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To get other perspectives from a county-wide site available in FBC since '99 click the title link above for FortBendWeb.
Brazoria County expands opposition to Blue Ridge Landfill expansion
Click the title link to get the full story from, the counties online newspaper! The FBN site allows comments on all its stories. . .
Rezoning Plan to be finalized Feb. 12
You will need a media plug-in to play this (Quicktime works).
On the Chronicle front page today:
Mo. City Woman Survives Blast That Destroys Home, Shakes Neighborhood
Post Oak Road Proposal Pits Arcola Officials Against Airport Owner - Again
Appraisal task force backs off lower cap
With recent mega-apartment developments (which can have a negative impact on schools via land taxing disparity and other quality of life issues) going on in Brazos Town Center, Rosenberg, Sienna Plantation and many other areas of the county, Jeff Wiley, President of the Fort Bend County Economic Development Council made the following assessment in this recent Fort Bend Herald piece (Click the title link for more):
-Stay informed and keep in touch!
Follow the title link above for the full story.
Comment (OP/ED): You all remember how this blog broke the information that Christus Hospital construction was being indefinitely post-poned and how Hermann was closing at the end of '06? Well now in this FB Star piece Mayor Owen (Who also isn't getting involved in fighting the Blue Ridge Landfill near our area after fairly recent Barium leaks) is explaining to us how no hospital in our city is actually a benefit to his tax reduction plan (you see according to the article/interview he says we can get a Lowes or Whole Foods instead of health care. . . . isn't that great???) Remember Owen's is the one who pushed the up to 2700 apartment units on our community against popular consent in several '05 city council meetings and later determined that there was no need to investigate ethics complaints filed against him through the city for not recusing himself from the voting when it was found he was accepting campaign contributions from the corporation selling the land for the project.
Post Oak To Be Extended Through Houston Southwest Airport Land
Stay informed and keep in touch on Sienna/Mo-City area issues and becareful travelling today (see Ice warnings)!
Baines MS on Sienna Ranch Road is projected to grow to 104% of functional capacity in 2007 with increases expected through 2010.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2007 at approximately 8:44 p.m. deputies with the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Sienna Plantation Subdivision regarding an Aggravated Robbery that occurred in the 3000 block of Cape Blanco, Missouri City, Fort Bend County.
Fort Bend ISD trustees burned the midnight oil Monday to discuss attendance zones for new schools opening in August, but the proposed zoning plan still remains a work in progress.
Important FBISD School related (from SOS):
ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS. THIS GOOD NEWS ON THE DEFEAT OF TUPCA AS CONVEYED TO US HERE AT MCC (A big thanks to all who wrote their state reps on this. Keep an eye out for new pro-TUPCA offensive in '07 from the lawyers/CAI group who crafted it). See the rest of the committee report by following the title link above:
2006 in review (Cheryl Skinner)
See how the Texas-Trans Corridor will impact out area at:
Stay informed and keep in touch and visit to discuss recent county issues. Also see this recent trans-star effort by local officials at the FBN news site: .
Question: Do you
trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his
Houston corporate backers?
participating said yes
participating said no
participating responded not sure
(N) sample = 632