Johnson Development Senior Vice President Doug Goff Makes Contradictory Statements in Deposition for Fraud, Trade Deception, Harassment & Negligence
MCC Opinion/Editorial
Johnson Development Senior Vice President Doug Goff Makes Contradictory Statements in Deposition for Fraud, Trade Deception, Harassment & Negligence Law Suit (SLAPP-back)
In August 2005 Sienna Plantation developer, Doug Goff, initiated discovery in a case that has been characterized as a SLAPP-suit (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) for Sienna area homeowners efforts to oppose the up to 2700 apartments approved in a controversial 5-2 Missouri City Council vote in February ‘05. The early phases of this case centered on the deposition of two Sienna homeowners over statements made on the now defunct SiennaTalk & website which were forced off the air (internet) through apparent actions by JDC attorney John Keville. The website administrator, Matthew Feinberg, appealed the courts original decision to the Texas Supreme Ct. to no avail in the early discovery phases of this case.
In December, as a result of these earlier depositions, Johnson Development (Larry Johnson, President) through their attorney Mr. Keville of Howrey LLP of Houston filed a defamation/libel case against a Sienna Plantation family here in Missouri City and continues to seek out names of others who participated. The coverage of this case seemed to peak in January and February of 2006 when the “War of Words” story ran on Houston’s abc13 reported by Ted Oberg.
On February 13, 2006, a counter-suit (characterized as a SLAPP-back by legal experts) was filed in the 240th Fort Bend County District Court against Johnson Development and Senior V.P. Doug Goff for Fraud, Harassment, Trade Deception and Negligence. As a result of the SLAPP-back case, today’s deposition, which was rescheduled three times, was ordered by the court.
Preliminary findings from this deposition reveals alleged discrepancies from earlier claims made in an Opinion/Editorial piece released through earlier this year where-by Johnson Development representatives (JDC) made certain claims they said were based on the first deposition of homeowners. See some of the clarification on these contradictions below:
Assertion 1- JDC Senior Vice President Doug Goff reportedly admitted that he never asked Dr. Calvin or other homeowners to stop posting on the apartments and other development issues prior to initiating the SLAPP-suit.
Assertion 2- Goff further reportedly made certain admissions that homeowners may not have been fully informed , when purchasing, of the pending apartments (numbers and actual location) coming to Sienna Plantation in the PD-8 region.
Assertion 3- Additionally, Goff allegedly admits no direct knowledge for claims of some defamatory statements he reportedly made in their earlier suit (based on hear-say).
Assertion 4- Goff was unable to produce some requested posts or copies to support his claim of defamation as was stated in the earlier media releases.
Assertion 5- The JDC representative reportedly admitted that he had served on the Fort Bend Economic Development Council. This service and much of the work they do is partially tax supported and thus makes those representatives “public figures” and subject to public discourse.
Assertion 6- Goff apparently couldn’t name what if any social or monetary damages were caused by the targets in this SLAPP suit.
Assertion 7- The JDC V.P. allegedly claimed that no more than 5-10 residents were ever involved with the “No More Apts” petition drive in Missouri City (fully aware of the 1100+ area residents who signed off on the petition drives and scores of others who attended city council sessions on this concern, along with an election that produced this as one of its major issues locally).
Assertion 8- Mr. Goff reportedly admitted not knowing all the boards and entities of which he may be a member.
Assertion 9- Several times during the testimony Goff appeared to contradict earlier statements released in a piece where claims were made that only one Sienna homeowner was involved in the “No More Apts.” petition drive.
Assertion 10- Goff allegedly reported that all Sienna sales staff are briefed on development issues and changes on a regular basis.
Thus there is no reason information should be with-held from potential customers. Even though maps in the sales office only last summer were updated to reflect the current developer’s agreement.
Assertion 11- When reportedly asked if he had any knowledge of JDC or any affiliate hiring private investigators to look into homeowners backgrounds, Goff was quoted as saying “not to my knowledge”.
This is but a small accounting of the deposition of Senior V.P. Doug Goff and the hundreds of pages of transcript taken. On June 1st lawyer Keville (JDC legal rep.) will be attempting to seek out and attain an injunction through the 240th district court as this SLAPP & SLAPP-back suit progresses. At the deposition Mr Goff claimed to not be seeking to silence anyone’s right to free speech, but that would seem to contradict the actions by Keville (JDC lawyer).