Newpoint Estates. They claimed it was for “mobility” purposes, but in reality it was to allow the airport owner to divert McKeever around the FAA Control Point – nothing more. Looks like the County’s power of eminent domain is for sale to the highest bidder. If that had actually happened, I would think that would have been a great legal case for felony theft by the County officials.

Looks like 2008 could be an outstanding year for Fort Bend County if we can get Mr. Morrsion elected as out commissioner.

All the best,
Tom Hilton
City Councilman

After Raising Missouri City Property Taxes & Watching Trash Collection Fees Increase In '07, MC Council Votes For More--

Click the title link for the full story of how the city does collections for one vendor as you pay for it...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

From another local blog site: Lampson Losing Support Among Own Party Grass-roots

Click the title link above to see how many grass-roots groups feel about Lampson's abandonment of his support base (as witnessed by flip-flops on numerous issues from campaign ethics to constitutional votes, certainly qualifies him as a "professional politician").

FB Star Report: Chief County Judge Bob Hebert Threatens Further Restrictions On Free Speech At Court--

From FB Star: "County Judge Bob Hebert has faced some criticism about his decision recently to limit the number of public speakers on one topic. A number of residents appeared in court to voice their opposition to a planned toll road and Hebert designated one of the speakers to discuss the issue while denying the others their three minute speech. Some residents felt this was an unwarranted violation of their free speech, but Hebert noted that it was the policy of the court to discuss only agenda items or issues over which the court had jurisdiction in the county. And, while he vigorously upheld the right for the public to have their say, the speakers were all there to discuss a state agency’s plan to build a toll road over which the county has little or no say. He did allow an extended time for the one spokesperson to talk and pointed out that prior to that meeting citizens coming to discuss the issue had been allowed to speak. The speakers were appearing week after week and in growing numbers to discuss the same issue and Hebert said he felt that in order to maintain order and continuity in the court sessions some limitations had to be set.

In other sessions, Hebert had halted speakers and at least twice threatened to have the speaker removed if he did not cease discussing issues that should have been addressed by other entities such as an area school district, the state, or the federal agencies overseeing the items being presented. He said that unless the court established some iron clad rules pertaining to the speakers, it could face the possibility of eliminating the process entirely if uncontrolled access was permitted."


MCC Comment:

This appears to be a continuing pattern here in Fort Bend County with some special interest elected officials attempting to, in our opinion, stifle debate.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

From FBN: See recent local election filings (click the title link)--

Tuesday, January 01, 2008





Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at