Monday, April 28, 2008

FBN: Q&A For MC Mayoral Election Candidates--click the title link for the full piece--

Early voting for the May 10 election began today, and in Missouri City current mayor Allen Owen is running for a second time against challenger Greyling Poats. submitted questions to each candidate, and their answers are as follows.

What do you think are the top three priorities for Missouri City in the next five years?


My top 3 prior (sic) ties over the next 3 years is to make sure our citizens have a safe place to call home, protect our environment and natural resources, and continue to attract new sales tax revenue so we can begin to replace property taxes with the only other source we have left-sales taxes. We are doing that with all of the new projects mentioned above that are already on the drawing boards and are working as we go to press.


1. Business on Texas Parkway, Cartwright Road and FM 1092 should be the primary concern. The improvement of those areas and the subdivisions attaching these thoroughfares should be a major focal point of the City Manager, Economic Development Coordinator and Council. Federal, State and Local monies along with private developers should come into play not only for curb appeal but for the enhancement of the quality of life for all of Missouri City. The challenge of government is not only to maintain the quality of life for all of its citizens but to improve that quality of life.

2. A well planned economic development plan is also a major concern for the City of Missouri City. While the current administration marvels over Ben E. Keith, Trammel Crowe and Global technical, they haven’t detailed the entire story. Based off a survey completed by a development company, one can deduce that Missouri City has a highly educated, employed and diverse population. The residents are not looking for jobs, but rather an enhancement of current career opportunities. The social economics of the city in general are poor. The lack of interaction and opportunities generally provided by business is virtually non-existent for young people in most areas of the city. Children, not adults in Missouri City, need jobs to learn employment skills and establish discipline which can lead them to careers which will allow them to become productive members of society. The current administration fails in working with citizens and current businesses; and, they have not given any projection on tax revenues for new businesses after the tax exemptions which have been given to new corporate citizens. A focused economic development plan would assist in attracting the types of businesses which would benefit the citizens of Missouri City.

3. Serving all neighborhoods within the corporate city limits is a key issue that council currently does not respond to. Council is oblivious to crime in the certain areas of the City. Council has failed to address the need to provide sidewalks for children walking to school and stoplights for critical intersections where residents have concerns. Council fails the children who walk along bridges which provide no protection. The council neglects the safety of our children on areas where there is a high concentration of pedophiles. Council fails in addressing the vacant commercial property and dilapidated structures on Texas Parkway, Cartwright Road and Fm 1092. Missouri City also does not have a hospital or doctor’s clinic. I firmly believe that the current mayor and council’s lack of leadership and direction is the reason for the decline of Missouri City. Many of these concerns could be addressed by being attentive to the residents of the city. A primary focus on those areas within the City limits would allow the city to address many of these issues. Additionally, there is a need to focus on attracting certain kinds of businesses to Missouri City while at the same time working with those businesses currently located within the city limits to assure that they remain. We continue to loose critical businesses while building structures which are not inhabited. This is not a reflection of a well planned city. It is imperative that we make this a practice so that we can maintain an excellent quality of life for our citizens.

What steps would you like to see the city take regarding those three priorities?


I think we have proven in the past 3-4 years that we are working diligently to do all of the above incentives.


1. After determining where our City funds are, an action plan can be put into place. The current administration is looking at a tax increase of more than thirty dollars per household for the acquisition and improvement of the Quail Valley Country Club. If there is to be a tax increase, those funds would better serve Texas Parkway, Cartwright road and FM 1091. The City in readjusting its budget could do the same thing without a tax increase. This is often necessary when cities have to maintain an aging infrastructure.

2. I would direct the City Planning Department to develop a plan for the enhancement of our entire city in general but being very specific for the timely improvements along Texas Parkway, Cartwright Road and FM 1092. This plan could give tax abatements to those businesses needed in critical areas. It would provide fast track privileges for development needed in critical areas. For those businesses coming to Missouri City, we would provide assistance similar to or greater than our very large neighbor to assure that those businesses find Missouri City an attractive place.

3. Our collaboration with County, State and Federal government entities would push mobility issues regarding Texas Parkway, Cartwright Road and FM 1092. We would change the rural character of certain roads by seeking to add sewers and removing ditches. We would propose that we work with subdivisions regarding the Lexington corridor while making that venture a reality. Having our police department reach out to provide greater service as well as protection to all citizens while eliminating the intimidation that is apparent to law abiding-tax paying citizens would greatly enhance the safety in our community. I would advocate for providing true diversity to City government through our deeds and actions. And finally, focusing on and attaining what the city needs: Hospitals, doctor’s clinics, book stores, arts venues, movie theatres, etc. while providing for the enhancement of a superior quality of life for all Missouri City residents. . .

Friday, April 25, 2008

FBN: Wife of Candidate Files Harassment Charges in Missouri City--click the title link for more--

Also see:

Thursday, April 24, 2008

See This FBN Report: Special Interest Funding Free Flowing Into Missouri City Incumbent Races!

Finance Reports Show Incumbents In The Lead On Campaign Contributions In Missouri City
by Jamie Mock, FortBendNow

Early voting for Missouri City council begins Monday, and the latest campaign finance reports show the incumbents have a strong lead in campaign contributions.

The May 10 election will have incumbent Mayor Allen Owen running against Greyling Poats, incumbent At-Large Position 1 Councilman Jerry Wyatt running against Noel Pinnock and incumbent At-Large Position 2 Councilman Buddy Jimerson running against Kevin Tunstall and Willie Harvey.

As of the April 10 filing, Owen has raised $18,550, Wyatt has raised $5,375 and Jimerson has raised $4,200. Poats leads the challengers with $1,835, followed by Tunstall at $788, Pinnock at $750 and Harvey at $350.

The single largest contribution for Owen was $2,000 from developer Clinton F. Wong; for Poats the largest contributions were from Christopher Calvin and Amy Calvin, Richmond residents who both contributed $250; for Wyatt the largest contributors were Larry Johnson, developer, and Joe B. Allen, a Houston Attorney, who each contributed $1,000; for Pinnock the largest contribution was from Missouri City resident Misty Dunn; for Jimerson the largest contributions came from developer Larry Johnson and Allen Boone Humphries Robinson, LLP out of Houston, who contributed $1,000 each; for Tunstall the largest contribution came from his campaign treasurer Tobin Englet, a Missouri City resident and for Harvey the largest contributor was Houston resident Maverick Thigpen. . . (get the full story by clicking the title link above)

All 30 day finance reports available at:

Houston Chronicle Covers Possible TPIA & TOMA Violations--click title link for more--

Did Missouri City officials hide anything from the public?

Chris Calvin, a critic of the Missouri City municipal government, has filed a complaint with Attorney General Greg Abbott's office requesting an investigation into possible violation of Texas Open Meetings Act and the Texas Public Information Act by city officials.

A former Sienna Plantation resident locked in a lawsuit with the developer, Calvin later moved to Pecan Grove. He has accused city officials, including Mayor Allen Owen and most on the city council, of "allowing special-interest groups" such as developers to influence city decisions. City officials have denied such allegations.

The complaint Calvin filed with the AG stemmed from a city press release, which was dated March 4 but handed out at the March 3 City Council meeting. The pre-written release announced the council's approval of the purchase of the Quail Valley Country Club -- before such action was taken at the March 3 meeting.

While the city's media relations specialist Elsa Maxey later retracted the release describing it as an innocent error, Calvin said he smelled something "fishy." Here is what he wrote in his letter to the AG:

We found this odd considering the meeting hadn't taken place yet. Following this session, where they voted after the announcement, several of those in attendance decided we needed to dig a little further to attempt to ascertain if a meeting in violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA) had taken place prior to the council session and official vote.
Calvin said supporters for the investigation also include Kevin Tunstall, candidate for the At-large Position 2 council seat.

Two weeks later, Calvin filed a request with City Secretary Patrice Fogarty for all documents pertaining city-funded studies since 2005, including information on vendors involved in the bidding, companies awarded contracts and the award amount as well as any action taken by the city administration on those matters.

Calvin also asked for text messages sent and received by city council members on their Blackberries that Calvin said are paid for by taxpayers.

Numerous e-mail exchanges have subsequently occurred between Calvin and Fogarty. While Calvin accused Fogarty of using "delay tactic" in "dodging" his public information request, Fogarty said she did everything within her responsibility to comply with the request under the law. Her e-mail exchanges aimed to clarify with Calvin on the exact scope and content of what he wanted, she said. . . follow the title link above for the full story. . .

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Monday, April 21, 2008

FB Independent Editorial: At election time, judge politicians by actions, not words

At election time, judge politicians by actions, not words

Right before election time so many “tune-in” to the local paper, blogs, forums, radio and television to get last minute sound bites to decide whom they will vote for in the coming elections. This may not be the best route for making a choice though.

This year we’ve had numerous opportunities to hear and see candidates at forums and to talk with their supporters as they block-walk to convince us that their contender is the right one for the job.

After spending a few years watching one particular council in Missouri City, as well as having several friends keep an eye on our commissioners court, I’m convinced listening to their words, only, is a colossal mistake.

Thanks to new local media sources, at least 6 now, we have more options on which to draw our opinion from and finally our actions of voting.

For me, party affiliation seems to be less of an issue as finding those willing to serve that aren’t chasing the money (campaign contributions).

Often neighbors will ask me who to vote for, which I reply that they need to get the voting record of incumbents and their campaign financial disclosure reports, take nothing for granted in this never ending shell game.

If these records don’t match what they are saying in community forums, or in the public media, then I strongly advise them to look for candidates who will say what they mean and act on those choices.

It also helps to find candidates not accepting a majority of their contributions from out of area special interest companies, as is often the case in our county.

Right now in the council races in Missouri City I’m witnessing incumbents who have been “in service” for decades. They are attending special meetings and making promises, but to the more astute watchers of these boards, councils and commissions, especially this one, the key is listening to what they are actually saying.

For example, at one community forum the mayor and two at large councilmembers denied that they are diverting bond money to special interest projects, thus passing costs for new roads for private corporate developers to the citizens (contrary to state law, but rarely enforced).

This is easily confirmed in the city minutes for the 2007 November session.

It’s further complicated with a campaign disclosure statement from two of these incumbents that lists “potential conflicts of interest” by either doing business with some of those companies involved on the receiving end of these taxpayer gifts or direct contributions, which too can be easily confirmed via the public record (disclosure statements on file with the city for free).

Much of this, after years of promising the residents to “turn the corner on taxes”, which they actually raised three times last year. I’ve even heard them try to convince people that this isn’t happening or next, that it is in the “best interest” of all.

They even worked to start a pseudo-grass roots group in December to convince others and have one of the neighborhood HOAs directing traffic to the site, which may be a violation of it’s non-profit status.

Bond Problems
What’s actually going on with council, according to one media source, is known as “slipping” the bonds.

This means that they are changing the use of them for particular projects that the public had no opportunity to speak up on or support.

At another community forum, where only the incumbents were invited, the mayor presented an “unfunded” promise to the Lake Olympia community.

These “unfunded” projects are always interesting campaign promises to watch and quite often are the most frequently broken.

Yes, during election time we will see much deceit, misdirection and finger pointing. We’ve had our share of it this year with so many races at all levels.

Fighting voter fatigue is especially important with the local races still facing us. Finding the right people is even harder.

Do your homework folks and then vote!


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Houston Chronicle Covers MC Council Races--click here for more--

Follow the title link above for the full piece....

Friday, April 18, 2008

Potential Conflicts With Missouri City Incumbents Owen, Wyatt & Jimerson In Missouri City Council Races, Click Here On The Title Link For More

With permission from the Tunstall campaign we have reposted his editorial here:

Ethical Government

Political discourse among many often is accompanied by disfavor of how our elected officials tend to vote with their wallet instead of for the interests of their constituents. Some even label Washington DC as the Den of Corruption. Likewise we see the same symptom of this political disease controlling the agenda in Austin. However, many if not most fail to realize that special interest groups also control their civic agenda. Missouri City is no different.

Conservatives and Liberals alike, gaze in disgust as our elected officials pander to lobbyists and financial interest that certainly benefit the few, but have a detrimental effect to most. The conversion of our interstates to toll ways is one such issue. The overwhelming majority disapprove of such actions. However, money speaks louder than words and our elected officials ignore the will of the electorate so that they may feed at the corporate trough.

The impetus of these egregious actions can be found by simply looking at who are the primary fund givers for an elected official’s campaigns. As Deep Throat stated in All the President’s Men, “Follow the Money.”

It is time for Missouri City voters to make a decision. This decision will affect our city for generations to come. A few questions we all must ask ourselves are as follows:

Is it proper for city officials to accept campaign contributions from employees and owners of companies that, as a matter of routine, seek to do business with the city?
Is it proper for city officials to hire family members to provide city services?
Is it proper for city officials to profit off of their office of trust?

Certainly and unfortunately these actions are not illegal. However, are they ethical? I would hope that we could agree that they are deplorable by nature.

As an example of the first question, I provide you with three items of evidence. The following links are the campaign finance reports for the incumbents. The key to “who’s who” is listed below.

Regarding the second question, a family member of my opponent provides the “independent audit” for the city on a yearly basis. I hardly consider this to be “independent.”

Lastly, my opponent sits on the county mobility committee yet owns (or consults for, depending on the news article) a construction company that performs work for various governmental entities. Is he on council to perform the business of the people, or to conduct his own business?

Last year, my opponent listed two family members (construction & auditing) as potential conflicts of interest. Why did he not declare them as such this year?

Is it proper?

Source: (get the campaign finance reports here or follow the title link above)

Fort Bend Independent Covers MC Mayoral Debate--click here for the full story--

Follow the title link for the full story. . .

Upcoming Important Dates--

April 28 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 28 - Early voting begins for the May 10 Trustee Election (and area municipal elections)

May 5 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

May 6 - Last day to vote early for the May 10 Trustee Election (and area municipal elections)

May 9 - Student Holiday - Campus Staff Development Day

May 10 - Trustee Election Day (and area municipal elections)

MCC is endorsing Stan Magee, Laurie Caldwell and Rodrigo Carreon in the school board races and Greyling Poats, Noel Pinnock and Kevin Tunstall in the Missouri City council races.

Stay tuned for more as the elections approach! Visit for more or click the title link above. . .

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

MCC Exclusive: Misinformation By The Fort Bend Star Is Published In "Bev's Burner" . . .

. . .Mayor, council people, and school boards.......At this point I think I am going to stay out of Sugar Land’s business (maybe), but I certainly have opinions about Missouri City candidates after attending a candidate’s forum last week.

I know those challenging incumbents in Missouri City aren’t stupid, but they sure need to sharpen up their pencils. Not a one of them want the city to invest in the golf course.

Are they crazy or do they just want something to gripe about? No other entity in Missouri City, including the Quail Valley Fund, has the money for the long-term commitment needed to make Quail Valley Country Club the city’s newest park.

Here’s the deal: If the value of real estate falls, taxes will have to be raised to continue the level of service the city provides and believe me, real estate prices will go even lower if the club is allowed to grow up in weeks(sic).

So do you want to pay increased taxes because of low property values, or are you willing to pay a few more cents in taxes to have a wonderful amenity, an asset, that the city owns? Let’s see: higher taxes for nothing; higher taxes for several golf courses and a fabulous park.

The ongoing golf course purchase leads me to believe that we shouldn’t change horses in the middle of the stream. Many thanks for all the challengers because they make democracy happen. But...all the incumbents, Allen Owen, Buddy Jimmerson, Jerry Wyatt, should continue to serve the citizens of Missouri City. . .

MCC comment:

This response came in as a rebuttal to Ms. Carters deliberate misinformation regarding the QVCC. She engaged in a similar misinformation campaign for her friend Allen Owen in 2006 claiming Poats had dropped out of the council races. Of course this wasn't true and a city rebuttal came out conveniently after the election. . .

KDTunstall wrote on Wednesday, Apr 16 at 03:42 PM »

"….A friend called and said they were about to light their BBQ pit when they noticed Bev’s tabloid rag was talking about us again.

Hmmmmm… challenger has ever stated that they were “against” saving the golf course. I suppose Bev is as ethically challenged as the entrenched special interest backed incumbents.

I wonder how much Owen paid her to dish out lies? Kevin Tunstall, Missouri City Council At Large Candidate

This below piece is from Carter's 2006 misinformation campaign against Mr. Poats for Allen Owen, current MC mayor:

(From May, 2006 FB Star)—

“Mo City secretary questions accuracy

Dear Star News,

I must say I am flabbergasted at the information on the front page of the May 3, 2006, edition of The Fort Bend/Southwest Star, regarding the Missouri City election. It states, “Missouri City only has mayor on ballot.”

If someone had but contacted me or a staffmember in my office, we would have gladly provided accurate election information. In addition to the mayoral race in which we have two candidates - Allen Owen and Greyling Poats, we also have two other positions on the ballot - At Large Position 1, with candidate Jerry Wyatt, and At Large Position 2, with candidate Buddy Jimerson. Both of the At Large races are uncontested.

A simple phone call would have afforded accurate reporting on Missouri City election information.

City Secretary Patrice Fogarty

Publisher’s note: Although the headline was indeed unfortunate, we do not consider uncontested races necessary to detail. And despite repeated attempts, we were unable to get Mr. Poats to return a telephone call. I believe the story mentioned he was running. So the only people ignored were the two running uncontested races. We apologize for the inaccurate headline.

Bev Carter, publisher

Sienna Plantation Resident Will Perry & Mayor David Wallace Case Update--click the title link for more--

Click the title link on this FB Star case update on Sienna Plantation's Will Perry, son of developer Bob Perry's fraud case against Mayor David Wallace of Sugar Land. . .

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

FBN: Gary Says FBISD Representative Unresponsive To Safety Concerns!

Follow the title link above for the full story...

Magee Claims Not To Be Seriously Running For Office, This Clears The Way For Harris Construction Company Executive Susan Hohnbaum In Pos. 1 Race--

Click the title link or visit‘Actively-Engaged’-In-Re-election-To-FBISD-Board&article-Magee-Says-He-Is-Not-‘Actively-Engaged’-In-Re-election-To-FBISD-Board%20=&widget=push&instance=home_news_lead_story&open=& for more.

Monday, April 14, 2008

FBW Offers School Board Endorsements (Magee, Caldwell & Carreon)--click the title link for the full story--

FBISDWatch School Board Candidate Endorsements 2008

With the school board elections coming up on May 10th FBW has decided to take a position in the forthcoming races. Based on voting records, issues and campaign disclosure statements.

Candidate Summary:

Laurie Caldwell (Missouri City) is currently serving and is seeking re-election to the FBISD school board. She is a small business owner and has worked throughout her last term to reform the board operations.

Stan Magee (Sugar Land) is a former educator and is currently a seated board member. He has maintained his independence on the board in several votes including the all important one involving taxpayer/voter inclusion on key administrative committees, voting against the rest of the boards efforts to reduce access by the public. Mr. Magee has worked to bring about reform and over-sight during his tenure.

Rodrigo Carreon (Fresno/Arcola) is a community activist that has worked tirelessly to monitor and upgrade school accountability in the bonds and strongly supports the concept of single member school districts. He has served on the 2007 bond committee and is a frequent contributor at BOT meetings.

Other related issues during this campaign season include the strong possibility of more special interest candidates being elected to the board. In one potential scenario, if two of the candidates are successful, one subdivision could end up with 3 seated board members over-seeing the taxes, bond distribution and administrative over-sight. This possible outcome places greater emphasis on the need for SMD.

Early voting begins April 28th and runs through May 6th, with election day May 10th. Please get out and vote in your municipal and school board races. . .

Stay informed and keep in touch!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Click Here For Recent FBI Interviews With Mo-City Candidates

See more interviews here:

FBN Covers FCCA Missouri City Candidates Forum--click this title link to see the video--

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Morrison Wins Primary Run-off

Richard Morrison, running in the recent primary run-offs, is best known for his stances against the Blue Ridge Landfill expansion proposed near Missouri City, opposition to the tolling of TX99 (the Grand Parkway) and his concern over the repeated attempts to expand the AXH airport with fly-ways over Sienna Plantation and surrounding communities, was victorious in his race this past week. MCC has endorsed him and will continue to follow his candidacy for the commissioners race in precinct 1 against Bob Hebert supporter and former toll road authority board member Greg Ordeneaux.

Also see this related piece on the ongoing AXH airport saga:

Click the title link above for the entire Chronicle piece...

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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

FBStar: Vicious Dog Attack In Sienna Plantation

Click the title link for the full story on a recent rash of local dog attacks. . .

Friday, April 04, 2008

FB Sun Covers Term Limit Controversy In Missouri City!

Follow the title link above for more...

FB Star: Carreon Succeeds In Filing For Water Board & School Board Races Against Much Legal Opposition!

Click the title link for more and for this related airport expansion piece near Sienna and surrounding Missouri City communities:

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Fort Bend Independent News Covers Missouri City Elections, Term Limits & Other Important City Issues!--click here for more--

Term limits for city council members
Howard Moline

I think one of the more interesting aspects of life in Fort Bend County is the excitement and enthusiasm generated by politics.

Every two years we see new candidates asking for our vote and helping us to refocus on how we can improve our cities and county.

To me, the democratic process is invigorating and refreshing. New candidates bring fresh approaches to problems, different personalities, and zeal to the election process and their newly won offices.

Having said this, there is one city in Fort Bend County that has a difficulty with this constant renewal aspect of politics, and that is Missouri City.

Politics is not quite as much fun, exciting or productive in Missouri City because we have City Council Members who have held their offices for extended periods and the City has never adopted term limits.

Term limits is a City ordinance that restricts the number of terms a City Council Member can serve. Points in favor of terms limits are that new Council Members bring many positives including new ideas, unique approaches to problems, a fresh outlook, and enthusiasm.

I think most people would agree that serving in City Council positions is a privilege and not a right.

It’s not only a privilege but a great opportunity for residents to show their patriotism, creativity, positive attitudes, and enthusiasm for their neighborhoods and the City.

Many Missouri City residents would appreciate and be delighted at the opportunity to run for City Council office and serve there.

America has a long history of being democratic and giving opportunities to everyone. What does it say about Missouri City when we deny our residents those opportunities because we have near-permanent members on the current City Council?

The Missouri City Council has five (of seven) Council Members who have been in public office for periods ranging from eight to twenty-seven years! I think it is inevitable that Council Members with these records of longevity in office suffer “burn out” and that they become less responsive to their constituents’ needs.

More importantly, the present situation makes it extremely difficult for other City residents to run for office and win. The incumbents hold huge advantages including large campaign fund accumulations, a substantial network of friends and political favors, and name recognition.

Term limit ordinances provide that each Council office will see a new office holder every eight years.

Thus, at least every few years, challengers with no record of public office are on a level playing field.

The race is then won or lost on the candidates’ qualifications or lack of them.

Missouri City has rarely seen this type of Council race and we will see them with decreasing frequency if trends continue as they have. . .(follow the links above for the full story).

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Question: Do you trust Allen Owen, mayor of Missouri City, TX, to represent you rather than his Houston corporate backers?




3%  participating said yes  (n20)


91%  participating said no  (n573)


6%  participating responded not sure  (n39)


(N) sample =  632


Stay tuned as more surveys for coming elections are posted!

Web Statistics
Alienware Computers

This site covers the Missouri City, Texas and local vicinity. Copyright (c) c.calvin 2005-2010 can contact the web-blog coordinator for MCC/CRD at