Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Houston Chronicle Reports: Opposition to FBISD bond mounts as district refutes "accusations"

Click title link above for more...

MCC Formally Endorses Improved Representation & Accountability and Thus Opposes The '07 Record FBISD Bond!

With recent endorsements from the EDC, Chamber of Commerce and some local newspapers supporting the record FBISD bond, we here at MissouriCityChatter, after investigating extensively the proposal and attending the bond sales meetings have decided not enough accountability currently exist in the bond process to support a measure of this magnitude that will increase Fort Bend County residents taxes, on an average home, by about 11 cents per 100k valuation.

This week in the FB Sun article supporting the bond the paper was quoted as reporting that our county is already one of the most highly taxed areas of the state. The second largest city in FBC (Missouri City) recently voted in an estimated 5.4% tax increase and mobility bonds and other county bonds were added to the tax rolls too in '06-'07 (with our commissioners giving themselves nearly a 15% raise just last year). Many families are already living check to check and further increases by our elected officials could have detrimental effect on hundreds of home and property owners, perhaps more, in our community.

Until the school district and other taxing entities seek authentic bond accountability with improved voter/taxpayer representation (for FBISD through single-member districts and BOT policies) MCC will continue to vigorously oppose this bond with the FBISDWatchDogs. . .(click title link to get more extensive background on this from fbisdwatch).

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

FBN: Denials Being Made By District Officials In Growing FBISD Bond Controversy

Concerns Raised By Resident Over FBISD Bond Issues Not Valid, Jenney Tells Board
by Bob Dunn, Oct 30, 2007, 12 00 PM

Top administrators have refuted allegations – raised by a local resident opposed to the 2007 bond referendum being voted on in the Nov. 6 election – that Fort Bend Independent School District improperly handled money from a 2003 bond referendum.

District resident Carlos Cain has said he believes the district put some money from the 2003 bonds into a trust fund to pay off debt from past bond issues, instead of using it to complete buildings and other projects.

At least one Fort Bend ISD board trustee questioned the district administration about the trust fund, and about allegations Cain raised that the district is seeking money through the 2007 bond referendum to pay for projects that were listed under the 2003 bond, but weren’t completed.

In an email message sent to board members on his behalf, district Superintendent Timothy Jenney responded to those questions and denied Cain’s allegations are true. On Tuesday, Cain said he still isn’t satisfied with the answers the district has provided. . . (click the title link above for more).

Just In: Former District A Council Candidate Rodney Griffin Supports Professor Garys Opposition To MC Council Vote To Increase Property Taxes!

Griffin Supports Professor Gary Opposition To Missouri City Tax Increase!
Griffin update:

In a recent turn of events Rodney Griffin, former district A city council candidate, complimented the efforts of Cynthia Lenton-Gary, new city council member for district B, "on her principled stand for her constituents" in a recent opposition vote against the Allen Owen lead tax increase at city council in September. . . (click the title link for more).

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

FBISDWatchDogs Website "A Good Resource For Alternative School District Information"

FBISDWatchDogs are a group of taxpayers, residents and voters in the Fort Bend ISD working together to make sure quality education and your tax dollars are used wisely.

--Click the title link for more and to read the recent guest column from KISD Watch member and former board member Mary McGarr.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

FBISD SCHOOL BOND CONTROVERSY GROWS WITH STATE FUNDING PROBLEM (see these two related articles)--Click the title link for more--

Click the title link above for more information or follow the link below for growing state bond fund controversy:

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Monday, October 22, 2007

From another local pol. site: PBS&J Back In The News

Based on a report from the Orlando Sentinel (, PBS&J, a Florida engineering company which has been investigated by the justice department and now a state's attorney in Florida is back in the news. Why is this important? This is the same company involved with similar projects in our own Grand Parkway Association (this is a related toll road authority) working on the private tolling of a public roadway (TX99) here in Fort Bend County. Additionally this firm has been a regular contributor to all of our FBC commissioners.

Question: Is this SOPs for our commissioners on the redirection of your tax dollars to special interests (some out of state)?

Follow the link above for the full story.

Background and more at:,0,5365744,print.story

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chief County Judge Denies Silencing Taxpayers/Voters at Court (Click title link for more)

Click title link for the full story and see additional related link below:

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

MCC Exclusive: Blue Ridge Landfill Contested Hearing Begins In Richmond

MCC Exclusive: Blue Ridge Landfill Contested Hearing Begins In Richmond

At 10 am yesterday morning (Tuesday) the contested hearing began in the case of the Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion proposal being advanced by Allied Waste (formerly BFI) lawyers for this billion dollar corporation in Richmond at the commissioners courtroom. This hearing was almost history 6 months ago, but because of the efforts of about a dozen communities in the Missouri City/Fresno/Arcola/Pearland areas and several t.v. stations this permit is undergoing a court-like review by the state.

During the morning session Allied attorneys spent much of their time challenging the viability of witnesses and whether or not they had “effected party status”. Much of the argument stemmed from earlier actions by the company to limit the numbers of parties claiming an environmental and health impact.

In January of ’07 a petition was presented to the TCEQ with nearly 1100 homeowners within a 3-4 mile radius of the landfill. These numbers have been severely restricted as this process moves forward. One individual on the original petition questioned how this could happen, “How can lawyers decide who is effected and who is not, it is almost like thousands of us don’t even exist”.

This hearing was further complicated when it was learned that a 2005 Barium leak may have made it to the areas water table with hundreds of wells in the nearby communities. Barium is a highly toxic nerve agent that poses serious health risks to animals and humans. Additionally, in 2006, it was learned by media sources that Missouri City officials (approved by the current mayor and some on council) and the Fort Bend county commissioners, lead by Bob Hebert and Tom Stavinhoa, had signed a contract with Allied Waste agreeing not to oppose the future expansion of the landfill to the great dismay of many area voters and taxpayers. This was, and has been, defended by current commissioners and city officials because of the controversial “tipping fees” paid by Allied for this “non-opposition”.

Richard Morrison, a Sugar Land attorney, is representing the group and vigorously defended those remaining on the effected party status list. At the hearing, several news and media outlets were present to cover this event. Another hearing is expected to be scheduled in June and we will follow this as it progresses.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Pict above from FBN>

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

After Two Very Successful Years FortBendNow Is Closing -- Why is the question many are still asking (was there outside pressure?)

Click the title link for more on FBNs apparent demise...

Comment: Although MCC hasn't always agreed with the editorial slant or handling of the blog we feel the site provided a much needed alternative perspective to local news. I'm sure many companies, special interests and a few politicians are happy, but we are sorry to hear this Bob, so long.

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Chronicle: MC Council Looks At Cutting Retirement Benefits (while changing city colors from red & blue to Baylor green & gold)--

Click title link for more....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

From FBN: Missouri City Residents Ask For Change In Coming Spring Elections!

Rating Missouri City
Oct 12, 2007, 09 08 AM

I see that Missouri City has spent about $62,000 for a company to see why our image is so low. They have compiled a list of our pluses and no where do I see lower taxes on that list. Just recently the citizens had to inundate city hall to protest an ordinance requiring Misery City citizens to be responsible for all infrastructure to the middle of the street. (Ordinance 46-4) Its had a band-aid put over it to satisfy some of the citizens but Id bet the ordinance still requires citizens to be responsible for the streets, curbs, and gutters to the middle of the street. . . (click title link for more)


MCC comment/editorial: Decades long control of MC council by Houston special interests will be strongly tested again this spring. Hopefully those that live in the city limits of Missouri City will turn out in droves to support challengers and end the politics of division and separation that have dominated the city through the use of intimidation and alienation. Good luck reformers as you work to take back local control, establish term limits and a REAL ethics committee that actually investigates wrongful doing!

We will track this election from the reform perspective up close and personal. Already Nick Lampson and special interest backed mayor Allen Owen have teamed up for an upcoming event. The irony being that Lampson ran against the very political machine Owen is part of to gain his CD-22 seat with promises of change. MCC endorsed Mr. Lampson in his first run, but now offically withdraws it since Lampson is accepting the the same special interest campaign financing that Owen and the network have long used to maintain control of the area. Much has changed in little over a year. So don't follow the party, follow the money and watch the incumbents voting patterns. Already Owen has opposed CAD caps, rate CAPs and supported higher taxes consistently as well as voted for thousands of additional apartments in the Sienna hwy 6 area and Colonial drive communities (is this in your best interests?). VOTE-VOTE-VOTE!

Stay tuned for more!

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

FB Star: County Still Pushing For Airport Expansion (& road diversion) Over Sienna!

McKeever Road still a source of controversy
Arcola city official says county is
strong-arming city because of airport

By Cheryl Skinner

In what has become a long-standing debate on mobility projects in Arcola, at least one city official believes the county is dead-set and determined to help Houston Southwest Airport push through a mobility plan that will ultimately allow for an expanded runway. County officials, on the other hand, say that the plan is to improve mobility and “the future of Arcola” is at stake.

Arcola city councilman Tom Hilton, a long time opponent of the airport, says he met with county officials last spring prior to South Post Oak Road being included in the mobility bond election, which was approved by voters in May. Hilton said officials ignored his recommendations and included the project in the mobility plan.

Hilton said Precinct 1 Commissioner Tom Stavinoha brought a plan to Arcola officials on South Post Oak that had never been seen before and had not been approved by the city. And then in late August, a meeting between city and county officials, as well as Jamie Griffith, the airport owner, and representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration was held. During that meeting Hilton says Griffith admitted he planned to extend the runway 1,000 feet. “He denied this in past meetings,” Hilton notes.

Hilton says he feels that the real reason behind the move to expand South Post Oak is to allow Griffith to expand the runway. And, he says, the county is letting Griffith call the shots. Stavinoha, he says, is “issuing ultimatums” by calling for the city to agree to resurface McKeever instead of expanding the road, or the city will lose the funds from the 2000 bond election which called for the expansion of McKeever. . . click the link above for the entire story!

Comment (OP/ED): "If the stalemate can’t be rectified, Stavinoha says, the county will most likely abandon current plans and relegate the latest bond funds for other projects in the Arcola area. “They will be losing out, but that is up to them,” he said."

From this FBS reporter statement above it looks as if the county commissioner is trying to use a great deal of leverage on city officials. All this in an election year for Stavinoha (you remember, one of the commissioners who supported the Blue Ridge Landfill Expansion by accepting "tipping fees" to allow it to go to almost 20! Sienna this effort impacts air traffic flow over the community!)

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tired Of Special Interests Running Your Local Governments For Their Benefit? See These Taxpayer/Consumer/Voter Links For More--

See these local taxpayer and consumer friendly sites for more on how to get involved in your community. Citizen watch groups are on the rise and a needed part of any democracy subject to large corporate influence and redirection of your tax dollars. Volunteer today. Contact us at for more or follow these links below: (**no longer an active tax watch website)

And for independent or local news sources:

Sunday, October 07, 2007

RE: Opposition to school bond arises at Hightower (As reported in the chron blogs)--

Click the title link for more on this growing controversy over bond/tax accountability and improved voter representation!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Chron: Perot's Hillwood buys Sienna Plantation South

Perot's Hillwood buys Sienna Plantation South
Developer says first lots could be ready in mid-2009

Chronicle Correspondent

Sienna Plantation in Missouri City has a new neighbor.

Hillwood, a Dallas-based development company, has purchased the 3,827-acre Sienna Plantation South to build a community of about 7,000 single-family homes. About 300 acres will be used for retail and commercial development.

The property was purchased from The Godi Group of Scottsdale, Ariz.

Hillwood spokesman David Pelletier said that the company would keep the same name, Sienna Plantation South, for the new development. He declined to disclose the sale price.

Hillwood, a Ross Perot company, is known for its development of the 17,000-acre AllianceTexas project northwest of Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, the $420-million American Airlines Center in Victory Park in Dallas and the 2,000-acre AllianceCalifornia development near Los Angeles. . .(click title link for more)

MCC comment: This appears to be the 4th owner since 2006. Many of the statements about the area are almost repeats regarding city officials comments (see "If they do what they have done in other places, it is going to be a very, very first-class facility," he said.
The city wanted to ensure that the integrity of the plantation as well as the history of the place are preserved, Owen said, and the developers have agreed to do so."). I wonder if they will soon be on Owen's campaign finance reports and disclosure statements???

calvin (c) 2007

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Fort Bend Sun Covers Missouri City Tax Increase Controversy--

Missouri City Tax Hike Draws Pointed Words--

At the Monday city council session more words were exchanged by Jerry Wyatt, Allen Owen in support of a recent 5-1 vote in favor of a 5%+ increase in city property taxes with newly elected reform council member Cynthia Gary, who voted against the increase.

Missouri City already touts the highest taxes for a city its size in Fort Bend County and has many retirees and people living on fixed incomes. This was some of the reasoning given by Professor Gary, the district B council representative for her opposition. She continued that she couldn't in good conscious vote to raise homeowners and business taxes even before the purchase of the potentially tax consuming QVCC.

The controversy came to a head at the Sept. 17th regular city council session at the only reading and vote on the property tax hike. Most city ordinances involve two readings and votes giving the public time to attend and comment. Later the city would deny that this was "rushed" through. Kevin Tunstall, rumored to be viewing one of the at large city council seats, confronted city council in a challenge to them to just "say no" to more taxes and to re-examine your spending habits first.

MCC will continue to follow-up on this as we approach the spring council races. . . -stay informed and keep in touch!

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Just-in: Olivo announces re-election bid for House District 27

Campaign release just into MCC:


(Richmond, TX) — Democratic State Representative Dora Olivo today announced she will run for re-election to continue representing the working families of Fort Bend County.

“Over the past ten years we’ve worked hard to give the community a seat at the table,” Olivo noted, citing efforts to bring state agency officials to the district to make government more accessible and accountable. “This job is not just about casting votes in Austin, it’s about changing the way politics works to ensure the people who are affected have a real voice in the process,” she added.

Many credit Olivo’s leadership style, which combines legislative action with community organizing, as a significant factor in forcing policy makers and special interests to treat working families with greater respect. “Rep. Olivo helped develop a broad coalition against the expansion of the Blue Ridge landfill, and sponsored legislation promoting citizen participation in the public hearing process for landfills,” explained Mary Ross, an active community organizer in the battle. “It’s that kind of leadership that gives the people a real voice.”

Along with her efforts to draw attention to the health and safety risks of the landfill expansion, Olivo has a long list of accomplishments that have improved the quality of life for Fort Bend County families, including:
• Convincing the University of Houston to keep both small business centers in Rosenberg and in Missouri City operational
• Preventing the privatization of state schools for the mentally retarded, including the one in Richmond
• Helping to create the Concerned Citizens advocacy group that promotes increased support for our local public schools

A former public school teacher, Olivo was first elected in 1997 to represent District 27, which encompasses almost half of Fort Bend County. Since then she has dedicated herself to improvements in public education, the environment, public health, mental health, senior citizens and economic development and job training. She has also worked hard to improve the education of children sent to disciplinary education programs, which are too often over- represented by African American, Latino and poor children. She currently serves on the Public Education and Public Health Committees in the Legislature.

Appointed to the Center for Women’s Policy national task force on HIV/AIDS awareness for women, Olivo has long worked to improve the health of families, especially of Latinos and African Americans with diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other problems. Her plans for another term include continuing her efforts to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program, making health care more affordable, supporting the role of teachers and freeing them from being forced to teach to the test, and increasing job opportunities for Fort Bend County.

Olivo has been challenged in her bid for re-election repeatedly throughout her ten years of service, but has won handily each time — in large part due to her deep roots and longstanding commitment to the district. Over the years, Olivo has been an active member of a number of organizations, including the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators, where she serves on the Board of Directors, the Fort Bend Family Health Clinic, the Missouri City and Vicinity Branch of NAACP, Fort Bend LULAC Council 188, the Fort Bend Voter Registration Education Project, the Willie C. Velazquez Institute, the Fort Bend Interfaith Council, and the Fort Bend Housing Finance Corporation.

From the Chronicle: Taxpayers Demanding Accountability & Improved Representation In FBISD Bonds! (Click the title link for more)

We will continue to follow the districts efforts to promote the record bond for a November vote.

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

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Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at