Saturday, April 29, 2006

One Small Victory or Two?

Last week a couple of little noticed proceedings occurred that, although small, may represent something larger in the big picture. The first event was a requested court hearing whereby John Keville, a lawyer for Johnson Development Co. of Houston (developers of Sienna Plantation and Riverstone communities here in Missouri City and SLAPP suit initiators against Sienna customers) attempted to argue, unsuccessfully, their case against the Fraud accusations brought by some Sienna homeowners with regard to perceived changing features of the community. It was reported by the homeowners legal counsel, Jeff Singer of Sugar Land, that several of the requested pleadings were an attempt to quash the case and, when that was unsuccessful, to separate the case from the SLAPP suit they instigated last year following an attempt by homeowners to petition/stop up to 2700 apartments coming to our community courtesy of JDC. Judge Ruiz’s advisory opinion sets the stage for further litigation in a case that had been covered extensively by local media. One homeowner in Sienna stated that this was “very good news for our side in this case”.

In a follow-up to this case JDC, through lawyer Keville, has requested names, phone numbers and addresses of all those homeowners who participated/supported the "No More Apts" fight here in the Sienna Plantation area. MCC wants to know why?

Stay tuned as we keep this SLAPP/SLAPP-back (see Canen & Pring, 1996) suit updated.

Event number 2-

In an article released last week in, an online county-wide newspaper, it was reported that a political sign war had been taking place in Mo-City between developer-backed, special interest incumbent candidate Allen Owen (supporter of the JDC apartments in the above law suit story) and Greyling Poats, a successful area businessman, former Gary, IND. asst. city attorney, TIRZ board member here and long time resident and activist. One bone of contention was some of the Wells Fargo branches in Mo-City reportedly were allowing only Allen Owen, an executive of the bank, signs at some of their facilities along key roadways (and 2 other candidates he supports: Hal Jay & Steve Smelley). It was also reported to MCC that a complaint was filed by the Poats for mayor committee to the Houston regional Wells Fargo office which oversees Owen’s area. According to these same sources within an hour of the phone call the signs had been removed and an apology issued to all candidates by the company representative stating that Wells Fargo does not endorse local political candidates.

Stay informed and keep in touch for more on these developing Mo-City stories!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

JOIN OUR MCC E-NEWSLETTER: Follow local issues with nearly 2000 other registered update readers!

E-mail us your contact information and get added to our update list by writing to us at Simply write "add me" in the subject line when sending. Stay informed and keep in touch!

--Add us to your favorites or bookmark us. If you have a story that needs following send it in--we'll ck on it.

Petition to Reform the Developer/Building Trades is Underway in Washington D.C.--PLEASE SIGN TODAY (click here)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Early Voting Starts Monday: Poats Continues to Challenge Developer-backed Incumbent Owen!

Early voting starts Monday for FBISD, cities, water district

By Barbara Fulenwider

Early voting for city council, school district and water/sewer board members starts Monday, May 1. Missouri City and Stafford are holding elections to fill city council and a water/sewer board seats and Fort Bend ISD residents need to fill two board seats.

In the highly contested FBISD races there are eight candidates and no incumbents vying for the Position 2 and Position 6 trustee seat. Candidates for the Position 2 seat, which Sue Hauenstein is leaving, are Sonal Bhuchar, a physical therapist; Steven Dieu, an assistant attorney general; James Walker, an accountant, and Hal Jay, a business owner and former trustee. All four candidates live in Sugar Land.

Candidates for Position 6 seat, being vacated by Bruce Bain, are Steve Smelley, sales manager, former FBISD trustee and Missouri City resident; Rodrigo Carreon, an electrician who lives in Fresno; Wayne Howard, retired coach for the district who lives in Sugar Land, and Liz Mitton, communications consultant and Sugar Land resident.

In Missouri City, Mayor Allen Owen is being challenged for his seat by Greyling Byron Poats, an insurance agent who has lived in Missouri City about 25 years. Owen, manager of 12 Wells Fargo Bank branches in Fort Bend County, has been a Missouri City resident for almost 30 years.


Click title link above for entire story from the FBStar...

FBISD Candidates Piece in the FB SUN (click on title link to see the article)-

It would be nice if Mayor Owen would take this pledge like Poats has!

Who's Watching the FBISD Henhouse? Maybe KCW has a point in this article (click on title link to see some great suggestions on school savings)-

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

JUST IN FROM FORTBENDNOW.COM: Citizen Backed Poats or Houston Developer-Backed Incumbent Allen Owen -- The Sign Wars Wage On!

OP/ED: When Schoolhouse Bullies Grow Up

Having spent a few years on school playgrounds, I’ve had the opportunity to observe childhood behavior during free play extensively. One disturbing reoccurring theme in this environment is the emergence of those who attempt to dominate or physically bully other children.

It is a problem that faculty, staff and administration spend a great deal of time on. Government programs have even been funded with much research ongoing, yet still the problem persists.

One of the first interventions monitors use in any situation, where bullying may occur, is to remove the victim and confront the bully over the behavior. This seems like such a simple solution, until we realize that the children are learning this inappropriate interaction from us adults.

As you would expect, this rather simplistic intervention only solves the problem temporarily. The actions usually continue, but only in less obvious areas of the playground. A more covert behavior emerges as the child adapts (because through compliance, by the victim, it is rewarded).

Over the last year and a half I’ve had the opportunity to witness first-hand adult bullying and like many children on the playground have hoped that someone in authority will come and intervene. Of course, in the adult world, bullying is often allowed and encouraged.

Even Stanford professor Jeff Pfeffer’s 1992 seminal work “Managing With Power,” and countless other leadership texts, seem to be encouraging the bullying mentality of those “with the most gold get all the power.”

Legislation and the courts are easily subverted in this process and become part of the adult game. Those with less power are merely expected to comply and even apologize for their efforts to “call the bullies” on their behaviors.

In the current local elections we see the culture of political-business co-optation in more of the adult gaming processes. In Missouri City, like many other communities, we have an entrenched mayoral incumbent heavily backed by large Houston land corporate interests, who have decided that they need this mayor and council until they are finished with their area projects.

The message seems to be that we can have our local government back when they are finished with their work/profit taking here. How do local voters, taxpayers, and residents deal with such antics on the adult playground? The simple answer is you don’t, but I believe most of us still have an infantile memory of schoolhouse justice. At least enough to expect that something can be done.

The answer, for me and many others, seems to be in the political process itself (voting). As I write this piece a sign war is going on between the local incumbent mayor’s backers (bullies) and local residents of this community (victims) supporting his opponent.

I’ve never replaced so many yard signs in my life, not even when the developer was pulling our “No More Apartment” signs here in the controversial ‘05 issue that led to the SLAPP suit and eventual TX Supreme Ct. case. What can be done about this? . . Nothing, maybe, but I’m writing to let you all know my sense of infantile schoolhouse justice! . . . =-)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

MCC Report: Johnson Development Co. Senior Vice President, Doug Goff, is being Deposed in the Fraud, Trade Deception, Harassment Lawsuit!!!

--To see other Johnson Development court cases on file in Fort Bend County only click on the title link above.

It has just been learned, by credible sources, that the first deposition being filed in the Johnson Development Lawsuit (SLAPP-back case) has been ordered through the courts for May 16th. Doug Goff, former GM of Sienna Plantation in Missouri City, is being deposed to answer questions related to his potential involvement in the fraud and trade deception case filed in February, 2006 by some Sienna homeowners. So far, in the court records, it alleges that Sienna/Johnson Development employees may have been involved in a scheme to with-hold critical development information from potential home-buyers, thus impeding their decisions during purchasing. Several Sienna entities (all names for the same company) have been named in the case and according to sources more depositions are on the way, some including political figures in the local city government.

In January of 2006 aspects of this case reached the Texas Supreme Court when a local homeowner and website administrator attempted to protect residence, who participated on his discussion site while making critical comments of the released plans for the community by Johnson executives. The company reportedly sought records that may have compromised the anonymity of participants in the community. Company legal representatives have denied this report, but several site participants contradict this official corporate position.

In a related case, in July of last year, Mayor Allen Owen of Missouri City had formal complaints filed for his advocacy of the approval of up to 2700 apartments for one of his major campaign contributors (Johnson Development Co. of Houston, Larry Johnson, President) during last years controversial city council vote when he failed to recuse himself from the voting on the project. Later, after the complaints had been filed in July, the city manager refused to investigate when these charges were formally entered into the public record.

In March of this year, citizens from several South Missouri City neighborhoods joined together to support the announcement of a mayoral candidate to run against the heavily developer-backed incumbent Owen. Greyling Poats, a successful Missouri City resident, businessman and member of the cities TIRZ board, was nominated as the first candidate to challenge Owen in over a decade. Poats has pledged to only accept contributions from homeowners, businesses and residents of Missouri City, unlike the majority of his oppositions financial support. Greyling has a business degree from Indiana University and a law degree along with serving as a former city attorney from ’77-81 in Gary Indiana, before moving to Missouri City and becoming active in area civic associations and politics. He has lived and raised his family here for nearly 25 years.

No comment was solicited from Mr. Owen in the reporting of this piece.

--As always check original sources in these and any reports.


Reprint of earlier MCC report:

Campaign Contributions (Public Record)-

Political Contributors To
Mayor Allen Owen
1999-2005 (thru Jan '05)
(Developers only in order of giving. Nearly 60% of all of Owen’s contributions)

1. Clinton Wong (Land Development Co.)

2. Larry Johnson (Land Development Co.)

3. Paris Schindler (Land Development Co.)

4. Rocky Lai (Land Development Co.)

5. Larry Wong (Land Development Co.)

6. Bob Perry (Land Developer)

7. Jim & Sandy MacNaughton (Land Developer)

8. Pat Cagle (Land Developer)

9. Thomas Cagle (Land Developer)

10. E. Blake Hawk (Land Developer)

11. Scott Reamer (Land Developer)

12. R.E. Reamer (Land Developer)

13. S. Jay Williams (Land Developer)

14. Eugene Arensberg, Jr. (Land Developer)

--This data can be confirmed via request from the Missouri City secretary for campaign contributions for anyone serving on the city council over the same time period. Many other contributions were made from corporate sponsors who live outside of Missouri City to Mayor Owen and this data will be released in a timely fashion.

--Question #1: With such a large percentage of Mayor Owens campaign contributions coming from those in the land development business can you trust him to represent your interests at council?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Upcoming FBISD Candidate Forums-

Wednesday, April 19 6:00 p.m. Fort Bend Employee Federation Candidate Forum, Marriott Hotel, Town Square, Sugar Land

Thursday, April 20, 7:30 p.m. New Territory Residential Community Association, New Territory Club House, 1200 Walker School Road.

Monday, April 24, 7:00 p.m. Sienna Plantation Candidate Forum, Sienna Club House, Missouri City
(Early Voting May 1 through May 9)

Tuesday, May 2, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce and the Fort Bend Republican Club Candidate Reception, Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce, 445 Commerce Green Blvd, Sugar Land.

Tuesday, May 2, 7:30 p.m., Fresno Education Steering Committee Candidate Forum, Massey Administration Bldg., 1570 Raab Road


Here are the candidates for the upcoming May 13th races for the school board:

FBISD Board of Trustee Candidates
May 13, 2006 Election
Listed in Ballot Order

Hal Jay
3007 Coachlight Lane
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Business Owner
Home: 281-980-7545
Office: 713-840-6350

James Walker
15018 Turphin Way Sugar Land, TX 77478
Accountant Home:
281-575-0531 Office: 713-296-6760

Steve Dieu 14923
Honeymoon Bridge Lane
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Assistant Attorney General Cell:
713-851-0519 Office: 713-863-2887

Sonal Bhuchar
4306 Keating Court Sugar Land, TX 77479
Physical Therapist
Home: 281-265-9468 Office: 281-313-4999


Rodrigo Carreon 1122 Avenue C Fresno, TX 77545
Electrician Home: 281-431-6734

Wayne Howard 14 River Creek Way Sugar Land, TX 77478
Retired Home: 281-565-2047 Cell: 713-385-5499

Steve Smelley 2812 Winter Lakes Missouri City, TX 77459
Sales Manager Home: 281-261-6856 Office: 832-628-1992

Liz Mitton 846 Merrick Drive Sugar Land, TX 77478
Communications Consultant Home: 281-242-7785


-Follow the debates on to learn more before attending and asking questions of the current group of candidates. You may also want to check their source of funding too. Visit the state elections site to find out how or a local site that posts some of the local candidates at

Monday, April 17, 2006

Follow Local County News At or try to discuss area issues-

Thursday, April 13, 2006

More FB County Apartments Being Forced on Area Residents By A San Antonio Developer (from the Chronicle)-

Fort Bend County News

April 12, 2006, 9:18PM
Petitions circulated against apartments
Developer applies to state for tax credit

Chronicle Correspondent

A low-income apartment complex proposed for the corner of Louise and Airport Drive in Rosenberg has been generating resistance from residents and city officials.

Rosenberg City Council made its position clear March 21 when it voted 4-1 to adopt a resolution opposing the development project.

But Greg Thorse, the president of San Antonio-based Commercial Investment Services, said Rosenberg can benefit from additional affordable housing, and he is attempting to move forward with the Providence Estates apartments.

He said he is proceeding because he already has invested a lot of time and effort into the development, and he believes there's much demand for "affordable" housing.

Thorse submitted a Housing Tax Credit application for the development with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs March 31.

The federal Housing Tax Credit program is administered by the state. It was developed to channel private capital toward the creation of affordable rental housing.

Participating developers are permitted to offset a percentage of their federal tax liability in exchange for their investment in the rental housing. . . . (for the rest of this article click on the title link above)


CRD Comment--Don't you wonder where these guys get their information from (it sounds pretty canned from one dev. to the next)? Usually it's an industry think tank called the ULI (for Urban Land Institute) or the ABA is the other crowd. This group's research is supported by the developer trades and works over-time to dispell conventional wisdom on housing and developer's less desireable projects that hurt over-all area planning. Some of the quotes later in the article by Mr. Thorse are informational spin from this organization. He fails to mention the negative impact on schools, but he does mention their real motive for building these (the tax incentive and the market demand---and for them, IMHO, that is all that matters). We want to wish Mr. Schwartz the best in this and ask him to contact us if he needs assistance at Good luck with the petition (we collected 1100+ against this type of development over a 3 month period, but found our developer backed mayor was way ahead of us and pushed the project through anyway here in Missouri City.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

FortBendStar Version of the Same Hospital Issue (Interesting twist---click on this link for the full story)

It would be helpful if those reporting on this Christus Hospital issue actually read the first release from Ap. 3rd and quoted it correctly instead of using the Graff/developer spin version.--CRD

JUST IN TO MCC FROM FORTBENDNOW.COM: Christus Puts Hospital Plans On Ice At Sienna Plantation

Christus Puts Hospital Plans On Ice At Sienna Plantation
by Bob Dunn, Apr 12, 12:16 pm

Uncertainty in the medical marketplace has caused Christus Health Gulf Coast to put plans on hold for a hospital and 80,000-square-foot medical office building in Sienna Plantation.

Formed in 1999 as a result of the merger of two Catholic charities, Christus had plans last summer to build a 100-bed hospital employing 350 people, and eventually to expand it to add 200 more patient beds and full medical services, according to home builders at Sienna Plantation.

Groundbreaking originally was expected this year. But Christus now has put plans on hold to review changes in the marketplace, and hasn’t yet decided on when the project will proceed or whether it will be built as originally conceived, said Julia Fetzer, Christus regional vice president for planning and development.

“We’re reviewing it every few months,” she said of the project and the rapidly changing medical scene in Fort Bend County.

Among other things, Christus has heard rumors that St. Lukes intends to locate a hospital in Sugar Land.

And Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital, a $93 million, 220,000-square-foot project, broke ground a year ago at the northwest corner of the U.S. 59 – Grand Parkway intersection. The Methodist Hospital system also is expanding in the county.

“We take a look at all of them,” Fetzer said of potential competing medical projects. “What the issue is, what the opportunity is, what the threat is.”

Christus owns 36 acres at the southeast corner of Sienna Parkway and Highway 6, the site for its proposed hospital. Fetzer said the healthcare organization has an agreement, running through 2008, with Siennta Plantation allowing Christus to be the only hospital services provider in the community.

However, she said the fact the agreement runs through 2008 would have no bearing on the timing of the hospital project.

Christus recently agreed to sell its Christus St. Joseph Hospital in downtown Houston to Hospital Partners of America, of Charlotte, N.C. The deal is expected to close in June.

CRD COMMENT: We would like to thank FBN for covering the real story and not getting caught up in the smoke-screen. Getting accurate and timely information out to the community on this issue is essential. The public has the right to know when a hospital is being indefinitely post-poned and the contruction date cancelled!

Republican Primary Run-off Results: Thode-Delay Candidate Gillen Will Lead the Party (in a squeaker)-

The Thode-Delay machine continues control of the Fort Bend County Republicans in a squeaker with reform candidate Linda Howell (only about 200 votes separated at the end).--See other results from

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Visit To Discuss County & Area Issues (Click on this title link)-

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Perpetual Postponement of Christus Hospital Facility? Or Protect Your Developer and Mayor???--You Pick the title . . . ;-)

CRD OP/ED Piece with internal release (damage control) from JDC/Graf/Owen,

CRD would like to thank Mr. Graf for getting this clarification out finally. It would have been nice if he had quoted the article below rather than merely parroting the cut/paste from one of the SJD/JDC employees. Also it might be added that they advertised start dates during most of '05. Why were they keeping this information off the front burners for all these months and why now the damage control? Mr. Smith, Mr. Owen, & Mr. Graf (of the EDC) should read the original release and pay particular attention to the words "may be" and "apparently" (along with the question marks in the title to the post) and thank you for the final confirmation of this "perpetual postponement"? Now to the real issue---WHERE ARE Missouri City residents going to get health care services once Hermann leaves? You are welcome to continue to "split hairs" on the timely release of this information, but you gentlemen made such an effort to release PR about the new Hospital coming in '06, isn't that misinforming? Isn't with-holding this information misinforming? Or was there a deliberate attempt by some to keep this off the burner until after Owen's re-election since he mentioned it in his re-election release 2 weeks ago?

You are invited to answer these questions, and Mr. Smith---why is the October release, which was up on until April 3rd announcing the Christus opening suddenly down and these new releases put up? It couldn't be because the information is out finally! AGAIN THANK YOU FOR CONFIRMING THAT CHRISTUS HAS NO SET BUILD DATE AND IS BEING POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTIFICATION (OF COURSE CORRECT THIS INFORMATION IF IT IS WRONG). Also let us know if they exercise the buy-back option on or before 2008 with JDC!

CRD Comment--It would be nice to get these information releases from the developer in a timely manner rather than months after the decision was made behind closed doors!!! This is about the health of the community and the city has an obligation to protect its residents (not its vendors, contractors and campaign supporters!).

Here's their internal release #2--

Sienna/Johnson Developer News
Missouri City Economic Development Coordinator, Bob Graf Comments on Christus Project – 04/06/06

This email is for the purpose of providing a status update on the Christus Hospital project in Missouri City.  It is in response to an email distribution entitled “ADDITIONAL NOTIFICATION:  CHRISTUS CANCELS HOSPITAL LOCATION IN SIENNA!”  that has been circulating. That email was the result of an Internet Blog link with content that stated to the effect that the project has been cancelled. That information is false.

The correct information about the project is that it has been temporarily postponed, essentially put on hold, to allow additional time for the proper assimilation of numerous development plans.
Just yesterday, I spoke with Julia Fetzer, Vice President of Business Development & Strategic Planning for Christus Health-Gulf Coast.  During our discussion about the Christus project, she wanted to assure us that they continue to be very enthusiastic about the project in Missouri City.

She also emphasized that the nature and scope of this kind of enterprise requires an enormous amount of time and meticulous planning which is essential for the development of a new hospital that is being built from the ground up.  As explained, a factor causing the postponement here has been the destruction that the recent hurricanes caused to other Christus Hospital facilities in the Golden Triangle estimated at over $80 million. Although most of the damage was covered by insurance, this resultant damage has impacted the immediate focus of hospital system personnel causing it to concentrate its efforts at operating those existing hospitals currently serving patients in a back to normal mode.  I also was advised that many of the organization staff's focus has additionally been involved in the recently announced forthcoming sale of St. Joseph Hospital in Houston.

One of the most important aspects of the success of any hospital involves the support of medical doctors that will practice in a new facility. We have been advised that not only does it take time for these endorsements, but also we have been told that hospital facility officials have not been able to avail themselves to meet with area doctors to inform them of the benefits of locating an office practice in the medical complex building, next to the hospital, allowing them easy in and out facility access as medical hospital staff. This will be their focus for the next several months.

Also in my conversation with Ms. Fetzer, she stated that the schematics of the new facility had been completed, but that they desire supporting medical doctors, who will be utilizing the hospital, to provide additional design input for the facility layout.

Until these and other matters are settled, the actual construction start date will continue to be postponed. We will endeavor to continue to have an open dialogue with the staff at Christus and if there is any change in their present status or future plans, I will pass on that information.

I hope this serves to clarify the present status of the Christus Hospital project here in Missouri City.  

Bob Graf
Economic Development Coordinator  
City of Missouri City 


CRD Comment--Yes Bob it does, but it is a little late as usual. I'm sure your close working relationships with Owen, JDC help to make these releases timely---right! Now since this release is on an internal website and the rest of Missouri City can not see it (other than our repost of it) then please make this information available to those who pay taxes and need this hospital!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Zoning Battles CONTINUE! (From the Fort Bend Star April 5th)-

Parents urge FBISD Board to reconsider over-crowding issues
Parents oppose sending Burton students to Baines
By Barbara Fulenwider

After 13 parents from the southeast side of Fort Bend ISD urged the board to reconsider sending Burton Elementary School fifth graders to Billy Baines Middle School to relieve overcrowding at Lake Olympia Middle School (LOMS), the board weighed in on the hot potato topic.

Across the fast growth district overcrowded schools are a problem. Rezoning is a highly emotional issue for students and parents and not easily or quickly solved. Some are happy, some are not, and as Interim Superintendent Manuela Pedraza said at the March 28 board meeting, if you ask 10 people for their ideas on how to relieve overcrowding you get 10 different answers.

After hearing numerous parents of Lake Olympia MS students speak about that overcrowded school, Pedraza, at the board’s Feb. 27 meeting, presented the administrative plan for Burton fifth graders as a quick temporary fix for overcrowding at Lake Olympia Middle School. Trouble was it didn’t sit well with some of the parents of children who are zoned to the new Baines middle school when it opens this August.

They said that the additional students from Burton will cause overcrowding at Baines by the 2007-08 school year and leave no room for growth, which is progressing quickly as more homes are built and bought in Sienna Plantation.

Ann Domenic, who said she has three children zoned to Baines, complained about the administration’s plan not being posted anywhere on the district’s Web site and “no mention of it in the minutes” of that meeting. She urged the district to communicate better and said now the only way parents can share their ideas with the district is at one board meeting per month or through e-mails and phone calls. “The zoning process provides community forums. Please use those.”

Other parents urged the board and administration to rezone the entire district as a long-term fix while two others urged the district to float a “mini-bond” referendum to relieve overcrowding at various schools. Kim Woodall said it “seems the administration action has been made in haste” and that the “board has overlooked other alternatives. Why are some schools sitting almost empty while others are bursting at the seams.”

Cindi Hernandez chastised the board for allowing parents at the meeting only two minutes to speak instead of the customary three minutes that others have gotten. “Leave the zoning as it is. Move rapidly to introduce a bond referendum,” she said.

LaTanya Maxey identified herself as a member of a recently formed group named Fort Bend Concerned Parents. “We want to have a complete solution for every child in FBISD, not just Sienna. There are a lot of issues that plague this district and we want to help” solve them. We will be back at every meeting you have. We want you to make some drastic changes immediately.”

After the public had their say, the board moved on to approve agenda items and then to discuss and possibly take action on an alternative way to alleviate overcrowding at Lake Olympia MS. The item was put on the agenda at the request of Board Members Stan Magee and Ken Bryant.

Magee opened the discussion by saying there are other options to consider than just the one Pedraza recommended. He talked about allowing some LOMS kids to attend Fort Settlement and First Colony middle schools as an alternative since those two schools have room for more students.

He accused Pedraza of not sharing “real figures, truthful figures” with the board and public, and said, “and tell us whether there is a possibility” of other options. Then Bryant asked Pedraza what the rational was for the plan to send Burton Elementary students to Baines.

She said to provide some immediate relief to Lake Olympia and that long-range planning for relieving overcrowding across the district “is right around the corner. Next month we will recommend our selection of a demographer who can start to work.” Pedraza said there’s no way to do a district-wide rezoning before the end of the school year.

“I’ve got to help those children and I don’t know how else I can right away. Fifth graders coming into that environment (LOMS) deserve something better. The closest school we could look at was Billy Baines. It was to open at 65 percent capacity. The figures I give you we are not making up.

“I needed to decide what’s best for kids. I can understand certain neighborhoods don’t want the change but we need to provide for the most kids possible.” She said some parents have asked about the socioeconomic or ethnicity of the kids and said she doesn’t care about that now. “I have to take care of today and tomorrow before I take care of two years from now.”

She did say the administration is looking at other options including whether to allow transfers to other schools but emphasized, “We need something immediately.”

Board President Lisa Rickert said, “I’m seeing us play volleyball back and forth here with kids. We have serious overcrowding problems across the entire district. We can’t do a quick fix for the long-range plan. I think the solution you offered to us on behalf of the administration is not the best case scenario but helps distribute numbers at least temporarily.”

. . . click link above for the entire story. . .

CRD Comment: Although we support a district-wide plan it is interesting to note that one of the Sienna speakers who serves as a PTO president for a local school here doesn't mention her bosses (developer) ,up to, 2700 zoning buster apartments coming to the Baines district in her data presentations to the board.

Monday, April 03, 2006

***MissouriCityChatter Exclusive: Christus Cancels Project for New Hospital in Sienna/Missouri City?***

--It seems only a few months ago that the developers of Sienna Plantation were celebrating along with Mayor Allen Owen of Missouri City over the 2005 deal bringing a new hospital to Missouri City to be located in Sienna Plantation along with up to 2700 apartments apparently needed to house future employees. At least that was one of the reasons given by city council members supporting the apartment proposal against much local opposition.

See October internal announcement by Johnson Development Co. of Houston from (which is still up on the website):

“Sienna/Johnson Developer Update
Christus HealthCare in Sienna (10/01/05)

CHRISTUS Health Gulf Coast recently announced that architectural plans are underway to develop a full-service healthcare facility at Highway 6 and Sienna Parkway. The facility will provide services that focus on women’s care, pediatrics, cardiology, orthopedics, and sports medicine.

CHRISTUS Health System is one of the top 10 Catholic healthcare systems in the country. Construction is scheduled to begin in winter 2006.”

--And the recent mayoral candidates release from Owen touting this new addition to our community as recently as two weeks ago from

“Continuing to implement a plan that hopefully will reduce property taxes and replace them with sales taxes – that comes from commercial and retail growth, a college campus, and a future hospital and medical complex that are attracted by successful residential developments,” Owen’s campaign statement says.

--Well folks, apparently, and according to very reliable hospital sources, the deal was put on hold several months ago and may be cancelled. At the quarterly Johnson Development Co. update meeting in Sienna it was announced a little over a week ago that the deal had fallen through. Apparently city officials have yet to hear about it with no official comment as of yet.

What will this mean for Missouri City, which is losing Herman Memorial Hospital soon, and the 70,000 residents of this community who were promised this facility by developers and city officials repeatedly to sooth the outrage over the planned apartment units in 2005?

Why was Mayor Owen still releasing the information on the hospital as if it was still coming only two weeks ago in a campaign release when his major developer and campaign backers already knew months before that it was off the table?

Many questions remain unresolved and we will follow this story as it progresses.

Stay informed and keep in touch!—CRD

-as always confirm these releases through original sources (either the developer, the hospital or the city) for verification purposes…

Sunday, April 02, 2006


In February Jeff Singer, Sugar Land legal counsel for homeowners in Sienna Plantation who fought 2700 apartment units (7-11 complexes) being injected into this quiet neighborhood by Johnson Development Corporation (JDC) of Houston (developer for Sienna Plantation and Riverstone communities here in Missouri City and major campaign backer of Mayor Allen Owen), filed lawsuits against the mega-developer for fraud, trade deception, negligence, harassment, etc. for unspecified exemplary damages. Initial discovery by JDC, in the case they initiated, was filed in early August of ’05 following a number of attempts by Sienna residents opposed to the apartment development to meet with the president, Larry Johnson, to discuss the possible elimination or reduction of such units planned for the subdivision here.

On February 20th 2006 residents from a number of Sienna area neighborhoods attended a city council session to resubmit their request to the city that in ’05 allowed JDC to move forward on these plans, as covered on local cable channel 16. Ethics complaints were filed regarding the mayor for not recusing himself during the voting on these complexes in ’05 and for his advocacy for the JDC project, after it was discovered that the president of the company was his number 2 contributor over the previous 5 year period (see campaign contributions lists on file with the city). These complaints remain uninvestigated as of this deadline. The week following the local media coverage on this controversy, JDC/SJD filed their SLAPP case (what’s known as Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation – known as corporate censorship by legal experts and outlawed in nearly 25 states) in an attempt to silence criticism from homeowners in their development. Matthew Feinberg, designer-operator of the now defunct & neighborhood websites, appealed the early court protective decisions by appointed Associate Judge Pedro Ruiz and later elected Judge Thomas Culver of the Fort Bend County 240th District Court eventually to the Texas Supreme Court, which turned the appeal back to the lower courts. JDC’s Houston lawyer, John Keville, failed in his attempts to sanction the constitutional attorneys involved in the appeals for Mr. Feinberg, the Sienna homeowner and resident attempting to protect those that participated on his websites.

The latest court filings contain SJD/JDC’s response to the fraud, trade deception and harassment accusations made by Sienna homeowners in February for not being kept informed of these plans when purchasing in Sienna Plantation, as documented at city council sessions in February ’05 and in local media here. The next potential phases, according to targets in this SLAPP-suit by JDC, may involve requested sanctions, depositions of involved city officials, JDC company employees, company documents and possibly other Sienna residents in the ongoing investigation by the homeowner’s legal counsel.

For background on this case see or or and stay tuned to for breaking news on the Missouri City mayors race as challenger businessman, independent and longtime resident Greyling Poats seeks developer-backed, special interest incumbent Allen Owens seat on council.

For local news or to discuss local and county issues visit Matthew Feinberg’s latest discussion site at or get the county news online at

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Committee for Responsible Development
Missouri City, TX




Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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Alienware Computers

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