The following unedited announcements were posted to (see 3 informational posts from our unelected non-resident developer's SPRAI board). Note some are unsigned anonymous posts:
1) SPRAI Board Shares Vision for 2006
Michael Smith, SPRAI Board President, shares the broader vision the Board has adopted for the future of SPRAI.
Full Article:
Dear SPRAI Members:
Recently you received your assessment invoice for SPRAI for 2006 along with some information about the budget. On behalf of the Board, I would like to share with you the broader vision the Board has adopted for the future of SPRAI. The input we received from the volunteers and membership through the development of the 2006 Business Plan process was considered in identifying four main areas of focus:
1. Common Area Maintenance
2. Deed Restriction Enforcement
3. Customer Service
4. Recreation and Programs
Sienna Plantation is to be the best maintained community in the country. The visual presentation of the community is the number one priority. This is to be accomplished through aggressive maintenance programs and deed restriction enforcement.
Customer Service is a top priority for the SPRAI staff.
SPRAI should offer as many programming opportunities to the membership as possible including self-improvement, property improvement, safety and awareness programs, recreation and social programming.
In order to achieve this vision, we have already made numerous changes within SPRAI this year and will continue with efforts to achieve this vision while being fiscally responsible.
During 2006 we will be developing a longer-term financial plan for the association. We will be utilizing the assistance of a new volunteer Finance Advisory Committee to assist us in setting the assessment for future years.
The growth of the community has two components – new amenities and assets to be maintained and new houses to help fund these costs. Typically, the amenities are added in advance of the houses; so for a period of time the cost per unit to maintain the facilities is greater than it will be over time. This is typically why a developer deficit funds the association for a while. In the case of SPRAI, the developer has funded approximately $4,000,000 for operating expenses through 2005 and based on the 2006 budget is projected to deficit fund another $500,000 this coming year. As the community approaches build out the association members will be ultimately responsible for funding 100% of the costs to achieve the vision. Further, in 2005 we realized some operating savings through changes in service providers for various maintenance needs. In 2006, we will continue to ensure that we are “getting the most for our money” with all we do. Two areas of specific focus during 2006 will rebid the landscaping contract and evaluating alternative electricity providers.
As the community and association grow and mature, it will take a solid effort from the SPRAI board, dedicated volunteers, staff and input from the membership to make sure that the association is able to maintain the community at the level expected, remain proactive in deed restriction enforcement, continue to offer and expand recreation and programming opportunities and be fiscally responsible.
On January 12th, SPRAI will hold a special meeting about the 2006 budget. If you have any questions, please plan on attending.
Very truly yours,
Michael Smith
CRD Comment: Was this vision announced and shared prior to its development with the membership? Did the membership know about this process and participate in it? Was it shared on our resident paid for newsletter or website prior to enactment?
2) Return
2006 Assessments Q&A
SPRAI provides answers to 2006 Assessment questions.
Full Article:
Q: Was there prior communication about the assessment increase?
A: There was discussion at both the October 24th and November 30th Board meetings. SPRAI members are always welcome to attend the Board meetings and the first 30 minutes of each meeting are available for Member Input Time. Notice of the Board meeting dates are posted on the LED board, in the newsletter, on the bulletin board at Club Sienna and in the Sienna E-news. Board minutes are posted on Siennanet once the board has approved them.
Q: You said that there has not been an increase in assessments since 1997. Wasn’t the original assessment lower?
A: Yes, that is correct, after rechecking our records; we have found that the original assessment was $550. This was increased in 2000 to $700 and was increased in 2001 to $750. We have increased our recreational amenities significantly in that period of time including the opening of Club Sienna Water Park and Brushy Lake Recreation Center.
Q: Is the Association required to give notice of an assessment increase?
A: The Declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions states that the board shall in good faith attempt to cause the budget and assessments to be levied against each owner for the following year to be delivered to each member at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the current year. Assessments were mailed in early December and are not considered late until after January 31. The assessment was posted on Siennanet and the newsletter.
Q: I did not receive my assessment until December 12th.
A: While we strive to have the assessments delivered by December 1st, technical difficulties did not allow us to meet this deadline.
Q: Should we expect an assessment increase every year?
A: SPRAI is forming a volunteer Finance Advisory Committee to assist the staff and Board in developing a long term financial plan which will help the board in setting future assessment levels.
Q: I do not understand the Property Owners Association (POA) and why a portion of my assessment goes to pay the POA dues.
A: We will be sharing some financial information relating to the POA at the January 12th meeting. The POA’s primary expenses are to maintain Sienna Parkway for landscaping, irrigation, lighting, and the lakes adjacent to the Parkway, a share of sheriff’s patrol and mosquito control. Sienna Point and SPRAI are members of SPPOA as are commercial property owners. SPRAI is made up of only residential property owners. At the Board meeting we will provide additional information relating to the SPPOA expenses.
Q: Is any of the assessment increase due to costs that should have been directly borne by the developer?
A: No. The developer pays their own costs directly for administrative, legal and marketing. In addition, the developer is deficit funding SPRAI in the amount of $500,000 for 2006.
Q: I have some questions about the budget which are not answered by the insert that came with my bill. How can I get more detail about the budget?
A: A meeting is scheduled for January 12, 2006 at Club Sienna at 7:00 p.m. to present the budget and answer questions about the budget and assessment, we hope you will attend.
CRD comment: Why do the unelected non-resident developer SPRAI board not provide a detailed budget justifying this 6% increase that was not voted on by the membership? Isn't this one of the highest fees in this area of Houston? Why wasn't this shared at the recent annual meeting? Why did the mail insert from the SPRAI claim only one increase had occurred since inception while the above post from the SPRAI claims several increases have occurred?
3)Arcola Airport Expansion
Recently, several members of the community have asked what the SPRAI’s position is regarding the neighboring Houston Southwest Airport in Arcola, Texas.
Full Article:
Dear SPRAI Member:
Recently, several members of the community have asked what the SPRAI’s position is regarding the neighboring Houston Southwest Airport in Arcola, Texas.
While it is not the association’s mission to take positions on land use issues, in general the SPRAI Board is supportive of any effort that might improve the current economic condition of the Arcola area. However, we cannot support any proposal or project that would create a safety concern and or a sight or sound nuisance to the residents of Sienna Plantation.
Very truly yours,
Michael Smith
SPRAI Board of Directors
9600 Scanlan Trace West Missouri City, TX 77459
CRD comment: Why is the unelected, non-resident, developer SPRAI board president claiming they support this road diversion plan that will also allow the airport to become FAA compliant for increased air traffic? What is this post above really saying?
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